/* * Anarres C Preprocessor * Copyright (C) 2007 Shevek * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.anarres.cpp; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PushbackReader; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.Set; import static org.anarres.cpp.Token.*; /** Does not handle digraphs. */ public class LexerSource extends Source { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private JoinReader reader; private boolean ppvalid; private boolean bol; private boolean include; private boolean digraphs; /* Unread. */ private int u0, u1; private int ucount; private int line; private int column; private int lastcolumn; private boolean cr; /* ppvalid is: * false in StringLexerSource, * true in FileLexerSource */ public LexerSource(Reader r, boolean ppvalid) { this.reader = new JoinReader(r); this.ppvalid = ppvalid; this.bol = true; this.include = false; this.digraphs = true; this.ucount = 0; this.line = 1; this.column = 0; this.lastcolumn = -1; this.cr = false; } @Override /* pp */ void init(Preprocessor pp) { super.init(pp); this.digraphs = pp.getFeature(Feature.DIGRAPHS); this.reader.init(pp, this); } @Override public int getLine() { return line; } @Override public int getColumn() { return column; } @Override /* pp */ boolean isNumbered() { return true; } /* Error handling - this lot is barely worth it. */ private final void _error(String msg, boolean error) throws LexerException { int _l = line; int _c = column; if (_c == 0) { _c = lastcolumn; _l--; } else { _c--; } if (error) super.error(_l, _c, msg); else super.warning(_l, _c, msg); } /* Allow JoinReader to call this. */ /* pp */ final void error(String msg) throws LexerException { _error(msg, true); } /* Allow JoinReader to call this. */ /* pp */ final void warning(String msg) throws LexerException { _error(msg, false); } /* A flag for string handling. */ /* pp */ void setInclude(boolean b) { this.include = b; } /* private boolean _isLineSeparator(int c) { return Character.getType(c) == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR || c == -1; } */ /* XXX Move to JoinReader and canonicalise newlines. */ private static final boolean isLineSeparator(int c) { switch ((char)c) { case '\r': case '\n': case '\u2028': case '\u2029': case '\u000B': case '\u000C': case '\u0085': return true; default: return (c == -1); } } private int read() throws IOException, LexerException { assert ucount <= 2 : "Illegal ucount: " + ucount; switch (ucount) { case 2: ucount = 1; return u1; case 1: ucount = 0; return u0; } int c = reader.read(); switch (c) { case '\r': cr = true; line++; lastcolumn = column; column = 0; break; case '\n': if (cr) { cr = false; break; } /* fallthrough */ case '\u2028': case '\u2029': case '\u000B': case '\u000C': case '\u0085': cr = false; line++; lastcolumn = column; column = 0; break; default: cr = false; column++; break; } /* if (isLineSeparator(c)) { line++; lastcolumn = column; column = 0; } else { column++; } */ return c; } /* You can unget AT MOST one newline. */ private void unread(int c) throws IOException { if (c != -1) { if (isLineSeparator(c)) { line--; column = lastcolumn; cr = false; } else { column--; } switch (ucount) { case 0: u0 = c; ucount = 1; break; case 1: u1 = c; ucount = 2; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot unget another character!" ); } // reader.unread(c); } } private Token ccomment() throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("/*"); int d; do { do { d = read(); text.append((char)d); } while (d != '*'); do { d = read(); text.append((char)d); } while (d == '*'); } while (d != '/'); return new Token(COMMENT, text.toString()); } private Token cppcomment() throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("//"); int d = read(); while (!isLineSeparator(d)) { text.append((char)d); d = read(); } unread(d); return new Token(COMMENT, text.toString()); } private int escape(StringBuilder text) throws IOException, LexerException { int d = read(); switch (d) { case 'a': text.append('a'); return 0x0a; case 'b': text.append('b'); return '\b'; case 'f': text.append('f'); return '\f'; case 'n': text.append('n'); return '\n'; case 'r': text.append('r'); return '\r'; case 't': text.append('t'); return '\t'; case 'v': text.append('v'); return 