import java.lang.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class MachineCtrl implements ActionListener, ItemListener { public static boolean DEBUG = true; public String title = null; Frame dialog = null; public Button goToJausoftGL4Java = null; public Button buttonOk = null; public Button buttonCancel = null; public Button buttonFileClasses = null; public Button buttonFileNatives = null; public TextField tf_browser_classes = null; public TextField tf_browser_natives = null; public boolean installGLUTFontSupport = true; private Checkbox checkboxInstallGLUTFontSupport = null; // Values for replaceable strings: public String browser_classes = null; public String browser_natives = null; public String os_dir = null; public String os_lib_dir = null; // Java VM vendor and operating system stuff: public String jvmVendor = null; public String jvmVersion = null; public int jvmVersionMajor = 1; // min. defaults public int jvmVersionMinor = 1; // min. defaults public boolean isNetscapeJvm = false; public boolean isSunJvm = false; public boolean isMacJvm = false; public boolean isMicrosoftJvm = false; public String osName = null; public String osVersion = null; public String osArch = null; public boolean isWin32 = false; public boolean isWin95 = false; public boolean isMacOs = false; public boolean isMacOs9 = false; public boolean isUnix = false; public int unixFlavor = unixFlavor_Unknown; static public final int unixFlavor_Unknown = 0, unixFlavor_Linux = 1, unixFlavor_Solaris = 2, unixFlavor_Aix = 3, unixFlavor_Irix = 4, unixFlavor_HPUX = 5; private String pathsep = null; private String filesep = null; public String controlKey = null; public String refreshButton = null; public String refreshInfo = null; public String errstr = null; Applet applet = null; public boolean isError() { return errstr!=null; } public void clearError() { errstr=null; } public MachineCtrl(String title) { this.title = title; // Query Java VM vendor and operating system. jvmVendor = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.vendor").toLowerCase(); jvmVersion = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.version").toLowerCase(); int i0 = 0; int i1 = jvmVersion.indexOf(".", i0); String strhlp = null; if(i1>0) { strhlp = jvmVersion.substring(i0,i1); try { jvmVersionMajor = Integer.valueOf(strhlp).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Not a number: "+strhlp+" ("+jvmVersion+")");} } i0 = i1+1; i1 = jvmVersion.indexOf(".", i0); if( i1 < 0 ) i1 = jvmVersion.length(); // no 2nd dot, no bug version number if( 0=0) ); isSunJvm = ( (jvmVendor!=null) && (jvmVendor.indexOf("sun")>=0) ); isMacJvm = ( (jvmVendor!=null) && (jvmVendor.indexOf("apple")>=0) ); isMicrosoftJvm = ( (jvmVendor!=null) && (jvmVendor.indexOf("microsoft")>=0) ); if( !isNetscapeJvm && !isMicrosoftJvm ) { isSunJvm=true; // default, also for mac ... } isWin32 = osName.startsWith("wind"); isWin95 = ( (isWin32) && (osName.indexOf("windows 95") >= 0) && (osVersion.startsWith("4.0")) ); isMacOs = osName.startsWith("mac os"); isMacOs9 = osVersion.startsWith("9."); isUnix = ( (!isWin32) && (!isMacOs) ); pathsep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); filesep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); if (isUnix) { if (osName.indexOf("linux") >= 0) unixFlavor = unixFlavor_Linux; else if (osName.indexOf("solaris") >= 0) unixFlavor = unixFlavor_Solaris; else if (osName.indexOf("aix") >= 0) unixFlavor = unixFlavor_Aix; else if (osName.indexOf("irix") >= 0) unixFlavor = unixFlavor_Irix; else if (osName.indexOf("hp-ux") >= 0) unixFlavor = unixFlavor_HPUX; } System.out.println("Machine Info:"); System.out.println("\tosName: "+osName); System.out.println("\tosVersion: "+osVersion); System.out.println("\tosArch: "+osArch); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("jvmVendor: "+jvmVendor); System.out.println("jvmVersion: "+jvmVersion+ "( major "+jvmVersionMajor+ ", minor "+jvmVersionMinor+")"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("pathsep: "+pathsep); System.out.println("filesep: "+filesep); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("End of Machine Info !"); // Fail if unsupported VM. if ( (!isNetscapeJvm) && (!isMicrosoftJvm) && (!isSunJvm) ) { errstr = new String ("GL4Java cannot be installed because\n" + "your Java Virtual Machine is not recognized\n" + "by the installer.