path: root/src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java
diff options
authorHarvey Harrison <[email protected]>2015-04-19 21:02:06 -0700
committerHarvey Harrison <[email protected]>2015-04-19 21:02:06 -0700
commit7a2e20caac9db6f789a7b3fab344b9758af45335 (patch)
treeb5236ff2570178de356eab569225108948eb4d30 /src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java
parentf76ce302c4bb2a9f03bbee571ec5d05c29633023 (diff)
j3dcore: flatten the directory structure a bit
Signed-off-by: Harvey Harrison <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java')
1 files changed, 1746 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java b/src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7e55f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/javax/media/j3d/RenderingEnvironmentStructure.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1746 @@
+ * Copyright 1999-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
+ * have any questions.
+ *
+ */
+package javax.media.j3d;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
+ * A rendering environment structure is an object that organizes lights,
+ * fogs, backgrounds, clips, and model clips.
+ */
+class RenderingEnvironmentStructure extends J3dStructure implements ObjectUpdate {
+ * The list of light nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<LightRetained> nonViewScopedLights = new ArrayList<LightRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<LightRetained>> viewScopedLights = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<LightRetained>>();
+int numberOfLights = 0;
+ * The list of fog nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<FogRetained> nonViewScopedFogs = new ArrayList<FogRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<FogRetained>> viewScopedFogs = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<FogRetained>>();
+int numberOfFogs = 0;
+ * The list of alternate app nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> nonViewScopedAltAppearances = new ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained>> viewScopedAltAppearances = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained>>();
+int numberOfAltApps = 0;
+ * The list of model clip nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> nonViewScopedModelClips = new ArrayList<ModelClipRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<ModelClipRetained>> viewScopedModelClips = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<ModelClipRetained>>();
+int numberOfModelClips = 0;
+ * The list of background nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> nonViewScopedBackgrounds = new ArrayList<BackgroundRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<BackgroundRetained>> viewScopedBackgrounds = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<BackgroundRetained>>();
+int numberOfBgs = 0;
+ * The list of clip nodes
+ */
+ArrayList<ClipRetained> nonViewScopedClips = new ArrayList<ClipRetained>();
+HashMap<View, ArrayList<ClipRetained>> viewScopedClips = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<ClipRetained>>();
+int numberOfClips = 0;
+ // For closest Background selection
+ BackgroundRetained[] intersectedBacks = new BackgroundRetained[1];
+ // For closest Clip selection
+ ClipRetained[] intersectedClips = new ClipRetained[1];
+ // For closest Background, Clip, Fog selection
+ Bounds[] intersectedBounds = new Bounds[1];
+ Transform3D localeXform = new Transform3D();
+ Vector3d localeTranslation = new Vector3d();
+ // For closest Fog selection
+ FogRetained[] intersectedFogs = new FogRetained[1];
+ // for closest alternate appearance selection
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained[] intersectedAltApps = new AlternateAppearanceRetained[1];
+ // For closest ModelClip selection
+ ModelClipRetained[] intersectedModelClips = new ModelClipRetained[1];
+ // Back clip distance in V world
+ double backClipDistance;
+// ArrayList of leafRetained object whose mirrorObjects
+// should be updated
+ArrayList<Object[]> objList = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
+// ArrayList of leafRetained object whose boundingleaf xform
+// should be updated
+ArrayList<LeafRetained> xformChangeList = new ArrayList<LeafRetained>();
+// freelist management of objects
+private final ArrayList<Object[]> objFreeList = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
+ LightRetained[] retlights = new LightRetained[5];
+ // variables used for processing transform messages
+ boolean transformMsg = false;
+ UpdateTargets targets = null;
+ ArrayList blUsers = null;
+ Integer ogInsert = new Integer(J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_INSERTED);
+ Integer ogRemove = new Integer(J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_REMOVED);
+ // Used to lock the intersectedBounds {used by fog, mclip etc}
+ // Can used intersectedBounds itself, since this may be realloced
+ Object lockObj = new Object();
+ /**
+ * Constructs a RenderingEnvironmentStructure object in the specified
+ * virtual universe.
+ */
+ RenderingEnvironmentStructure(VirtualUniverse u) {
+ }
+ * Returns a object array of length 5 to save the 5 objects in the message list.
