diff options
2 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.frag b/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc0fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#version 140
+precision mediump float;
+uniform int alphaTestEnabled;
+uniform int alphaTestFunction;
+uniform float alphaTestValue;
+uniform int fogEnabled;
+uniform vec4 expColor;
+uniform float expDensity;
+uniform vec4 linearColor;
+uniform float linearStart;
+uniform float linearEnd;
+//End of FFP inputs
+in vec2 glTexCoord0;
+uniform sampler2D BaseMap;
+in vec3 LightDir;
+in vec3 ViewDir;
+in vec3 N;
+in vec4 A;
+in vec4 C;
+in vec4 D;
+in vec3 emissive;
+in vec3 specular;
+in float shininess;
+out vec4 glFragColor;
+void main( void )
+ vec4 baseMap = texture( BaseMap, );
+ //web says the keyword discard in a shader is bad
+ //I could just gl_FragColor=vec(0,0,0,0); return;
+ if(alphaTestEnabled != 0)
+ {
+ if(alphaTestFunction==516)//>
+ if(baseMap.a<=alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==518)//>=
+ if(baseMap.a<alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==514)//==
+ if(baseMap.a!=alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==517)//!=
+ if(baseMap.a==alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==513)//<
+ if(baseMap.a>=alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==515)//<=
+ if(baseMap.a>alphaTestValue)discard;
+ else if(alphaTestFunction==512)//never
+ discard;
+ }
+ vec3 normal = N;
+ vec3 L = normalize(LightDir);
+ vec3 E = normalize(ViewDir);
+ vec3 R = reflect(-L, normal);
+ vec3 H = normalize( L + E );
+ float NdotL = max( dot(normal, L), 0.0 );
+ float NdotH = max( dot(normal, H), 0.0 );
+ float EdotN = max( dot(normal, E), 0.0 );
+ float NdotNegL = max( dot(normal, -L), 0.0 );
+ vec4 color;
+ vec3 albedo = baseMap.rgb * C.rgb;
+ vec3 diffuse = A.rgb + (D.rgb * NdotL);
+ // Specular
+ vec3 spec = specular * pow(NdotH, 0.3*shininess);
+ spec *= D.rgb;
+ color.rgb = albedo * (diffuse + emissive) + spec;
+ color.a = C.a * baseMap.a;
+ if(fogEnabled == 1)
+ {
+ //distance
+ float dist = 0.0;
+ float fogFactor = 0.0;
+ //compute distance used in fog equations
+ dist = length(ViewDir);
+ if(linearEnd > 0.0)//linear fog
+ {
+ fogFactor = (linearEnd - dist)/(linearEnd - linearStart);
+ fogFactor = clamp( fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ //if you inverse color in glsl mix function you have to put 1.0 - fogFactor
+ color = mix(linearColor, color, fogFactor);
+ }
+ else if( expDensity > 0.0)// exponential fog
+ {
+ fogFactor = 1.0 /exp(dist * expDensity);
+ fogFactor = clamp( fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ // mix function fogColor-(1-fogFactor) + lightColor-fogFactor
+ color = mix(expColor, color, fogFactor);
+ }
+ }
+ glFragColor = color;
diff --git a/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.vert b/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.vert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184620e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/classes/org/jdesktop/j3d/examples/gl2es2pipeline/fixed_function_shader.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#version 150
+//#version 120 is not optional, trouble otherwise
+//Note don't put if else constructs on one line or trouble
+in vec4 glVertex;
+in vec4 glColor;
+in vec3 glNormal;
+in vec2 glMultiTexCoord0;
+uniform mat4 glProjectionMatrix;
+//uniform mat4 glProjectionMatrixInverse;
+uniform mat4 glViewMatrix;
+uniform mat4 glModelMatrix;
+//uniform mat4 glModelViewMatrix;
+//uniform mat4 glModelViewMatrixInverse;
+//uniform mat4 glModelViewProjectionMatrix;
+//uniform mat3 glNormalMatrix;
+//uniform vec4 glFrontMaterialambient;
+uniform vec4 glFrontMaterialdiffuse;
+uniform vec4 glFrontMaterialemission;
+uniform vec3 glFrontMaterialspecular;
+uniform float glFrontMaterialshininess;
+uniform int ignoreVertexColors;
+uniform vec4 glLightModelambient;
+uniform vec4 glLightSource0position;
+uniform vec4 glLightSource0diffuse;
+uniform mat4 textureTransform;
+//uniform int alphaTestEnabled;
+//uniform int alphaTestFunction;
+//uniform float alphaTestValue;
+//uniform int fogEnabled;
+//uniform vec4 expColor;
+//uniform float expDensity;
+//uniform vec4 linearColor;
+//uniform float linearStart;
+//uniform float linearEnd;
+//End of FFP inputs
+//The line above in not optional for parsing reasons
+//Fixed function pipeline pre-calculated values not available
+//vec3 halfVector = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].halfVector));
+// vec3 ecPos = vec3(glModelViewMatrix * glVertex);
+// vec3 ecL;
+// if( glLightSource0position.w == 0.0)
+// ecL = vec3(;// no -ecPos in case of dir lights?
+// else
+// ecL = vec3( - ecPos);
+// vec3 L = normalize(;
+// vec3 V =;
+// vec3 halfVector = normalize(L + V);
+// gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor // Derived. Ecm + Acm * Acs (Acs is normal glLightModelambient)
+// use vec4 sceneColor = glFrontMaterialemission + glFrontMaterialambient * glLightModelambient;
+//use glFrontMaterialspecular
+//use glLightModelambient
+//vec4 ambient; // Acm * Acli (Acli does not exist)
+//vec4 diffuse; // Dcm * Dcli
+//vec4 specular; // Scm * Scli (Scli does not exist)
+// calculate yourself
+out vec2 glTexCoord0;
+out vec3 LightDir;
+out vec3 ViewDir;
+out vec3 N;
+out vec4 A;
+out vec4 C;
+out vec4 D;
+out vec3 emissive;
+out vec3 specular;
+out float shininess;
+void main( void )
+ mat4 glModelViewMatrix = glViewMatrix*glModelMatrix;
+ gl_Position = glProjectionMatrix*glModelViewMatrix * glVertex;//glModelViewProjectionMatrix * glVertex;
+ glTexCoord0 = (textureTransform * vec4(glMultiTexCoord0,0,1)).st;
+ mat3 glNormalMatrix = mat3(transpose(inverse(glModelViewMatrix)));
+ N = normalize(glNormalMatrix * glNormal);
+ vec3 v = vec3(glModelViewMatrix * glVertex);
+ ViewDir =;
+ LightDir =;
+ A = glLightModelambient;
+ if( ignoreVertexColors != 0)
+ C = glFrontMaterialdiffuse; // objectColor should be used if it is no lighting
+ else
+ C = glColor;
+ D = glLightSource0diffuse * glFrontMaterialdiffuse;
+ emissive = glFrontMaterialemission.rgb;
+ specular = glFrontMaterialspecular;
+ shininess = glFrontMaterialshininess;