I. Files for Windows Installer

    README.html :
        Modified RELEASE NOTES (with link to install instructions removed)
        used as README file for Windows installer

    LICENSE-*.rtf :
        rtf version of license used for Windows installer

II. Files for Unix Installers, Zip Bundles, and Download page

    LICENSE-*.txt :
        text version of license used for the zip bundles, the Unix
        installers, and in download directory (and pointed to by our
	java.net download page)

III. Files for Zip Bundles

    README.txt :
        README file that is included with the zip bundles; contains terms
        of use, pointer to LICENSE-*.txt, pointer to README-unzip.html,
        and MANIFEST of files in bundle

    README-unzip.html :
        README file that is included with the zip bundles; contains
        pointer to LICENSE-*.txt plus instructions for manually unzipping
        the zip bundle.

#ifdef FCS_ONLY
    README-distribution.txt :
        Legal README file that is included with the zip bundles

IV. Files for Download page

    README-download.html :
	README file used in download directory (and pointed to by our
	java.net download page); includes pointer to LICENSE-*.txt plus