* Copyright 2013-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
* conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
* of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
* provided with the distribution.
* The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
* authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
* or implied, of JogAmp Community.
package com.jogamp.openal.util;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import jogamp.openal.Debug;
import com.jogamp.common.ExceptionUtils;
import com.jogamp.common.av.AudioFormat;
import com.jogamp.common.av.AudioSink;
import com.jogamp.common.av.AudioSink.AudioFrame;
import com.jogamp.common.os.Clock;
import com.jogamp.common.util.LFRingbuffer;
import com.jogamp.common.util.PropertyAccess;
import com.jogamp.common.util.Ringbuffer;
import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALC;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCConstants;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCcontext;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALCdevice;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALConstants;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALException;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALExt;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALExt.ALEVENTPROCSOFT;
import com.jogamp.openal.ALExtConstants;
import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.AudioSystem3D;
import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Context;
import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Device;
import com.jogamp.openal.sound3d.Source;
* OpenAL {@link AudioSink} implementation.
* Besides given {@link AudioSink} functionality, implementation is fully functional regarding {@link AudioFormat} and all OpenAL parameter.
* - All OpenAL parameter can be queried
* - Instance can be constructed with an OpenAL device and context, see {@link #ALAudioSink(ALCdevice, ALCcontext)}
* - Initialization can be performed with OpenAL paramters, see {@link #init(int, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int)}
public final class ALAudioSink implements AudioSink {
private static final boolean DEBUG_TRACE;
private static final ALC alc;
private static final AL al;
private static final ALExt alExt;
private static final boolean staticsInitialized;
private final Device device;
private boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples;
private boolean hasEXTMcFormats;
private boolean hasEXTFloat32;
private boolean hasEXTDouble;
private boolean hasALC_thread_local_context;
private boolean hasAL_SOFT_events;
private int sourceCount;
private float defaultLatency;
private float latency;
private final AudioFormat nativeFormat;
private int userMaxChannels = 8;
private AudioFormat preferredFormat;
private final Context context;
/** Playback speed, range [0.5 - 2.0], default 1.0. */
private float playSpeed;
private float volume = 1.0f;
static class ALAudioFrame extends AudioFrame {
private final int alBuffer;
ALAudioFrame(final int alBuffer) {
this.alBuffer = alBuffer;
public ALAudioFrame(final int alBuffer, final int pts, final int duration, final int dataSize) {
super(pts, duration, dataSize);
this.alBuffer = alBuffer;
/** Get this frame's OpenAL buffer name */
public final int getALBuffer() { return alBuffer; }
public String toString() {
return "ALAudioFrame[pts " + pts + " ms, l " + duration + " ms, " + byteSize + " bytes, buffer "+alBuffer+"]";
private int[] alBufferNames = null;
/** queue grow amount in [ms] */
private int queueGrowAmount = 0;
/** queue limit in [ms] */
private int queueLimit = 0;
/** average frame duration in [s] */
private float avgFrameDuration = 0f;
private Ringbuffer alFramesFree = null;
private Ringbuffer alFramesPlaying = null;
private volatile int alBufferBytesQueued = 0;
private volatile int playingPTS = AudioFrame.INVALID_PTS;
private volatile int enqueuedFrameCount;
private final Source alSource = new Source();
private AudioFormat chosenFormat;
private int alChannelLayout;
private int alSampleType;
private int alFormat;
private volatile boolean available;
private volatile boolean playRequested = false;
static {
DEBUG_TRACE = PropertyAccess.isPropertyDefined("joal.debug.AudioSink.trace", true);
alc = AudioSystem3D.getALC();
al = AudioSystem3D.getAL();
alExt = AudioSystem3D.getALExt();
staticsInitialized = AudioSystem3D.isAvailable();
/** Returns true if OpenAL has been loaded and static fields {@link ALC}, {@link AL} and {@link ALExt} have been initialized successfully, otherwise false. */
public static boolean isInitialized() {
return staticsInitialized;
private static Device createDevice(final String name) {
final Device d = new Device(name);
if( !d.isValid() ) {
throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error opening OpenAL device '"+name+"'");
return d;
* Create a new instance with a new default {@link ALCdevice}
* @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
public ALAudioSink() throws ALException {
* Create a new instance with a new named {@link ALCdevice}
* @param deviceName name of
* @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
public ALAudioSink(final String deviceName) throws ALException {
* Create a new instance with an optional given {@link ALCdevice}
* @param alDevice optional OpenAL {@link Device}, a default device is opened if null.