\n" + "\n" + "Operating system: " + osName + "\n" + "Java VM vendor..: " + jvmVendor + "\n" + "Java VM version..: " + jvmVersion + "\n" + "\n" + "NOTE: You must be running Netscape Communicator\n" + " or Microsoft Internet Explorer to install\n" + " GL4Java."); } // Fail if unsupported operating system. if ( (isUnix) && (unixFlavor == unixFlavor_Unknown) ) { errstr = new String ("GL4Java cannot be installed because\n" + "your operating system is not recognized\n" + "by the installer.\n" + "\n" + "Operating system: " + osName + "\n" + "Java VM vendor..: " + jvmVendor +"\n" + "Java VM version..: " + jvmVersion ); } { if (isNetscapeJvm || isSunJvm) { controlKey = new String("Shift"); refreshButton = new String("Reload"); } else if (isMicrosoftJvm) { controlKey = new String("Ctrl"); refreshButton = new String("Refresh"); } if ( (controlKey != null) && (refreshButton != null) ) { refreshInfo = new String ("\n\n" + "Under some circumstances, a failed\n" + "installation can be corrected by\n" + "holding down the " + controlKey + " key and\n" + "clicking the " + refreshButton + " button on your\n" + "browser's command bar."); } } } public boolean enablePrivilege() { // Attempt to assert the needed permissions. if (isNetscapeJvm) { try { ("UniversalFileAccess"); ("UniversalExecAccess"); ("UniversalConnect"); ("UniversalFdRead"); } catch (Exception e) { errstr = new String ("Netscape denied privileges, or a failure occurred.\n"+ "Here is the exception that was caught:\n"+e+"\n"); return false; } } else if (isMicrosoftJvm) { try { (; (; (; } catch (Exception e) { errstr = new String ("Microsoft VM denied privileges, or a failure occurred.\n"+ "Here is the exception that was caught:\n"+e+"\n"); return false; } } return true; } public boolean fetchPrivilegedInfos() { if (isNetscapeJvm) { try { ("UniversalFileAccess"); ("UniversalExecAccess"); ("UniversalConnect"); ("UniversalFdRead"); } catch (Exception e) { errstr = new String ("Netscape denied privileges, or a failure occurred.\n"+ "Here is the exception that was caught:\n"+e+"\n"); return false; } } else if (isMicrosoftJvm) { try { (; (; (; } catch (Exception e) { errstr = new String ("Microsoft VM denied privileges, or a failure occurred.\n"+ "Here is the exception that was caught:\n"+e+"\n"); return false; } } if (isMicrosoftJvm) { if (isWin32) { int buflen = 1024; StringBuffer buf = null; int len = 0; Class[] parameterTypes = null; Method m = null; Object args[] = null; File f = null; try { Class kernel32 = Class.forName(""); try { parameterTypes = new Class[2]; parameterTypes[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.StringBuffer"); parameterTypes[1] = Integer.TYPE; m = kernel32.getMethod("GetWindowsDirectory",parameterTypes); args = new Object[2]; buf = new StringBuffer(buflen+1); buf.setLength(buflen); args[0] = buf; args[1] = new Integer(buflen); len = ((Integer)m.invoke(kernel32,args)).intValue(); buf.setLength(len); f = new File(new String(buf)); os_dir = f.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\','/'); browser_classes = os_dir + "/JAVA/trustlib"; } catch (Exception e) { browser_classes = null; System.out.println(e); System.out.println("call to get the win dir failed:\n"+ buf); } try { parameterTypes = new Class[2]; parameterTypes[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.StringBuffer"); parameterTypes[1] = Integer.TYPE; m = kernel32.getMethod("GetSystemDirectory",parameterTypes); args = new Object[2]; buf = new StringBuffer(buflen+1); buf.setLength(buflen); args[0] = buf; args[1] = new Integer(buflen); len = ((Integer)m.invoke(kernel32,args)).intValue(); f = new File(new String(buf)); os_lib_dir = f.