runtime validation
This change implements a strong SHA256 signature over:
1) source tree inclusive make recipe (SHA256-Source)
2) all class files (SHA256-Classes)
3) all native libraries (SHA256-Natives)
4) the class files as deployed in the jar (SHA256-Classes-this)
5) the native libraries as deployed in the jar (SHA256-Natives-this)
and drops all of these in the deployed Jar file.
This allows SHA256 validation of (4) + (5) at runtime
and further complete validation (1), (2) and (3) offline.
Full SCC would now required (1) - (3) to be placed on a server for further validation.
Optionally we may use GPG <https://gnupg.org/> or PGP to validate the build entity to implement the chain of trust <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_of_trust>
The SHA256 runtime validation is tested via: com.jogamp.common.util.TestVersionInfo