+ */
+Object[] getObjectArray() {
+ int size = objFreeList.size();
+ if (size == 0)
+ return new Object[5];
+ return objFreeList.remove(size - 1);
+void addObjArrayToFreeList(Object[] objs) {
+ Arrays.fill(objs, null);
+ objFreeList.add(objs);
+public void updateObject() {
+ int size;
+ size = objList.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ Object[] args = objList.get(i);
+ LeafRetained leaf = (LeafRetained)args[0];
+ leaf.updateMirrorObject(args);
+ addObjArrayToFreeList(args);
+ }
+ objList.clear();
+ size = xformChangeList.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ xformChangeList.get(i).updateTransformChange();
+ }
+ xformChangeList.clear();
+ @Override
+ void processMessages(long referenceTime) {
+ J3dMessage[] messages = getMessages(referenceTime);;
+ J3dMessage m;
+ int nMsg = getNumMessage();
+ if (nMsg <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i < nMsg; i++) {
+ m = messages[i];
+ switch (m.type) {
+ case J3dMessage.INSERT_NODES:
+ insertNodes(m);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.REMOVE_NODES:
+ removeNodes(m);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.LIGHT_CHANGED:
+ updateLight(m.args);
+ break;
+ updateBoundingLeaf(m.args);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.FOG_CHANGED:
+ updateFog(m.args);
+ break;
+ updateAltApp(m.args);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.SHAPE3D_CHANGED:
+ updateShape3D(m.args);
+ break;
+ updateOrientedShape3D(m.args);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.MORPH_CHANGED:
+ updateMorph(m.args);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.TRANSFORM_CHANGED:
+ transformMsg = true;
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.SWITCH_CHANGED:
+ processSwitchChanged(m);
+ // may need to process dirty switched-on transform
+ if (universe.transformStructure.getLazyUpdate()) {
+ transformMsg = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.MODELCLIP_CHANGED:
+ updateModelClip(m.args);
+ break;
+ updateBackground(m.args);
+ break;
+ case J3dMessage.CLIP_CHANGED:
+ updateClip(m.args);
+ break;
+ updateOrderedGroupInserted(m);
+ break;
+ updateOrderedGroupsRemoved(m);
+ break;
+ updateViewSpecificGroupChanged(m);
+ break;
+ initViewSpecificInfo(m);
+ break;
+ clearViewSpecificInfo(m);
+ break;
+ }
+ m.decRefcount();
+ }
+ if (transformMsg) {
+ updateTransformChange();
+ transformMsg = false;
+ }
+ VirtualUniverse.mc.addMirrorObject(this);
+ Arrays.fill(messages, 0, nMsg, null);
+ }
+ void updateOrderedGroupInserted(J3dMessage m) {
+ Object[] ogList = (Object[])m.args[0];
+ Object[] ogChildIdList = (Object[])m.args[1];
+ Object[] ogOrderedIdList = (Object[])m.args[2];
+ OrderedGroupRetained og;
+ for (int n = 0; n < ogList.length; n++) {
+ og = (OrderedGroupRetained)ogList[n];
+ og.updateChildIdTableInserted(((Integer) ogChildIdList[n]).intValue(),
+ ((Integer) ogOrderedIdList[n]).intValue());
+ og.incrChildCount();
+ }
+ }
+ void updateOrderedGroupsRemoved(J3dMessage m) {
+ Object[] ogList = (Object[])m.args[0];
+ Object[] ogChildIdList = (Object[])m.args[1];
+ OrderedGroupRetained og;
+ for (int n = 0; n < ogList.length; n++) {
+ og = (OrderedGroupRetained)ogList[n];
+ og.updateChildIdTableRemoved(((Integer) ogChildIdList[n]).intValue());
+ og.decrChildCount();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This processes a switch change.
+ */
+ void processSwitchChanged(J3dMessage m) {
+ int i;
+ UnorderList arrList;
+ int size;
+ Object[] nodes, nodesArr;
+ LeafRetained leaf;
+ UpdateTargets targets = (UpdateTargets)m.args[0];
+ arrList = targets.targetList[Targets.BLN_TARGETS];
+ if (arrList != null) {
+ BoundingLeafRetained mbleaf;
+ Object[] objArr = (Object[])m.args[1];
+ Object[] obj;
+ size = arrList.size();
+ nodesArr = arrList.toArray(false);
+ for (int h=0; h<size; h++) {
+ nodes = (Object[])nodesArr[h];
+ obj = (Object[])objArr[h];
+ for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
+ Object[] users = (Object[])obj[i];
+ mbleaf = (BoundingLeafRetained)nodes[i];
+ //mbleaf.switchState.updateCurrentSwitchOn();
+ for (int j = 0; j < users.length; j++) {
+ leaf = (LeafRetained)users[j];
+ if (leaf instanceof FogRetained ||
+ leaf instanceof LightRetained ||
+ leaf instanceof ModelClipRetained ||
+ leaf instanceof ClipRetained ||
+ leaf instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained ||
+ leaf instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ leaf.updateBoundingLeaf();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void insertNodes(J3dMessage m) {
+ Object[] nodes = (Object[])m.args[0];
+ ArrayList<NodeRetained> viewScopedNodes = (ArrayList<NodeRetained>)m.args[3];
+ ArrayList<ArrayList<View>> scopedNodesViewList = (ArrayList<ArrayList<View>>)m.args[4];
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
+ Object n = nodes[i];
+ if (n instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained lt = (LightRetained)n;
+ numberOfLights++;
+ // If this particulat light is not scoped, added it
+ // to all the views
+ if (lt.inBackgroundGroup)
+ lt.geometryBackground.lights.add(lt);
+ else
+ nonViewScopedLights.add(lt);
+ } else if (n instanceof FogRetained) {
+ FogRetained fg = (FogRetained)n;
+ numberOfFogs++;
+ // If the fog is scoped to a view , then ..
+ if (fg.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ fg.geometryBackground.fogs.add(fg);
+ } else {
+ nonViewScopedFogs.add(fg);
+ }
+ } else if (n instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altApp = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)n;
+ numberOfAltApps++;
+ nonViewScopedAltAppearances.add(altApp);
+ } else if (n instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = (BackgroundRetained)n;
+ numberOfBgs++;
+ nonViewScopedBackgrounds.add(bg);
+ } else if (n instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ ClipRetained cl = (ClipRetained)n;
+ numberOfClips++;
+ nonViewScopedClips.add(cl);
+ } else if (n instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mc = (ModelClipRetained)n;
+ numberOfModelClips++;
+ nonViewScopedModelClips.add(mc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (viewScopedNodes != null) {
+ int size = viewScopedNodes.size();
+ int vlsize;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ NodeRetained n = viewScopedNodes.get(i);
+ ArrayList<View> vl = scopedNodesViewList.get(i);
+ if (n instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained lt = (LightRetained) n;
+ lt.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfLights++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<LightRetained> list = viewScopedLights.get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<LightRetained>();
+ viewScopedLights.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(lt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof FogRetained) {
+ FogRetained ft = (FogRetained) n;
+ ft.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfFogs++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<FogRetained> list = viewScopedFogs.get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<FogRetained>();
+ viewScopedFogs.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(ft);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained aart = (AlternateAppearanceRetained) n;
+ aart.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfAltApps++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> list = viewScopedAltAppearances
+ .get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained>();
+ viewScopedAltAppearances.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(aart);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ BackgroundRetained bt = (BackgroundRetained) n;
+ bt.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfBgs++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> list = viewScopedBackgrounds
+ .get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<BackgroundRetained>();
+ viewScopedBackgrounds.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(bt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ ClipRetained ct = (ClipRetained) n;
+ ct.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfClips++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<ClipRetained> list = viewScopedClips.get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<ClipRetained>();
+ viewScopedClips.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(ct);
+ }
