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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Behaviors and Interpolators</title>
+<h2>Behaviors and Interpolators</h2>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Concepts</title>
+<h2>Java 3D Concepts</h2>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>HelloUniverse</title>
+<h2>HelloUniverse: A Sample Java
+3D Program</h2>
+<p>Here are code fragments from a simple program, <code>HelloUniverse.java</code>,
+that creates a cube and a RotationInterpolator behavior object that
+rotates the cube at a constant rate of pi/2 radians per second. The
+HelloUniverse class creates the branch graph
+that includes the cube and the RotationInterpolator behavior. It then
+adds this branch graph to the Locale object generated by the
+SimpleUniverse utility.
+<pre><hr><br>public class HelloUniverse ... {<br> public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() {<br><i> // Create the root of the branch graph<br></i> BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();<br><br><i> // Create the TransformGroup node and initialize it to the<br> // identity. Enable the TRANSFORM_WRITE capability so that<br> // our behavior code can modify it at run time. Add it to<br> // the root of the subgraph.<br></i> TransformGroup objTrans = new TransformGroup();<br> objTrans.setCapability(<br> TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE);<br> objRoot.addChild(objTrans);<br><br><i> // Create a simple Shape3D node; add it to the scene graph.<br></i> objTrans.addChild(new ColorCube(0.4));<br><br><i> // Create a new Behavior object that will perform the<br> // desired operation on the specified transform and add<br> // it into the scene graph.<br></i> Transform3D yAxis = new Transform3D();<br> Alpha rotationAlpha = new Alpha(-1, 4000);<br> RotationInterpolator rotator = new RotationInterpolator(<br> rotationAlpha, objTrans, yAxis,<br> 0.0f, (float) Math.PI*2.0f);<br> BoundingSphere bounds =<br> new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 100.0);<br> rotator.setSchedulingBounds(bounds);<br> objRoot.addChild(rotator);<br><br><i> // Have Java 3D perform optimizations on this scene graph.</i><br> objRoot.compile();<br><br> return objRoot;<br> }<br><br> public HelloUniverse() {<br><i> &lt;set layout of container, construct canvas3d, add canvas3d&gt;<br><br> // Create the scene; attach it to the virtual universe<br></i> BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph();<br> SimpleUniverse u = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3d);<br> u.getViewingPlatform().setNominalViewingTransform();<br> u.addBranchGraph(scene);<br> }<br>}</pre>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Immediate-Mode Rendering</title>
+<h2>Immediate-Mode Rendering</h2>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Execution and Rendering Model</title>
+<h2>Execution and Rendering Model</h2>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Scene Graph Overview</title>
+<h2>Scene Graph Basics</h2>
+<p>A scene graph consists of Java 3D
+objects, called <em>nodes</em>,
+arranged in a tree structure. The user creates one or more scene
+subgraphs and attaches them to a virtual universe. The individual
+connections between Java 3D nodes always represent a directed
+relationship: parent to child. Java 3D restricts scene graphs in one
+major way: Scene graphs may not contain cycles. Thus, a Java 3D scene
+graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). See <a href="#Figure_1">Figure
+<p>Java 3D refines the <a href="../Node.html">Node</a> object class
+into two subclasses: <a href="../Group.html">Group</a>
+<a href="../Leaf.html">Leaf</a> node objects. Group node objects group
+together one or more child
+nodes. A group node can point to zero or more children but can have
+only one parent. The SharedGroup node cannot have any parents (although
+it allows sharing portions of a scene graph, as described in "<a
+ href="SceneGraphSharing.html">Reusing Scene Graphs</a>").
+Leaf node objects contain the actual definitions of shapes (geometry),
+lights, fog, sounds, and so forth. A leaf node has no children and only
+one parent. The semantics of the various group and leaf nodes are
+described in subsequent chapters. </p>
+<h2>Scene Graph Structure</h2>
+<p>A scene graph organizes and controls the rendering
+of its constituent objects. The Java 3D renderer draws a scene graph in
+a consistent way that allows for concurrence. The Java 3D renderer can
+draw one object independently of other objects. Java 3D can allow such
+independence because its scene graphs have a particular form and cannot
+share state among branches of a tree.
