path: root/gl4java/GLUFuncJauJNI.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'gl4java/GLUFuncJauJNI.java')
1 files changed, 848 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gl4java/GLUFuncJauJNI.java b/gl4java/GLUFuncJauJNI.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12843f7
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+++ b/gl4java/GLUFuncJauJNI.java
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+ * @(#) GLUFuncJauJNI.java
+ */
+package gl4java;
+ * The default implementation class for GLU native function mapping
+ *
+ * @version 2.00, 21. April 1999
+ * @author Sven Goethel
+ */
+public class GLUFuncJauJNI
+ implements GLUFunc
+public final native String gluErrorString ( int errorCode ) ;
+public final native String gluGetString ( int name ) ;
+public final native String getNativeVendor ( ) ;
+public final native String getNativeVersion ( ) ;
+public final String getClassVendor ( )
+{ return "Jausoft - Sven Goethel Software Development"; }
+public final String getClassVersion ( )
+{ return ""; }
+ * The Callback registry function.
+ * To achieve the signature (internal argument signature)
+ * you can use the "javap -s <classname>" toolkit of the JDK !
+ *
+ * @param qobj the quadratic id, fetch with gluNewQuadric
+ * @param which the id for the callback type
+ * @param methodClassInstance the class instance,
+ * which implements the callback-method
+ * @param methodName the name of the callback-method
+ * @param signature the signature of the callback-method.
+ *
+ * @see GLUFunc#gluNewQuadric
+ */
+public final native void gluQuadricCallback(
+ int qobj, int which,
+ Object methodClassInstance,
+ String methodName,
+ String signature
+ );
+ * The Callback registry function.
+ * To achieve the signature (internal argument signature)
+ * you can use the "javap -s <classname>" toolkit of the JDK !
+ *
+ * @param nobj the nurbs id, fetch with gluNewNurbsRenderer
+ * @param which the id for the callback type
+ * @param methodClassInstance the class instance,
+ * which implements the callback-method
+ * @param methodName the name of the callback-method
+ * @param signature the signature of the callback-method.
+ *
+ * @see GLUFunc#gluNewNurbsRenderer
+ */
+public final native void gluNurbsCallback(
+ int nobj, int which,
+ Object methodClassInstance,
+ String methodName,
+ String signature
+ );
+ * The Callback registry function.
+ * To achieve the signature (internal argument signature)
+ * you can use the "javap -s <classname>" toolkit of the JDK !
+ *
+ * @param tobj the tesselation id, fetch with gluNewTess
+ * @param which the id for the callback type
+ * @param methodClassInstance the class instance,
+ * which implements the callback-method
+ * @param methodName the name of the callback-method
+ * @param signature the signature of the callback-method.
+ * @param voidArrayLen1 the optional length of the 1st array
+ * in the callback-methods argument-list
+ * @param voidArrayLen2 the optional length of the 2nd array
+ * in the callback-methods argument-list
+ * @param voidArrayLen3 the optional length of the 3rd array
+ * in the callback-methods argument-list
+ * @param voidArrayLen4 the optional length of the 4th array
+ * in the callback-methods argument-list
+ * @param voidArrayLen5 the optional length of the 5th array
+ * in the callback-methods argument-list
+ *
+ * @see GLUFunc#gluNewTess
+ */
+public final native void gluTessCallback(
+ int tobj, int which,
+ Object methodClassInstance,
+ String methodName,
+ String signature,
+ int voidArrayLen1,
+ int voidArrayLen2,
+ int voidArrayLen3,
+ int voidArrayLen4,
+ int voidArrayLen5
+ );
+ * The Callback de-registry function.
+ *
+ * @param qobj the quadratic id, for which all callback-methods
+ * should be de-registered
+ */
+public final native void gluDeleteQuadric( int qobj );
+ * The Callback de-registry function.
+ *
+ * @param nobj the nurbs id, for which all callback-methods
+ * should be de-registered
+ */
+public final native void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer( int nobj );
+ * The Callback de-registry function.
+ *
+ * @param tobj the tesselation id, for which all callback-methods
+ * should be de-registered
+ */
+public final native void gluDeleteTess( int tobj );
+ * C2J Parser Version 1.4 Beta
+ * Jausoft - Sven Goethel Software Development
+ * Reading from file: glu-proto-auto.orig . . .