+ } else if (n instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mt = (ModelClipRetained)n;
+ mt.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfModelClips++;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> list = viewScopedModelClips.get(view);
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList<ModelClipRetained>();
+ viewScopedModelClips.put(view, list);
+ }
+ list.add(mt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (numberOfLights > retlights.length)
+ retlights = new LightRetained[numberOfLights];
+ if (intersectedFogs.length < numberOfFogs)
+ intersectedFogs = new FogRetained[numberOfFogs];
+ if (intersectedAltApps.length < numberOfAltApps)
+ intersectedAltApps = new AlternateAppearanceRetained[numberOfAltApps];
+ if (intersectedBacks.length < numberOfBgs)
+ intersectedBacks = new BackgroundRetained[numberOfBgs];
+ if (intersectedClips.length < numberOfClips)
+ intersectedClips = new ClipRetained[numberOfClips];
+ if (intersectedModelClips.length < numberOfModelClips)
+ intersectedModelClips = new ModelClipRetained[numberOfModelClips];
+ }
+ @Override
+ void removeNodes(J3dMessage m) {
+ Object[] nodes = (Object[])m.args[0];
+ ArrayList<NodeRetained> viewScopedNodes = (ArrayList<NodeRetained>)m.args[3];
+ ArrayList<ArrayList<View>> scopedNodesViewList = (ArrayList<ArrayList<View>>)m.args[4];
+ int i;
+ GeometryAtom ga;
+ LeafRetained oldsrc = null;
+ // System.err.println("RE : removeNodes message " + m);
+ // System.err.println("RE : removeNodes m.args[0] " + m.args[0]);
+ for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
+ Object n = nodes[i];
+ if (n instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained lt = (LightRetained)n;
+ if (lt.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ lt.geometryBackground.lights.remove(lt);
+ }
+ else {
+ nonViewScopedLights.remove(lt);
+ }
+ numberOfLights--;
+ } else if (n instanceof FogRetained) {
+ numberOfFogs--;
+ FogRetained fg = (FogRetained)n;
+ if (fg.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ fg.geometryBackground.fogs.remove(fg);
+ } else {
+ nonViewScopedFogs.remove(nonViewScopedFogs.indexOf(n));
+ }
+ } else if (n instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ numberOfAltApps--;
+ nonViewScopedAltAppearances.remove(nonViewScopedAltAppearances.indexOf(n));
+ }else if (n instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ numberOfBgs--;
+ nonViewScopedBackgrounds.remove(nonViewScopedBackgrounds.indexOf(n));
+ } else if (n instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ numberOfClips--;
+ nonViewScopedClips.remove(nonViewScopedClips.indexOf(n));
+ } else if (n instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mc = (ModelClipRetained)n;
+ numberOfModelClips--;
+ nonViewScopedModelClips.remove(mc);
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof GeometryAtom) {
+ ga = (GeometryAtom)n;
+ // Check that we have not already cleared the mirrorobject
+ // since mant geometry atoms could be generated for one
+ // mirror shape
+ if (ga.source != oldsrc) {
+ ga.source.clearMirrorShape();
+ oldsrc = ga.source;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof OrderedGroupRetained) {
+ // Clear the orderedBins for this orderedGroup
+ ((OrderedGroupRetained)n).clearDerivedDataStructures();
+ }
+ }
+ if (viewScopedNodes != null) {
+ int size = viewScopedNodes.size();
+ int vlsize;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ NodeRetained n = viewScopedNodes.get(i);
+ ArrayList<View> vl = scopedNodesViewList.get(i);
+ if (n instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained lt = (LightRetained) n;
+ lt.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfLights--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<LightRetained> list = viewScopedLights.get(view);
+ list.remove(lt);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedLights.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof FogRetained) {
+ FogRetained ft = (FogRetained)n;
+ ft.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfFogs--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<FogRetained> list = viewScopedFogs.get(view);
+ list.remove(ft);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedFogs.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (n instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained aart = (AlternateAppearanceRetained) n;
+ aart.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfAltApps--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> list = viewScopedAltAppearances
+ .get(view);
+ list.remove(aart);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedAltAppearances.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ BackgroundRetained bt = (BackgroundRetained)n;
+ bt.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfBgs--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> list = viewScopedBackgrounds.get(view);
+ list.remove(bt);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedBackgrounds.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ ClipRetained ct = (ClipRetained) n;
+ ct.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfClips--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<ClipRetained> list = viewScopedClips.get(view);
+ list.remove(ct);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedClips.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (n instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mt = (ModelClipRetained)n;
+ mt.isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfModelClips--;
+ vlsize = vl.size();
+ for (int k = 0; k < vlsize; k++) {
+ View view = vl.get(k);
+ ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> list = viewScopedModelClips.get(view);
+ list.remove(mt);
+ if (list.size() == 0) {
+ viewScopedModelClips.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LightRetained[] getInfluencingLights(RenderAtom ra, View view) {
+ LightRetained[] lightAry = null;
+ int i, j;
+ // Need to lock retlights, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized (retlights) {
+ ArrayList<LightRetained> globalLights;
+ int numLights = 0;
+ if (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ globalLights = ra.geometryAtom.source.geometryBackground.lights;
+ numLights = processLights(globalLights, ra, numLights);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((globalLights = viewScopedLights.get(view)) != null) {
+ numLights = processLights(globalLights, ra, numLights);
+ }
+ // now process the common lights
+ numLights = processLights(nonViewScopedLights, ra, numLights);
+ }
+ boolean newLights = false;
+ if (ra.lights != null && ra.lights.length == numLights) {
+ for (i=0; i<ra.lights.length; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<numLights; j++) {
+ if (ra.lights[i] == retlights[j]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (j==numLights) {
+ newLights = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ newLights = true;
+ }
+ if (newLights) {
+ lightAry = new LightRetained[numLights];
+ for (i = 0; i < numLights; i++) {
+ lightAry[i] = retlights[i];
+ }
+ return (lightAry);
+ } else {
+ return(ra.lights);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Called while holding the retlights lock
+private int processLights(ArrayList<LightRetained> globalLights, RenderAtom ra, int numLights) {
+ LightRetained[] shapeScopedLt;
+ Bounds bounds;
+ int i, j, n;
+ bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ int size = globalLights.size();
+ if (size > 0) {
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ LightRetained light = globalLights.get(i);
+ // System.err.println("vwcBounds = "+bounds);
+ // System.err.println("light.region = "+light.region);
+ // System.err.println("Intersected = "+bounds.intersect(light.region));
+ // System.err.println("");
+ // if ((light.viewList != null && light.viewList.contains(view)) &&
+ // Treat lights in background geo as having infinite bounds
+ if (light.lightOn && light.switchState.currentSwitchOn &&
+ (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup || bounds.intersect(light.region))){
+ // Get the mirror Shape3D node
+ n = ra.geometryAtom.source.numlights;
+ shapeScopedLt = ra.geometryAtom.source.lights;
+ // System.err.println("numLights per shape= "+n);
+ // scoped Fog/light is kept in the original
+ // shape3D node, what happens if this list changes
+ // while accessing them?. So, Lock.