* @throws ALException if the default {@link ALCdevice} couldn't be fully created including its context.
public ALAudioSink(final Device alDevice) throws ALException {
available = false;
chosenFormat = null;
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
device = null;
context = null;
nativeFormat = DefaultFormat;
if( null == alDevice ) {
device = createDevice(null); // default device
if( !device.isValid() ) {
throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Couldn't open default device: "+device);
} else {
device = alDevice;
if( !device.open() ) {
throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error device not open or couldn't be opened "+device);
// Create audio context.
context = new Context(device, null);
if ( !context.isValid() ) {
throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context "+context);
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
hasSOFTBufferSamples = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_SOFT_buffer_samples);
hasEXTMcFormats = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_MCFORMATS);
hasEXTFloat32 = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_FLOAT32);
hasEXTDouble = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_EXT_DOUBLE);
hasALC_thread_local_context = context.hasALC_thread_local_context;
hasAL_SOFT_events = al.alIsExtensionPresent(ALHelpers.AL_SOFT_events);
int checkErrIter = 1;
AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
int defaultSampleRate = DefaultFormat.sampleRate;
final int[] value = { 0 };
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_FREQUENCY, 1, value, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: failed, using default "+defaultSampleRate);
} else {
defaultSampleRate = value[0];
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultSampleRate: OK "+defaultSampleRate);
value[0] = 0;
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MONO_SOURCES, 1, value, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_MONO_SOURCES", DEBUG, false) ) {
sourceCount = -1;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryMonoSourceCount: failed");
} else {
sourceCount = value[0];
value[0] = 0;
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
defaultLatency = 20f/1000f; // OpenAL-Soft default seems to be 50 Hz -> 20ms min latency
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: failed");
} else {
defaultLatency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> s
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryDefaultRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms");
nativeFormat = new AudioFormat(defaultSampleRate, DefaultFormat.sampleSize, getMaxSupportedChannels(false),
DefaultFormat.signed, DefaultFormat.fixedP, DefaultFormat.planar, DefaultFormat.littleEndian);
preferredFormat = nativeFormat;
if( DEBUG ) {
final int[] alcvers = { 0, 0 };
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Version: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_VERSION));
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: OpenAL Extensions: "+al.alGetString(ALConstants.AL_EXTENSIONS));
AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Null device OpenALC:");
alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
alc.alcGetIntegerv(null, ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(null, ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: Device "+device+" OpenALC:");
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 0);
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, alcvers, 1);
System.out.println(" Version: "+alcvers[0]+"."+alcvers[1]);
System.out.println(" Extensions: "+alc.alcGetString(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_EXTENSIONS));
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasSOFTBufferSamples "+hasSOFTBufferSamples);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTMcFormats "+hasEXTMcFormats);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTFloat32 "+hasEXTFloat32);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasEXTDouble "+hasEXTDouble);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasALC_thread_local_context "+hasALC_thread_local_context);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: hasAL_SOFT_events "+hasAL_SOFT_events);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: maxSupportedChannels "+getMaxSupportedChannels(false));
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: nativeAudioFormat "+nativeFormat);
