import*; import gl4java.GLContext; import gl4java.awt.GLCanvas; //---------------------------------------------- // class definition. //---------------------------------------------- public class GL4JCanvas extends gl4java.awt.GLCanvas { private int _canvas_wid_pix; private int _canvas_hei_pix; private int _num_colors = 50; private boolean refresh_gl = false; //---------------------------------------------- // method constructor. //---------------------------------------------- public GL4JCanvas (int wid_pix, int hei_pix) { super (wid_pix, hei_pix); _canvas_wid_pix = wid_pix; _canvas_hei_pix = hei_pix; } //---------------------------------------------- // method preInit //---------------------------------------------- public void preInit () { stereoView = false; } public void preSetDblBuffer(boolean dblBuffer) { doubleBuffer = dblBuffer; } //---------------------------------------------- // method init //---------------------------------------------- public void init () { } //---------------------------------------------- // method display //---------------------------------------------- public void display () { boolean loc_err; loc_err = false; if(scripting_modes_number>0) { int i; for (i=0; i0) System.out.println ("... rate: " +(((double)(t1-startTime))*(1000.0/(double)count)) +" SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)"); } public double getTimeDeltaSecs(long startTime) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis (); return (double)(t1-startTime)/1000.0; } public static final String modes = new String ( " 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+ " 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+ " 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect\n"+ " 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv\n"+ " 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+ " 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+ " 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect\n"+ " 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv\n"+ " 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ " 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+ "101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+ "102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect\n"+ "111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv\n"+ "112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect\n"+ "121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv\n"+ "122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect\n"+ "131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv\n"+ "132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2);\n"+ "\n" ); public boolean useDisplayList = false; public boolean useSmoothShading = false; public boolean useRGB = false; public int[] scripting_modes = null; public int scripting_modes_number = 0; public void setScriptModes(int[] modes, int len) { scripting_modes=modes; scripting_modes_number=len; } /** * renderMode * 0 - glRect * 1 - glRectiv * 2 - POLYGON + glVertex2i * 3 - QUADS + glVertex2i */ public int renderMode = 0; public int dez_mode = 0; public boolean setRenderMode(int mode) { useDisplayList = false; useSmoothShading = false; useRGB = false; renderMode = 0; if(mode>133 || mode<0) return false; dez_mode=mode; if(mode>=100) { useDisplayList=true; mode -= 100; } if(mode>=20) { useSmoothShading=true; mode -= 20; } if(mode>=10) { useRGB=true; mode -= 10; } if(renderMode>3) return false; renderMode=mode; return true; } public String getGlobalModeDescription() { String str = dez_mode + ": "; if(doubleBuffer) str = str + "DoubleBuffer"; else str = str + "FrontBuffer "; if(useDisplayList) str = str + " + COMPILED "; else str = str + " + IMMEDIATE"; if(useSmoothShading) str = str + " + Smooth"; else str = str + " + Flat "; if(useRGB) str = str + " + RGB "; else str = str + " + ColorIndex"; switch (renderMode) { case 0: str = str + " + glRect"; break; case 1: str = str + " + glRectiv"; break; case 2: str = str + " + POLYGON + glVertex2i"; break; case 3: str = str + " + QUADS + glVertex2i"; break; } return str; } public void gl_display () { boolean debug; boolean loc_err; int [] ramp; float [][] seis_amps = null; MapAmpToIndex amp_mapper; long t0, t1; debug = false; System.out.println(">MODE "+getGlobalModeDescription()); t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); loc_err = false; ramp = MakeRampJ (_num_colors); if ( ! loc_err) { if (debug) { for (int loopi = 0; loopi < _num_colors; loopi++) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- ramp ["+loopi+"] " +ramp [loopi]); } } } // plz_note- prepare seismic data for drawing if ( ! loc_err) { // JAU: seis_amps = GetSeisData (1250, 800); // seis_amps = GetSeisData (600, 400); seis_amps = GetSeisData (1250, 800); if (seis_amps == null) { // look_here- error_handling loc_err = true; System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- ERROR- call to " +" _seis_data.GetSeisData returned "+seis_amps); } else { if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- call to GetSeisData succeeded"); } if (debug) { for (int loopi = 0; loopi < seis_amps.length; loopi++) { for (int loopj = 0; loopj < seis_amps[0].length; loopj++) { if (loopi == 0 || loopi == seis_amps.length - 1) { if (loopj >= 80 && loopj < 120) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- seis_amps ["+loopi +"]["+loopj+"] "+seis_amps [loopi][loopj]); } } } } } } System.out.println(">Time for fetching Seis-Data: "+ getTimeDeltaSecs(t1)); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // plz_note- setup mapper (maps from seismic amplitude to // plz_note- color table index) amp_mapper = new MapAmpToIndex (ramp, seis_amps); System.out.println(">Time for map color-table: "+ getTimeDeltaSecs(t1)); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // plz_note-prepare openGL if ( ! loc_err) { if (glj.gljMakeCurrent () == false) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- makeCurrent" +" is false"); return; } } if ( ! loc_err) { if (cvsIsInit () != true) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- cvsIsInit not true"); loc_err = true; } } if ( ! loc_err) { if(!doubleBuffer) gl.glDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT); if(!useRGB) gl.glClearIndex (0.0f); // 1.0 is black gl.glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // set current color index if(!useRGB) gl.glIndexi (1); gl.glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); gl.glLoadIdentity (); // left, right top, bottom clip planes. glu.gluOrtho2D (0.0f, (float) (this._canvas_wid_pix), 0.0f, (float) (this._canvas_hei_pix)); // look_here- see OpenGL Programming Guide, page 182 //gl.glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); //gl.glLoadIdentity (); // plz_note- int num_trc = seis_amps.length; int num_sam = seis_amps [0].length; if (debug) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- num_trc "+num_trc); System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- num_sam "+num_sam); } int rect_wid = (int) Math.ceil ((double)((double) (this._canvas_wid_pix) / (double) (num_trc))); rect_wid++; int rect_hei = (int) Math.ceil ((double)((double) (this._canvas_hei_pix)/ (double) (num_sam))); rect_hei++; if (debug) { System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- rect_wid "+rect_wid); System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`gl_display- rect_hei "+rect_hei); } int x1, y1, x2, y2; int[] v1 = new int[3]; int[] v2 = new int[3]; int ramp_index; int color_index; double ratio; int count = 0; int rectList = -1; { // JAU if(useDisplayList) { rectList = gl.glGenLists(1); gl.glNewList(rectList, GL_COMPILE); } if(useSmoothShading) gl.glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); else gl.glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); if(renderMode==3) gl.glBegin(GL_QUADS); // plz_note- for each column or trace for (int loop_i = 0; loop_i < num_trc; loop_i++) { // plz_note- for each row or seismic amplitude for (int loop_j = 0; loop_j < num_sam; loop_j++) { // plz_note- compute vertices. ratio = (double)(loop_i) / (double)(num_trc); x1 = (int)(ratio * (double)(this._canvas_wid_pix)); x2 = x1 + rect_wid; ratio = (double)(loop_j) / (double)(num_sam); y1 = this._canvas_hei_pix - (int)(ratio * (double)(this._canvas_hei_pix)); y2 = y1 + rect_hei; // plz_note- set current color index ramp_index = amp_mapper.GetColorIndex (seis_amps [loop_i][loop_j]); color_index = ramp [ramp_index]; if (debug && ((loop_i == 0 || loop_i == num_trc - 1) && loop_j >= 80 && loop_j< 180)) { System.out.print (" `gl_display-" +" trc "+loop_i+", sam "+loop_j +", amp "+seis_amps [loop_i][loop_j]); System.out.print (", ramp_index "+ramp_index); System.out.println (", color_index "+color_index); } if(!useRGB) gl.glIndexi (color_index); if(renderMode==0) { gl.glRecti (x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if(renderMode==1) { v1[0]=x1; v1[1]=y1; v2[0]=x2; v2[1]=y2; gl.glRectiv (v1, v2); } else { if(renderMode==2) gl.glBegin(GL_POLYGON); if(renderMode>=2) { gl.glVertex2i(x1,y1); gl.glVertex2i(x2,y1); gl.glVertex2i(x2,y2); gl.glVertex2i(x1,y2); } if(renderMode==2) gl.glEnd(); } count++; } } if(renderMode==3) gl.glEnd( /* GL_QUADS */ ); // JAU if(useDisplayList) { gl.glEndList(); } else if(doubleBuffer) glj.gljSwap (); } if(useDisplayList) { System.out.println (">`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: " +count); System.out.println (">relative