+ if (light.isScoped) {
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ // then check if the light is scoped to
+ // this group
+ if (light == shapeScopedLt[j]) {
+ retlights[numLights++] = light;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ retlights[numLights++] = light;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numLights;
+ }
+FogRetained getInfluencingFog(RenderAtom ra, View view) {
+ FogRetained fog = null;
+ int j, nfogs;
+ Bounds closestBounds;
+ // Need to lock lockObj, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized(lockObj) {
+ nfogs = 0;
+ Bounds bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ if (intersectedBounds.length < numberOfFogs)
+ intersectedBounds = new Bounds[numberOfFogs];
+ ArrayList<FogRetained> globalFogs;
+ if (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ globalFogs = ra.geometryAtom.source.geometryBackground.fogs;
+ nfogs = processFogs(globalFogs, ra, nfogs);
+ // If background, then nfogs > 1, take the first one
+ if (nfogs >= 1)
+ fog = intersectedFogs[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((globalFogs = viewScopedFogs.get(view)) != null) {
+ nfogs = processFogs(globalFogs, ra, nfogs);
+ }
+ // now process the common fogs
+ nfogs = processFogs(nonViewScopedFogs, ra, nfogs);
+ if (nfogs == 1)
+ fog = intersectedFogs[0];
+ else if (nfogs > 1) {
+ closestBounds = bounds.closestIntersection(intersectedBounds);
+ for (j= 0; j < nfogs; j++) {
+ if (intersectedBounds[j] == closestBounds) {
+ fog = intersectedFogs[j];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (fog);
+ }
+ }
+ // Called while holding lockObj lock
+ int processFogs(ArrayList<FogRetained> globalFogs, RenderAtom ra, int numFogs) {
+ int size = globalFogs.size();
+ FogRetained fog;
+ int i, k, n;
+ Bounds bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ FogRetained[] shapeScopedFog;
+ if (globalFogs.size() > 0) {
+ for (i = 0 ; i < size; i++) {
+ fog = globalFogs.get(i);
+ // Note : There is no enable check for fog
+ if (fog.region != null && fog.switchState.currentSwitchOn &&
+ (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup || fog.region.intersect(bounds))) {
+ n = ra.geometryAtom.source.numfogs;
+ shapeScopedFog = ra.geometryAtom.source.fogs;
+ if (fog.isScoped) {
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ // then check if the Fog is scoped to
+ // this group
+ if (fog == shapeScopedFog[k]) {
+ intersectedBounds[numFogs] = fog.region;
+ intersectedFogs[numFogs++] = fog;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ intersectedBounds[numFogs] = fog.region;
+ intersectedFogs[numFogs++] = fog;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numFogs;
+ }
+ModelClipRetained getInfluencingModelClip(RenderAtom ra, View view) {
+ if (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup)
+ return null;
+ // Need to lock lockObj, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized (lockObj) {
+ Bounds bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ int nModelClips = 0;
+ if (intersectedBounds.length < numberOfModelClips)
+ intersectedBounds = new Bounds[numberOfModelClips];
+ ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> globalModelClips = viewScopedModelClips.get(view);
+ if (globalModelClips != null)
+ nModelClips = processModelClips(globalModelClips, ra, nModelClips);
+ // now process the common clips
+ nModelClips = processModelClips(nonViewScopedModelClips, ra, nModelClips);
+ ModelClipRetained modelClip = null;
+ if (nModelClips == 1)
+ modelClip = intersectedModelClips[0];
+ else if (nModelClips > 1) {
+ Bounds closestBounds = bounds.closestIntersection(intersectedBounds);
+ for (int j = 0; j < nModelClips; j++) {
+ if (intersectedBounds[j] == closestBounds) {
+ modelClip = intersectedModelClips[j];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return modelClip;
+ }
+int processModelClips(ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> globalModelClips, RenderAtom ra, int nModelClips) {
+ int size = globalModelClips.size();
+ int i, k, n;
+ ModelClipRetained modelClip;
+ Bounds bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ ModelClipRetained[] shapeScopedModelClip;
+ if (size > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ modelClip = globalModelClips.get(i);
+ if (modelClip.enableFlag == true &&
+ modelClip.region != null && modelClip.switchState.currentSwitchOn) {
+ if (modelClip.region.intersect(bounds) == true) {
+ n = ra.geometryAtom.source.numModelClips;
+ shapeScopedModelClip = ra.geometryAtom.source.modelClips;
+ if (modelClip.isScoped) {
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ // then check if the modelClip is scoped to
+ // this group
+ if (shapeScopedModelClip[k] == modelClip) {
+ intersectedBounds[nModelClips] = modelClip.region;
+ intersectedModelClips[nModelClips++] = modelClip;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ intersectedBounds[nModelClips] = modelClip.region;
+ intersectedModelClips[nModelClips++] = modelClip;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nModelClips;
+ }
+ BackgroundRetained getApplicationBackground(BoundingSphere bounds, Locale viewLocale, View view) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = null;
+ Bounds closestBounds;
+ int j = 0;
+ int nbacks;
+ // Need to lock lockObj, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized(lockObj) {
+ nbacks = 0;
+ if (intersectedBounds.length < numberOfBgs)
+ intersectedBounds = new Bounds[numberOfBgs];
+ ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> globalBgs = viewScopedBackgrounds.get(view);
+ if (globalBgs != null)
+ nbacks = processBgs(globalBgs, bounds, nbacks, viewLocale);
+ nbacks = processBgs(nonViewScopedBackgrounds, bounds, nbacks, viewLocale);
+ // If there are no intersections, set to black.
