/* * Created on Jun 3, 2003 * * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.jogamp.openal; import java.io.IOException; import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.jogamp.openal.util.*; /** * @author Athomas Goldberg * */ public class ALTest extends TestCase { static AL al; static ALC alc; static ALCcontext context; static ALCdevice device; final static String TEST_FILE ="lewiscarroll.wav"; /** * Constructor for ALTest. * @param arg0 */ public ALTest(String arg0) { super(arg0); } public void setUp() { try { al = ALFactory.getAL(); alc = ALFactory.getALC(); device = alc.alcOpenDevice(null); context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, null); alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(context); } catch (ALException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void tearDown() { alc.alcMakeContextCurrent(null); alc.alcDestroyContext(context); alc.alcCloseDevice(device); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("begin main"); junit.textui.TestRunner.run(ALTest.class); System.out.println("end main"); } /* * Test for void alGenBuffers(int, IntBuffer) *//* final public void testAlGenBuffersintIntBuffer() { System.out.println("begin testAlGenBuffersintintBuffer"); // try basic case try { IntBuffer buffers = BufferUtils.newIntBuffer(7); al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(buffers.get(i) == 0); assertTrue(al.alIsBuffer(buffers.get(i))); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } Exception ex = null; // buffers == null try { IntBuffer buffers = null; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; // buffer too small try { IntBuffer buffers = BufferUtils.newIntBuffer(5); al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; // buffer not direct try { IntBuffer buffers = IntBuffer.allocate(7); al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); System.out.println("end testAlGenBuffersintintBuffer"); } */ /* * Test for void alGenBuffers(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGenBuffersintintArray() { System.out.println("begin testAlGenBuffersintintArray"); // try basic case try { int[] buffers = new int[7]; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers, 0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(buffers[i] == 0); assertTrue(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } Exception ex = null; // try exceptions try { int[] buffers = null; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers, 0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[5]; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers, 0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); System.out.println("end testAlGenBuffersintintArray"); } /* * Test for void alDeleteBuffers(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlDeleteBuffersintIntBuffer() { System.out.println("begin testAlDeleteBuffersintintArray"); // try basic case try { int[] buffers = new int[7]; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(buffers[i] == 0); assertTrue(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } Exception ex = null; // try exceptions try { al.alDeleteBuffers(7,(int[])null, 0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[5]; al.alGenBuffers(5,buffers,0); al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); try { int[] buffers = new int[7]; al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); assertTrue(al.alGetError() != 0); } catch(Exception e) { fail("deleting an unfilled buffer list should generate an ALError but not an exception"); } System.out.println("end testAlDeleteBuffersintintArray"); } /* * Test for void alDeleteBuffers(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlDeleteBuffersintintArray() { System.out.println("begin testAlDeleteBuffersintIntBuffer"); // try basic case try { int[] buffers = new int[7]; al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(buffers[i] == 0); assertTrue(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } Exception ex = null; // try exceptions try { al.alDeleteBuffers(7,(int[])null,0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[5]; al.alGenBuffers(5,buffers,0); al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[5]; al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); try { int[] buffers = new int[7]; al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); assertTrue(al.alGetError() != 0); } catch(Exception e) { fail("deleting an unfilled buffer list should generate an ALError but not an exception"); } System.out.println("end testAlDeleteBuffersintintArray"); } final public void testAlIsBuffer() { System.out.println("begin testALIsBuffer"); try { // check a bufferlist with known bad values int[] buffers = new int[7]; for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { buffers[i] = -1; assertFalse(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } // created al.alGenBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertTrue(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } // deleted al.alDeleteBuffers(7,buffers,0); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse(al.alIsBuffer(buffers[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("end testALisBuffer"); } /* * Test for void alBufferData(int, int, Buffer, int, int) */ final public void testAlBufferDataintintByteBufferintint() { System.out.println("begin testAlBufferDataintintByteBufferintint"); try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] tmp = new int[1]; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE,tmp,0); assertFalse(tmp[0] == 0); } catch(Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } Exception ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, null, 0, 0 ); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull(ex); System.out.println("end testAlBufferDataintintByteBufferintint"); } /* * Test