+<h3>Spatial Separation</h3>
+<p>The hierarchy of the scene graph encourages a natural spatial
+on the geometric objects found at the leaves of the graph. Internal
+nodes act to group their children together. A group node also defines a
+spatial bound that contains all the geometry defined by its
+descendants. Spatial grouping allows for efficient implementation of
+operations such as proximity detection, collision detection, view
+frustum culling, and occlusion culling.
+<p><a name="Figure_1"></a><img style="width: 500px; height: 341px;"
+ alt="Directed Acyclic Graph" title="Directed Acyclic Graph"
+ src="DAG.gif"></p>
+<p> </p>
+ <font size="-1"><b><i>Figure 1</i> &#8211; A Java
+3D Scene Graph Is a DAG
+(Directed Acyclic Graph)</b></font>
+<p> </p>
+<h3>State Inheritance</h3>
+<p>A leaf node's state is defined by the nodes in a direct path between
+the scene graph's root and the leaf. Because a leaf's graphics context
+relies only on a linear path between the root and that node, the Java
+3D renderer can decide to traverse the scene graph in whatever order it
+wishes. It can traverse the scene graph from left to right and top to
+bottom, in level order from right to left, or even in parallel. The
+only exceptions to this rule are spatially bounded attributes such as
+lights and fog.
+<p>This characteristic is in marked contrast to many older scene
+graph-based APIs (including PHIGS and SGI's Inventor) where, if a node
+above or to the left of a node changes the graphics state, the change
+affects the graphics state of all nodes below it or to its right. </p>
+<p>The most common node object, along the path from the root to the
+that changes the graphics state is the TransformGroup object. The
+TransformGroup object can change the position, orientation, and scale
+of the objects below it. </p>
+<p>Most graphics state attributes are set by a Shape3D leaf node
+its constituent Appearance object, thus allowing parallel rendering.
+The Shape3D node also has a constituent Geometry object that specifies
+its geometry-this permits different shape objects to share common
+geometry without sharing material attributes (or vice versa). </p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>The Java 3D renderer incorporates all graphics state changes made in
+direct path from a scene graph root to a leaf object in the drawing of
+that leaf object. Java 3D provides this semantic for both retained and
+compiled-retained modes.
+<p> </p>
+<h2>Scene Graph Objects</h2>
+<p>A Java 3D scene graph consists of a collection of Java 3D node
+connected in a tree structure. These node objects reference other scene
+graph objects called <em>node component objects</em>.
+All scene graph node and component objects are subclasses of a common
+<a href="../SceneGraphObject.html">SceneGraphObject</a> class. The
+SceneGraphObject class is an abstract class
+that defines methods that are common among nodes and component objects.
+<p>Scene graph objects are constructed by creating a new instance of
+desired class and are accessed and manipulated using the object's <code>set</code>
+and <code>get</code>
+methods. Once a scene graph object is created and connected to other
+scene graph objects to form a subgraph, the entire subgraph can be
+attached to a virtual universe---via a high-resolution <a
+ href="../Locale.html">Locale</a>
+object-making the object <em>live</em>. Prior to attaching a subgraph
+to a virtual
+universe, the entire subgraph can be <em>compiled</em> into an
+optimized, internal format (see the
+<code><a href="../BranchGroup.html#compile%28%29">BranchGroup.compile()</a></code>
+method). </p>
+<p>An important characteristic of all scene graph objects is that
+they can
+be accessed or modified only during the creation of a scene graph,
+except where explicitly allowed. Access to most <code>set</code> and <code>get</code>
+methods of objects that are part of a live or compiled scene graph is
+restricted. Such restrictions provide the scene graph compiler with
+usage information it can use in optimally compiling or rendering a
+scene graph. Each object has a set of capability bits that enable
+certain functionality when the object is live or compiled. By default,
+all capability bits are disabled (cleared). Only those <code>set</code>
+and <code>get</code>
+methods corresponding to capability bits that are explicitly enabled
+(set) prior to the object being compiled or made live are legal.<br>
+<p> </p>
+<h2>Scene Graph Superstructure
+Java 3D defines two scene graph superstructure objects,
+<a href="../VirtualUniverse.html">VirtualUniverse</a>
+and <a href="../Locale.html">Locale</a>, which are used to contain
+collections of subgraphs that
+comprise the scene graph. These objects are described in more detail in
+"<a href="VirtualUniverse.html">Scene Graph Superstructure</a>."
