Welcome to the Java Input API Project!

The JInput Project hosts an implementation of an API for game controller discovery and polled input. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems with intention of making the development of high performance games in Java a reality.

The API itself is pure Java and presents a platform-neutral completely portable model of controller discovery and polling. It can handle arbitrary controllers and returns both human and machine understandable descriptions of the inputs available.

The implementation hosted here also includes plug-ins to allow the API to adapt to various specific platforms. These plug-ins often contain a native code portion to interface to the host system.

Project Status
The intial implementation of the Java Input API is available for download from CVS. This release contains a plug-in for Win32i, Linux, and OSX. Builds are available in the Documents and Files area.
Getting Started

This project has been built in the following environment:

  • Sun J2SDK 1.4.2+ (available at java.sun.com)
  • ANT 1.4.1+ (available at www.apache.org)
  • Win32
  • OSX 10.2.x or greater
  • Linux with 2.6 kernel
  • This project requires that the Java Utils library (jutil.jar) be built and placed in this project's lib directories. See the README for more detail. For the Java Utils library itself see jutils.dev.java.net


Useful Links
JInput forums
Developer Agreement