+ if (nbacks == 1) {
+ bg = intersectedBacks[0];
+ } else if (nbacks > 1) {
+ closestBounds =
+ bounds.closestIntersection(intersectedBounds);
+ for (j=0; j<nbacks; j++) {
+ if (intersectedBounds[j] == closestBounds) {
+ bg = intersectedBacks[j];
+ //System.err.println("matched " + closestBounds);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (bg);
+ }
+ }
+// Called while holding lockObj lock
+int processBgs(ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> globalBgs, BoundingSphere bounds, int nbacks, Locale viewLocale) {
+ int size = globalBgs.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ BackgroundRetained back = globalBgs.get(i);
+ if (back.transformedRegion == null || !back.switchState.currentSwitchOn)
+ continue;
+ if (back.cachedLocale != viewLocale) {
+ Bounds localeBounds = (Bounds)back.transformedRegion.clone();
+ // Translate the transformed region
+ back.cachedLocale.hiRes.difference(viewLocale.hiRes, localeTranslation);
+ localeXform.setIdentity();
+ localeXform.setTranslation(localeTranslation);
+ localeBounds.transform(localeXform);
+ if (localeBounds.intersect(bounds) == true) {
+ intersectedBounds[nbacks] = localeBounds;
+ intersectedBacks[nbacks++] = back;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (back.transformedRegion.intersect(bounds) == true) {
+ intersectedBounds[nbacks] = back.transformedRegion;
+ intersectedBacks[nbacks++] = back;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nbacks;
+ double[] backClipDistanceInVworld (BoundingSphere bounds, View view) {
+ int j;
+ Bounds closestBounds;
+ boolean backClipActive;
+ double[] backClipDistance;
+ double distance;
+ // Need to lock intersectedBounds, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized(lockObj) {
+ backClipDistance = null;
+ backClipActive = false;
+ int nclips = 0;
+ distance = 0.0;
+ if (intersectedBounds.length < numberOfClips)
+ intersectedBounds = new Bounds[numberOfClips];
+ ArrayList<ClipRetained> globalClips = viewScopedClips.get(view);
+ if (globalClips != null)
+ nclips = processClips(globalClips, bounds, nclips);
+ nclips = processClips(nonViewScopedClips, bounds, nclips);
+ if (nclips == 1) {
+ distance = intersectedClips[0].backDistanceInVworld;
+ backClipActive = true;
+ } else if (nclips > 1) {
+ closestBounds =
+ bounds.closestIntersection(intersectedBounds);
+ for (j=0; j < nclips; j++) {
+ if (intersectedBounds[j] == closestBounds) {
+ distance = intersectedClips[j].backDistanceInVworld;
+ backClipActive = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (backClipActive) {
+ backClipDistance = new double[1];
+ backClipDistance[0] = distance;
+ }
+ return (backClipDistance);
+ }
+ }
+int processClips(ArrayList<ClipRetained> globalClips, BoundingSphere bounds, int nclips) {
+ int size = globalClips.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ClipRetained clip = globalClips.get(i);
+ if (clip.transformedRegion != null &&
+ clip.transformedRegion.intersect(bounds) == true &&
+ clip.switchState.currentSwitchOn) {
+ intersectedBounds[nclips] = clip.transformedRegion;
+ intersectedClips[nclips++] = clip;
+ }
+ }
+ return nclips;
+ void updateLight(Object[] args) {
+ Object[] objs;
+ LightRetained light = (LightRetained)args[0];
+ int component = ((Integer)args[1]).intValue();
+ // Store the value to be updated during object update
+ // If its an ambient light, then if color changed, update immediately
+ if ((component & (LightRetained.INIT_MIRROR)) != 0) {
+ light.initMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ if (light instanceof AmbientLightRetained &&
+ ((component & LightRetained.COLOR_CHANGED) != 0)) {
+ light.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ else if ((component & (LightRetained.COLOR_CHANGED|
+ LightRetained.INIT_MIRROR |
+ PointLightRetained.POSITION_CHANGED |
+ DirectionalLightRetained.DIRECTION_CHANGED |
+ SpotLightRetained.DIRECTION_CHANGED |
+ SpotLightRetained.ANGLE_CHANGED)) != 0) {
+ objs = getObjectArray();
+ objs[0] = args[0];
+ objs[1] = args[1];
+ objs[2] = args[2];
+ objs[3] = args[3];
+ objs[4] = args[4];
+ objList.add(objs);
+ }
+ else if ((component & LightRetained.CLEAR_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ light.clearMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ else {
+ light.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ }
+ void updateBackground(Object[] args) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = (BackgroundRetained)args[0];
+ bg.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ void updateFog(Object[] args) {
+ Object[] objs;
+ FogRetained fog = (FogRetained)args[0];
+ int component = ((Integer)args[1]).intValue();
+ if ((component & FogRetained.INIT_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ fog.initMirrorObject(args);
+ // Color, distance et all should be updated when renderer
+ // is not running ..
