/* * $RCSfile$ * * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Use is subject to license terms. * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * $State$ */ #ifndef _Java3D_CgWrapper_h_ #define _Java3D_CgWrapper_h_ #include "gldefs.h" #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS #include #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ /* Forward references for structure typedefs */ typedef struct CgWrapperInfoRec CgWrapperInfo; typedef struct CgShaderInfoRec CgShaderInfo; typedef struct CgShaderProgramInfoRec CgShaderProgramInfo; typedef struct CgParameterInfoRec CgParameterInfo; /* Typedef for function pointer to entry point in CgWrapper library */ typedef void (*PFNJ3DLOADCGFUNCTIONPOINTERS)(CgWrapperInfo *); #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS typedef CGcontext (*PFNCGCREATECONTEXT)(void); typedef CGbool (*PFNCGGLISPROFILESUPPORTED)(CGprofile); typedef CGerror (*PFNCGGETERROR)(void); typedef const char * (*PFNCGGETERRORSTRING)(CGerror); typedef const char * (*PFNCGGETLASTLISTING)(CGcontext); typedef CGprogram (*PFNCGCREATEPROGRAM)(CGcontext, CGenum, const char *, CGprofile, const char *, const char **); typedef void (*PFNCGDESTROYPROGRAM)(CGprogram program); typedef void (*PFNCGGLLOADPROGRAM)(CGprogram); typedef void (*PFNCGGLBINDPROGRAM)(CGprogram); typedef void (*PFNCGGLUNBINDPROGRAM)(CGprofile); typedef void (*PFNCGGLENABLEPROFILE)(CGprofile); typedef void (*PFNCGGLDISABLEPROFILE)(CGprofile); typedef CGparameter (*PFNCGGETNAMEDPARAMETER)(CGprogram, const char *); typedef CGtype (*PFNCGGETPARAMETERTYPE)(CGparameter); typedef int (*PFNCGGETARRAYDIMENSION)(CGparameter); typedef CGtype (*PFNCGGETARRAYTYPE)(CGparameter); typedef int (*PFNCGGETARRAYSIZE)(CGparameter, int); typedef CGparameter (*PFNCGGETARRAYPARAMETER)(CGparameter, int); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER1F)(CGparameter, float); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER2F)(CGparameter, float, float); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER3F)(CGparameter, float, float, float); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER4F)(CGparameter, float, float, float, float); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY1F)(CGparameter, long, long, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY2F)(CGparameter, long, long, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY3F)(CGparameter, long, long, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY4F)(CGparameter, long, long, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETMATRIXPARAMETERFR)(CGparameter, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETMATRIXPARAMETERARRAYFR)(CGparameter, long, long, const float *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERPOINTER)(CGparameter, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); typedef void (*PFNCGGLENABLECLIENTSTATE)(CGparameter); typedef void (*PFNCGGLDISABLECLIENTSTATE)(CGparameter); #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ /* * Global struct that contains the reference to the CG wrapper library * and the function pointers to each wrapper function. This is a * singleton (only one instance exists), and is initialized by a * static MasterControl method. For performance, we will cache the * pointer to this global struct in each context. */ struct CgWrapperInfoRec { /* * Flag indicating whether the library and all function pointers * were successfully loaded. */ jboolean loaded; /* * Pointer to library, returned by dlopen (UNIX) or LoadLibrary (Windows) */ void *cgLibraryHandle; /* Function pointer to entry point in CgWrapper library */ PFNJ3DLOADCGFUNCTIONPOINTERS j3dLoadCgFunctionPointers; /* Function pointers for warapper functions */ #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS /* CG function pointers */ PFNCGCREATECONTEXT cgCreateContext; PFNCGGLISPROFILESUPPORTED cgGLIsProfileSupported; PFNCGGETERROR cgGetError; PFNCGGETERRORSTRING cgGetErrorString; PFNCGGETLASTLISTING cgGetLastListing; PFNCGCREATEPROGRAM cgCreateProgram; PFNCGDESTROYPROGRAM cgDestroyProgram; PFNCGGLLOADPROGRAM cgGLLoadProgram; PFNCGGLBINDPROGRAM cgGLBindProgram; PFNCGGLUNBINDPROGRAM cgGLUnbindProgram; PFNCGGLENABLEPROFILE cgGLEnableProfile; PFNCGGLDISABLEPROFILE cgGLDisableProfile; PFNCGGETNAMEDPARAMETER cgGetNamedParameter; PFNCGGETPARAMETERTYPE cgGetParameterType; PFNCGGETARRAYDIMENSION cgGetArrayDimension; PFNCGGETARRAYTYPE cgGetArrayType; PFNCGGETARRAYSIZE cgGetArraySize; PFNCGGETARRAYPARAMETER cgGetArrayParameter; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER1F cgGLSetParameter1f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER2F cgGLSetParameter2f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER3F cgGLSetParameter3f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETER4F cgGLSetParameter4f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY1F cgGLSetParameterArray1f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY2F cgGLSetParameterArray2f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY3F cgGLSetParameterArray3f; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERARRAY4F cgGLSetParameterArray4f; PFNCGGLSETMATRIXPARAMETERFR cgGLSetMatrixParameterfr; PFNCGGLSETMATRIXPARAMETERARRAYFR cgGLSetMatrixParameterArrayfr; PFNCGGLSETPARAMETERPOINTER cgGLSetParameterPointer; PFNCGGLENABLECLIENTSTATE cgGLEnableClientState; PFNCGGLDISABLECLIENTSTATE cgGLDisableClientState; #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ }; /* Structure used to hold CG context information; stored in ctxInfo */ struct CgCtxInfoRec { CgWrapperInfo *cgWrapperInfo; /* Pointer to static wrapper info */ #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS CGcontext cgCtx; CGprofile vProfile; CGprofile fProfile; #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ }; /* Structure used to hold CG shader information; passed back to Java as cgShaderId */ struct CgShaderInfoRec { #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS CGprogram cgShader; jint shaderType; CGprofile shaderProfile; #else /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ int dummy; #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ }; /* * Structure used to hold CG shader program information; passed back * to Java as cgShaderProgramId */ struct CgShaderProgramInfoRec { #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS /* * Vertex and fragment shader -- may be null to indicate that one * or the other is not present */ CgShaderInfo *vShader; /* Vertex shader */ CgShaderInfo *fShader; /* Fragment shader */ /* Array of parameters for (varying) vertex attributes */ int numVtxAttrs; CGparameter *vtxAttrs; #else /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ int dummy; #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ }; /* * Structure used to hold CG shader parameter information for uniform * shader attributes; passed back to Java in the locArr array */ struct CgParameterInfoRec { #ifdef COMPILE_CG_SHADERS CGparameter vParam; /* Parameter handle for vertex shader */ CGparameter fParam; /* Parameter handle for fragment shader */ #else /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ int dummy; #endif /* COMPILE_CG_SHADERS */ }; #endif /* _Java3D_CgWrapper_h_ */