path: root/src/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/com/jogamp/openal/test/junit/ b/src/test/com/jogamp/openal/test/junit/
index 22631cf..d539d43 100644
--- a/src/test/com/jogamp/openal/test/junit/
+++ b/src/test/com/jogamp/openal/test/junit/
@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@ package com.jogamp.openal.test.junit;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALFactory;
import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
@@ -15,96 +20,210 @@ import com.jogamp.openal.ALCcontext;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCdevice;
import com.jogamp.openal.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import com.jogamp.openal.test.resources.ResourceLocation;
+import com.jogamp.openal.test.util.UITestCase;
import com.jogamp.openal.util.WAVData;
import com.jogamp.openal.util.WAVLoader;
-public class ALExtLoopbackDeviceSOFTTest {
+public class ALExtLoopbackDeviceSOFTTest extends UITestCase {
+ static boolean dumpSamples = false;
- public void testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFT() throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
+ public void test01Mono() throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
+ testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFTImpl(0, 0.4f);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test02Stereo() throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
+ testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFTImpl(3, 0.8f);
+ }
- ALC alc = ALFactory.getALC();
- ALCdevice dev = alc.alcOpenDevice(null);
- ALCcontext context = alc.alcCreateContext(dev,null);
- alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context);
- AL al = ALFactory.getAL();
+ void testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFTImpl(int srcIdx, float expAccuracy) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
+ final ALC alc = ALFactory.getALC();
+ final AL al = ALFactory.getAL();
+ final ALExt alext = ALFactory.getALExt();
System.out.println("Available null device OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(null, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
- System.out.println("Available device OpenAL Extensions:"+alc.alcGetString(dev, ALC.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
- boolean have = alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(dev, "ALC_SOFT_loopback");
- Exception ex = null;
- ALExt alext = ALFactory.getALExt();
- if (!have) {
+ if ( !alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(null, "ALC_SOFT_loopback") ) {
System.out.println("No extension ALC_SOFT_loopback present");
- try {
- dev = alext.alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT(null);
- } catch (Exception x) {
- ex = x;
- }
- assertNotNull(ex);
+ return;
+ }
+ final InputStream inputStream;
+ final int fmtChannels, fmtData, sampleSize, channelCount;
+ final boolean useShort;
+ if( 0 == srcIdx ) {
+ inputStream = ResourceLocation.getTestStream0();
+ fmtChannels = ALExt.AL_MONO_SOFT;
+ fmtData = ALExt.AL_BYTE_SOFT;
+ sampleSize = 8;
+ channelCount = 1;
+ useShort = false;
+ } else if( 3 == srcIdx ) {
+ inputStream = ResourceLocation.getTestStream3();
+ fmtChannels = ALExt.AL_STEREO_SOFT;
+ fmtData = ALExt.AL_SHORT_SOFT;
+ sampleSize = 16;
+ channelCount = 2;
+ useShort = true;
+ } else {
- System.out.println("begin testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFT");
- int[] buffers = new int[1];
- dev = alext.alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT(null);
- assertNotNull(dev);
- WAVData wd = null;
+ ALCdevice dev = null;
+ Exception ex = null;
try {
- wd = WAVLoader.loadFromStream(ResourceLocation.getTestStream0());
- // for whatever reason the type codes differ for this stuff
- context = alc.alcCreateContext(dev, new int[]{
- wd.freq,
- 0
- }, 0);
- boolean state = alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context);
- assertTrue(state);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ex = e;
- }
- assertNull(ex);
- ex = null;
+ System.out.println("begin testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFT");
- // queue the data
- al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0);
- al.alBufferData(buffers[0], wd.format,, wd.size, wd.freq);
+ dev = alext.alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT(null);
+ {
+ final int alcDevError = alc.alcGetError(dev);
+ System.err.printf("CreatedSoftDevice: alcError 0x%X, dev %s%n", alcDevError, dev);
+ }
+ assertNotNull(dev);
- ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(wd.size).order(;
+ WAVData wd = null;
- // render it to an output buffer
- try {
- alext.alcRenderSamplesSOFT(dev, bb, wd.size);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ex = e;
- }
- assertNull(ex);
+ ALCcontext context = null;
+ try {
+ // int alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(1);
+ // int alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(8, true, true);
+ // alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, hasSOFTBufferSamples, al, alExt);
+ wd = WAVLoader.loadFromStream(inputStream);
+ System.err.println("fmt "+wd.format);
+ System.err.println("freq "+wd.freq);
+ System.err.println("size "+wd.size);
+ final boolean supported = alext.alcIsRenderFormatSupportedSOFT(dev, wd.freq, fmtChannels, fmtData);
+ final String msg = String.format("Supported channels 0x%X, data 0x%X: %b", fmtChannels, fmtData, supported);
+ System.err.println(msg);
+ Assert.assertTrue("Not supported: "+msg, supported);
+ context = alc.alcCreateContext(dev, new int[]{
+ fmtChannels,
+ fmtData,
+ wd.freq,
+ 0
+ }, 0);
+ final int alcDevError = alc.alcGetError(dev);
+ System.err.printf("CreatedSoftContext: alcError 0x%X, context %s%n", alcDevError, context);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ ex = e;
+ }
+ assertNull(ex);
+ assertNotNull("ALC context null", context);
- // should the samples be bit identical?