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: defaultMixerRefreshRate "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms, "+(1f/defaultLatency)+" Hz");
AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "init."+checkErrIter++, DEBUG, false);
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink: Using device: " + device);
available = true;
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
// Expose AudioSink OpenAL implementation specifics
/** Return OpenAL global {@link AL}. */
public static final AL getAL() { return al; }
/** Return OpenAL global {@link ALC}. */
public static final ALC getALC() { return alc; }
/** Return OpenAL global {@link ALExt}. */
public static final ALExt getALExt() { return alExt; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Device}. */
public final Device getDevice() { return device; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Context}. */
public final Context getContext() { return context; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL {@link Source}. */
public final Source getSource() { return alSource; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension AL_SOFT_buffer_samples
is available. */
public final boolean hasSOFTBufferSamples() { return hasSOFTBufferSamples; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension AL_EXT_MCFORMATS
is available. */
public final boolean hasEXTMcFormats() { return hasEXTMcFormats; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension AL_EXT_FLOAT32
is available. */
public final boolean hasEXTFloat32() { return hasEXTFloat32; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension AL_EXT_DOUBLE
is available. */
public final boolean hasEXTDouble() { return hasEXTDouble; }
/** Return whether OpenAL extension ALC_EXT_thread_local_context
is available. */
public final boolean hasALCThreadLocalContext() { return hasALC_thread_local_context; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL channel layout, set after {@link #init(AudioFormat, float, int, int, int)}. */
public final int getALChannelLayout() { return alChannelLayout; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL sample type, set after {@link #init(AudioFormat, float, int, int, int)}. */
public final int getALSampleType() { return alSampleType; }
/** Return this instance's OpenAL format, set after {@link #init(AudioFormat, float, int, int, int)}. */
public final int getALFormat() { return alFormat; }
// AudioSink implementation ...
public final boolean makeCurrent(final boolean throwException) {
return context.makeCurrent(throwException);
public final boolean release(final boolean throwException) {
return context.release(throwException);
private final void destroyContext() {
public final String toString() {
final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0;
final int ctxHash = context != null ? context.hashCode() : 0;
final int alFramesFreeSize = alFramesFree != null ? alFramesFree.size() : 0;
final int alFramesPlayingSize = alFramesPlaying != null ? alFramesPlaying.size() : 0;
return String.format("ALAudioSink[playReq %b, device '%s', ctx 0x%x, alSource %d"+
", chosen %s, al[chan %s, type %s, fmt 0x%x, tlc %b, soft %b, latency %.2f/%.2f ms, sources %d]"+
", playSpeed %.2f, buffers[total %d, free %d], queued[%d, apts %d, %.1f ms, %d bytes, avg %.2f ms/frame], queue[g %d ms, l %d ms]]",
playRequested, device.getName(), ctxHash, alSource.getID(), chosenFormat,
ALHelpers.alChannelLayoutName(alChannelLayout), ALHelpers.alSampleTypeName(alSampleType),
alFormat, hasALC_thread_local_context, hasSOFTBufferSamples,
1000f*latency, 1000f*defaultLatency, sourceCount, playSpeed, alBuffersLen, alFramesFreeSize,
alFramesPlayingSize, getPTS(), 1000f*getQueuedTime(), alBufferBytesQueued, 1000f*avgFrameDuration,
queueGrowAmount, queueLimit
private final String shortString() {
final int ctxHash = context != null ? context.hashCode() : 0;
final int alFramesPlayingSize = alFramesPlaying != null ? alFramesPlaying.size() : 0;
return String.format("[ctx 0x%x, playReq %b, alSrc %d"+
", queued[%d, apts %d, %.1f ms, %d bytes, avg %.2f ms/frame], queue[g %d ms, l %d ms]]",
ctxHash, playRequested, alSource.getID(),
alFramesPlayingSize, getPTS(), 1000f*getQueuedTime(), alBufferBytesQueued, 1000f*avgFrameDuration,
queueGrowAmount, queueLimit
public final String getPerfString() {
final int alBuffersLen = null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0;
return String.format("Play [buffer %d/%d, apts %d, %.1f ms, %d bytes]",