+<p> </p>
+<h3>VirtualUniverse Object</h3>
+A <a href="../VirtualUniverse.html">VirtualUniverse</a> object
+consists of a list of Locale objects that
+contain a collection of scene graph nodes that exist in the universe.
+Typically, an application will need only one VirtualUniverse, even for
+very large virtual databases. Operations on a VirtualUniverse include
+enumerating the Locale objects contained within the universe. See "<a
+ href="VirtualUniverse.html#VirtualUniverse">Scene Graph
+Superstructure: VirtualUniverse Object</a>," for more information.
+<p> </p>
+<h3>Locale Object</h3>
+The <a href="../Locale.html">Locale</a> object acts as a container for
+a collection of subgraphs of
+the scene graph that are rooted by a BranchGroup node. A Locale also
+defines a location within the virtual universe using high-resolution
+coordinates (HiResCoord) to specify its position. The HiResCoord serves
+as the origin for all scene graph objects contained within the Locale.
+<p>A Locale has no parent in the scene graph but is implicitly
+attached to
+a virtual universe when it is constructed. A Locale may reference an
+arbitrary number of BranchGroup nodes but has no explicit children. </p>
+<p>The coordinates of all scene graph objects are relative to the
+HiResCoord of the Locale in which they are contained. Operations on a
+Locale include setting or getting the HiResCoord of the Locale, adding
+a subgraph, and removing a subgraph (see "<a
+ href="VirtualUniverse.html#Locale">Scene Graph Superstructure: Locale
+Object</a>," for more information). </p>
+<p> </p>
+<h2>Scene Graph Viewing Objects</h2>
+Java 3D defines five scene graph viewing objects that are not part of
+the scene graph per se but serve to define the viewing parameters and
+to provide hooks into the physical world. These objects are <a
+ href="../Canvas3D.html">Canvas3D</a>,
+<a href="../Screen3D.html">Screen3D</a>, <a href="../View.html">View</a>,
+<a href="../PhysicalBody.html">PhysicalBody</a>, and <a
+ href="../PhysicalEnvironment.html">PhysicalEnvironment</a>. They are
+described in more detail in the "<a href="ViewModel.html">View Model</a>"
+<p> </p>
+<h3>Canvas3D Object</h3>
+The <a href="../Canvas3D.html">Canvas3D</a> object encapsulates all of
+the parameters associated with
+the window being rendered into.
+When a Canvas3D object is attached to a View object, the Java 3D
+traverser renders the specified view onto the canvas. Multiple Canvas3D
+objects can point to the same View object.
+<p> </p>
+<h3>Screen3D Object</h3>
+The <a href="../Screen3D.html">Screen3D</a> object encapsulates all of
+parameters associated with the physical screen containing the canvas,
+such as the width and height of the screen in pixels, the physical
+dimensions of the screen, and various physical calibration values.
+<p> </p>
+<h3>View Object</h3>
+The <a href="../View.html">View</a> object specifies information
+needed to render the scene graph.
+<a href="#Figure_2">Figure
+2</a> shows a View object attached to a simple scene graph for
+viewing the scene.
+<p>The View object is the central Java 3D object for coordinating all
+aspects of viewing.