+ objs = getObjectArray();
+ objs[0] = args[0];
+ objs[1] = args[1];
+ objs[2] = args[2];
+ objs[3] = args[3];
+ objs[4] = args[4];
+ objList.add(objs);
+ }
+ else if ((component & FogRetained.CLEAR_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ fog.clearMirrorObject(args);
+ // Store the value to be updated during object update
+ } else if ((component & (FogRetained.COLOR_CHANGED |
+ ExponentialFogRetained.DENSITY_CHANGED)) != 0) {
+ objs = getObjectArray();
+ objs[0] = args[0];
+ objs[1] = args[1];
+ objs[2] = args[2];
+ objs[3] = args[3];
+ objs[4] = args[4];
+ objList.add(objs);
+ }
+ else {
+ fog.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ }
+ void updateAltApp(Object[] args) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altApp = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)args[0];
+ int component = ((Integer)args[1]).intValue();
+ if ((component & AlternateAppearanceRetained.INIT_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altapp = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)args[0];
+ altapp.initMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ else if ((component & AlternateAppearanceRetained.CLEAR_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altapp = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)args[0];
+ altapp.clearMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ else {
+ altApp.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ }
+ void updateClip(Object[] args) {
+ ClipRetained clip = (ClipRetained)args[0];
+ clip.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ void updateModelClip(Object[] args) {
+ ModelClipRetained modelClip = (ModelClipRetained)args[0];
+ Object[] objs;
+ int component = ((Integer)args[1]).intValue();
+ if ((component & ModelClipRetained.INIT_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ modelClip.initMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ if ((component & ModelClipRetained.CLEAR_MIRROR) != 0) {
+ modelClip.clearMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ else if ((component & (ModelClipRetained.PLANES_CHANGED |
+ ModelClipRetained.INIT_MIRROR |
+ ModelClipRetained.PLANE_CHANGED)) != 0) {
+ objs = getObjectArray();
+ objs[0] = args[0];
+ objs[1] = args[1];
+ objs[2] = args[2];
+ objs[3] = args[3];
+ objs[4] = args[4];
+ objList.add(objs);
+ }
+ else {
+ modelClip.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ }
+ void updateBoundingLeaf(Object[] args) {
+ BoundingLeafRetained bl = (BoundingLeafRetained)args[0];
+ Object[] users = (Object[])(args[3]);
+ bl.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ // Now update all users of this bounding leaf object
+ for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
+ LeafRetained mLeaf = (LeafRetained)users[i];
+ mLeaf.updateBoundingLeaf();
+ }
+ }
+ void updateShape3D(Object[] args) {
+ Shape3DRetained shape = (Shape3DRetained)args[0];
+ shape.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ void updateOrientedShape3D(Object[] args) {
+ OrientedShape3DRetained shape = (OrientedShape3DRetained)args[4];
+ shape.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ void updateMorph(Object[] args) {
+ MorphRetained morph = (MorphRetained)args[0];
+ morph.updateImmediateMirrorObject(args);
+ }
+ void updateTransformChange() {
+ int i,j;
+ Object[] nodes, nodesArr;
+ BoundingLeafRetained bl;
+ UnorderList arrList;
+ int size;
+ targets = universe.transformStructure.getTargetList();
+ blUsers = universe.transformStructure.getBlUsers();
+ // process misc environment nodes
+ arrList = targets.targetList[Targets.ENV_TARGETS];
+ if (arrList != null) {
+ size = arrList.size();
+ nodesArr = arrList.toArray(false);
+ for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
+ nodes = (Object[])nodesArr[j];
+ for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i] instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained ml = (LightRetained)nodes[i];
+ ml.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ xformChangeList.add(ml);
+ } else if (nodes[i] instanceof FogRetained) {
+ FogRetained mfog = (FogRetained) nodes[i];
+ mfog.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ xformChangeList.add(mfog);
+ } else if (nodes[i] instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained){
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained mAltApp =
+ (AlternateAppearanceRetained) nodes[i];
+ mAltApp.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ xformChangeList.add(mAltApp);
+ } else if (nodes[i] instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = (BackgroundRetained) nodes[i];
+ bg.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ } else if (nodes[i] instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mc = (ModelClipRetained) nodes[i];
+ mc.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // process BoundingLeaf nodes
+ arrList = targets.targetList[Targets.BLN_TARGETS];
+ if (arrList != null) {
+ size = arrList.size();
+ nodesArr = arrList.toArray(false);
+ for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
+ nodes = (Object[])nodesArr[j];
+ for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ bl = (BoundingLeafRetained)nodes[i];
+ bl.updateImmediateTransformChange();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now notify the list of all users of bounding leaves
+ // to update its boundingleaf transformed region
+ if (blUsers != null) {
+ for (i = 0; i < blUsers.size(); i++) {
+ LeafRetained leaf = (LeafRetained) blUsers.get(i);
+ leaf.updateBoundingLeaf();
+ }
+ }
+ targets = null;
+ blUsers = null;
+ }
+ // The first element is TRUE, if alternate app is in effect
+ // The second element return the appearance that should be used
+ // Note , I can't just return null for app, then I don't know
+ // if the appearance is null or if the alternate app in not
+ // in effect
+ Object[] getInfluencingAppearance(RenderAtom ra, View view) {
+ int j;
+ Bounds closestBounds;
+ Bounds bounds;
+ Object[] retVal;
+ retVal = new Object[2];
+ if (ra.geometryAtom.source.inBackgroundGroup) {
+ retVal[0] = Boolean.FALSE;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ // Need to lock lockObj, since on a multi-processor
+ // system with 2 views on a single universe, there might
+ // be councurrent access
+ synchronized(lockObj) {
+ int nAltApp = 0;
+ bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ if (intersectedBounds.length < numberOfAltApps)
+ intersectedBounds = new Bounds[numberOfAltApps];
+ ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> globalAltApps = viewScopedAltAppearances.get(view);
+ if (globalAltApps != null)
+ nAltApp = processAltApps(globalAltApps, ra, nAltApp);
