/** * Copyright 2014 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.common.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.jogamp.junit.util.SingletonJunitCase; import static com.jogamp.common.util.BitDemoData.*; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; /** * Test {@link Bitstream} w/ raw linear and bulk read/write access w/o semantics: * */ @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class TestBitstream01 extends SingletonJunitCase { Bitstream getTestStream(final boolean msbFirstData, final boolean msbFirstWrite, final int preBits, final int skipBits, final int postBits) throws IOException { final int bitCount = preBits+skipBits+postBits; final int byteCount = ( bitCount + 7 ) / 8; final ByteBuffer bbTest = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount); final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsTest = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbTest); final Bitstream bsTest = new Bitstream(bbsTest, true /* outputMode */); final String sTest0; if( msbFirstData ) { sTest0 = testStringMSB.substring(0, preBits+skipBits+postBits); } else { sTest0 = testStringLSB.substring(0, preBits+skipBits+postBits); } if( msbFirstData == msbFirstWrite ) { for(int i=0; i= 0; i--) { final int bit = Integer.valueOf(sTest0.substring(i, i+1)); bsTest.writeBit(msbFirstWrite, bit); } } System.err.printf("TestData: msbFirst[data %b, write %b], bits[pre %d, skip %d, post %d = %d]: <%s>%n", msbFirstData, msbFirstWrite, preBits, skipBits, postBits, bitCount, sTest0); Assert.assertEquals(preBits+skipBits+postBits, bsTest.position()); bsTest.setStream(bsTest.getSubStream(), false /* outputMode */); // switch to input-mode, implies flush() dumpData("TestData: ", bsTest.getSubStream(), 0, bsTest.getSubStream().limit()); return bsTest; } String getTestStreamResultAsString(final boolean msbFirstData, final boolean msbFirstAssemble, final int preBits, final int skipBits, final int postBits) { final String pre, post; if( msbFirstData ) { if( msbFirstAssemble ) { pre = testStringMSB.substring(0, preBits); post = testStringMSB.substring(preBits+skipBits, preBits+skipBits+postBits); } else { pre = testStringMSB.substring(postBits+skipBits, preBits+skipBits+postBits); post = testStringMSB.substring(0, postBits); } } else { if( msbFirstAssemble ) { pre = testStringLSB.substring(0, preBits); post = testStringLSB.substring(preBits+skipBits, preBits+skipBits+postBits); } else { pre = testStringMSB.substring(postBits+skipBits, preBits+skipBits+postBits); post = testStringMSB.substring(0, postBits); } } final String r = msbFirstAssemble ? pre + post : post + pre; System.err.println("ResultExp: <"+pre+"> + <"+post+"> = <"+r+">"); return r; } @Test public void test01LinearBitsMSBFirst() throws IOException { testLinearBitsImpl(true /* msbFirst */); } @Test public void test02LinearBitsLSBFirst() throws IOException { testLinearBitsImpl(false /* msbFirst */); } void testLinearBitsImpl(final boolean msbFirst) throws IOException { testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 1); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 8); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 10); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 30); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 0, 32); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 3, 0, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 8, 0, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 9, 0, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 1, 1); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 1, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 2, 8); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 8, 10); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 12, 20); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 0, 23, 9); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 1, 1, 1); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 2, 1, 3); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 7, 2, 8); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 8, 8, 8); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 