+All viewing parameters in Java 3D are directly contained either within
+the View object or within objects pointed to by a View object. Java 3D
+supports multiple simultaneously active View objects, each of which can
+render to one or more canvases. </p>
+<p> </p>
+<h3>PhysicalBody Object</h3>
+The PhysicalBody object encapsulates all of the
+parameters associated with the physical body, such as head position,
+right and left eye position, and so forth.
+<p> </p>
+<h3>PhysicalEnvironment Object</h3>
+<p>The PhysicalEnvironment object encapsulates all of the parameters
+associated with the physical environment, such as calibration
+information for the tracker base for the head or hand tracker.<br>
+<p><a name="Figure_2"></a><br>
+<p><img style="width: 489px; height: 339px;" alt="Viewing a Scene Graph"
+ title="Viewing a Scene Graph" src="ViewBranch.gif">
+<p> </p>
+ <font size="-1"><b><i>Figure 2</i> &#8211; Viewing a Scene Graph</b></font>
diff --git a/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/SceneGraphSharing.html b/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/SceneGraphSharing.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Reusing Scene Graphs</title>
+<h2>Reusing Scene Graphs</h2>
diff --git a/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/ViewBranch.gif b/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/ViewBranch.gif
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - View Model</title>
+<h2>View Model
diff --git a/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/VirtualUniverse.html b/src/classes/share/javax/media/j3d/doc-files/VirtualUniverse.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Java 3D API - Scene Graph Superstructure</title>
+<h2>Scene Graph Superstructure</h2>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>The Java 3D API - Introduction</title>
+<h2>Introduction to the Java 3D API</h2>
+<p>The Java 3D API is an application
+programming interface used for writing three-dimensional graphics
+applications and applets. It gives developers high-level constructs for
+creating and manipulating 3D geometry and for constructing the
+structures used in rendering that geometry. Application developers can
+describe very large virtual worlds using these constructs, which
+provide Java 3D with enough information to render these worlds
+<p>Java 3D delivers Java's "write once, run anywhere"
+benefit to
+developers of 3D graphics applications. Java 3D is part of the
+JavaMedia suite of APIs, making it available on a wide range of
+platforms. It also integrates well with the Internet because
+applications and applets written using the Java 3D API have access to
+the entire set of Java classes.
+<p>The Java 3D API draws its ideas from existing
+graphics APIs and from
+new technologies. Java 3D's low-level graphics constructs synthesize
+the best ideas found in low-level APIs such as Direct3D, OpenGL,
+QuickDraw3D, and XGL. Similarly, its higher-level constructs synthesize
+the best ideas found in several scene graph-based systems. Java 3D
+introduces some concepts not commonly considered part of the graphics
+environment, such as 3D spatial sound. Java 3D's sound capabilities
+help to provide a more immersive experience for the user.<br>
+<p><i>NOTE: Prior to version 1.4, the
+Java&nbsp;3D API was formally specified by a
+separate Java&nbsp;3D API Specification Guide, published separately
+from the javadoc. As of version 1.4,
+the javadoc-generated API reference is definitive. Relevant portions of
+the guide have been included here and supersede any previously
+<h2>Programming Paradigm</h2>
+Java 3D is an object-oriented API. Applications construct individual
+graphics elements as separate objects and connect them together into a
+treelike structure called a <em>scene graph</em>. The application
+manipulates these objects using their predefined accessor, mutator, and
+node-linking methods.
+<h3>The Scene Graph Programming
+Java 3D's scene graph-based programming model provides a simple and
+flexible mechanism for representing and rendering scenes. The scene
+graph contains a complete description of the entire scene, or virtual
+universe. This includes the geometric data, the attribute information,
+and the viewing information needed to render the scene from a
+particular point of view. The "<a href="SceneGraphOverview.html">Scene
+Graph Basics</a>" document provides more information on the Java 3D
+scene graph programming model.
+<p>The Java 3D API improves on previous graphics APIs
+by eliminating many
+of the bookkeeping and programming chores that those APIs impose. Java
+3D allows the programmer to think about geometric objects rather than
+about triangles-about the scene and its composition rather than about
+how to write the rendering code for efficiently displaying the scene.