+ * Destination-Class: gl4java_GLUFuncJauJNI !
+ */
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluLookAt ( GLdouble eyex , GLdouble eyey , GLdouble eyez , GLdouble centerx , GLdouble centery , GLdouble centerz , GLdouble upx , GLdouble upy , GLdouble upz ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluLookAt (
+ double eyex,
+ double eyey,
+ double eyez,
+ double centerx,
+ double centery,
+ double centerz,
+ double upx,
+ double upy,
+ double upz
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluOrtho2D ( GLdouble left , GLdouble right , GLdouble bottom , GLdouble top ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluOrtho2D (
+ double left,
+ double right,
+ double bottom,
+ double top
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluPerspective ( GLdouble fovy , GLdouble aspect , GLdouble zNear , GLdouble zFar ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluPerspective (
+ double fovy,
+ double aspect,
+ double zNear,
+ double zFar
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluPickMatrix ( GLdouble x , GLdouble y , GLdouble width , GLdouble height , GLint * viewport ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluPickMatrix (
+ double x,
+ double y,
+ double width,
+ double height,
+ int[] viewport
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLint gluProject ( GLdouble objx , GLdouble objy , GLdouble objz , const GLdouble modelMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLdouble projMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLint viewport [ 4 ] , GLdouble * winx , GLdouble * winy , GLdouble * winz ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluProject (
+ double objx,
+ double objy,
+ double objz,
+ double[] modelMatrix,
+ double[] projMatrix,
+ int[] viewport,
+ double[] winx,
+ double[] winy,
+ double[] winz
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLint gluUnProject ( GLdouble winx , GLdouble winy , GLdouble winz , const GLdouble modelMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLdouble projMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLint viewport [ 4 ] , GLdouble * objx , GLdouble * objy , GLdouble * objz ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluUnProject (
+ double winx,
+ double winy,
+ double winz,
+ double[] modelMatrix,
+ double[] projMatrix,
+ int[] viewport,
+ double[] objx,
+ double[] objy,
+ double[] objz
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLint gluScaleImage ( GLenum format , GLsizei widthin , GLsizei heightin , GLenum typein , const char * datain , GLsizei widthout , GLsizei heightout , GLenum typeout , char * dataout ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluScaleImage (
+ int format,
+ int widthin,
+ int heightin,
+ int typein,
+ byte[] datain,
+ int widthout,
+ int heightout,
+ int typeout,
+ byte[] dataout
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLint gluBuild1DMipmaps ( GLenum target , GLint components , GLint width , GLenum format , GLenum type , const void * data ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ byte[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ short[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ int[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ float[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ double[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ boolean[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild1DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ long[] data
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLint gluBuild2DMipmaps ( GLenum target , GLint components , GLint width , GLint height , GLenum format , GLenum type , const void * data ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ byte[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ short[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ int[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ float[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ double[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ boolean[] data
+ ) ;
+ public final native int gluBuild2DMipmaps (
+ int target,
+ int components,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ int format,
+ int type,
+ long[] data
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLUquadricObj * gluNewQuadric ( void ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluNewQuadric (
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluQuadricDrawStyle ( GLUquadricObj * quadObject , GLenum drawStyle ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluQuadricDrawStyle (
+ int quadObject,
+ int drawStyle
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluQuadricOrientation ( GLUquadricObj * quadObject , GLenum orientation ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluQuadricOrientation (
+ int quadObject,
+ int orientation
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluQuadricNormals ( GLUquadricObj * quadObject , GLenum normals ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluQuadricNormals (
+ int quadObject,
+ int normals
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluQuadricTexture ( GLUquadricObj * quadObject , GLboolean textureCoords ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluQuadricTexture (
+ int quadObject,
+ boolean textureCoords
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluCylinder ( GLUquadricObj * qobj , GLdouble baseRadius , GLdouble topRadius , GLdouble height , GLint slices , GLint stacks ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluCylinder (
+ int qobj,
+ double baseRadius,
+ double topRadius,
+ double height,
+ int slices,
+ int stacks
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluSphere ( GLUquadricObj * qobj , GLdouble radius , GLint slices , GLint stacks ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluSphere (
+ int qobj,
+ double radius,
+ int slices,
+ int stacks
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluDisk ( GLUquadricObj * qobj , GLdouble innerRadius , GLdouble outerRadius , GLint slices , GLint loops ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluDisk (
+ int qobj,
+ double innerRadius,
+ double outerRadius,
+ int slices,
+ int loops
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluPartialDisk ( GLUquadricObj * qobj , GLdouble innerRadius , GLdouble outerRadius , GLint slices , GLint loops , GLdouble startAngle , GLdouble sweepAngle ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluPartialDisk (
+ int qobj,
+ double innerRadius,
+ double outerRadius,
+ int slices,
+ int loops,
+ double startAngle,
+ double sweepAngle
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLUnurbsObj * gluNewNurbsRenderer ( void ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluNewNurbsRenderer (
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluLoadSamplingMatrices ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , const GLfloat modelMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLfloat projMatrix [ 16 ] , const GLint viewport [ 4 ] ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluLoadSamplingMatrices (
+ int nobj,
+ float[] modelMatrix,
+ float[] projMatrix,
+ int[] viewport
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluNurbsProperty ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , GLenum property , GLfloat value ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluNurbsProperty (
+ int nobj,
+ int property,
+ float value
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluGetNurbsProperty ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , GLenum property , GLfloat * value ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluGetNurbsProperty (
+ int nobj,
+ int property,
+ float[] value
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluBeginCurve ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluBeginCurve (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluEndCurve ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluEndCurve (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluNurbsCurve ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , GLint nknots , GLfloat * knot , GLint stride , GLfloat * ctlarray , GLint order , GLenum type ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluNurbsCurve (
+ int nobj,
+ int nknots,
+ float[] knot,
+ int stride,
+ float[] ctlarray,
+ int order,
+ int type
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluBeginSurface ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluBeginSurface (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluEndSurface ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluEndSurface (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluNurbsSurface ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , GLint sknot_count , GLfloat * sknot , GLint tknot_count , GLfloat * tknot , GLint s_stride , GLint t_stride , GLfloat * ctlarray , GLint sorder , GLint torder , GLenum type ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluNurbsSurface (
+ int nobj,
+ int sknot_count,
+ float[] sknot,
+ int tknot_count,
+ float[] tknot,
+ int s_stride,
+ int t_stride,
+ float[] ctlarray,
+ int sorder,
+ int torder,
+ int type
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluBeginTrim ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluBeginTrim (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluEndTrim ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluEndTrim (
+ int nobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluPwlCurve ( GLUnurbsObj * nobj , GLint count , GLfloat * array , GLint stride , GLenum type ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluPwlCurve (
+ int nobj,
+ int count,
+ float[] array,
+ int stride,
+ int type
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern GLUtesselator * gluNewTess ( void ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native int gluNewTess (
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessBeginPolygon ( GLUtesselator * tobj , void * polygon_data ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ byte[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ short[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ int[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ float[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ boolean[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj,
+ long[] polygon_data
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessBeginContour ( GLUtesselator * tobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessBeginContour (
+ int tobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessVertex ( GLUtesselator * tobj , GLdouble coords [ 3 ] , void * vertex_data ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ byte[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ short[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ int[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ float[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ double[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ boolean[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ public final native void gluTessVertex (
+ int tobj,
+ double[] coords,
+ long[] vertex_data
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessEndContour ( GLUtesselator * tobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessEndContour (
+ int tobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessEndPolygon ( GLUtesselator * tobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessEndPolygon (
+ int tobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessProperty ( GLUtesselator * tobj , GLenum which , GLdouble value ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessProperty (
+ int tobj,
+ int which,
+ double value
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluTessNormal ( GLUtesselator * tobj , GLdouble x , GLdouble y , GLdouble z ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluTessNormal (
+ int tobj,
+ double x,
+ double y,
+ double z
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluGetTessProperty ( GLUtesselator * tobj , GLenum which , GLdouble * value ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluGetTessProperty (
+ int tobj,
+ int which,
+ double[] value
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluBeginPolygon ( GLUtesselator * tobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluBeginPolygon (
+ int tobj
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluNextContour ( GLUtesselator * tobj , GLenum type ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluNextContour (
+ int tobj,
+ int type
+ ) ;
+ * Original Function-Prototype :
+ * <pre>
+ extern void gluEndPolygon ( GLUtesselator * tobj ) ;
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public final native void gluEndPolygon (
+ int tobj
+ ) ;
+/* C2J Parser Version 1.4 Beta: Java program parsed successfully. */