alFramesPlaying.size(), alBuffersLen, getPTS(), 1000f*getQueuedTime(), alBufferBytesQueued);
public int getSourceCount() {
return sourceCount;
public float getDefaultLatency() {
return defaultLatency;
public float getLatency() {
return latency;
public final AudioFormat getNativeFormat() {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return null;
return nativeFormat;
public final AudioFormat getPreferredFormat() {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return null;
return preferredFormat;
public final void setChannelLimit(final int cc) {
userMaxChannels = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, cc));
preferredFormat = new AudioFormat(nativeFormat.sampleRate,
nativeFormat.sampleSize, getMaxSupportedChannels(true),
nativeFormat.signed, nativeFormat.fixedP,
nativeFormat.planar, nativeFormat.littleEndian);
if( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println("ALAudioSink: channelLimit "+userMaxChannels+", preferredFormat "+preferredFormat);
private final int getMaxSupportedChannels(final boolean considerLimit) {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return 0;
final int cc;
if( hasEXTMcFormats || hasSOFTBufferSamples ) {
cc = 8;
} else {
cc = 2;
return considerLimit ? Math.min(userMaxChannels, cc) : cc;
public final boolean isSupported(final AudioFormat format) {
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return false;
if( format.planar != preferredFormat.planar ||
format.littleEndian != preferredFormat.littleEndian ||
format.sampleRate > preferredFormat.sampleRate ||
format.channelCount > preferredFormat.channelCount )
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.isSupported: NO.0 "+format);
return false;
final int alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(format, al, alExt,
hasSOFTBufferSamples, hasEXTMcFormats,
hasEXTFloat32, hasEXTDouble);
if( ALConstants.AL_NONE != alFormat ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.isSupported: OK "+format+", alFormat "+toHexString(alFormat));
return true;
} else {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.isSupported: NO.1 "+format);
return false;
public final boolean init(final AudioFormat requestedFormat, final int frameDuration,
final int initialQueueSize, final int queueGrowAmount, final int queueLimit)
if( !staticsInitialized ) {
return false;
final int alChannelLayout = ALHelpers.getDefaultALChannelLayout(requestedFormat.channelCount);
final int alSampleType = ALHelpers.getALSampleType(requestedFormat.sampleSize, requestedFormat.signed, requestedFormat.fixedP);
final int alFormat;
if( ALConstants.AL_NONE != alChannelLayout && ALConstants.AL_NONE != alSampleType ) {
alFormat = ALHelpers.getALFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, al, alExt,
hasSOFTBufferSamples, hasEXTMcFormats,
hasEXTFloat32, hasEXTDouble);
} else {
alFormat = ALConstants.AL_NONE;
if( ALConstants.AL_NONE == alFormat ) {
// not supported
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init1: Not supported: "+requestedFormat+", "+toString());
return false;
return initImpl(requestedFormat, alChannelLayout, alSampleType, alFormat,
frameDuration/1000f, initialQueueSize, queueGrowAmount, queueLimit);
* Initializes the sink using the given OpenAL audio parameter and streaming details.
* @param alChannelLayout OpenAL channel layout
* @param alSampleType OpenAL sample type
* @param alFormat OpenAL format
* @param sampleRate sample rate, e.g. 44100
* @param sampleSize sample size in bits, e.g. 16
* @param frameDurationHint average {@link AudioFrame} duration hint in milliseconds.
* Assists to shape the {@link AudioFrame} initial queue size using `initialQueueSize`.
* Assists to adjust latency of the backend, as currently used for JOAL's ALAudioSink.
* A value below 30ms or {@link #DefaultFrameDuration} may increase the audio processing load.
* Assumed as {@link #DefaultFrameDuration}, if frameDuration < 1 ms
* @param initialQueueSize initial queue size in milliseconds, see {@link #DefaultInitialQueueSize}.
* Uses `frameDurationHint` to determine initial {@link AudioFrame} queue size.
* @param queueGrowAmount queue grow size in milliseconds if queue is full, see {@link #DefaultQueueGrowAmount}.
* Uses {@link #getAvgFrameDuration()} to determine {@link AudioFrame} queue growth amount.
* @param queueLimit maximum time in milliseconds the queue can hold (and grow), see {@link #DefaultQueueLimitWithVideo} and {@link #DefaultQueueLimitAudioOnly}.
