path: root/src/net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/trolltech/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/trolltech/')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/trolltech/ b/src/net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/trolltech/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4cf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/trolltech/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2004 The Ant-Contrib project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.trolltech;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.CCTask;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.OptimizationEnum;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.CommandLineCompiler;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.CommandLineCompilerConfiguration;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.LinkType;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.Linker;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.Processor;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.ProgressMonitor;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.gcc.LdLinker;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.parser.Parser;
+import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.VersionInfo;
+ * Adapter for the Trolltech Qt UIC Compiler.
+ *
+ * @author Curt Arnold
+ */
+public final class UserInterfaceCompiler
+ extends CommandLineCompiler {
+ /**
+ * Singleton instance.
+ */
+ private static final UserInterfaceCompiler INSTANCE = new
+ UserInterfaceCompiler(
+ false, null);
+ /**
+ * Gets singleton instance of compiler.
+ * @return MetaObjectCompiler singleton instance
+ */
+ public static UserInterfaceCompiler getInstance() {
+ return INSTANCE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @param newEnvironment boolean establish an new environment.
+ * @param env Environment environment.
+ */
+ private UserInterfaceCompiler(final boolean newEnvironment,
+ final Environment env) {
+ super("uic", "-version", new String[] {".ui"}
+ , new String[0], ".h", false, null, newEnvironment, env);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add arguments for debug, etc.
+ * @param args Vector command argument list
+ * @param debug boolean build for debug if true
+ * @param multithreaded boolean build for multithreading if true
+ * @param exceptions boolean enable exceptions if true
+ * @param linkType LinkType output and runtime type
+ * @param rtti Boolean enable run-time type identification if true
+ * @param optimization OptimizationEnum optimization
+ */
+ protected void addImpliedArgs(final Vector args,
+ final boolean debug,
+ final boolean multithreaded,
+ final boolean exceptions,
+ final LinkType linkType,
+ final Boolean rtti,
+ final OptimizationEnum optimization) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add arguments for specified warning level.
+ * @param args Vector command line arguments
+ * @param level int warning level value
+ */
+ protected void addWarningSwitch(final Vector args, final int level) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change enviroment (deprecated).
+ * @param newEnvironment boolean use new environment.
+ * @param env Environment environment
+ * @return Processor modified processor
+ */
+ public Processor changeEnvironment(final boolean newEnvironment,
+ final Environment env) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The include parser for C will work just fine, but we didn't want to
+ * inherit from CommandLineCCompiler.
+ * @param source source file to be parsed
+ * @return parser
+ */
+ protected Parser createParser(final File source) {
+ return new UserInterfaceParser();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets number of command line arguments per input file.
+ * @return int number of command line arguments per input file.
+ */
+ protected int getArgumentCountPerInputFile() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets output file names.
+ * @param inputFile String input file name
+ * @param versionInfo version info, not used by this compiler.
+ * @return String[] output file names
+ */
+ public String[] getOutputFileNames(final String inputFile,
+ final VersionInfo versionInfo) {
+ //
+ // if a recognized input file
+ //
+ String baseName = getBaseOutputName(inputFile);
+ return new String[] {
+ baseName + ".h",
+ baseName + ".cpp",
+ "moc_" + baseName + ".cpp"};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets input file arguments.
+ * @param outputDir File output directory
+ * @param filename String input file name.
+ * @param index int argument index,
+ * 0 to getNumberOfArgumentsPerInputFile() -1
+ * @return String input file argument
+ */
+ protected String getInputFileArgument(final File outputDir,
+ final String filename,
+ final int index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ return "-o";
+ case 1:
+ String outputFileName = getOutputFileNames(filename, null)[0];
+ return new File(outputDir, outputFileName)
+ .toString();
+ case 2:
+ return filename;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets maximum length of command line.
+ * @return int maximum length of command line
+ */
+ public int getMaximumCommandLength() {
+ return 1024;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets maximum number of input files processed per command.
+ * @return int maximum number of input files processed per command.
+ */
+ protected int getMaximumInputFilesPerCommand() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets include directory switch.
+ * @param includeDir String include directory
+ * @return String command switch to add specified directory to search path
+ */
+ protected String getIncludeDirSwitch(final String includeDir) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets switch to define preprocessor macro.
+ * @param buffer StringBuffer command line argument
+ * @param define String macro name
+ * @param value String macro value, may be null.
+ */
+ protected void getDefineSwitch(final StringBuffer buffer,
+ final String define,
+ final String value) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets switch to undefine preprocessor macro.
