I used platform: Matrox G200 with new driver ! Windows NT 4.0 SP5 ! 329 MB RAM ! 400 MhZ PII ! Running under Java2 & Cygwin32-Bash & ShellScript GL4JTests2.sh ! args: help 0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 0 >MODE 0: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 60.858 Sec ... rate: 60.858000000000004 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 61.549 Sec ... rate: 61.549 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 1 >MODE 1: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 67.547 Sec ... rate: 67.547 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 68.218 Sec ... rate: 68.218 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 2 >MODE 2: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 8.782 Sec ... rate: 8.782 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 9.473 Sec ... rate: 9.473 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 3 >MODE 3: FrontBuffer + IMMEDIATE + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(immediate)- rectangles rendered: 1000000 >relative time: (immediate only) ... elapsed time: 7.051 Sec ... rate: 7.051 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (immediate and calculations) ... elapsed time: 7.722 Sec ... rate: 7.722 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 100 >MODE 100: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRect >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.63 >Time for map color-table: 0.051 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 2.894 Sec ... rate: 2.894 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 3.575 Sec ... rate: 3.575 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec ... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 52.996 Sec ... rate: 52.996 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 56.571 Sec ... rate: 56.571 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 101 >MODE 101: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + glRectiv >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.04 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 4.867 Sec ... rate: 4.867 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 5.548 Sec ... rate: 5.548 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 59.245 Sec ... rate: 59.245000000000005 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 53.707 Sec ... rate: 53.707 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 59.255 Sec ... rate: 59.255 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 102 >MODE 102: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 25.947 Sec ... rate: 25.947 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 26.899 Sec ... rate: 26.899 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec ... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 7.391 Sec ... rate: 7.391 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 34.35 Sec ... rate: 34.35 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 103 >MODE 103: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.791 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 7.671 Sec ... rate: 7.671 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 10.796 Sec ... rate: 10.796 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 16.314 Sec ... rate: 16.314 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 5.498 Sec ... rate: 5.498 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 16.334 Sec ... rate: 16.334 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) args: help 112 113 Arguments: help - print this help dbl - use doublebuffer - render mode, where mode is one of the following integer values : 0 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 1 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 2 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 3 - Immediate + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 10 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRect 11 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 12 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 13 - Immediate + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 20 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 21 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 22 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 23 - Immediate + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 30 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 31 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 32 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 33 - Immediate + SMOOTH + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 100 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRect 101 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + glRectiv 102 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 103 - COMPILED + FLAT + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 110 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRect 111 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + glRectiv 112 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 113 - COMPILED + FLAT + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 120 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRect 121 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + glRectiv 122 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 123 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + ColorIndex + QUADS + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 130 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRect 131 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + glRectiv 132 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i(x2,y2); 133 - COMPILED + SMOOTH + RGB + GL_QUADS+ glVertex2i(x2,y2); trying mode: 112 >MODE 112: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + POLYGON + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.641 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 8.372 Sec ... rate: 8.372 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 9.073 Sec ... rate: 9.073 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec ... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 6.49 Sec ... rate: 6.49 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 15.563 Sec ... rate: 15.563 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) trying mode: 113 >MODE 113: FrontBuffer + COMPILED + Flat + RGB + QUADS + glVertex2i >Time for fetching Seis-Data: 0.631 >Time for map color-table: 0.05 >`gl_display(displayList)- rectangles put in displayList: 1000000 >relative time: (display-list only) ... elapsed time: 6.159 Sec ... rate: 6.159 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list and calculations) ... elapsed time: 6.84 Sec ... rate: 6.84 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) ... elapsed time: 12.147 Sec ... rate: 12.147 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >relative time: (display-list called) ... elapsed time: 5.317 Sec ... rate: 5.317 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles) >absolute time: (display-list compiled+called+calculations) ... elapsed time: 12.157 Sec ... rate: 12.157 SPMR (Sec Per Million Rectangles)