* Uses {@link #getAvgFrameDuration()} to determine {@link AudioFrame} queue limit.
* @return true if successful, otherwise false
* @see #enqueueData(int, ByteBuffer, int)
* @see #getAvgFrameDuration()
* @see ALHelpers#getAudioFormat(int, int, int, int, int)
* @see #init(AudioFormat, float, int, int, int)
public final boolean init(final int alChannelLayout, final int alSampleType, final int alFormat,
final int sampleRate, final int sampleSize,
final int frameDurationHint, final int initialQueueSize, final int queueGrowAmount, final int queueLimit)
final AudioFormat requestedFormat = ALHelpers.getAudioFormat(alChannelLayout, alSampleType, alFormat, sampleRate, sampleSize);
if( null == requestedFormat ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init2: Invalid AL channelLayout "+toHexString(alChannelLayout)+
", sampleType "+toHexString(alSampleType)+", format "+toHexString(alFormat)+" or sample[rate "+sampleRate+", size "+sampleSize+"]; "+toString());
return false;
return initImpl(requestedFormat, alChannelLayout, alSampleType, alFormat,
frameDurationHint/1000f, initialQueueSize, queueGrowAmount, queueLimit);
private final synchronized boolean initImpl(final AudioFormat requestedFormat,
final int alChannelLayout, final int alSampleType, final int alFormat,
float frameDurationHintS, final int initialQueueSize, final int queueGrowAmount, final int queueLimit) {
this.alChannelLayout = alChannelLayout;
this.alSampleType = alSampleType;
this.alFormat = alFormat;
* OpenAL is pretty relaxed on formats, so whall we.
* Deduced requested AudioFormat is already a validated OpenAL compatible one.
* Drop filtering ..
if( !isSupported(requestedFormat) ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Requested format "+requestedFormat+" not supported, preferred is "+preferredFormat+", "+this);
return false;
// Flush all old buffers
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
if( context.getLockCount() != 1 ) {
throw new ALException("init() must be called w/o makeCurrent: lockCount "+context+", "+this);
boolean releaseContext = true;
try {
frameDurationHintS = frameDurationHintS >= 1f/1000f ? frameDurationHintS : AudioSink.DefaultFrameDuration/1000f;
// Re-Create audio context if default latency is not sufficient
final int defRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / defaultLatency ); // s -> Hz
final int expMixerRefreshRate = Math.round( 1f / frameDurationHintS ); // s -> Hz
if( frameDurationHintS < defaultLatency ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Re-create context as latency exp "+
(1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) < default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
if( !context.recreate( new int[] { ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, expMixerRefreshRate } ) ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Error creating OpenAL context "+context);
return false;
} else if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: Keep context, latency exp "+
(1000f*frameDurationHintS)+" ms ("+expMixerRefreshRate+" Hz) >= default "+(1000f*defaultLatency)+" ms ("+defRefreshRate+" Hz)");
// Get actual refresh rate
final int[] value = { 0 };
alc.alcGetIntegerv(device.getALDevice(), ALCConstants.ALC_REFRESH, 1, value, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkError(device, "read ALC_FREQUENCY", DEBUG, false) || 0 == value[0] ) {
latency = defaultLatency;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: failed, claiming default "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
} else {
latency = 1f/value[0]; // Hz -> ms
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("ALAudioSink.queryRefreshRate: OK "+value[0]+" Hz = "+(1000f*latency)+" ms");
if( !createSource() ) {
releaseContext = false;
return false;
// Allocate new buffers
final int initialFrameCount = requestedFormat.getFrameCount(
initialQueueSize > 0 ? initialQueueSize/1000f : AudioSink.DefaultInitialQueueSize/1000f, frameDurationHintS);
alBufferNames = new int[initialFrameCount];
al.alGenBuffers(initialFrameCount, alBufferNames, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGenBuffers", true, false) ) {
alBufferNames = null;
releaseContext = false;
return false;
final ALAudioFrame[] alFrames = new ALAudioFrame[initialFrameCount];
for(int i=0; i(alFrames);
alFramesPlaying = new LFRingbuffer(ALAudioFrame[].class, initialFrameCount);
