3D Graphics API for the Java Platform 1.5.2 Pre-Release ------------------------------------------------------- This software is licensed by Sun under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as specified in the LICENSE-GPLv2.txt file and on the web at http://openjdk.java.net/legal/gplv2+ce.html This binary pre-release of the 3D graphics API for the Java platform 1.5.2 is an intermediate build of the software. The code is untested and presumed incompatible with the Java 3D(TM) API specification. You must only use this code in accordance with the terms under which the code is licensed. If you prefer to use a tested and certified compatible version of the code, then you can download a binary release for the Solaris, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X operating environments at: https://java3d.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html or at: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/ Instructions for unzipping 3D graphics API for the Java platform 1.5.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After downloading and unzipping the j3d-1_5_2-XXX.zip file into a temporary directory, for example, "/tmp", you will see the following files in the j3d-1_5_2-XXX directory: COPYRIGHT.txt Copyright notice LICENSE-GPLv2.txt Software License Agreement README-unzip.html Instructions for manually installing the release README.txt README file (you are reading it now) j3d-jre.zip Zip file containing the files to be installed To manually install 3D graphics API for the Java platform, open README-unzip.html in your browser and follow the instructions.