- for (int i=0;i<wd.size;i++) {
- byte a =;
- byte b = bb.get(i);
- assertEquals(a, b);
+ assertTrue("Could not make context current", alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context));
+ try {
+ final int dataSize = Math.min(4096, wd.size);
+ int[] source = { 0 };
+ al.alGenSources(1, source, 0);
+ assertEquals("Could not gen source", AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ final int[] buffer = new int[1];
+ final int[] tmp = new int[1];
+ al.alGenBuffers(1, buffer, 0);
+ assertEquals("Could not generate AL buffer", AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ al.alBufferData(buffer[0], wd.format,, dataSize, wd.freq);
+ assertEquals("Could not fill AL source buffer "+buffer[0]+", sz "+dataSize+", ", AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ al.alGetBufferi(buffer[0], AL.AL_SIZE, tmp, 0);
+ assertEquals("Could not get buffer size "+buffer[0], AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ System.err.println("Buffer size "+tmp[0]+" of "+dataSize);
+ al.alSourcei(source[0], AL.AL_BUFFER, buffer[0]);
+ assertEquals("Could source buffer "+buffer[0], AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ al.alSourcePlay(source[0]);
+ assertEquals("Could not play source "+source[0], AL.AL_NO_ERROR, al.alGetError());
+ final ByteBuffer bbSink = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(dataSize).order(;
+ final ShortBuffer sbSink = bbSink.asShortBuffer();
+ final ShortBuffer sbSrc =;
+ // render it to an output buffer
+ try {
+ final int samplesPerChannel = dataSize / ( ( sampleSize / 8 ) * channelCount );
+ alext.alcRenderSamplesSOFT(dev, bbSink, samplesPerChannel);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ ex = e;
+ }
+ assertNull(ex);
+ final int alError = al.alGetError();
+ final int alcDevError = alc.alcGetError(dev);
+ System.err.printf("alcRendering: alError 0x%X, alcError 0x%X%n", alError, alcDevError);
+ final int srcLimit;
+ if( useShort ) {
+ srcLimit = sbSink.limit();
+ } else {
+ srcLimit = bbSink.limit();
+ }
+ float deltaT = 0f;
+ int totalSize = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<srcLimit; i++) {
+ final int a, b, a_u, b_u;
+ final float delta;
+ if( dumpSamples ) {
+ if(0==totalSize%3) {
+ System.err.printf("%n[%04d]: ", i);
+ }
+ }
+ if( useShort ) {
+ a = sbSrc.get(i);
+ b = sbSink.get(i);
+ a_u = -Short.MIN_VALUE + a;
+ b_u = -Short.MIN_VALUE + b;
+ delta = Math.abs(Math.abs(a_u - b_u) / (float)(0xffff+1));
+ if( dumpSamples ) {
+ System.err.printf("%6d %04X-> %6d %04X (%1.5f), ", a, a_u, b, b_u, delta);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // compare int8_t values only
+ a =;
+ b = bbSink.get(i);
+ a_u = -Byte.MIN_VALUE + a;
+ b_u = -Byte.MIN_VALUE + b;
+ delta = Math.abs(Math.abs(a_u - b_u) / (float)(0xff+1));
+ if( dumpSamples ) {
+ System.err.printf("%4d %02X-> %4d %02X (%1.5f), ", a, a_u, b, b_u, delta);
+ }
+ }
+ deltaT += delta;
+ totalSize++;
+ }
+ if( dumpSamples ) {
+ System.err.println();
+ }
+ final float deltaA = deltaT / totalSize;
+ final float accuracy = Math.abs(1f - deltaA);
+ final String msg = String.format("Size[%04d s, %04d b, %04d b-t], Delta T %f, A %f, Accuracy %f / %f", totalSize, dataSize, wd.size,
+ deltaT, deltaA, accuracy, expAccuracy);
+ System.err.println(msg);
+ Assert.assertTrue("Too many rendering artifacts: "+msg, expAccuracy <= accuracy);
+ } finally {
+ alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if( null != dev ) {
+ alc.alcCloseDevice(dev);
+ }
System.out.println("end testAlCLoopbackDeviceSOFT");
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
+ dumpSamples = true;