/** * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ /* * Created on Saturday, March 27 2010 11:55 */ package com.jogamp.common.nio; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.LongBuffer; import com.jogamp.common.os.Platform; import com.jogamp.common.util.LongObjectHashMap; /** * Hardware independent container holding an array of native pointer, * while its {@link #getDirectBufferAddress()} is-a pointer-pointer type value. *

* An instance maps an array of pointers of referenced Buffer objects, represented as longs. *


* The native values (NIO direct ByteBuffer) might be 32bit or 64bit wide, * depending of the CPU pointer width, see {@link #POINTER_SIZE}. *

* @author Sven Gothel * @author Michael Bien */ public class PointerBuffer extends AbstractBuffer { protected LongObjectHashMap dataMap = null; /** no backup array, use for direct usage only */ static PointerBuffer create(final ByteBuffer bb) { return Platform.is32Bit() ? new PointerBuffer( bb.asIntBuffer() ) : new PointerBuffer( bb.asLongBuffer() ); } /** supports backup array */ PointerBuffer(final IntBuffer b) { super(b, POINTER_SIZE, b.capacity()); } /** supports backup array */ PointerBuffer(final LongBuffer b) { super(b, POINTER_SIZE, b.capacity()); } private final void validateDataMap() { if(null == dataMap) { dataMap = new LongObjectHashMap(); dataMap.setKeyNotFoundValue(null); } } /** Returns a non direct PointerBuffer, having a backup array */ public static PointerBuffer allocate(final int size) { if (Platform.is32Bit()) { return new PointerBuffer(IntBuffer.wrap(new int[size])); } else { return new PointerBuffer(LongBuffer.wrap(new long[size])); } } /** Returns a direct PointerBuffer in native order, w/o backup array */ public static PointerBuffer allocateDirect(final int size) { return create(Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(POINTER_SIZE * size)); } /** Wraps given {@link ByteBuffer} {@code src} up to it {@link ByteBuffer#capacity()}/{@link #POINTER_SIZE} pointers. */ public static PointerBuffer wrap(final ByteBuffer src) { return create(src); } /** * Wraps given {@link ByteBuffer} {@code src} @ {@code srcByteOffset} to contain {@code elemCount} pointers. * @param src * @param srcByteOffset * @param elemCount * @return */ public static PointerBuffer wrap(final ByteBuffer src, final int srcByteOffset, final int elemCount) { final int oldPos = src.position(); final int oldLimit = src.limit(); src.position(srcByteOffset); src.limit(srcByteOffset + POINTER_SIZE*elemCount); final ByteBuffer ref = src.slice().order(src.order()); // slice and duplicate may change byte order src.position(oldPos); src.limit(oldLimit); return create(ref); } public static PointerBuffer derefPointer(final long aptr, final int elemCount) { if( 0 == aptr ) { throw new NullPointerException("aptr is null"); } final ByteBuffer bb = Buffers.getDirectByteBuffer(aptr, elemCount * POINTER_SIZE); if( null == bb ) { throw new InternalError("Couldn't dereference aptr 0x"+Long.toHexString(aptr)+", size "+elemCount+" * "+POINTER_SIZE); } return create(bb); } public static PointerBuffer derefPointer(final ByteBuffer ptrSrc, final int ptrSrcByteOffset, final int elemCount) { return derefPointer(wrap(ptrSrc, ptrSrcByteOffset, 1).get(0), elemCount); } /** * @return new PointerBuffer sharing the same buffer data of this instance (identity), * but having an independent position. */ public final PointerBuffer duplicate() { PointerBuffer npb; if (Platform.is32Bit()) { npb = new PointerBuffer((IntBuffer)buffer); } else { npb = new PointerBuffer((LongBuffer)buffer); } if(null != dataMap) { npb.dataMap = (LongObjectHashMap) dataMap.clone(); } npb.position = position; return npb; } @Override public final PointerBuffer put(final PointerBuffer src) { if (remaining() < src.remaining()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("remaining[this "+remaining()+" < src "+src.remaining()+"], this "+this+", src "+src); } if( null == src.dataMap && null == dataMap ) { // fast path no dataMap usage on both while (src.hasRemaining()) { put(src.get()); } } else { while (src.hasRemaining()) { final long addr = src.get(); put(addr); if( null != src.dataMap) { final Buffer bb = (Buffer) src.dataMap.get(addr); if(null!=bb) { validateDataMap(); dataMap.put(addr, bb); } else if( null != dataMap ) { dataMap.remove(addr); } } else if( null != dataMap ) { dataMap.remove(addr); } } } return this; } /** Absolute get method. Get the pointer value at the given index */ public final long get(final int idx) { if (0 > idx || idx >= limit()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("idx "+idx+" not within [0.."