This document conatains proposed API changes to the Java 3D 1.5 API
that deviate from the 1.4 API.

This file must be updated to record the addition or deprecation of any
public or protected class, interface, field, constructor, or method to
the Java 3D API.

The one exception to this rule is that you don't need to update this
file when adding a non-final (i.e., virtual) method to a class if that
method--with exactly the same signature--already exists in a
superclass.  For example, adding a "toString" method to a j3d object
doesn't require an entry in this file.  Likewise, adding duplicateNode
or cloneNode methods to Node subclasses doesn't require an entry in
this file.

No incompatible changes to the Java 3D 1.4 API are allowed.

I. New/deprecated fields, constructors, methods

    New enums:
        public enum ImageClass {

    New methods:
        public ImageClass getImageClass()

    Deprecated methods:
        public void setYUp(boolean yUp)

    New constructors:
        public ImageComponent2D(int format, NioImageBuffer image,
                                boolean byReference, boolean yUp)

    New methods:
        public void set(NioImageBuffer image)
        public NioImageBuffer getNioImage()

    New constructors:
        public ImageComponent3D(int format, NioImageBuffer[] images,
                                boolean byReference, boolean yUp)

    New methods:
        public void set(NioImageBuffer[] images)
        public void set(int index, NioImageBuffer image)
        public NioImageBuffer[] getNioImage()
        public NioImageBuffer getNioImage(int index)

    Deprecated fields:
        public static final int ALLOW_DETAIL_TEXTURE_READ
        public static final int LINEAR_DETAIL
        public static final int LINEAR_DETAIL_RGB
        public static final int LINEAR_DETAIL_ALPHA
        public static final int DETAIL_ADD
        public static final int DETAIL_MODULATE

    Deprecated methods:
        public void setDetailImage(ImageComponent2D detailTexture)
        public ImageComponent2D getDetailImage()
        public void setDetailTextureMode(int mode)
        public int getDetailTextureMode()
        public void setDetailTextureLevel(int level)
        public int getDetailTextureLevel()
        public void setDetailTextureFunc(float[] lod, float[] pts)
        public void setDetailTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)
        public int getDetailTextureFuncPointsCount()
        public void getDetailTextureFunc(float[] lod, float[] pts)
        public void getDetailTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)

    New fields:
        public static final int BY_REFERENCE_INDICES

    New methods:
        public void setCoordIndicesRef(int coordIndices[])
        public int[] getCoordIndicesRef()

    New methods:
        public static void addRenderingErrorListener(
                RenderingErrorListener listener)
        public static void removeRenderingErrorListener(
                RenderingErrorListener listener)

II. Reparented classes

III. New classes and interfaces (in javax.media.j3d)

        public class NioImageBuffer extends Object

	public class RenderingError extends Object

	public interface RenderingErrorListener

IV. Deprecated classes and interfaces (in javax.media.j3d)