import gl4java.GLContext; import gl4java.GLFunc; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GLLandScape1w1Applet extends Applet implements MouseListener, KeyListener, ActionListener, ItemListener { public GLLandScape1w1 landScape = null; Button bAddPlane = null; Button bRemPlane = null; Button bTexture = null; Button bShading = null; Button bFog = null; Button bNewFractal = null; Button bInfo = null; Button bFps; TextField tFps; Checkbox bUseRepaint = null; Checkbox bUseFpsSleep = null; boolean gameOn = true; SpeedTimer tMySpeed = null; GLThread gt1 = null; GLThread gt2 = null; public void init() { init(0,0); } public void init(int w, int h) { super.init(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel glFeatures = new Panel(); glFeatures.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1)); glFeatures.add(bAddPlane =new Button("+ Plane")); glFeatures.add(bRemPlane =new Button("- Plane")); glFeatures.add(bTexture =new Button("Texture")); glFeatures.add(bShading =new Button("Shading")); glFeatures.add(bFog =new Button("Fogging")); glFeatures.add(bNewFractal =new Button("Fractal")); bAddPlane.addMouseListener(this); bRemPlane.addMouseListener(this); bTexture.addMouseListener(this); bShading.addMouseListener(this); bFog.addMouseListener(this); bNewFractal.addMouseListener(this); add("East", glFeatures); Panel pFps = new Panel(); pFps.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5)); pFps.add(bInfo =new Button("info")); pFps.add(bFps =new Button("get fps")); pFps.add(tFps =new TextField()); bInfo.addMouseListener(this); bFps.addMouseListener(this); tFps.addActionListener(this); bUseRepaint = new Checkbox("repaint", true); bUseRepaint.addItemListener(this); pFps.add(bUseRepaint); bUseFpsSleep = new Checkbox("fps-sleep", true); bUseFpsSleep.addItemListener(this); pFps.add(bUseFpsSleep); add("South", pFps); if(w==0 && h==0) { Dimension d = getSize(); landScape= new GLLandScape1w1(d.width, d.height); } else { landScape= new GLLandScape1w1(w, h); } landScape.setAnimateFps(30.0); landScape.addMouseListener(this); landScape.addKeyListener(this); tMySpeed = new SpeedTimer(landScape, 200); landScape.requestFocus(); landScape.setMySpeed(0); add("Center", landScape); } public void startTestThreads() { gt1 = new GLThread(landScape, GLFunc.GL_VENDOR, "gt1"); gt2 = new GLThread(landScape, GLFunc.GL_VERSION, "gt2"); gt1.start(); gt2.start(); } public void destroy() { landScape.cvsDispose(); landScape.removeMouseListener(this); landScape.removeKeyListener(this); } public void start() { landScape.start(); } public void stop() { landScape.stop(); } public static void main( String args[] ) { String gljLib=null; String glLib=null; String gluLib=null; if(args.length>0) gljLib = args[0]; if(args.length>1) glLib = args[1]; if(args.length>2) gluLib = args[2]; if(GLContext.loadNativeLibraries(gljLib, glLib, gluLib)==false) System.out.println("GLCanvasV2 could not load native libs:"+ gljLib + ", " + glLib + ", " + gluLib); GLContext.gljNativeDebug = false; GLContext.gljThreadDebug = false; GLContext.gljClassDebug = false; GLLandScape1w1Applet window = new GLLandScape1w1Applet(); Frame f = new Frame(); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { windowClosed(e); } } ); f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); f.add("Center", window); window.init(500,300); window.start(); Dimension ps = window.getPreferredSize(); f.setBounds(-100,-100,99,99); f.setVisible(true); //f.setVisible(false); Insets i = f.getInsets(); f.setBounds(0,0, ps.width+i.left+i.right,; f.setVisible(true); // ThreadTest // window.startTestThreads(); } public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent evt ) { ItemSelectable comp = evt.getItemSelectable(); if( comp.equals(bUseRepaint) ) { if(landScape!=null) { landScape.setUseRepaint(bUseRepaint.getState()); System.out.println("LandScape uses repaint: "+ bUseRepaint.getState()); } } else if( comp.equals(bUseFpsSleep ) ) { if(landScape!=null) { landScape.setUseFpsSleep(bUseFpsSleep.getState()); System.out.println("LandScape uses fps-sleep: "+ bUseFpsSleep.getState()); } } } // Methods required for the implementation of MouseListener public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent evt ) { Component comp = evt.getComponent(); if( comp.equals(landScape ) ) { landScape.requestFocus(); } } public void mouseExited( MouseEvent evt ) { } public void mousePressed( MouseEvent evt ) { } public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent evt ) { } public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent evt ) { Component comp = evt.getComponent(); if( comp.equals(bAddPlane ) ) landScape.addPlane(); else if( comp.equals(bRemPlane ) ) landScape.removePlane(); else if( comp.equals(bTexture ) ) landScape.setTexture( ! landScape.getTextureState()); else if( comp.equals(bNewFractal ) ) landScape.newFractal(); else if( comp.equals(bShading ) ) landScape.setFlatShading(!landScape.getFlatShadeState()); else if( comp.equals(bFog ) ) landScape.setFog( ! landScape.getFogState()); else if( comp.equals(landScape) ) landScape.setSuspended(false); else if( comp.equals(bFps) ) { double fps = 0; landScape.stopFpsCounter(); fps=landScape.getFps(); tFps.setText(String.valueOf(fps)); landScape.resetFpsCounter(); } else if( comp.equals(bInfo) ) { InfoWin iw = new InfoWin(); } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyCode(); if( gameOn==true ) { if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) { landScape.myMove(landScape.TURNLEFT, 0.1f, false); tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) { landScape.myMove(landScape.TURNLEFT, -0.1f, false); tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_UP ) { float v = tMySpeed.getSpeed(); if ( e.isShiftDown() ) { tMySpeed.setSpeed(v+2.0f); } else { tMySpeed.setSpeed(v+1.0f); } tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) { float v = tMySpeed.getSpeed(); if ( e.isShiftDown() ) tMySpeed.setSpeed(v-2.0f); else tMySpeed.setSpeed(v-1.0f); tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP ) { landScape.myMove(landScape.LOOKUP, 0.1f, false); tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ) { landScape.myMove(landScape.LOOKUP, -0.1f, false); tMySpeed.start(); } else if ( key==KeyEvent.VK_END ) { landScape.myMove(landScape.LOOKSET, 0f, false); tMySpeed.start(); } } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyCode(); if( gameOn==true && ( key==KeyEvent.VK_UP || key==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) ) { //ts.start(); } else if( gameOn==true && ( key==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT || key==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) ) { //landScape.noMySpeed(); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if ( source == tFps ) { try { double FramesPerSec= Double.valueOf(tFps.getText()).doubleValue(); landScape.setAnimateFps(FramesPerSec); landScape.setSuspended(false); } catch (NumberFormatException s) { System.out.println("wrong fps format, use float .."); } } } class SpeedTimer implements Runnable { protected Thread me = null; protected boolean to=false; protected int _t; protected float speed = 0.0f; protected GLLandScape1w1 _ls; public SpeedTimer(GLLandScape1w1 ls, int t) { _ls=ls; _t=t; } public synchronized void start() { if(me!=null && to) return; stop(); me = new Thread(this); me.start(); } public synchronized void stop() { if(me!=null) { me=null; notifyAll(); while(to) { try { wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } public void run() { if(me!=null) { synchronized (this) { to=true; notifyAll(); } while(me!=null && (-0.2f>=speed || speed>=0.2f) ) { try {me.sleep(_t,0);} catch (InterruptedException e){} speed/=2.0f; _ls.setMySpeed(speed); // System.out.println("timer: lower speed: "+speed); } speed = 0.0f; _ls.setMySpeed(0f); synchronized (this) { to=false; notifyAll(); } } } public boolean isActive() { return to; } public float getSpeed() { return speed; } public void setSpeed(float v) { speed=v; _ls.setMySpeed(speed); //System.out.println("timer: set speed: "+speed); } } class GLThread implements Runnable { protected Thread me = null; protected boolean to=false; protected int _id; protected String _name; protected GLLandScape1w1 _ls; public GLThread(GLLandScape1w1 ls, int id, String name) { _ls=ls; _id=id; _name=name;} public synchronized void start() { if(me!=null && to) return; stop(); me = new Thread(this, _name); me.start(); } public synchronized void stop() { if(me!=null) { me=null; notifyAll(); while(to) { try { wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } public void run() { if(me!=null) { synchronized (this) { to=true; notifyAll(); } while(me!=null) { if(_ls.cvsIsInit()) { if(GLContext.gljThreadDebug) _ls.getGLString(_id); else System.out.println("gt: "+_ls.getGLString(_id)); } } synchronized (this) { to=false; notifyAll(); } } } public boolean isActive() { return to; } } class InfoWin extends Frame implements ActionListener { protected Button DismissButton; String text = "GLLandScape1w1 V 1.0\n"+ "by Sven Goethel\n"+ "\t\n"+ "\\n\n"+ "The original sources for the lanscape algorythms,\n"+ "are taken from Nicholas Anderson's Landscape V1.0 !\n"+ "\t\n"+ "\\n\n"+ "usage:\n"+ "\t ARROW-UP : accelerate\n"+ "\t ARROW-UP + SHIFT : accelerate fast \n"+ "\t ARROW-DOWN : de-accelerate\n"+ "\t ARROW-DOWN + SHIFT : de-accelerate fast\n"+ "\t ARROW-LEFT : turn left\n"+ "\t ARROW-right : turn right\n"+ "\t PAGE-UP : look-up\n"+ "\t PAGE-DOWN : look-down\n"+ "\t END : look normal\n\n"+ "Have a lot of fun - Sven Goethel\n"; public InfoWin() { setTitle("INFO"); setName("INFO"); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add("Center", new TextArea(text, 25, 50)); add("South", DismissButton = new Button("dismiss")); DismissButton.addActionListener(this); pack(); setVisible(true); toFront(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if ( event.getSource() == DismissButton) { setVisible(false); dispose(); } } } }