path: root/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae9782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ * $RCSfile$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Use is subject to license terms.
+ *
+ * $Revision$
+ * $Date$
+ * $State$
+ */
+ -->
+<project name="Java 3D" default="jar-opt" basedir=".">
+ <!-- Set global properties for this build -->
+ <property name="vecmath_home" location="../vecmath"/>
+ <property name="core_utils_home" location="../j3d-core-utils"/>
+ <property name="src" location="src"/>
+ <property name="vecmath_src" location="${vecmath_home}/src"/>
+ <property name="core_utils_src" location="${core_utils_home}/src"/>
+ <property name="build-tools" location="build-tools"/>
+ <property name="build" location="build"/>
+ <property name="dist" location="dist"/>
+ <property name="version" value="1_3_2"/>
+ <property name="docname" value="java3d-${version}-doc"/>
+ <property environment="env"/>
+ <property file="build.properties"/>
+ <target name="echo" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <echo message="user.name = ${user.name}"/>
+ <echo message="user.home = ${user.home}"/>
+ <echo message="java.home = ${java.home}"/>
+ <echo message="ant.home = ${ant.home}"/>
+ <echo message="O/S arch = ${os.arch}"/>
+ <echo message="O/S name = ${os.name}"/>
+ <echo message="build.rend = ${build.rend}"/>
+ <echo message="build.comp = ${build.comp}"/>
+ <echo message="vecmath_home = ${vecmath_home}"/>
+ <echo message="core_utils_home = ${core_utils_home}"/>
+ <echo message="ostype = ${ostype}"/>
+ <echo message="platform = ${platform}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="setupSolaris" depends="init" if="isSolarisOnSparc">
+ <property name="ostype" value="solaris"/>
+ <property name="platform" value="solaris-sparc-${build.comp}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="setupLinux" depends="init" if="isLinuxOnX86">
+ <property name="ostype" value="linux"/>
+ <property name="platform" value="linux-i586"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- win32 should be rename as windows -->
+ <target name="setupWindows" depends="init" if="isWindowsOnX86">
+ <property name="ostype" value="win32"/>
+ <property name="platform" value="windows-i586-${build.comp}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="setupPlatform" depends="setupSolaris, setupLinux, setupWindows">
+ </target>
+ <target name="init">
+ <!-- Create the time stamp -->
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="buildtime"
+ pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"/>
+ </tstamp>
+ <echo message="buildtime = ${buildtime}"/>
+ <!-- Create the base build directory -->
+ <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
+ <!-- ========== determine platform ========== -->
+ <condition property="isWindowsOnX86">
+ <os family="windows" arch="x86"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isLinuxOnX86">
+ <os name="linux" arch="i386"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isSolarisOnSparc">
+ <os name="SunOS" arch="sparc"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile-debug" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="compile-debug"/>
+ <ant dir="src/native" target="compile-debug"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile-opt" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="compile-opt"/>
+ <ant dir="src/native" target="compile-opt"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile" depends="compile-debug,compile-opt" />
+ <target name="jar-debug" depends="compile-debug">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="jar-debug"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="jar-opt" depends="compile-opt">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="jar-opt"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="jar" depends="jar-debug,jar-opt" />
+ <target name="docs-jcp" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="docs-jcp"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="docs-public" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="docs-public"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="docs-private" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="docs-private"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="docs" depends="setupPlatform">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="docs"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist" depends="jar-opt,docs-public">
+ <ant dir="src/classes" target="dist"/>
+ <ant dir="src/native" target="dist"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="all" depends="jar-debug,dist,docs-jcp,docs-private"/>
+ <target name="clean-dist">
+ <!-- Delete the ${dist} directory tree -->
+ <delete dir="${dist}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean">
+ <!-- Delete the ${build}, and ${dist} directory trees -->
+ <delete dir="${build}"/>
+ <delete dir="${dist}"/>
+ </target>
+ <description>
+The following ant targets are available ("jar-opt" is the default):
+ all - execute targets jar-debug and dist.
+ clean - removes WS/build/ and WS/dist/
+ clean-dist - removes WS/dist.
+ compile - execute targets compile-debug and compile-opt.
+ compile-debug - builds all classes and native layer in WS/src into
+ class files under WS/build/${platform}/debug/classes/ and
+ native files under WS/build/${platform}/debug/native/
+ compile-opt - builds all classes and native layer in WS/src into
+ class files under WS/build/${platform}/opt/classes/ and
+ native files under WS/build/${platform}/opt/native/
+ dist - creates the distribution jar, native library and javadoc
+ under WS/dist/${platform}.
+ docs - builds all classes in WS/src into javadoc under
+ WS/build/javadocs.
+ docs-jcp - builds JCP docs of all classes in WS/src into javadoc under
+ WS/build/javadocs/docs-jcp.
+ docs-private - builds private docs of all classes in WS/src into javadoc under
+ WS/build/javadocs/docs-private.
+ docs-public - builds public docs of all classes in WS/src into javadoc under
+ WS/build/javadocs/docs-public.
+ echo - echo some useful information, such as user.home,
+ ant.home, java.home and platform.
+ jar - execute targets jar-debug and jar-opt.
+ jar-debug - creates WS/build/${platform}/debug/lib for all jar
+ files and libraries from class and native code files under
+ WS/build/${platform}/debug/classes and
+ WS/build/${platform}/debug/native.
+ jar-opt - creates WS/build/${platform}/opt/lib for all jar
+ files and libraries from class and native code files under
+ WS/build/${platform}/opt/classes and
+ WS/build/${platform}/opt/native.
+ </description>