diff options
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/build-tools/java3d-rpm.spec b/build-tools/java3d-rpm.spec
index dbf2cbb..e5140cb 100644
--- a/build-tools/java3d-rpm.spec
+++ b/build-tools/java3d-rpm.spec
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
Summary: Java 3D @VERSION@
Name: java3d
Release: 1
Copyright: JDL
Group: System Environment/Base
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-buildroot
-Source:java3d-@[email protected]
+Source:java3d-@[email protected]
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index a59621d..be13fe1 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -16,17 +16,70 @@
<project name="Java 3D" default="jar-opt" basedir=".">
- <!-- ************************* -->
- <!-- Build Specific properties -->
- <!-- Version number of build -->
- <property name="version_base" value="1.3.2"/>
- <!-- Build number, eg pre6, build6 -->
- <property name="version_build" value="pre7"/>
- <!-- End of Build Specific properties -->
- <!-- ******************************** -->
+ <!--
+ *********************************************************************
+ *
+ * The following properties may be set on the command line to
+ * specify the compiler used or the renderer to be built. They are
+ * specified using "ant -Dprop.name=value", where the actual
+ * property and and value are substituted for "prop.name" and
+ * "value"
+ *
+ * build.comp=gcc Use GCC compilers (default, all platforms)
+ * build.comp=forte Use Forte compilers (Solaris only)
+ * build.comp=vc Use Visual C++ compilers (Windows only)
+ *
+ * build.rend=ogl build OpenGL native library (default)
+ * build.rend=d3d build DirectX (D3D) native library
+ *
+ * For example:
+ *
+ * ant -Dbuild.comp=vc -Dbuild.rend=d3d
+ *
+ *********************************************************************
+ -->
+ <!-- *************************************** -->
+ <!-- *** Begin build-specific properties *** -->
+ <!-- *************************************** -->
+ <!--
+ * The following two properties specify the version and build number
+ * of Java 3D being built. The "version_base" property specifies
+ * the dot-dot base version number of Java 3D; it must contain
+ * exactly three integer numbers separated by "periods ("."). The
+ * version_base_file property must be the same version number as
+ * version_base with "_" replacing ".". The version_build property
+ * specifies the build number (e.g., pre6, build6, beta1, rc1). It
+ * is ignored for production builds.
+ -->
+ <property name="version_base" value="1.3.2"/>
+ <property name="version_base_file" value="1_3_2"/>
+ <property name="version_build" value="pre7"/>
+ <!-- ************************************* -->
+ <!-- *** End build-specific properties *** -->
+ <!-- ************************************* -->
+ <!--
+ *********************************************************************
+ *
+ * A build of Java 3D is one of the following three types: daily
+ * build, stable build, production build. Daily builds are identified
+ * with a "preN_YYMMDDHHMM" suffix; stable builds are identified with
+ * a "buildN" suffix; production builds are identified with an "rcN"
+ * suffix or with no suffix.
+ *
+ * The default is to do a daily build. One of the following
+ * properties may be set on the command line to do a different kind
+ * of build:
+ *
+ * build.stable=true Do a stable build
+ * build.production=true Do a production (RC or FCS) build
+ *
+ *********************************************************************
+ -->
<!-- Set global properties for this build -->
<property name="vecmath_home" location="../vecmath"/>
@@ -55,6 +108,8 @@
<echo message="ostype = ${ostype}"/>
<echo message="platform = ${platform}"/>
<echo message="version = ${version}"/>
+ <echo message="version_file = ${version_file}"/>
+ <echo message="version_rpm = ${version_rpm}"/>
<echo message="daily_build = ${daily_build}"/>
<echo message="dev_phase = ${dev_phase}"/>
@@ -78,20 +133,26 @@
<target name="setupDaily" unless="build.stable">
<echo message="setupDaily"/>
<property name="daily_build" value="true"/>
- <property name="version" value="${version_base}_${version_build}_${buildtime}"/>
+ <property name="version" value="${version_base}-${version_build}-${buildtime}"/>
+ <property name="version_file" value="${version_base_file}-${version_build}-${buildtime}"/>
+ <property name="version_rpm" value="${version_base}_${version_build}_${buildtime}"/>
<target name="setupStable" if="build.stable">
<echo message="setupStable"/>
<property name="daily_build" value="false"/>
- <property name="version" value="${version_base}_${version_build}"/>
+ <property name="version" value="${version_base}-${version_build}"/>
+ <property name="version_file" value="${version_base_file}-${version_build}"/>
+ <property name="version_rpm" value="${version_base}_${version_build}"/>
<target name="setupProduction" if="build.production">
<echo message="setupProduction"/>
<property name="daily_build" value="false"/>
- <property name="version" value="${version_base}"/>
<property name="dev_phase" value="false"/>
+ <property name="version" value="${version_base}"/>
+ <property name="version_file" value="${version_base_file}"/>
+ <property name="version_rpm" value="${version_base}"/>
<target name="setupDevPhase" unless="build.production" depends="setupDaily,setupStable">
@@ -103,7 +164,7 @@
depends="init, setupProduction, setupDevPhase ,setupSolaris, setupLinux, setupWindows">
<property name="build-debug-gen" location="${build}/${platform}/debug/gen"/>
<property name="build-opt-gen" location="${build}/${platform}/opt/gen"/>
- <property name="docname" value="java3d-${version}-doc"/>
+ <property name="docname" value="java3d-${version_file}-doc"/>
@@ -179,23 +240,25 @@
<target name="all" depends="jar-debug,dist,docs-jcp,docs-private"/>
<target name="rpm" description="Build rpm package" depends="dist">
- <mkdir dir="${build}/rpm"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build}/rpm/SPECS"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build}/rpm/SOURCES"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build}/rpm/BUILD"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build}/rpm/RPMS"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/rpm"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/rpm/SPECS"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/rpm/SOURCES"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/rpm/BUILD"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/rpm/RPMS"/>
<copy file="build-tools/java3d-rpm.spec"
- todir="${build}/rpm/SPECS"
+ todir="${build}/${platform}/rpm/SPECS"
<filter token="VERSION" value="${version}"/>
+ <filter token="VERSION_FILE" value="${version_file}"/>
+ <filter token="VERSION_RPM" value="${version_rpm}"/>
- <tar destfile="${build}/rpm/SOURCES/java3d-${version}.tar.gz"
+ <tar destfile="${build}/${platform}/rpm/SOURCES/java3d-${version_file}.tar.gz"
- <tarfileset dir="${dist}/linux-i586"
+ <tarfileset dir="${dist}/${platform}"
<tarfileset dir="release-info"
@@ -207,9 +270,11 @@
<rpm specFile="java3d-rpm.spec"
- topDir="${build}/rpm"/>
+ topDir="${build}/${platform}/rpm"/>
- <copy file="${build}/rpm/RPMS/i586/java3d-${version}-1.i586.rpm" todir="dist/linux-i586"/>
+ <copy
+ file="${build}/${platform}/rpm/RPMS/i586/java3d-${version_rpm}-1.i586.rpm"
+ tofile="dist/${platform}/java3d-${version_file}-1-i586.rpm"/>
<target name="clean-dist">