Style AllStatic Package jogamp.common.os.elf JavaOutputDir ../src/java HierarchicalNativeOutput false #Implements Sym32 Sym #Implements Sym64 Sym # ELF-1 (part-1) is independent of CPUType/ABI # hence can use an arbitrary MachineDescriptor index # for reading the struct Ehdr_p1 ! StructMachineDescriptorIndex Ehdr_p1 private static final int mdIdx = 0; # The following sub structures shall use an mdIdx # defined by ELF-1 header code, set w/ ctor! StructMachineDescriptorIndex Ehdr_p2 private final int mdIdx; StructMachineDescriptorIndex Shdr private final int mdIdx; ManuallyImplement Ehdr_p2.size ManuallyImplement Ehdr_p2.create ManuallyImplement Ehdr_p2.Ehdr_p2 ManuallyImplement Shdr.size ManuallyImplement Shdr.create ManuallyImplement Shdr.Shdr CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 public static int size(final int mdIdx) { CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 return Ehdr_p2_size[mdIdx]; CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 } CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 public static Ehdr_p2 create(final int mdIdx) { CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 return create(mdIdx, Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size(mdIdx))); CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 } CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 public static Ehdr_p2 create(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) { CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 return new Ehdr_p2(mdIdx, buf); CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 } CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 Ehdr_p2(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) { CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 this.mdIdx = mdIdx; CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 = MachineDescription.StaticConfig.values()[mdIdx].md; CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 this.accessor = new StructAccessor(buf); CustomJavaCode Ehdr_p2 } CustomJavaCode Shdr public static int size(final int mdIdx) { CustomJavaCode Shdr return Shdr_size[mdIdx]; CustomJavaCode Shdr } CustomJavaCode Shdr CustomJavaCode Shdr public static Shdr create(final int mdIdx) { CustomJavaCode Shdr return create(mdIdx, Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(size(mdIdx))); CustomJavaCode Shdr } CustomJavaCode Shdr CustomJavaCode Shdr public static Shdr create(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) { CustomJavaCode Shdr return new Shdr(mdIdx, buf); CustomJavaCode Shdr } CustomJavaCode Shdr CustomJavaCode Shdr Shdr(final int mdIdx, final java.nio.ByteBuffer buf) { CustomJavaCode Shdr this.mdIdx = mdIdx; CustomJavaCode Shdr = MachineDescription.StaticConfig.values()[mdIdx].md; CustomJavaCode Shdr this.accessor = new StructAccessor(buf); CustomJavaCode Shdr } EmitStruct Ehdr_p1 EmitStruct Ehdr_p2 EmitStruct Shdr #EmitStruct Sym32 #EmitStruct Sym64