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\','/'); browser_natives = os_lib_dir; } catch (Exception e) { browser_natives = null; System.out.println(e); System.out.println("call to get the sys dir failed:\n"+ buf); } } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.println(e2); browser_classes = null; browser_natives = null; } if ( (browser_classes == null) || (browser_natives == null) ) { errstr = new String ( "Hmmm...Looks as if you may have an early version of\n" + "IE 4, or perhaps even a version older than IE 4.\n" + "Because the installer is not able to get the\n" + "privileges it needs, the installation will be\n" + "aborted.\n" + "\n" + "If you DID receive a question about security but\n" + "answered \"No\", you must hold down the Ctrl key\n" + "and click on the browser's \"Refresh\" button, then\n" + "answer \"Yes\" to the security question in order to\n" + "grant the required privileges to the installer.\n" + "\n" + "If you did NOT receive a question about security, you\n" + "should upgrade to the latest version of IE, then attempt\n" + "the installation again. To do this, go to:\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "Operating system: " + osName + "\n" + "Java VM vendor..: " + jvmVendor + "\n" ); return false; } } // if (isWin32) else if (isMacOs) { // TODO: Add IE init here for browser_classes and browser_natives directories // under MacOs. } // if (isMacOs) else if (isUnix) { // TODO: Add IE init here for browser_classes and browser_natives directories // under Unix flavors. } // if (isUnix) } // if (isMicrosoftJvm) else if (isNetscapeJvm || isSunJvm) { if (isWin32) { // Find WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories for Win9x, // or WINNT and WINNT\SYSTE23 directories for WinNT. Process proc = null; String path = ""; try { proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec ("COMMAND.COM /C ECHO %PATH%"); } catch (Exception e) { } if (proc != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4096); sb.setLength(0); try { InputStream is = proc.getInputStream(); int c; int pos = 0; while ((c = != -1) { if ( (((char)c) == '\r') || (((char)c) == '\n') ) break; sb.setLength(pos+1); sb.setCharAt(pos,(char)c); pos++; } } catch (Exception e) { } if (sb.length() > 0) path = new String(sb); } if ( (path != null) && (path.length() > 0) ) { while ( (path != null) && (path.length() > 0) ) { int p = path.indexOf(pathsep); String thispath = null; if (p < 0) { thispath = path; path = null; } else { thispath = path.substring(0,p); if ((p+1) < path.length()) path = path.substring(p+1,path.length()); else path = null; } if ( (thispath != null) && (thispath.length() > 0) ) { File f = null; thispath = thispath.replace('\\','/'); while (thispath.endsWith("/")) { if (thispath.length() > 1) thispath = thispath.substring (0,thispath.length()-1); else thispath = ""; } f = new File(thispath+"/WIN.INI"); if (f.exists()) { f = new File(thispath+"/SYSTEM.INI"); if (f.exists()) { // Looks like a windows directory. if ( (os_dir == null) || (os_dir.length() < 1) ) os_dir = thispath; // See if system or system32 exists and // contains GL4JavaGljMSJDirect and // (kernel32.dll or user32.dll). String thispathA =thispath+"/SYSTEM"; String thispathB =thispath+"/system32"; String thispath2 = null; boolean found = false; String fname = null; int i; // check an existing GL4JavaGljMSJDirect // to overwrite ! for (i = 0; found == false && i < 2; i++) { thispath2 = (i == 0 ? thispathA : thispathB); fname = thispath2 + "/GL4JavaGljMSJDirect.dll"; f = new File (fname); if (f.exists()) { found=true; System.out.println(fname + " found !!!"); } else