this.queueGrowAmount = queueGrowAmount > 0 ? queueGrowAmount : AudioSink.DefaultQueueGrowAmount;
this.queueLimit = queueLimit > 0 ? queueLimit : AudioSink.DefaultQueueLimitWithVideo;
alFramesFree.dump(System.err, "Avail-init");
alFramesPlaying.dump(System.err, "Playi-init");
if( hasAL_SOFT_events ) {
alExt.alEventCallbackSOFT(alEventCallback, context.getALContext());
alExt.alEventControlSOFT(1, new int[] { ALExtConstants.AL_EVENT_TYPE_BUFFER_COMPLETED_SOFT }, 0, true);
} finally {
if( releaseContext ) {
release(false /* throw */);
chosenFormat = requestedFormat;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.init: OK "+requestedFormat+", "+toString());
return true;
public final AudioFormat getChosenFormat() {
return chosenFormat;
private static int[] concat(final int[] first, final int[] second) {
final int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, first.length + second.length);
System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, first.length, second.length);
return result;
private static T[] concat(T[] first, T[] second) {
final T[] result = Arrays.copyOf(first, first.length + second.length);
System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, first.length, second.length);
return result;
} */
private boolean growBuffers(final int addByteCount) {
if( !alFramesFree.isEmpty() || !alFramesPlaying.isFull() ) {
throw new InternalError("Buffers: Avail is !empty "+alFramesFree+" or Playing is !full "+alFramesPlaying+", while !hasAL_SOFT_events");
final float addDuration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(addByteCount); // [s]
final float queuedDuration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(alBufferBytesQueued); // [s]
final int newTotalDuration = Math.round( 1000f * ( queuedDuration + addDuration ) ); // [ms]
if( newTotalDuration > queueLimit ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.printf("%s: ALAudioSink.growBuffers: Queue limit %d ms reached (queued %.2f + %.2f)ms: %s%n",
getThreadName(), queueLimit, 1000f*queuedDuration, 1000f*addDuration, toString());
return false;
final int frameGrowAmount = chosenFormat.getFrameCount(queueGrowAmount/1000f, avgFrameDuration);
final int[] newALBufferNames = new int[frameGrowAmount];
al.alGenBuffers(frameGrowAmount, newALBufferNames, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGenBuffers to "+frameGrowAmount, true, false) ) {
return false;
alBufferNames = concat(alBufferNames, newALBufferNames);
final ALAudioFrame[] newALBuffers = new ALAudioFrame[frameGrowAmount];
for(int i=0; i 0 ) {
final int releaseBufferLimes = Math.max(1, alFramesPlaying.size() / 4 );
final long sleepLimes = Math.round( releaseBufferLimes * 1000.0*avgFrameDuration );
int wait_cycles=0;
long slept = 0;
int releasedBuffers = 0;
boolean onceBusyDebug = true;
final long t0 = DEBUG ? Clock.currentNanos() : 0;
do {
if( hasAL_SOFT_events ) {
synchronized( eventReleasedBuffersLock ) {
while( wait && alBufferBytesQueued > 0 && eventReleasedBuffers < releaseBufferLimes ) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
releasedBuffers = eventReleasedBuffers;
eventReleasedBuffers = 0;
if( DEBUG ) {
slept += TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(Clock.currentNanos()-t0);
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink.Event.wait["+wait_cycles+"]: released buffer count "+releasedBuffers+", limes "+releaseBufferLimes+", slept "+slept+" ms, free total "+alFramesFree.size());
} else {
releasedBuffers = alSource.getBuffersProcessed();
if( wait && releasedBuffers < releaseBufferLimes ) {
// clip wait at [avgFrameDuration .. 300] ms
final int sleep = Math.max(2, Math.min(300, Math.round( (releaseBufferLimes-releasedBuffers) * 1000f*avgFrameDuration) ) ) - 1; // 1 ms off for busy-loop
if( slept + sleep + 1 <= sleepLimes ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait-sleep["+wait_cycles+"].1:"+
"releaseBuffers "+releasedBuffers+"/"+releaseBufferLimes+", sleep "+sleep+"/"+slept+"/"+sleepLimes+
" ms, playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+shortString());
release(true /* throw */);
try {
Thread.sleep( sleep );
slept += sleep;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
} else {
// Empirical best behavior w/ openal-soft (sort of needs min ~21ms to complete processing a buffer even if period < 20ms?)
