/* * $RCSfile$ * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Use is subject to license terms. * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * $State$ */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "D3dVertexBuffer.hpp" D3dVertexBuffer::D3dVertexBuffer() { buffer = NULL; indexBuffer = NULL; numVertices = NULL; numVerticesLen = 0; isIndexPrimitive = FALSE; nextVB = NULL; stripLen = 0; totalVertexCount = 0; ctx = NULL; next = NULL; previous = NULL; isPointFlagUsed = FALSE; primitiveType = D3DPT_FORCE_DWORD; } D3dVertexBuffer::~D3dVertexBuffer() { release(); } VOID D3dVertexBuffer::release() { SafeRelease(buffer); SafeRelease(indexBuffer); SafeDelete(numVertices); numVerticesLen = 0; isIndexPrimitive = FALSE; isPointFlagUsed = FALSE; stripLen = 0; totalVertexCount = 0; // recursively free the list SafeDelete(nextVB); } VOID D3dVertexBuffer::render(D3dCtx *d3dCtx) { D3DPRIMITIVETYPE oldPrimitiveType; BOOL renderPoint = false; BOOL restorePointSize = false; float oldPointSize = 1.0f; if ((buffer != NULL) && (numVertices != NULL)) { // device is already check for NULL in callDisplayList LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = d3dCtx->pDevice; BOOL setAmbientLight = false; if (((vertexFormat & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) == 0) && (!d3dCtx->isLightEnable)) { setAmbientLight = true; if (totalVertexCount > 0) { // This is the first Node in the list d3dCtx->setAmbientLightMaterial(); } } if ((d3dCtx->pointSize > 1) && ((d3dCtx->fillMode == D3DFILL_POINT) || (primitiveType == D3DPT_POINTLIST))) { // Some driver may cull the point away if not // set to CULL_NONE if (!isPointFlagUsed) { // restore point size to 1 if (debug) { printf("VB render with pointSize %d without D3DPOINT flag set\n", d3dCtx->pointSize); } device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE, *((LPDWORD) &oldPointSize)); restorePointSize = true; } else { device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); // workaround for driver bug, otherwise you will // see four corner points instead of one big point // if fill mode is POINT device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID); if (d3dCtx->deviceInfo->maxPointSize < d3dCtx->pointSize) { // Use software vertex processing mode //device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SOFTWAREVERTEXPROCESSING, TRUE); device->SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(TRUE); } oldPrimitiveType = primitiveType; // For Polygon D3DFill_POINT mode we need to // temporary switch primitive to point list primitiveType = D3DPT_POINTLIST; renderPoint = true; } } device->SetStreamSource(0, buffer,0, stride); //device->SetVertexShader(vertexFormat); device->SetVertexShader(NULL); device->SetFVF(vertexFormat); int startIdx=0; int vc, i; if (!isIndexPrimitive || ((indexBuffer == NULL) && renderPoint)) { for (i = 0; i < stripLen; i++) { vc = numVertices[i]; device->DrawPrimitive(primitiveType, startIdx, getPrimitiveNum(primitiveType,vc)); startIdx += vc; } } else { if (indexBuffer != NULL) { device->SetIndices(indexBuffer); for (i = 0; i < stripLen; i++) { vc = numVertices[i]; device->DrawIndexedPrimitive(primitiveType,0, 0, vcount, startIdx, getPrimitiveNum(primitiveType, vc)); startIdx += vc; } } else { if (d3dCtx->quadIndexBufferSize > 0) { // Index is successfully set device->SetIndices(d3dCtx->quadIndexBuffer); device->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,0, 0, numVertices[0], 0, numVertices[0] >> 1); } // Otherwise not enough memory when index buffer // is created, so draw nothing. } } if (setAmbientLight && (nextVB == NULL)) { // This is the last Node in the list d3dCtx->restoreDefaultLightMaterial(); } if (renderPoint) { device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, d3dCtx->cullMode); device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, d3dCtx->fillMode); /** device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SOFTWAREVERTEXPROCESSING, d3dCtx->softwareVertexProcessing); **/ device->SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(d3dCtx->softwareVertexProcessing); primitiveType = oldPrimitiveType; } else if (restorePointSize) { device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSIZE, *((LPDWORD) &d3dCtx->pointSize)); } } if (nextVB != NULL) { nextVB->render(d3dCtx); } } VOID D3dVertexBuffer::addStride(int len) { if (numVerticesLen <= stripLen) { if (numVerticesLen == 0) { numVertices = new USHORT[1]; if (numVertices == NULL) { D3dCtx::d3dWarning(OUTOFMEMORY); return; } numVerticesLen = 1; } else { int size = numVerticesLen << 1; USHORT *p = new USHORT[size]; if (p == NULL) { D3dCtx::d3dWarning(OUTOFMEMORY); return; } CopyMemory(p, numVertices, numVerticesLen*sizeof(USHORT)); delete numVertices; numVertices = p; numVerticesLen = size; } } numVertices[stripLen++] = len; } /* * This is used by Strip GeometryArray * Replace all previously define stripLen by this one. */ VOID D3dVertexBuffer::addStrides(jint len, jint* strips) { int i = len; if (numVerticesLen < len) { if (numVertices) { delete numVertices; } numVertices = new USHORT[len]; numVerticesLen = len; } USHORT *q = numVertices; while (--i >= 0) { *q++ = *strips++; } stripLen = len; } /* * This is used by D3dDisplayList optimize() * Append this one to the current strip define. */ VOID D3dVertexBuffer::appendStrides(jint len, USHORT* strips) { int i; USHORT *oldVertices; if (numVerticesLen < stripLen + len) { oldVertices = numVertices; numVertices = new USHORT[len + stripLen]; numVerticesLen = len + stripLen; } USHORT *q = numVertices; USHORT *p = oldVertices; if (oldVertices != NULL) { i = stripLen; while (--i >= 0) { *q++ = *p++; } delete oldVertices; } i = len; while (--i >= 0) { *q++ = *strips++; } stripLen = numVerticesLen; }