+<h3>Rendering Modes</h3>
+Java 3D includes three different rendering modes: immediate mode,
+retained mode, and compiled-retained mode (see "<a href="Rendering.html">Execution
+and Rendering Model</a>").
+Each successive rendering mode allows Java 3D more freedom in
+optimizing an application's execution. Most Java 3D applications will
+want to take advantage of the convenience and performance benefits that
+the retained and compiled-retained modes provide.
+<h4>Immediate Mode</h4>
+Immediate mode leaves little room for global
+optimization at the scene graph level. Even so, Java 3D has raised the
+level of abstraction and accelerates immediate mode rendering on a
+per-object basis. An application must provide a Java 3D draw method
+with a complete set of points, lines, or triangles, which are then
+rendered by the high-speed Java 3D renderer. Of course, the application
+can build these lists of points, lines, or triangles in any manner it
+<h4>Retained Mode</h4>
+Retained mode requires an application to construct a scene graph and
+specify which elements of that scene graph may change during rendering.
+The scene graph describes the objects in the virtual universe, the
+arrangement of those objects, and how the application animates those
+<h4>Compiled-Retained Mode</h4>
+Compiled-retained mode, like retained mode, requires the application to
+construct a scene graph and specify which elements of the scene graph
+may change during rendering. Additionally, the application can compile
+some or all of the subgraphs that make up a complete scene graph. Java
+3D compiles these graphs into an internal format. The compiled
+representation of the scene graph may bear little resemblance to the
+original tree structure provided by the application, however, it is
+functionally equivalent. Compiled-retained mode provides the highest
+Most Java 3D classes expose only accessor and mutator methods. Those
+methods operate only on that object's internal state, making it
+meaningless for an application to override them. Therefore, Java 3D
+does not provide the capability to override the behavior of Java 3D
+attributes. To make Java 3D work correctly, applications must call "<code>super.setXxxxx</code>"
+for any attribute state set method that is overridden.
+<p>Applications can extend Java 3D's classes and add
+their own methods.
+However, they may not override Java 3D's scene graph traversal
+semantics because the nodes do not contain explicit traversal and draw
+methods. Java 3D's renderer retains those semantics internally.
+<p>Java 3D <em>does</em> provide hooks for mixing
+Java 3D-controlled scene graph rendering and user-controlled rendering
+using Java 3D's immediate mode constructs (see "<a
+ href="Immediate.html#Mixed">Mixed-Mode Rendering</a>"). Alternatively,
+the application can
+stop Java 3D's renderer and do all its drawing in immediate mode (see "<a
+ href="Immediate.html#PureImmediate">Pure Immediate-Mode Rendering</a>").
+<p>Behaviors require applications to extend the
+Behavior object and to
+override its methods with user-written Java code. These extended
+objects should contain references to those scene graph objects that
+they will manipulate at run time. The "<a href="Behaviors.html">Behaviors
+and Interpolators</a>" document describes Java 3D's behavior
+<h2>High Performance</h2>
+Java 3D's programming model allows the Java 3D API to do the mundane
+tasks, such as scene graph traversal, managing attribute state changes,
+and so forth, thereby simplifying the application's job. Java 3D does
+this without sacrificing performance. At first glance, it might appear
+that this approach would create more work for the API; however, it
+actually has the opposite effect. Java 3D's higher level of abstraction
+changes not only the amount but, more important, also the kind of work
+the API must perform. Java 3D does not need to impose the same type of
+constraints as do APIs with a lower level of abstraction, thus allowing
+Java 3D to introduce optimizations not possible with these lower-level
+<p>Additionally, leaving the details of rendering to
+Java 3D allows it to
+tune the rendering to the underlying hardware. For example, relaxing
+the strict rendering order imposed by other APIs allows parallel
+traversal as well as parallel rendering. Knowing which portions of the
+scene graph cannot be modified at run time allows Java 3D to flatten
+the tree, pretransform geometry, or represent the geometry in a native
+hardware format without the need to keep the original data.