System.out.println(fname + " not found"); } // if GL4JavaGljMSJDirect was never // installed, find an appropiate path ! for (i = 0; found == false && i < 2; i++) { thispath2 = (i == 0 ? thispathA : thispathB); fname = thispath2 + "/KERNEL32.DLL"; f = new File (fname); if (f.exists()) { System.out.println(fname + " found !!!"); fname = thispath2 + "/USER32.DLL"; f = new File (fname); if (f.exists()) { // Looks like a windows/sytem // or winnt/system32 directory. System.out.println(fname + " found !!!"); found=true; } else System.out.println(fname + " not found"); } else System.out.println(fname + " not found"); } if(found) { if ( (os_lib_dir == null) || (os_lib_dir.length() < 1) ) os_lib_dir = thispath2; } } } // If there are two path separators, then // it could be a windows system directory. int idx = thispath.indexOf("/"); if (idx >= 0) { idx = thispath.indexOf("/",idx+1); if (idx >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { f = new File (thispath + "/KERNEL32.DLL"); if (f.exists()) { f = new File (thispath + "/USER32.DLL"); if (f.exists()) { // Looks like a windows/sytem // or winnt/system32 directory. if ( (os_lib_dir == null) || (os_lib_dir.length() < 1) ) os_lib_dir = thispath; if ( (os_dir == null) || (os_dir.length() < 1) ) { idx = thispath.lastIndexOf ("/"); if (idx > 0) os_dir = thispath. substring(0,idx); } } } } } } } } } } String jvmHome = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home"); if ( (isWin32) || (isUnix) || (isMacOs) ) { if(DEBUG) System.out.println("find classpath ..."); String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path").replace('\\','/'); if(jvmHome!=null && ( jvmVersionMajor>=2 || ( jvmVersionMajor==1 && jvmVersionMinor>=2 ) ) ) { jvmHome=jvmHome.replace('\\','/'); classpath=jvmHome+"/lib/ext/gl4java.jar"+ pathsep+classpath; if(DEBUG) System.out.println("> added java2 lib/ext classpath ..."); } if (classpath != null) { while ( (classpath != null) && (classpath.length() > 0) ) { int p = classpath.indexOf(pathsep); String thisfile = null; String thispath = null; if (p < 0) { thisfile = classpath; classpath = null; } else { thisfile = classpath.substring(0,p); if ((p+1) < classpath.length()) classpath = classpath.substring(p+1,classpath.length()); else classpath = null; } if(DEBUG) System.out.println(">> checking thisfile: "+thisfile); if ( (thisfile != null) && (thisfile.length() > 0) && ( thisfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") || thisfile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") ) ) { if(DEBUG) System.out.println(">> thisfile contains jar/zip archiv - good"); int lastpos = -1, newpos; while ( (newpos = thisfile.indexOf('/',lastpos+1)) >= 0 ) lastpos = newpos; if (lastpos >= 0) { thispath = thisfile.substring(0,lastpos); if(DEBUG) System.out.println(">> thispath: "+thispath+" (dirname will be checked)"); if ( thispath.toLowerCase().endsWith("/java/classes") || thispath.toLowerCase().endsWith("/lib/ext") || thisfile.toLowerCase().endsWith("/lib/") ) { if(DEBUG) System.out.println(">> thispath has expected dir names - good"); browser_classes = new String(thispath); FileTool.MkdirWithParents(this, thisfile); if (isUnix) { switch (unixFlavor) { case unixFlavor_Linux: browser_natives = new String("/usr/lib"); break; case unixFlavor_Solaris: browser_natives = new String("/usr/lib"); break; case unixFlavor_Aix: browser_natives = new String("/usr/lib"); break; case unixFlavor_Irix: browser_natives = new String("/usr/lib"); break; } } else browser_natives = thispath.substring(0,thispath.length()-7) + "bin"; break; } } } } } } // if ( (isWin32) || (isUnix) || (isMacOs) ) /* else if (isMacOs) { } */ } // if (isNetscapeJvm) return true; } public void machineOptionWindow(ActionListener action, String[] headerText, String oktxt, Applet _applet) { int i; Panel panFlow = null; applet = _applet; dialog = new Frame (title); dialog.setBackground(new Color(230, 230, 255)); dialog.