+ nAltApp = processAltApps(nonViewScopedAltAppearances, ra, nAltApp);
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altApp = null;
+ if (nAltApp == 1)
+ altApp = intersectedAltApps[0];
+ else if (nAltApp > 1) {
+ closestBounds = bounds.closestIntersection(intersectedBounds);
+ for (j= 0; j < nAltApp; j++) {
+ if (intersectedBounds[j] == closestBounds) {
+ altApp = intersectedAltApps[j];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (altApp == null) {
+ retVal[0] = Boolean.FALSE;
+ return retVal;
+ } else {
+ retVal[0] = Boolean.TRUE;
+ retVal[1] = altApp.appearance;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Called while holding lockObj lock
+int processAltApps(ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> globalAltApps, RenderAtom ra, int nAltApp) {
+ int size = globalAltApps.size();
+ Bounds bounds = ra.localeVwcBounds;
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained[] shapeScopedAltApp;
+ if (size == 0)
+ return nAltApp;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altApp = globalAltApps.get(i);
+ // System.err.println("altApp.region = "+altApp.region+" altApp.switchState.currentSwitchOn = "+altApp.switchState.currentSwitchOn+" intersect = "+altApp.region.intersect(ra.geometryAtom.vwcBounds));
+ // System.err.println("altApp.isScoped = "+altApp.isScoped);
+ // Note : There is no enable check for fog
+ if (altApp.region == null || !altApp.switchState.currentSwitchOn)
+ continue;
+ if (altApp.region.intersect(bounds) == true) {
+ int n = ra.geometryAtom.source.numAltApps;
+ shapeScopedAltApp = ra.geometryAtom.source.altApps;
+ if (altApp.isScoped) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ // then check if the light is scoped to
+ // this group
+ if (altApp == shapeScopedAltApp[k]) {
+ intersectedBounds[nAltApp] = altApp.region;
+ intersectedAltApps[nAltApp++] = altApp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ intersectedBounds[nAltApp] = altApp.region;
+ intersectedAltApps[nAltApp++] = altApp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nAltApp;
+ void initViewSpecificInfo(J3dMessage m) {
+ int[] keys = (int[])m.args[2];
+ ArrayList<ArrayList<View>> vlists = (ArrayList<ArrayList<View>>)m.args[1];
+ ArrayList<ViewSpecificGroupRetained> vsgs = (ArrayList<ViewSpecificGroupRetained>)m.args[0];
+ if (vsgs != null) {
+ // System.err.println("===> non null Vsg");
+ int size = vsgs.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ViewSpecificGroupRetained v = vsgs.get(i);
+ ArrayList<View> l = vlists.get(i);
+ int index = keys[i];
+ // System.err.println("v = "+v+" index = "+index+" l = "+l);
+ v.cachedViewList.add(index, l);
+ /*
+ for (int k = 0; k < v.cachedViewList.size(); k++) {
+ System.err.println("v = "+v+" k = "+k+" v.cachedViewList.get(k) = "+v.cachedViewList.get(k));
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void clearViewSpecificInfo(J3dMessage m) {
+ int[] keys = (int[])m.args[1];
+ ArrayList<ViewSpecificGroupRetained> vsgs = (ArrayList<ViewSpecificGroupRetained>)m.args[0];
+ if (vsgs != null) {
+ int size = vsgs.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ViewSpecificGroupRetained v = vsgs.get(i);
+ int index = keys[i];
+ if (index == -1) {
+ int csize = v.cachedViewList.size();
+ for (int j = 0; j < csize; j++) {
+ v.cachedViewList.get(j).clear();
+ }
+ v.cachedViewList.clear();
+ }
+ else {
+ v.cachedViewList.remove(index).clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void updateViewSpecificGroupChanged(J3dMessage m) {
+ int component = ((Integer)m.args[0]).intValue();
+ Object[] objAry = (Object[])m.args[1];
+ ArrayList<LightRetained> ltList = null;
+ ArrayList<FogRetained> fogList = null;
+ ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> mclipList = null;
+ ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> altAppList = null;
+ ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> bgList = null;
+ ArrayList<ClipRetained> clipList = null;
+ if (((component & ViewSpecificGroupRetained.ADD_VIEW) != 0) ||
+ ((component & ViewSpecificGroupRetained.SET_VIEW) != 0)) {
+ int i;
+ Object obj;
+ View view = (View)objAry[0];
+ ArrayList vsgList = (ArrayList)objAry[1];
+ ArrayList leafList = (ArrayList)objAry[2];
+ int[] keyList = (int[])objAry[3];
+ int size = vsgList.size();
+ // Don't add null views
+ if (view != null) {
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ViewSpecificGroupRetained vsg = (ViewSpecificGroupRetained)vsgList.get(i);
+ int index = keyList[i];
+ vsg.updateCachedInformation(ViewSpecificGroupRetained.ADD_VIEW, view, index);
+ }
+ size = leafList.size();
+ // Leaves is non-null only for the top VSG
+ if (size > 0) {
+ // Now process the list of affected leaved
+ for( i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ obj = leafList.get(i);
+ if (obj instanceof LightRetained) {
+ LightRetained lt = (LightRetained)obj;
+ lt.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfLights++;
+ if (ltList == null) {
+ if ((ltList = viewScopedLights.get(view)) == null) {
+ ltList = new ArrayList<LightRetained>();
+ viewScopedLights.put(view, ltList);
+ }
+ }
+ ltList.add(lt);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof FogRetained) {
+ FogRetained ft = (FogRetained)obj;
+ ft.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfFogs++;
+ if (fogList == null) {
+ if ((fogList = viewScopedFogs.get(view)) == null) {
+ fogList = new ArrayList<FogRetained>();
+ viewScopedFogs.put(view, fogList);
+ }
+ }
+ fogList.add(ft);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ModelClipRetained mc = (ModelClipRetained)obj;
+ mc.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfModelClips++;
+ if (mclipList == null) {
+ if ((mclipList = viewScopedModelClips.get(view)) == null) {
+ mclipList = new ArrayList<ModelClipRetained>();
+ viewScopedModelClips.put(view, mclipList);
+ }
+ }
+ mclipList.add(mc);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained aart = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)obj;
+ aart.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfAltApps++;
+ if (altAppList == null) {
+ if ((altAppList = viewScopedAltAppearances
+ .get(view)) == null) {
+ altAppList = new ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained>();
+ viewScopedAltAppearances.put(view, altAppList);
+ }
+ }
+ altAppList.add(aart);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ ClipRetained ct = (ClipRetained) obj;
+ ct.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfClips++;
+ if (clipList == null) {
+ if ((clipList = viewScopedClips.get(view)) == null) {
+ clipList = new ArrayList<ClipRetained>();
+ viewScopedClips.put(view, clipList);
+ }
+ }
+ clipList.add(ct);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = (BackgroundRetained) obj;