if( DEBUG ) {
if( onceBusyDebug ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait-sleep["+wait_cycles+"].2:"+
"releaseBuffers "+releasedBuffers+"/"+releaseBufferLimes+", sleep "+sleep+"->1/"+slept+"/"+sleepLimes+
" ms, playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+shortString());
onceBusyDebug = false;
release(true /* throw */);
try {
Thread.sleep( 1 );
slept += 1;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
} while ( wait && alBufferBytesQueued > 0 && releasedBuffers < releaseBufferLimes );
releaseBufferCount = releasedBuffers;
if( DEBUG ) {
final long t1 = Clock.currentNanos();
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: Dequeue.wait-done["+wait_cycles+"]: "+TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(t1-t0)+
"ms , releaseBuffers "+releaseBufferCount+"/"+releaseBufferLimes+", slept "+slept+" ms, playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+
", "+shortString());
} else {
releaseBufferCount = 0;
if( releaseBufferCount > 0 ) {
final int[] buffers = new int[releaseBufferCount];
for ( int i=0; i 0 ) {
System.err.printf("%s: ALAudioSink: Write pts %d ms, %.2f ms, dequeued %d, wait %b, %s%n",
getThreadName(), inPTS, 1000f*inDuration, dequeuedBufferCount, wait, getPerfString());
return dequeuedBufferCount;
public final AudioFrame enqueueData(final int pts, final ByteBuffer bytes, final int byteCount) {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return null;
final ALAudioFrame alFrame;
// OpenAL consumes buffers in the background
// we first need to initialize the OpenAL buffers then
// start continuous playback.
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
final float duration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(byteCount);
if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() ) {
// Queue is full, no free frames left, hence alBufferBytesQueued and alFramesPlaying.size() is > 0
// and meaningful to represent actual used average frame duration
avgFrameDuration = chosenFormat.getBytesDuration( alBufferBytesQueued ) / alFramesPlaying.size();
// try to dequeue w/o waiting first
dequeueBuffer(false /* wait */, pts, duration);
if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() ) {
// try to grow
if( alFramesFree.isEmpty() && alFramesPlaying.size() > 0 && isPlayingImpl() ) {
// possible if grow failed or already exceeds it's limit - only possible if playing ..
dequeueBuffer(true /* wait */, pts, duration);
alFrame = alFramesFree.get();
if( null == alFrame ) {
alFramesFree.dump(System.err, "Avail");
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: avail.get null "+alFramesFree+", "+this);
if( !alFramesPlaying.put( alFrame ) ) {
throw new InternalError("Internal Error: "+this);
final int[] alBufferNames = new int[] { alFrame.alBuffer };
if( hasSOFTBufferSamples ) {
final int samplesPerChannel = chosenFormat.getBytesSampleCount(byteCount) / chosenFormat.channelCount;
// final int samplesPerChannel = ALHelpers.bytesToSampleCount(byteCount, alChannelLayout, alSampleType);
alExt.alBufferSamplesSOFT(alFrame.alBuffer, chosenFormat.sampleRate, alFormat,
samplesPerChannel, alChannelLayout, alSampleType, bytes);
} else {
al.alBufferData(alFrame.alBuffer, alFormat, bytes, byteCount, chosenFormat.sampleRate);
System.err.println("> "+alFrame.alBuffer+" -> "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
alBufferBytesQueued += byteCount;
enqueuedFrameCount++; // safe: only written-to while locked!