+<h3>Layered Implementation</h3>
+Besides optimizations at the scene graph level, one of the more
+important factors that determines the performance of Java 3D is the
+time it takes to render the visible geometry. Java 3D implementations
+are layered to take advantage of the native, low-level API that is
+available on a given system. In particular, Java 3D implementations
+that use Direct3D and OpenGL are available. This means that Java 3D
+rendering will be accelerated across the same wide range of systems
+that are supported by these lower-level APIs.
+<h3>Target Hardware Platforms</h3>
+Java 3D is aimed at a wide range of 3D-capable hardware and software
+platforms, from low-cost PC game cards and software renderers at the
+low end, through midrange workstations, all the way up to very
+high-performance specialized 3D image generators.
+<p>Java 3D implementations are expected to provide
+useful rendering rates
+on most modern PCs, especially those with 3D graphics accelerator
+cards. On midrange workstations, Java 3D is expected to provide
+applications with nearly full-speed hardware performance.
+<p>Finally, Java 3D is designed to scale as the
+underlying hardware
+platforms increase in speed over time. Tomorrow's 3D PC game
+accelerators will support more complex virtual worlds than high-priced
+workstations of a few years ago. Java 3D is prepared to meet this
+increase in hardware performance.
+<h2>Structuring the Java 3D Program</h2>
+<p>This section illustrates how a developer might
+structure a Java 3D application. The simple application in this example
+creates a scene graph that draws an object in the middle of a window
+and rotates the object about its center point.
+<h3>Java 3D Application Scene
+<p>The scene graph for the sample application is shown below.
+<p>The scene graph consists of superstructure
+components&#8212;a VirtualUniverse
+object and a Locale object&#8212;and a set of branch graphs. Each branch
+graph is a subgraph that is rooted by a BranchGroup node that is
+attached to the superstructure. For more information, see "<a
+ href="SceneGraphOverview.html">Scene Graph Basics</a>."
+<img style="width: 500px; height: 263px;" alt="Application scene graph"
+ title="Application scene graph" src="intro.gif"></p>
+ <font size="-1"><b><i>Figure 1 &#8211; </i>Application Scene Graph</b></font>
+A VirtualUniverse object defines a named universe. Java 3D permits the
+creation of more than one universe, though the vast majority of
+applications will use just one. The VirtualUniverse object provides a
+grounding for scene graphs. All Java 3D scene graphs must connect to a
+VirtualUniverse object to be displayed. For more information, see "<a
+ href="VirtualUniverse.html">Scene Graph Superstructure</a>."
+<p>Below the VirtualUniverse object is a Locale object.
+The Locale object
+defines the origin, in high-resolution coordinates, of its attached
+branch graphs. A virtual universe may contain as many Locales as
+needed. In this example, a single Locale object is defined with its
+origin at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
+<p>The scene graph itself starts with the <a href="../BranchGroup.html">BranchGroup</a>
+A BranchGroup serves as the root of a
+subgraph, called a <em>branch graph</em>, of the scene graph. Only
+BranchGroup objects can attach to Locale objects.
+<p>In this example there are two branch graphs and,
+thus, two BranchGroup
+nodes. Attached to the left BranchGroup are two subgraphs. One subgraph
+consists of a user-extended Behavior leaf node. The Behavior node
+contains Java code for manipulating the transformation matrix
+associated with the object's geometry.
+<p>The other subgraph in this BranchGroup consists of a
+node that specifies the position (relative to the Locale), orientation,
+and scale of the geometric objects in the virtual universe. A single
+child, a Shape3D leaf node, refers to two component objects: a Geometry
+object and an Appearance object. The Geometry object describes the
+geometric shape of a 3D object (a cube in our simple example). The
+Appearance object describes the appearance of the geometry (color,
+texture, material reflection characteristics, and so forth).
