package net.sourceforge.jnlp; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * A call that runs on a separate thread, with an optional timeout. It takes a runnable and allows * joining. * * On join, throws any exceptions that occurred within the call, or a TimeOutException if * it did not finish. Returns the value from the call. */ public class AsyncCall { static public class TimeOutException extends RuntimeException { public TimeOutException() { super("Call did not finish within the allocated time."); } } private Thread handler; private Callable callable; private long timeout; private T callResult; /* Captures exception from async call */ private Exception asyncException = null; /* Create an AsyncCall with a given time-out */ public AsyncCall(Callable callable, long timeout) { this.callable = callable; this.timeout = timeout; this.handler = new HandlerThread(); } /* Create an AsyncCall with (effectively) no time-out */ public AsyncCall(Callable call) { this(call, Long.MAX_VALUE); } /* Chains construction + start for convenience */ public static AsyncCall startWithTimeOut(Callable callable, long timeout) { AsyncCall asyncCall = new AsyncCall(callable, timeout); asyncCall.start(); return asyncCall; } /* Chains construction + start for convenience */ public static AsyncCall startWithTimeOut(Callable callable) { return startWithTimeOut(callable, 1000); // Default timeout of 1 second } public void start() { this.handler.start(); } // Rethrows exceptions from handler thread, and throws TimeOutException in case of time-out. public T join() throws Exception { handler.join(); if (asyncException != null) { throw asyncException; } return callResult; } /* The handler thread is responsible for timing-out the Callable thread. * The resulting thread */ private class HandlerThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { /* Capture result of the call */ callResult =; } catch (Exception e) { /* In case of exception, capture for re-throw */ asyncException = e; } handler.interrupt(); // Finish early } }; thread.start(); try { Thread.sleep(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Finish early return; } if (thread.isAlive()) { asyncException = new TimeOutException(); } // Make sure the thread is finished while (thread.isAlive()) { thread.interrupt(); } } } }