0x0b; case '\\': text.append('\\'); return '\\'; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': int len = 0; int val = 0; do { val = (val << 3) + Character.digit(d, 8); text.append((char)d); d = read(); } while (++len < 3 && Character.digit(d, 8) != -1); unread(d); return val; case 'x': len = 0; val = 0; do { val = (val << 4) + Character.digit(d, 16); text.append((char)d); d = read(); } while (++len < 2 && Character.digit(d, 16) != -1); unread(d); return val; /* Exclude two cases from the warning. */ case '"': text.append('"'); return '"'; case '\'': text.append('\''); return '\''; default: warning("Unnecessary escape character " + (char)d); text.append((char)d); return d; } } private Token character() throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("'"); int d = read(); if (d == '\\') { text.append('\\'); d = escape(text); } else if (isLineSeparator(d)) { unread(d); error("Unterminated character literal"); return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } else if (d == '\'') { text.append('\''); error("Empty character literal"); return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } else if (!Character.isDefined(d)) { text.append('?'); error("Illegal unicode character literal"); } else { text.append((char)d); } int e = read(); if (e != '\'') { error("Illegal character constant"); /* We consume up to the next ' or the rest of the line. */ for (;;) { if (e == '\'') break; if (isLineSeparator(e)) { unread(e); break; } text.append((char)e); e = read(); } return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } text.append('\''); /* XXX It this a bad cast? */ return new Token(CHARACTER, text.toString(), Character.valueOf((char)d)); } private Token string(char open, char close) throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append(open); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (;;) { int c = read(); if (c == close) { break; } else if (c == '\\') { text.append('\\'); if (!include) { char d = (char)escape(text); buf.append(d); } } else if (c == -1) { unread(c); error("End of file in string literal after " + buf); return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } else if (isLineSeparator(c)) { unread(c); error("Unterminated string literal after " + buf); return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } else { text.append((char)c); buf.append((char)c); } } text.append(close); return new Token(close == '>' ? HEADER : STRING, text.toString(), buf.toString()); } private void number_suffix(StringBuilder text, int d) throws IOException, LexerException { if (d == 'U') { text.append((char)d); d = read(); } if (d == 'L') { text.append((char)d); } else if (d == 'I') { text.append((char)d); } else { unread(d); } } /* We already chewed a zero, so empty is fine. */ private Token number_octal() throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("0"); int d = read(); long val = 0; while (Character.digit(d, 8) != -1) { val = (val << 3) + Character.digit(d, 8); text.append((char)d); d = read(); } number_suffix(text, d); return new Token(INTEGER, text.toString(), Long.valueOf(val)); } /* We do not know whether know the first digit is valid. */ private Token number_hex(char x) throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("0"); text.append(x); int d = read(); if (Character.digit(d, 16) == -1) { unread(d); error("Illegal hexadecimal constant " + (char)d); return new Token(ERROR, text.toString(), null); } long val = 0; do { val = (val << 4) + Character.digit(d, 16); text.append((char)d); d = read(); } while (Character.digit(d, 16) != -1); number_suffix(text, d); return new Token(INTEGER, text.toString(), Long.valueOf(val)); } /* We know we have at least one valid digit, but empty is not * fine. */ /* XXX This needs a complete rewrite. */ private Token number_decimal(int c) throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder((char)c); int d = c; long val = 0; do { val = val * 10 + Character.digit(d, 10); text.append((char)d); d = read(); } while (Character.digit(d, 10) != -1); number_suffix(text, d); return new Token(INTEGER, text.toString(), Long.valueOf(val)); } private Token identifier(int c) throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); int d; text.append((char)c); for (;;) { d = read(); if (Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(d)) ; else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(d)) text.append((char)d); else break; } unread(d); return new Token(IDENTIFIER, text.toString()); } private Token whitespace(int c) throws IOException, LexerException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); int d; text.append((char)c); for (;;) { d = read(); if (ppvalid && isLineSeparator(d)) /* XXX Ugly. */ break; if (Character.isWhitespace(d)) text.append((char)d); else break; } unread(d); return new Token(WHITESPACE, text.toString()); } /* No token processed by cond() contains a newline. */ private Token cond(char c, int yes, int no) throws IOException, LexerException { int d = read(); if (c == d) return new Token(yes); unread(d); return new Token(no); } public Token token() throws IOException, LexerException { Token tok = null; int _l = line; int _c = column; int c = read(); int d; switch (c) { case '\n': if (ppvalid) { bol = true; if (include) { tok = new Token(NL, _l, _c, "\n"); } else { int nls = 0; do { d = read(); nls++; } while (d == '\n'); unread(d); char[] text = new char[nls]; for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) text[i] = '\n'; // Skip the bol = false below. tok = new Token(NL, _l, _c, new String(text)); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("lx: Returning NL: " + tok); return tok; } /* Let it be handled as whitespace. */ break; case '!': tok = cond('=', NE, '!'); break; case '#': if (bol) tok = new Token(HASH); else tok = cond('#', PASTE, '#'); break; case '+': d = read(); if (d == '+') tok = new Token(INC); else if (d == '=') tok = new Token(PLUS_EQ); else unread(d); break; case '-': d = read(); if (d == '-') tok = new Token(DEC); else if (d == '=') tok = new Token(SUB_EQ); else if (d == '>') tok = new Token(ARROW); else unread(d); break; case '*': tok = cond('=', MULT_EQ, '*'); break; case '/': d = read(); if (d == '*') tok = ccomment(); else if (d == '/') tok = cppcomment(); else if (d == '=') tok = new Token(DIV_EQ); else unread(d); break; case '%': d = read(); if (d == '=') tok = new Token(MOD_EQ); else if (digraphs && d == '>') tok = new Token('}'); // digraph else if (digraphs && d == ':') PASTE: { d = read(); if (d != '%') { unread(d); tok = new Token('#'); // digraph break PASTE; } d = read(); if (d != ':') { unread(d); // Unread 2 chars here. unread('%'); tok = new Token('#'); // digraph break PASTE; } tok = new Token(PASTE); // digraph } else unread(d); break; case ':': /* :: */ d = read(); if (digraphs && d == '>') tok = new Token(']'); // digraph else unread(d); break; case '<': if (include) { tok = string('<', '>'); } else { d = read(); if (d == '=') tok = new Token(LE); else if (d == '<') tok = cond('=', LSH_EQ, LSH); else if (digraphs && d == ':') tok = new Token('['); // digraph else if (digraphs && d == '%') tok = new Token('{'); // digraph else unread(d); } break; case '=': tok = cond('=', EQ, '='); break; case '>': d = read(); if (d == '=') tok = new Token(GE); else if (d == '>') tok = cond('=', RSH_EQ, RSH); else unread(d); break; case '^': tok = cond('=', XOR_EQ, '^'); break; case '|': d = read(); if (d == '=') tok = new Token(OR_EQ); else if (d == '|') tok = cond('=', LOR_EQ, LOR); else unread(d); break; case '&': d = read(); if (d == '&') tok = cond('=', LAND_EQ, LAND); else if (d == '=') tok = new Token(AND_EQ); else unread(d); break; case '.': d = read(); if (d == '.') tok = cond('.', ELLIPSIS, RANGE); else unread(d); /* XXX decimal fraction */ break; case '0': /* octal or hex */ d = read(); if (d == 'x' || d == 'X') tok = number_hex((char)d); else { unread(d); tok = number_octal(); } break; case '\'': tok = character(); break; case '"': tok = string('"', '"'); break; case -1: tok = new Token(EOF, _l, _c, ""); break; } if (tok == null) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { tok = whitespace(c); } else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { tok = number_decimal(c); } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) { tok = identifier(c); } else { tok = new Token(c); } } bol = false; tok.setLocation(_l, _c); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("lx: Returning " + tok); // (new Exception("here")).printStackTrace(System.out); return tok; } }