path: root/docs/manual/tasks/performance_monitor.html
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-<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-Performance Monitoring</title>
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-<div class="titlepage">
-<h2 class="title">
-<a name="performance">
-Performance Monitoring</h2>
-The "Performance Monitor" is
-a special Ant listener than can keep track of the amount of time that each target
-and task takes to execute. At the end of the build, these times will be sorted
-from fastest to slowest and displayed following the build output. This can be
-useful to pinpoint slow and/or inefficient spots in the build process and
-identify those areas that could benefit from optimization.
-The performance listener can be used by passing a parameter
-to the command line for Ant:
-<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
-<pre class="programlisting">
- ant -listener net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener target
-Following is an example of the results from using the listener. The result format is projectname.targetname for targets and projectname.targetname.taskname for tasks. All times are shown to the nearest millisecond.
-<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
-<pre class="programlisting">
-[danson@blackdog antelope]$ ant -listener net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener dist
-Buildfile: build.xml
- [delete] Deleting 170 files from /home/danson/apps/antelope/build
- [javac] Compiling 61 source files to /home/danson/apps/antelope/build
- [delete] Deleting 3 files from /home/danson/apps/antelope/config
- [copy] Copying 3 files to /home/danson/apps/antelope/config
- [echo] basedir = /home/danson/apps/antelope
- [jar] Building jar: /home/danson/apps/antelope/Antelope_1.208.jar
- [delete] Deleting 4 files from /home/danson/apps/antelope/dist
- [zip] Building zip: /home/danson/apps/antelope/dist/
- [echo] Created zip file.
- [zip] Building zip: /home/danson/apps/antelope/dist/
- [echo] Zipped docs to
- [jar] Building jar: /tmp/Antelope_tasks_1.208.jar
- [zip] Building zip: /home/danson/apps/antelope/dist/
- [delete] Deleting: /tmp/Antelope_tasks_1.208.jar
- [echo] Zipped tasks to
- [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/danson/apps/antelope/dist
-Total time: 8 seconds
--------------- Target Results -----------------------
-Antelope.all: 0.000 sec
-Antelope.init: 0.011 sec
-Antelope.-build_number: 0.014 sec
-Antelope.clean: 0.233 sec
-Antelope.-zip_tasks: 0.297 sec
-Antelope.prep_files: 0.311 sec
-Antelope.-zip_docs: 0.546 sec
-Antelope.combined: 1.290 sec
-Antelope.compile: 1.724 sec
-Antelope.dist: 2.162 sec
--------------- Task Results -----------------------
-Antelope.init.mkdir: 0.000 sec
-Antelope.init.mkdir: 0.001 sec
-Antelope.dist.echo: 0.002 sec
-Antelope.prep_files.delete: 0.004 sec
-Antelope.combined.echo: 0.005 sec
-Antelope.dist.delete: 0.006 sec
-Antelope.-zip_tasks.echo: 0.007 sec
-Antelope.dist.copy: 0.011 sec
-Antelope.-build_number.buildnumber: 0.014 sec
-Antelope.compile.copy: 0.016 sec
-Antelope.prep_files.copy: 0.020 sec
-Antelope.prep_files.replace: 0.071 sec 0.122 sec
-Antelope.-zip_tasks.jar: 0.161 sec
-Antelope.prep_files.replace: 0.216 sec
-Antelope.clean.delete: 0.233 sec
-Antelope.dist.antcall: 0.421 sec 0.540 sec
-Antelope.dist.antcall: 0.685 sec 1.036 sec
-Antelope.combined.jar: 1.284 sec
-Antelope.compile.javac: 1.708 sec
--------------- Totals -----------------------
-Start time: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:18:30
-Stop time: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:18:39
-Total time: 8.476 sec
- <hr>
- <p align="center">Copyright &copy; 2003 Ant-Contrib Project. All
- rights Reserved.</p>