<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   - This Ant project file depends on properties being set
   - via gluegen.properties, see: gluegen.properties !
   - This Ant project file depends on the following properties being set
   - externally:
   -   win32.c.compiler (required to be set on Windows):
   -       one of "vc6", "vc7", "vc8", "mingw32" (default) or "mingw64".
   -   c.compiler.debug:
   -       set to "true" if debug version of the compiled
   -       C code is desired.
   -   MacOsX libraries can be universal / fat binaries.
   -   The following switches enables/disables a target platform.
   -   If non of them is enabled, the default
   -   compiler target platform is used for a thin binary.
   -   macosppc:
   -       set to "true" for ppc support,
   -       default is 'false'
   -       Note: Unsupported on Snow Leopard!
   -   macosx32:
   -       set to "false" to disable x86 32-bit support,
   -       default is 'true'
   -   macosx64:
   -       set to "false" to disable x86 64-bit support,
   -       default is 'true'
<project name="GlueGen-properties" basedir=".">

  <target name="gluegen.properties.load.user" unless="gluegen.user.properties.file.set">
    <!-- Load the user specified properties file that defines various host
      - specific paths.  The user will be notified if this is does not
      - exist. -->
    <property name="gluegen.user.properties.file" value="${user.home}/gluegen.properties"/>
    <property name="gluegen.user.properties.file.set" value="${gluegen.user.properties.file}"/>
    <property file="${gluegen.user.properties.file.set}" />
    <echo message="Loaded ${gluegen.user.properties.file.set}." />
    <property name="antlr.jar" value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/antlr.jar" />
    <property name="junit.jar" value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/junit.jar" />
    <property name="ant.jar"       value="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar" />
    <property name="ant-junit.jar" value="${ant.home}/lib/ant-junit.jar" />

    <property name="android.version" value="9" /> <!-- default - if not set by jogamp-env.xml:jogamp.env.init -->
    <property name="android.jar" value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/android-sdk/${android.version}/android.jar" />
    <property name="ant-junit-all.apk" value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/ant-junit-all.apk" />

    <condition property="win32.c.compiler" value="mingw64">
        <os family="windows" />
        <os arch="amd64" />
    <condition property="win32.c.compiler" value="mingw32">
        <os family="windows" />
          <os arch="i386" />
          <os arch="x86" />
    <echo message="antlr.jar=${antlr.jar}" />
    <echo message="junit.jar=${junit.jar}" />
    <echo message="win32.c.compiler=${win32.c.compiler}" />