System.err.println(">> "+alFrame.alBuffer+" -> "+shortString()+" @ "+getThreadName());
playImpl(); // continue playing, fixes issue where we ran out of enqueued data!
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
return alFrame;
public final boolean isPlaying() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return false;
if( playRequested ) {
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
return isPlayingImpl();
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
} else {
return false;
private final boolean isPlayingImpl() {
if( playRequested ) {
return ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false);
} else {
return false;
private final int getSourceState(final boolean ignoreError) {
if( !alSource.isValid() ) {
final String msg = getThreadName()+": getSourceState: invalid "+alSource;
if( ignoreError ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
return ALConstants.AL_NONE;
} else {
throw new ALException(msg);
final int[] val = { ALConstants.AL_NONE };
al.alGetSourcei(alSource.getID(), ALConstants.AL_SOURCE_STATE, val, 0);
if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alGetSourcei", true, false) ) {
final String msg = getThreadName()+": Error while querying SOURCE_STATE. "+this;
if( ignoreError ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
return ALConstants.AL_NONE;
} else {
throw new ALException(msg);
return val[0];
public final void play() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
playRequested = true;
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PLAY playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
private final void playImpl() {
if( playRequested && ALConstants.AL_PLAYING != getSourceState(false) ) {
AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePlay", true, true);
public final void pause() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
if( playRequested ) {
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: PAUSE playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
private final void pauseImpl() {
if( isPlayingImpl() ) {
playRequested = false;
AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePause", true, true);
private final void stopImpl(final boolean ignoreError) {
if( !alSource.isValid() ) {
if( ALConstants.AL_STOPPED != getSourceState(ignoreError) ) {
playRequested = false;
if( AudioSystem3D.checkALError("alSourcePause", true, false) ) {
final String msg = "Error while stopping. "+this;
if( ignoreError ) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": "+msg);
} else {
throw new ALException(getThreadName()+": Error while stopping. "+this);
public final float getPlaySpeed() { return playSpeed; }
public final boolean setPlaySpeed(float rate) {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return false;
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( Math.abs(1.0f - rate) < 0.01f ) {
rate = 1.0f;
if( 0.5f <= rate && rate <= 2.0f ) { // OpenAL limits
playSpeed = rate;
return true;
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
return false;
public final float getVolume() {
return volume;
public final boolean setVolume(float v) {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return false;
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
if( Math.abs(v) < 0.01f ) {
v = 0.0f;
} else if( Math.abs(1.0f - v) < 0.01f ) {
v = 1.0f;
if( 0.0f <= v && v <= 1.0f ) { // OpenAL limits
volume = v;
return true;
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
return false;
public final void flush() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
makeCurrent(true /* throw */);
try {
// pauseImpl();
// Redundant: dequeueBuffer( false /* wait */, true /* ignoreBufferInconsistency */);
if( alBufferNames.length != alFramesFree.size() || alFramesPlaying.size() != 0 ) {
throw new InternalError("XXX: "+this);
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": ALAudioSink: FLUSH playImpl "+(ALConstants.AL_PLAYING == getSourceState(false))+", "+this);
} finally {
release(true /* throw */);
public final int getEnqueuedFrameCount() {
return enqueuedFrameCount;
public final int getFrameCount() {
return null != alBufferNames ? alBufferNames.length : 0;
public final int getQueuedFrameCount() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return 0;
return alFramesPlaying.size();
public final int getFreeFrameCount() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return 0;
return alFramesFree.size();
public final int getQueuedByteCount() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return 0;
return alBufferBytesQueued;
public final float getQueuedTime() {
if( !available || null == chosenFormat ) {
return 0;
return chosenFormat.getBytesDuration(alBufferBytesQueued);
public float getAvgFrameDuration() {
return avgFrameDuration;
public final int getPTS() { return playingPTS; }
private static final String toHexString(final int v) { return "0x"+Integer.toHexString(v); }
private static final String toHexString(final long v) { return "0x"+Long.toHexString(v); }
private static final String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); }