time: (display-list only)"); printTimeDelta(t1, count); System.out.println (">absolute time: (display-list and calculations)"); printTimeDelta(t0, count); } else { System.out.println (">`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: " +count); System.out.println (">relative time: (immediate only)"); printTimeDelta(t1, count); System.out.println (">absolute time: (immediate and calculations)"); printTimeDelta(t0, count); } t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(useDisplayList) { gl.glCallList(rectList); if(doubleBuffer) glj.gljSwap (); printTimeDelta(t0, count); System.out.println (">relative time: (display-list called)"); printTimeDelta(t1, count); System.out.println (">absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations)"); printTimeDelta(t0, count); gl.glDeleteLists(rectList, 1); } gl.glFlush (); gl.glFinish (); glj.gljFree (); } } //---------------------------------------------- // method reshape. //---------------------------------------------- public void reshape (int wid, int hei) { } //---------------------------------------------- // method // what the color is does not matter now. //---------------------------------------------- public int [] MakeRampJ (int num_colors) { boolean debug = false; if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`MakeRampJ- begin"); int [] rtn_array = new int [num_colors]; for (int loopi = 0; loopi < num_colors; loopi++) { rtn_array [loopi] = loopi; } if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`MakeRampJ- end"); return rtn_array; } //---------------------------------------------- // method // what the data is does not matter now. //---------------------------------------------- public float [][] GetSeisData (int wid, int hei) { boolean debug; debug = false; if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`GetSeisData- begin"); float [][] rtn_array = new float [wid][]; for (int loopi = 0; loopi < wid; loopi++) { rtn_array [loopi] = new float [hei]; } for (int loopi = 0; loopi < wid; loopi++) for (int loopj = 0; loopj < hei; loopj++) rtn_array [loopi][loopj] = (float) (Math.random ()) * 100.0f; if (debug) System.out.println ("GL4JCanvas`GetSeisData- end"); return rtn_array; } //---------------------------------------------- // end of class GL4JCanvas //---------------------------------------------- } //---------------------------------------------- // begin class definition //---------------------------------------------- class MapAmpToIndex extends Object { private boolean InitDone = false; private int [] _color_ramp; private float _max_amp = (float) 0.0; private float _min_amp = (float) 0.0; //---------------------------------------------- // method MapAmpToIndex //---------------------------------------------- MapAmpToIndex (int [] ramp, float [][] data) { boolean debug; debug = false; InitDone = true; if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- begin"); // plz_note- set the color index data store _color_ramp = new int [ramp.length]; System.arraycopy (ramp, 0, _color_ramp, 0, ramp.length); if (debug) { System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _color_ramp:"); for (int loopi = 0; loopi < _color_ramp.length; loopi++) { System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _color_ramp [" +loopi+"] "+_color_ramp [loopi]); } } // plz_note- set the max, min amplitudes for scaling for (int loopi = 0; loopi < data.length; loopi++) { for (int loopj = 0; loopj < data [0].length; loopj++) { if (data [loopi][loopj] > _max_amp) _max_amp = data [loopi][loopj]; if (data [loopi][loopj] < _min_amp) _min_amp = data [loopi][loopj]; } } if (debug) { System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _max_amp " +_max_amp); System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- _min_amp " +_min_amp); } if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`MapAmpToIndex- end"); } //---------------------------------------------- // method GetColorIndex //---------------------------------------------- int GetColorIndex (float this_amp) { boolean debug; int index; int max_index; float amp_range; debug = false; if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`GetColorIndex- begin"); index = 0; //if ( ! init) { max_index = _color_ramp.length - 1; amp_range = _max_amp - _min_amp; } index = (int) (((float)(max_index)) * ((this_amp - _min_amp) / (_max_amp - _min_amp))); if (debug) System.out.println ("MapAmpToIndex`GetColorIndex- end"); return index; } //---------------------------------------------- // end of class MapAmpToIndex //---------------------------------------------- } //---------------------------------------------- // end of file //----------------------------------------------