+ * @param buffer StringBuffer command line argument
+ * @param define String macro name
+ */
+ protected void getUndefineSwitch(final StringBuffer buffer,
+ final String define) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets standard include paths.
+ * @return File[] standard include paths
+ */
+ protected File[] getEnvironmentIncludePath() {
+ return new File[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets linker associated with this type.
+ * @param type LinkType linker, returns ld.
+ * @return Linker
+ */
+ public Linker getLinker(final LinkType type) {
+ return LdLinker.getInstance();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compiles an .ui file into the corresponding .h, .cpp and moc_*.cpp files.
+ * @param task current cc task
+ * @param outputDir output directory
+ * @param sourceFiles source files
+ * @param args command line arguments that appear before input files
+ * @param endArgs command line arguments that appear after input files
+ * @param relentless if true, do not stop at first compilation error
+ * @param config compiler configuration
+ * @param monitor progress monitor
+ */
+ public void compile(final CCTask task,
+ final File outputDir,
+ final String[] sourceFiles,
+ final String[] args,
+ final String[] endArgs,
+ final boolean relentless,
+ final CommandLineCompilerConfiguration config,
+ final ProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ BuildException exc = null;
+ String[] thisSource = new String[1];
+ String[] uicCommand = new String[args.length + endArgs.length + 4];
+ uicCommand[0] = "uic";
+ String[] uicImplCommand = new String[args.length + endArgs.length + 6];
+ uicImplCommand[0] = "uic";
+ String[] mocCommand = new String[args.length + endArgs.length + 4];
+ mocCommand[0] = "moc";
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ uicCommand[i + 1] = args[i];
+ uicImplCommand[i + 1] = args[i];
+ mocCommand[i + i] = args[i];
+ }
+ uicCommand[args.length + 1] = "-o";
+ uicImplCommand[args.length + 1] = "-o";
+ mocCommand[args.length + 1] = "-o";
+ int uicIndex = args.length + 4;
+ int uicImplIndex = args.length + 6;
+ int mocIndex = args.length + 4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < endArgs.length; i++) {
+ uicCommand[uicIndex++] = endArgs[i];
+ uicImplCommand[uicImplIndex++] = endArgs[i];
+ mocCommand[mocIndex++] = endArgs[i];
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < sourceFiles.length; j++) {
+ uicIndex = args.length + 2;
+ uicImplIndex = args.length + 2;
+ mocIndex = args.length + 2;
+ String[] outputFileNames = getOutputFileNames(sourceFiles[j], null);
+ uicCommand[uicIndex++] = outputFileNames[0];
+ uicCommand[uicIndex++] = sourceFiles[j];
+ uicImplCommand[uicImplIndex++] = outputFileNames[1];
+ uicImplCommand[uicImplIndex++] = "-impl";
+ uicImplCommand[uicImplIndex++] = outputFileNames[0];
+ uicImplCommand[uicImplIndex++] = sourceFiles[j];
+ mocCommand[mocIndex++] = outputFileNames[2];
+ mocCommand[mocIndex++] = outputFileNames[0];
+ int retval = runCommand(task, outputDir, uicCommand);
+ if (retval == 0) {
+ retval = runCommand(task, outputDir, uicImplCommand);
+ if (retval == 0) {
+ retval = runCommand(task, outputDir, mocCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ if (monitor != null) {
+ thisSource[0] = sourceFiles[j];
+ monitor.progress(thisSource);
+ }
+ //
+ // if the process returned a failure code and
+ // we aren't holding an exception from an earlier
+ // interation
+ if (retval != 0 && exc == null) {
+ //
+ // construct the exception
+ //
+ exc = new BuildException(this.getCommand()
+ + " failed with return code " + retval, task
+ .getLocation());
+ //
+ // and throw it now unless we are relentless
+ //
+ if (!relentless) {
+ throw exc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // if the compiler returned a failure value earlier
+ // then throw an exception
+ if (exc != null) {
+ throw exc;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get total command line length due to the input file.
+ * @param outputDir File output directory
+ * @param inputFile String input file
+ * @return int characters added to command line for the input file.
+ */
+ protected int getTotalArgumentLengthForInputFile(
+ final File outputDir,
+ final String inputFile) {
+ String arg1 = getInputFileArgument(outputDir, inputFile, 1);
+ String arg2 = getInputFileArgument(outputDir, inputFile, 2);
+ return arg1.length() + arg2.length() + 4;
+ }