package com.jogamp.gluegen.jcpp; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import com.jogamp.gluegen.Logging; import com.jogamp.gluegen.Logging.LoggerIf; import com.jogamp.junit.util.SingletonJunitCase; import static com.jogamp.gluegen.jcpp.Token.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class PreprocessorTest extends SingletonJunitCase { private static final LoggerIf LOG = Logging.getLogger(PreprocessorTest.class); private OutputStreamWriter writer; private Preprocessor p; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { LOG.setLevel(Level.INFO); final PipedOutputStream po = new PipedOutputStream(); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(po); p = new Preprocessor(); // p.addFeature(Feature.DEBUG); p.addInput( new LexerSource( new InputStreamReader( new PipedInputStream(po) ), true ) ); } private static class I { private final String t; public I(final String t) { this.t = t; } public String getText() { return t; } @Override public String toString() { return getText(); } } private static I I(final String t) { return new I(t); } private static class N { private final String t; public N(final String t) { this.t = t; } public String getText() { return t; } @Override public String toString() { return getText(); } } private static N N(final String t) { return new N(t); } /* * When writing tests in this file, remember the preprocessor * stashes NLs, so you won't see an immediate NL at the end of any * input line. You will see it right before the next nonblank on * the following input line. */ @Test public void test01Preprocessor() throws Exception { /* Magic macros */ testInput("line = __LINE__\n", I("line"), WHITESPACE, '=', WHITESPACE, NUMBER /*, NL - all nls deferred so as not to block the reader */ ); testInput("file = __FILE__\n", NL, /* from before, etc */ I("file"), WHITESPACE, '=', WHITESPACE, STRING ); /* Simple definitions */ testInput("#define A a /* a defined */\n", NL); testInput("A /* a */\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("A", true, I("a")); testInput("#define B b /* b defined */\n", NL); testInput("B /* b */\n", NL, I("b"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("B", false, I("b")); testInput("#define C c /* c defined */\n", NL); /* Expansion of arguments */ testInput("#define EXPAND(x) x\n", NL); testInput("EXPAND(a)\n", NL, I("a")); testInput("EXPAND(A)\n", NL, I("a")); /* Stringification */ testInput("#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x\n", NL); testInput("_STRINGIFY(A)\n", NL, "A"); testInput("#define STRINGIFY(x) _STRINGIFY(x)\n", NL); testInput("STRINGIFY(b)\n", NL, "b"); testInput("STRINGIFY(A)\n", NL, "a"); /* Concatenation */ testInput("#define _CONCAT(x, y) x ## y\n", NL); testInput("_CONCAT(A, B)\n", NL, I("AB")); testInput("#define A_CONCAT done_a_concat\n", NL); testInput("_CONCAT(A, _CONCAT(B, C))\n", NL, I("done_a_concat"), '(', I("b"), ',', WHITESPACE, I("c"), ')' ); testInput("#define CONCAT(x, y) _CONCAT(x, y)\n", NL); testInput("CONCAT(A, CONCAT(B, C))\n", NL, I("abc")); testInput("#define _CONCAT3(x, y, z) x ## y ## z\n", NL); testInput("_CONCAT3(a, b, c)\n", NL, I("abc")); testInput("_CONCAT3(A, B, C)\n", NL, I("ABC")); testInput("_CONCAT(test_, inline)\n", NL, I("test_inline")); testInput("_CONCAT(test_, \nnewline)\n", NL, I("test_newline")); /* Redefinitions, undefinitions. */ testInput("#define two three\n", NL); testInput("two /* three */\n", NL, I("three"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testInput("one /* one */\n", NL, I("one"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("two", false, I("three")); testConstMacro("two", true, I("three")); testInput("#define one two\n", NL); testInput("one /* three */\n", NL, I("three"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("two")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("three")); testInput("#undef two\n", NL); testInput("one /* two */\n", NL, I("two"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("two")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("two")); testInput("#define two five\n", NL); testInput("one /* five */\n", NL, I("five"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("two")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("five")); testInput("#undef two\n", NL); testInput("one /* two */\n", NL, I("two"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("two")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("two")); testInput("#undef one\n", NL); testInput("#define one four\n", NL); testInput("one /* four */\n", NL, I("four"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("four")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("four")); testInput("#undef one\n", NL); testInput("#define one one\n", NL); testInput("one /* one */\n", NL, I("one"), WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("one", false, I("one")); testConstMacro("one", true, I("one")); testInput("#define NUM1 1\n", NL); testInput("#define NUM4 ( 1 << ( NUM1 + NUM1 ) )\n", NL); testInput("NUM4 /* ( 1 << ( 1 + 1 ) ) */\n", NL, '(', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, LSH, WHITESPACE, '(', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, '+', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, ')', WHITESPACE, ')', WHITESPACE, CCOMMENT); testConstMacro("NUM4", false, '(', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, LSH, WHITESPACE, '(', WHITESPACE, I("NUM1"), WHITESPACE, '+', WHITESPACE, I("NUM1"), WHITESPACE, ')', WHITESPACE, ')'); testConstMacro("NUM4", true, '(', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, LSH, WHITESPACE, '(', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, '+', WHITESPACE, N("1"), WHITESPACE, ')', WHITESPACE, ')'); /* Variadic macros. */ testInput("#define var(x...) a x __VA_ARGS__ b\n", NL); testInput("var(e, f, g)\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, I("e"), ',', WHITESPACE, I("f"), ',', WHITESPACE, I("g"), WHITESPACE, I("__VA_ARGS__"), WHITESPACE, // __VA_ARGS__ is not expanded in this case. I("b") ); /* Missing arguments are fine. */ testInput("var()\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, /* No expansion for 'x'. */ WHITESPACE, I("__VA_ARGS__"), WHITESPACE, I("b") ); /* Variadic macros with anonymous args. */ testInput("#define var2(x, ...) a x __VA_ARGS__ e\n", NL); testInput("var2(b, c, d)\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, I("b"), WHITESPACE, I("c"), ',', WHITESPACE, I("d"), WHITESPACE, I("e") ); /* Missing arguments are fine. */ testInput("var2(b)\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, I("b"), WHITESPACE, /* No expansion for '__VA_ARGS__'. */ WHITESPACE, I("e") ); testInput("#define var3(...) a __VA_ARGS__ d\n", NL); testInput("var3(b, c)\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, I("b"), ',', WHITESPACE, I("c"), WHITESPACE, I("d") ); testInput("var3()\n", NL, I("a"), WHITESPACE, /* No expansion for '__VA_ARGS__'. */ WHITESPACE, I("d") ); testInput("#define _Widen(x) L ## x\n", NL); testInput("#define Widen(x) _Widen(x)\n", NL); testInput("#define LStr(x) _Widen(#x)\n", NL); testInput("LStr(x);\n", NL, I("L"), "x", ';'); testInput("'foo'\n", NL, SQSTRING); testInput("#if 1 ? 2 : 0\nTEXT\n#endif\n", NL, NL, I("TEXT"), NL); testInput("#if 1 ? 0 : 2\nTEXT\n#endif\n", NL, NL, NL); testInput("#if 0 ? 0 : 2\nTEXT\n#endif\n", NL, NL, I("TEXT"), NL); testInput("#if 0 ? 2 : 0\nTEXT\n#endif\n", NL, NL, NL); writer.close(); Token t; do { t = p.token(); LOG.warning("Remaining token " + t); } while (t.getType() != EOF); } @Test public void test02PreprocessorUnterminated() throws Exception { testInput("#ifndef X\na\n#else\nb\n"); // Bug #16 writer.close(); Token t; do { t = p.token(); LOG.warning("Remaining token " + t); } while (t.getType() != EOF); } public static void assertType(final int type, final Token t) { final String typeExpect = TokenType.getTokenName(type); final String typeActual = TokenType.getTokenName(t.getType()); assertEquals("Expected " + typeExpect + " but got " + typeActual, type, t.getType()); } private void testInput(final String in, final Object... out) throws Exception {"Input: " + in); writer.write(in); writer.flush(); for (final Object v : out) { final Token t = p.token();"READ: "+String.valueOf(t)); if (v instanceof String) { if (t.getType() != STRING) fail("Expected STRING, but got " + t); assertEquals(v, t.getValue()); } else if (v instanceof I) { if (t.getType() != IDENTIFIER) { fail("Expected IDENTIFIER " + v + ", but got " + t); } assertEquals(((I) v).getText(), t.getText()); } else if (v instanceof N) { if (t.getType() != NUMBER) { fail("Expected NUMBER " + v + ", but got " + t); } assertEquals(((N) v).getText(), t.getText()); } else if (v instanceof Character) { assertType(((Character) v).charValue(), t); } else if (v instanceof Integer) { assertType(((Number) v).intValue(), t); } else { fail("Bad object " + v.getClass()); } } } // slow .. private Macro findMacro(final List macros, final String macroName) { final int count = macros.size(); for(int i=0; i macros) { final int count = macros.size(); System.err.println("Macro count: "+count); for(int i=0; i macros = p.getMacros(expandMacro); final Macro m = findMacro(macros, macroName); if( null == m ) { dumpMacros(macros); } Assert.assertNotNull("Macro <"+macroName+"> is missing!", m); Assert.assertFalse(m.isFunctionLike()); final Source s = new MacroTokenSource(m, null); try { for (final Object v : out) { final Token t = s.token();"READ: "+String.valueOf(t)); if (v instanceof String) { if (t.getType() != STRING) { fail("Expected STRING, but got " + t); } assertEquals(v, t.getValue()); } else if (v instanceof I) { if (t.getType() != IDENTIFIER) { fail("Expected IDENTIFIER " + v + ", but got " + t); } assertEquals(((I) v).getText(), t.getText()); } else if (v instanceof N) { if (t.getType() != NUMBER) { fail("Expected NUMBER " + v + ", but got " + t); } assertEquals(((N) v).getText(), t.getText()); } else if (v instanceof Character) { assertType(((Character) v).charValue(), t); } else if (v instanceof Integer) { assertType(((Number) v).intValue(), t); } else { fail("Bad object " + v.getClass()); } } } finally { s.close(); } } public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException { final String tstname = PreprocessorTest.class.getName(); org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(tstname); } }