+<p>The right BranchGroup has a single subgraph that
+consists of a
+TransformGroup node and a ViewPlatform leaf node. The TransformGroup
+specifies the position (relative to the Locale), orientation, and scale
+of the ViewPlatform. This transformed ViewPlatform object defines the
+end user's view within the virtual universe.
+<p>Finally, the ViewPlatform is referenced by a View
+object that specifies
+all of the parameters needed to render the scene from the point of view
+of the ViewPlatform. Also referenced by the View object are other
+objects that contain information, such as the drawing canvas into which
+Java 3D renders, the screen that contains the canvas, and information
+about the physical environment.
+<h3>Recipe for a Java 3D Program</h3>
+<p>The following steps are taken by the example program to create the
+scene graph elements and link them together. Java 3D will then render
+the scene graph and display the graphics in a window on the screen:</p>
+1. Create a Canvas3D object and add it to the Applet panel.
+ <p>2. Create a BranchGroup as the root of the scene branch graph.</p>
+ <p>3. Construct a Shape3D node with a TransformGroup node above it.</p>
+ <p>4. Attach a RotationInterpolator behavior to the TransformGroup.</p>
+ <p>5. Call the simple universe utility function to do the following:</p>
+ <ul>
+a. Establish a virtual universe with a single high-resolution Locale
+(see "<a href="SceneGraphOverview.html">Scene Graph Basics</a>").
+ <p>b. Create the PhysicalBody, PhysicalEnvironment, View, and
+ViewPlat-form objects.</p>
+ <p>c. Create a BranchGroup as the root of the view platform branch
+ <p>d. Insert the view platform branch graph into the Locale.</p>
+ </ul>
+6. Insert the scene branch graph into the simple universe's Locale.
+<p>The Java 3D renderer then starts running in an infinite loop. The
+renderer conceptually performs the following operations:</p>
+<pre> while(true) {<br> Process input<br> If (request to exit) break<br> Perform Behaviors<br> Traverse the scene graph and render visible objects<br> }<br> Cleanup and exit<br></pre>
+<h3>HelloUniverse: A Sample Java
+3D Program</h3>
+<p><a href="HelloUniverse.html">Click here</a> to see code fragments
+from a simple program, <code>HelloUniverse.java</code>,
+that creates a cube and a RotationInterpolator behavior object that
+rotates the cube at a constant rate of pi/2 radians per second.<br>
+<h2>Other Documents<br>
+<p>Here are other documents that provide explanatory material,
+previously included as part of
+the Java 3D API Specification Guide.<br>
+ <li><a href="Concepts.html">Java 3D Concepts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="SceneGraphOverview.html">Scene Graph Basics</a></li>
+ <li><a href="VirtualUniverse.html">Scene Graph Superstructure</a></li>
+ <li><a href="SceneGraphSharing.html">Reusing Scene Graphs</a></li>
+ <li><a href="ViewModel.html">View Model</a></li>
+ <li><a href="Behaviors.html">Behaviors and Interpolators</a></li>
+ <li><a href="Rendering.html">Execution and Rendering Model</a></li>
+ <li><a href="Immediate.html">Immediate-Mode Rendering</a></li>
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
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+ <title>javax.media.j3d</title>
+<p>Provides the core set of classes for the
+Java&nbsp;3D<sup><font size="-2">TM</font></sup> API; <a
+ href="doc-files/intro.html">click here</a> for more information,
+including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide.
+<p>The Java 3D API is an application
+programming interface used for writing three-dimensional graphics
+applications and applets. It gives developers high-level constructs for
+creating and manipulating 3D geometry and for constructing the
+structures used in rendering that geometry. Application developers can
+describe very large virtual worlds using these constructs, which
+provide Java 3D with enough information to render these worlds
+<p><i>NOTE: Prior to version 1.4, the
+Java&nbsp;3D API was formally specified by a
+separate Java&nbsp;3D API Specification Guide, published separately
+from the javadoc. As of version 1.4,
+the javadoc-generated API reference is definitive. Relevant portions of
+the guide have been included <a href="doc-files/intro.html">here</a>
+and supersede any previously