<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   - Ant project file for setting up cpptasks (indirection).
   - You may overwrite the following compiler configuration
   - with your custom one, see 'gluegen-cpptasks-custom.xml'.
   - To use your custom cpptasks file,
   - define the property 'gluegen-cpptasks.file'.
   - This Ant project file depends on properties being set
   - via gluegen.properties, see: gluegen-properties.xml and gluegen.properties !
<project name="GlueGen-cpptasks" basedir=".">

  <condition property="gluegen.root" value="..">
          <isset property="gluegen.root"/>

  <!-- import properties -->
  <import file="gluegen-properties.xml" />

  <!-- import cpptasks -->
  <typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/cpptasks/antlib.xml" classpath="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/cpptasks.jar;${gluegen.root}/make/lib/CppTasksGCCNamespaceHack.jar"/>

  <condition property="gluegen-cpptasks.file"
        <isset property="gluegen-cpptask.file" />
  <import file="${gluegen-cpptasks.file}" optional="false" />
