package jogamp.common.os;
import com.jogamp.common.os.DynamicLinker;
import com.jogamp.common.util.SecurityUtil;
public class WindowsDynamicLinkerImpl implements DynamicLinker {
/** Interface to C language function:
BOOL FreeLibrary(HANDLE hLibModule);
private static native int FreeLibrary(long hLibModule);
/** Interface to C language function:
DWORD GetLastError(void);
private static native int GetLastError();
/** Interface to C language function:
PROC GetProcAddressA(HANDLE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName);
private static native long GetProcAddressA(long hModule, java.lang.String lpProcName);
/** Interface to C language function:
HANDLE LoadLibraryW(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName);
private static native long LoadLibraryW(java.lang.String lpLibFileName);
// --- Begin CustomJavaCode .cfg declarations
public long openLibraryLocal(String libraryName, boolean debug) throws SecurityException {
// How does that work under Windows ?
// Don't know .. so it's an alias for the time being
return openLibraryGlobal(libraryName, debug);
public long openLibraryGlobal(String libraryName, boolean debug) throws SecurityException {
long handle = LoadLibraryW(libraryName);
if(0==handle && debug) {
int err = GetLastError();
System.err.println("LoadLibraryW \""+libraryName+"\" failed, error code: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(err)+", "+err);
return handle;
public long lookupSymbol(long libraryHandle, String symbolName) {
String _symbolName = symbolName;
long addr = GetProcAddressA(libraryHandle, _symbolName);
if(0==addr) {
// __stdcall hack: try some @nn decorations,
// the leading '_' must not be added (same with cdecl)
final int argAlignment=4; // 4 byte alignment of each argument
final int maxArguments=12; // experience ..
for(int arg=0; 0==addr && arg<=maxArguments; arg++) {
_symbolName = symbolName+"@"+(arg*argAlignment);
addr = GetProcAddressA(libraryHandle, _symbolName);
System.err.println("DynamicLinkerImpl.lookupSymbol(0x"+Long.toHexString(libraryHandle)+", "+symbolName+") -> "+_symbolName+", 0x"+Long.toHexString(addr));
return addr;
public long lookupSymbolGlobal(String symbolName) {
System.err.println("lookupSymbolGlobal: Not supported on Windows");
// allow DynamicLibraryBundle to continue w/ local libs
return 0;
public void closeLibrary(long libraryHandle) {