+limit()+"), "+this); } if (Platform.is32Bit()) { return ((IntBuffer) buffer).get(idx) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL; } else { return ((LongBuffer) buffer).get(idx); } } /** Relative get method. Get the pointer value at the current position and increment the position by one. */ public final long get() { final long r = get(position); position++; return r; } /** Absolute get method. Get element-bytes for `elemCount` elements from this buffer at `srcElemPos` into `dest` at the given element-index `destElemPos` */ public final PointerBuffer get(final int srcElemPos, final long[] dest, final int destElemPos, final int elemCount) { if (0 > srcElemPos || srcElemPos + elemCount > limit() || 0 > elemCount || 0 > destElemPos || destElemPos + elemCount > dest.length ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("destElemPos "+destElemPos+", srcElemPos "+srcElemPos+", elemCount "+elemCount+ ", srcLimit "+limit()+", destLimit "+dest.length+", "+this); } if (Platform.is32Bit()) { final IntBuffer src = (IntBuffer) buffer; for(int i=0; i [ position .. position+elemCount [ * to the destination array [ dest[destElemPos] .. dest[destElemPos+elemCount] [ * and increment the position by elemCount. */ public final PointerBuffer get(final long[] dest, final int destElemPos, final int elemCount) { get(position, dest, destElemPos, elemCount); position += elemCount; return this; } /** Absolute put method. Put the pointer value at the given index */ public final PointerBuffer put(final int idx, final long v) { if (0 > idx || idx >= limit()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("idx "+idx+" not within [0.."+limit()+"), "+this); } if (Platform.is32Bit()) { ((IntBuffer) buffer).put(idx, (int) v); } else { ((LongBuffer) buffer).put(idx, v); } return this; } /** Relative put method. Put the pointer value at the current position and increment the position by one. */ public final PointerBuffer put(final long value) { put(position, value); position++; return this; } /** Absolute put method. Put element-bytes for `elemCount` elements from `src` at `srcElemPos` into this buffer at the given element-index `destElemPos` */ public final PointerBuffer put(final long[] src, final int srcElemPos, final int destElemPos, final int elemCount) { if (0 > destElemPos || destElemPos + elemCount > limit() || 0 > elemCount || 0 > srcElemPos || srcElemPos + elemCount > src.length ) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("srcElemPos "+srcElemPos+", destElemPos "+destElemPos+", elemCount "+elemCount+ ", destLimit "+limit()+", srcLimit "+src.length+", "+this); } if (Platform.is32Bit()) { final IntBuffer dest = (IntBuffer) buffer; for(int i=0; i [ src[srcElemPos] .. src[srcElemPos+elemCount] [ * at the current position and increment the position by elemCount. */ public final PointerBuffer put(final long[] src, final int srcElemPos, final int elemCount) { put(src, srcElemPos, position, elemCount); position += elemCount; return this; } /** Put the address of the given direct Buffer at the given position of this pointer array. Adding a reference of the given direct Buffer to this object. @throws IllegalArgumentException if bb is null or not a direct buffer */ public final PointerBuffer referenceBuffer(final int index, final Buffer bb) { if(null==bb) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer is null"); } if(!Buffers.isDirect(bb)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer is not direct"); } final long mask = Platform.is32Bit() ? 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL : 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL ; final long bbAddr = Buffers.getDirectBufferAddressImpl(bb) & mask; if(0==bbAddr) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't determine native address of given Buffer: "+bb); } validateDataMap(); put(index, bbAddr); dataMap.put(bbAddr, bb); return this; } /** Put the address of the given direct Buffer at the end of this pointer array. Adding a reference of the given direct Buffer to this object. */ public final PointerBuffer referenceBuffer(final Buffer bb) { referenceBuffer(position, bb); position++; return this; } public final Buffer getReferencedBuffer(final int index) { if(null != dataMap) { final long addr = get(index); return (Buffer) dataMap.get(addr); } return null; } public final Buffer getReferencedBuffer() { final Buffer bb = getReferencedBuffer(position); position++; return bb; } @Override public String toString() { return "PointerBuffer"+toSubString(); } }