15, 12, 5); testLinearBitsImpl(msbFirst, 16, 11, 5); } String readBits(final boolean msbFirst, final Bitstream copy, final Bitstream input, final int preCount, final int count) throws IOException { final StringBuilder sbRead = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while( i < count ) { final int bit = input.readBit(msbFirst); if( Bitstream.EOS == bit ) { System.err.printf(" EOS"); break; } else { sbRead.append( ( 0 != bit ) ? '1' : '0' ); i++; Assert.assertEquals(i+preCount, input.position()); if( null != copy ) { copy.writeBit(msbFirst, bit); Assert.assertEquals(i+preCount, copy.position()); } } } Assert.assertEquals(i+preCount, input.position()); if( null != copy ) { Assert.assertEquals(i+preCount, copy.position()); } return sbRead.toString(); } void testLinearBitsImpl(final boolean msbFirst, final int preBits, final int skipBits, final int postBits) throws IOException { final int totalBits = preBits+skipBits+postBits; System.err.println("XXX TestLinearBits: msbFirst "+msbFirst+", preBits "+preBits+", skipBits "+skipBits+", postBits "+postBits+", totalBits "+totalBits); // prepare bitstream System.err.println("Prepare bitstream"); final Bitstream bsTest = getTestStream(msbFirst, msbFirst, preBits, skipBits, postBits); final String sTest = getTestStreamResultAsString(msbFirst, true, preBits, skipBits, postBits); // init copy-bitstream final int byteCount = ( totalBits + 7 ) / 8; final ByteBuffer bbCopy = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount); final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsCopy = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbCopy); final Bitstream bsCopy = new Bitstream(bbsCopy, true /* outputMode */); // read-bitstream .. and copy bits while reading System.err.println("Reading bitstream: "+bsTest); { final String sReadPre = readBits(msbFirst, bsCopy, bsTest, 0, preBits); { final int skippedBits = (int) bsTest.skip(skipBits); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedBits); } { final int skippedBits = (int) bsCopy.skip(skipBits); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedBits); } final String sReadPost = readBits(msbFirst, bsCopy, bsTest, preBits+skipBits, postBits); final String sRead = sReadPre + sReadPost; System.err.println("Read.Test: <"+sReadPre+"> + <"+sReadPost+"> = <"+sRead+">"); Assert.assertEquals(sTest, sRead); Assert.assertEquals(totalBits, bsTest.position()); Assert.assertEquals(totalBits, bsCopy.position()); } // read copy .. bsCopy.setStream(bsCopy.getSubStream(), false /* outputMode */); // switch to input-mode, implies flush() dumpData("Copy", bbCopy, 0, bbCopy.limit()); System.err.println("Reading copy-bitstream: "+bsCopy); bsCopy.mark(0); // mark at beginning Assert.assertEquals(0, bsCopy.position()); { final String sReadPre1 = readBits(msbFirst, null, bsCopy, 0, preBits); { final int skippedBits = (int) bsCopy.skip(skipBits); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedBits); } final String sReadPost1 = readBits(msbFirst, null, bsCopy, preBits+skipBits, postBits); final String sRead1 = sReadPre1 + sReadPost1; System.err.println("Read.Copy.1: <"+sReadPre1+"> + <"+sReadPost1+"> = <"+sRead1+">"); Assert.assertEquals(sTest, sRead1); bsCopy.reset(); final String sReadPre2 = readBits(msbFirst, null, bsCopy, 0, preBits); Assert.assertEquals(sReadPre1, sReadPre2); { final int skippedBits = (int) bsCopy.skip(skipBits); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedBits); } final String sReadPost2 = readBits(msbFirst, null, bsCopy, preBits+skipBits, postBits); Assert.assertEquals(sReadPost1, sReadPost2); final String sRead2 = sReadPre2 + sReadPost2; System.err.println("Read.Copy.2: <"+sReadPre2+"> + <"+sReadPost2+"> = <"+sRead2+">"); Assert.assertEquals(sTest, sRead2); Assert.assertEquals(totalBits, bsCopy.position()); } } @Test public void test03BulkBits() throws IOException { testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 1); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 8); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 10); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 30); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 0, 31); testBulkBitsImpl(3, 0, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(8, 0, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(9, 0, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(5, 0, 6); testBulkBitsImpl(5, 0, 8); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 1, 1); testBulkBitsImpl(3, 6, 4); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 1, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 2, 8); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 8, 10); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 12, 20); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 23, 9); testBulkBitsImpl(0, 1, 31); testBulkBitsImpl(1, 1, 1); testBulkBitsImpl(2, 1, 3); testBulkBitsImpl(7, 2, 8); testBulkBitsImpl(8, 8, 8); testBulkBitsImpl(15, 12, 5); testBulkBitsImpl(16, 11, 5); testBulkBitsImpl(5, 6, 5); testBulkBitsImpl(5, 6, 8); } void testBulkBitsImpl(final int preBits, final int skipBits, final int postBits) throws IOException { final int totalBits = preBits+skipBits+postBits; System.err.println("XXX TestBulkBits: preBits "+preBits+", skipBits "+skipBits+", postBits "+postBits+", totalBits "+totalBits); // prepare bitstream System.err.println("Prepare bitstream"); final Bitstream bsTest = getTestStream(true, false, preBits, skipBits, postBits); final String sTest = getTestStreamResultAsString(true, false, preBits, skipBits, postBits); // init copy-bitstream final int byteCount = ( totalBits + 7 ) / 8; final ByteBuffer bbCopy = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteCount); final Bitstream.ByteBufferStream bbsCopy = new Bitstream.ByteBufferStream(bbCopy); final Bitstream bsCopy = new Bitstream(bbsCopy, true /* outputMode */); // read-bitstream .. and copy bits while reading System.err.println("Reading bitstream: "+bsTest); { final int readBitsPre = bsTest.readBits31(preBits); Assert.assertEquals(readBitsPre, bsCopy.writeBits31(preBits, readBitsPre)); final int skippedReadBits = (int) bsTest.skip(skipBits); final int skippedBitsCopy = (int) bsCopy.skip(skipBits); final int readBitsPost = bsTest.readBits31(postBits); Assert.assertEquals(readBitsPost, bsCopy.writeBits31(postBits, readBitsPost)); final String sReadPreLo = toBinaryString(readBitsPre, preBits); final String sReadPostHi = toBinaryString(readBitsPost, postBits); final String sRead = sReadPostHi + sReadPreLo; System.err.println("Read.Test: <"+sReadPreLo+"> + <"+sReadPostHi+"> = <"+sRead+">"); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedReadBits); Assert.assertEquals(sTest, sRead); Assert.assertEquals(totalBits, bsTest.position()); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedBitsCopy); } // read copy .. bsCopy.setStream(bsCopy.getSubStream(), false /* outputMode */); // switch to input-mode, implies flush() dumpData("Copy", bbCopy, 0, bbCopy.limit()); System.err.println("Reading copy-bitstream: "+bsCopy); Assert.assertEquals(0, bsCopy.position()); { final int copyBitsPre = bsCopy.readBits31(preBits); final int skippedCopyBits = (int) bsCopy.skip(skipBits); final int copyBitsPost = bsCopy.readBits31(postBits); final String sCopyPreLo = toBinaryString(copyBitsPre, preBits); final String sCopyPostHi = toBinaryString(copyBitsPost, postBits); final String sCopy = sCopyPostHi + sCopyPreLo; System.err.println("Copy.Test: <"+sCopyPreLo+"> + <"+sCopyPostHi+"> = <"+sCopy+">"); Assert.assertEquals(skipBits, skippedCopyBits); Assert.assertEquals(sTest, sCopy); Assert.assertEquals(totalBits, bsCopy.position()); } } @Test public void test05ErrorHandling() throws IOException { // prepare bitstream final Bitstream bsTest = getTestStream(false, false, 0, 0, 0); System.err.println("01a: "+bsTest); bsTest.close(); System.err.println("01b: "+bsTest); try { bsTest.readBit(false); } catch (final Exception e) { Assert.assertNotNull(e); } try { bsTest.writeBit(false, 1); } catch (final Exception e) { Assert.assertNotNull(e); } } public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException { final String tstname = TestBitstream01.class.getName(); org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(tstname); } }