+ bg.isViewScoped = true;
+ numberOfBgs++;
+ if (bgList == null) {
+ if ((bgList = viewScopedBackgrounds.get(view)) == null) {
+ bgList = new ArrayList<BackgroundRetained>();
+ viewScopedBackgrounds.put(view, bgList);
+ }
+ }
+ bgList.add(bg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (numberOfLights > retlights.length)
+ retlights = new LightRetained[numberOfLights];
+ if (intersectedFogs.length < numberOfFogs)
+ intersectedFogs = new FogRetained[numberOfFogs];
+ if (intersectedAltApps.length < numberOfAltApps)
+ intersectedAltApps = new AlternateAppearanceRetained[numberOfAltApps];
+ if (intersectedBacks.length < numberOfBgs)
+ intersectedBacks = new BackgroundRetained[numberOfBgs];
+ if (intersectedClips.length < numberOfClips)
+ intersectedClips = new ClipRetained[numberOfClips];
+ if (intersectedModelClips.length < numberOfModelClips)
+ intersectedModelClips = new ModelClipRetained[numberOfModelClips];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (((component & ViewSpecificGroupRetained.REMOVE_VIEW) != 0)||
+ ((component & ViewSpecificGroupRetained.SET_VIEW) != 0)) {
+ int i;
+ Object obj;
+ ArrayList vsgList;
+ ArrayList leafList;
+ int[] keyList;
+ View view;
+ if ((component & ViewSpecificGroupRetained.REMOVE_VIEW) != 0) {
+ view = (View)objAry[0];
+ vsgList = (ArrayList)objAry[1];
+ leafList = (ArrayList)objAry[2];
+ keyList = (int[])objAry[3];
+ }
+ else {
+ view = (View)objAry[4];
+ vsgList = (ArrayList)objAry[5];
+ leafList = (ArrayList)objAry[6];
+ keyList = (int[])objAry[7];
+ }
+ // Don't add null views
+ if (view != null) {
+ int size = vsgList.size();
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ViewSpecificGroupRetained vsg = (ViewSpecificGroupRetained)vsgList.get(i);
+ int index = keyList[i];
+ vsg.updateCachedInformation(ViewSpecificGroupRetained.REMOVE_VIEW, view, index);
+ }
+ size = leafList.size();
+ // Leaves is non-null only for the top VSG
+ if (size > 0) {
+ // Now process the list of affected leaved
+ for( i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ obj = leafList.get(i);
+ if (obj instanceof LightRetained) {
+ ((LightRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfLights--;
+ if (ltList == null) {
+ ltList = viewScopedLights.get(view);
+ }
+ ltList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof FogRetained) {
+ ((FogRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfFogs--;
+ if (fogList == null) {
+ fogList = viewScopedFogs.get(view);
+ }
+ fogList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof ModelClipRetained) {
+ ((ModelClipRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfModelClips--;
+ if (mclipList == null) {
+ mclipList = viewScopedModelClips.get(view);
+ }
+ mclipList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof AlternateAppearanceRetained) {
+ ((AlternateAppearanceRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfAltApps--;
+ if (altAppList == null) {
+ altAppList = viewScopedAltAppearances.get(view);
+ }
+ altAppList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof ClipRetained) {
+ ((ClipRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfClips--;
+ if (clipList == null) {
+ clipList = viewScopedClips.get(view);
+ }
+ clipList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof BackgroundRetained) {
+ ((BackgroundRetained)obj).isViewScoped = false;
+ numberOfBgs++;
+ if (bgList == null) {
+ bgList = viewScopedBackgrounds.get(view);
+ }
+ bgList.remove(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ // If there are no more lights scoped to the view,
+ // remove the mapping
+ if (ltList != null && ltList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedLights.remove(view);
+ if (fogList != null && fogList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedFogs.remove(view);
+ if (mclipList != null && mclipList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedModelClips.remove(view);
+ if (altAppList != null && altAppList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedAltAppearances.remove(view);
+ if (clipList != null && clipList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedClips.remove(view);
+ if (bgList != null && bgList.size() == 0)
+ viewScopedBackgrounds.remove(view);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+boolean isLightScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ LightRetained light = (LightRetained)obj;
+ if (light.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<LightRetained> l = viewScopedLights.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped lights, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(light))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+boolean isFogScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ FogRetained fog = (FogRetained)obj;
+ if (fog.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<FogRetained> l = viewScopedFogs.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped fog, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(fog))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+boolean isAltAppScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ AlternateAppearanceRetained altApp = (AlternateAppearanceRetained)obj;
+ if (altApp.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<AlternateAppearanceRetained> l = viewScopedAltAppearances.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped altapp, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(altApp))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+boolean isBgScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ BackgroundRetained bg = (BackgroundRetained)obj;
+ if (bg.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<BackgroundRetained> l = viewScopedBackgrounds.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped bg, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(bg))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+boolean isClipScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ ClipRetained clip = (ClipRetained)obj;
+ if (clip.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<ClipRetained> l = viewScopedClips.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped clip, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(clip))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+boolean isMclipScopedToThisView(Object obj, View view) {
+ ModelClipRetained mclip = (ModelClipRetained)obj;
+ if (mclip.isViewScoped) {
+ ArrayList<ModelClipRetained> l = viewScopedModelClips.get(view);
+ // If this is a scoped mclip, but has no views then ..
+ if (l == null || !l.contains(mclip))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void cleanup() {}