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); if(headerText!=null && headerText.length>0) { Panel panNorth = new Panel(); panNorth.setLayout(new GridLayout(headerText.length+2,1)); for(i=0; i is invalid "); if(f!=null) { str+= "( exist="+ fexist + ", isDir="+fisdir+ ")"; } else { str+= "( f is NULL )"; } ok=false; tf_browser_classes.requestFocus(); tf_browser_classes.getToolkit().beep(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); str = new String ("EXCEPTION directory <"+ tf_browser_classes.getText().trim()+ "> is invalid "); if(f!=null) { str+= "( exist="+ fexist + ", isDir="+fisdir+ ")"; } else { str+= "( f is NULL )"; } ok=false; tf_browser_classes.requestFocus(); tf_browser_classes.getToolkit().beep(); } fname=null; fexist=false; fisdir=false; try { fname = tf_browser_natives.getText().replace('\\','/'); fname = fname.trim(); f = new File(fname); fexist=f.exists(); fisdir=f.isDirectory(); if(f!=null && fexist && fisdir ) { browser_natives = fname; System.out.println("Set Native-Dir to: "+ browser_natives); } else { str = new String ("directory <"+ tf_browser_natives.getText().trim()+ "> is invalid "); if(f!=null) { str+= "( exist="+ fexist + ", isDir="+fisdir+ ")"; } else { str+= "( f is NULL )"; } ok=false; tf_browser_natives.requestFocus(); tf_browser_natives.getToolkit().beep(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); str = new String ("EXCEPTION directory <"+ tf_browser_natives.getText().trim()+ "> is invalid "); if(f!=null) { str+= "( exist="+ fexist + ", isDir="+fisdir+ ")"; } else { str+= "( f is NULL )"; } ok=false; tf_browser_natives.requestFocus(); tf_browser_natives.getToolkit().beep(); } if(!ok && str!=null) { System.out.println(str); } return ok; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object src = e.getSource(); if (src.equals(buttonOk) || src.equals(buttonCancel)) { if (src.equals(buttonOk) ) { /* checkTextFields() is called by GL4JInst, before the installation will begin ! If everything is fine, GL4JInst will dispose our dialog ! */ return; } if(dialog!=null) { dialog.setVisible(false); dialog.dispose(); dialog = null; } } else if(src.equals(tf_browser_classes)) { checkTextFields(); } else if(src.equals(tf_browser_natives)) { checkTextFields(); } else if(src.equals(buttonFileClasses)) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(dialog,"GL4Java Classes Dir",FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setDirectory(tf_browser_classes.getText());; tf_browser_classes.setText(fd.getDirectory()); //checkTextFields(); } else if(src.equals(buttonFileNatives)) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(dialog,"GL4Java Classes Dir",FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setDirectory(tf_browser_natives.getText());; tf_browser_natives.setText(fd.getDirectory()); //checkTextFields(); } else if(src.equals(goToJausoftGL4Java) && applet!=null) { try { URL home = new URL(""); applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(home, "GL4Java Homepage"); } catch (Exception ex) { applet.showStatus("cannot open"); } } } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if(checkboxInstallGLUTFontSupport.equals(e.getItemSelectable())) { installGLUTFontSupport = checkboxInstallGLUTFontSupport.getState(); } } public static void main( String args[] ) { MachineCtrl mctrl = new MachineCtrl("Test Class MachineCtrl"); if(mctrl.isError()) { System.out.println(mctrl.errstr); mctrl.clearError(); } mctrl.enablePrivilege(); if(mctrl.isError()) { System.out.println(mctrl.errstr); mctrl.clearError(); } mctrl.fetchPrivilegedInfos(); if(mctrl.isError()) { System.out.println(mctrl.errstr); mctrl.clearError(); } String[] header = { "Info Text", "2nd Line" }; mctrl.machineOptionWindow(null, header, "exit", null); if(mctrl.isError()) { System.out.println(mctrl.errstr); mctrl.clearError(); } } }