for void alGetBufferf(int, int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetBufferfintintfloatArray() { System.out.println("begin testAlGetBufferfintintfloatArray"); // there are currently NO float attributes for buffers. System.out.println("end testAlGetBufferfintintfloatArray"); } /* * Test for void alGetBufferf(int, int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetBufferfintintFloatBuffer() { System.out.println("begin testAlGetBufferfintintFloatBuffer"); // there are currently NO float attributes for buffers. System.out.println("end testAlGetBufferfintintFloatBuffer"); } /* * Test for float alGetBufferf(int, int) */ final public void testAlGetBufferfintint() { System.out.println("begin testAlGetBufferfintintFloatBuffer"); // there are currently NO float attributes for buffers. System.out.println("end testAlGetBufferfintintFloatBuffer"); } /* * Test for void alGetBufferi(int, int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGetBufferiintintintArray() { System.out.println("begin testAlGetBufferiintintintArray"); try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] size = new int[1]; int[] freq = new int[1]; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE, size, 0); al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_FREQUENCY, freq, 0); assertEquals(wd.size, size[0]); assertEquals(wd.freq, freq[0]); } catch(Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } Exception ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] size = null; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE, size, 0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } assertNotNull(ex); System.out.println("end testAlGetBufferiintintintArray"); } /* * Test for void alGetBufferi(int, int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetBufferiintintIntBuffer() { try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] size = new int[1]; int[] freq = new int[1]; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE, size, 0); al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_FREQUENCY, freq, 0); assertEquals(wd.size, size[0]); assertEquals(wd.freq, freq[0]); } catch(Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } Exception ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] size = null; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE, size, 0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } assertNotNull(ex); ex = null; try { int[] buffers = new int[1]; al.alGenBuffers(1, buffers, 0); WAVData wd = WAVLoader.loadFromFile(TEST_FILE); al.alBufferData( buffers[0], wd.format, wd.data, wd.size, wd.freq ); int[] size = new int[1]; al.alGetBufferi(buffers[0],AL.AL_SIZE, size, 0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ex = e; } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } // assertNotNull(ex); } /* * Test for int alGetBufferi(int, int) */ final public void testAlGetBufferiintint() { //TODO Implement alGetBufferi(). } /* * Test for void alGenSources(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGenSourcesintintArray() { //TODO Implement alGenSources(). } /* * Test for void alGenSources(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlGenSourcesintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGenSources(). } /* * Test for void alDeleteSources(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlDeleteSourcesintintArray() { //TODO Implement alDeleteSources(). } /* * Test for void alDeleteSources(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlDeleteSourcesintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alDeleteSources(). } final public void testAlIsSource() { //TODO Implement alIsSource(). } final public void testAlSourcei() { //TODO Implement alSourcei(). } final public void testAlSourcef() { //TODO Implement alSourcef(). } /* * Test for void alSourcefv(int, int, float[]) */ final public void testAlSourcefvintintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alSourcefv(). } /* * Test for void alSourcefv(int, int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourcefvintintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourcefv(). } final public void testAlSource3f() { //TODO Implement alSource3f(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcef(int, int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetSourcefintintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcef(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcef(int, int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetSourcefintintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcef(). } /* * Test for float alGetSourcef(int, int) */ final public void testAlGetSourcefintint() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcef(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcefv(int, int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetSourcefvintintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcefv(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcefv(int, int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetSourcefvintintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcefv(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcei(int, int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGetSourceiintintintArray() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcei(). } /* * Test for void alGetSourcei(int, int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetSourceiintintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcei(). } /* * Test for int alGetSourcei(int, int) */ final public void testAlGetSourceiintint() { //TODO Implement alGetSourcei(). } final public void testAlSourcePlay() { //TODO Implement alSourcePlay(). } /* * Test for void alSourcePlayv(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourcePlayvintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourcePlayv(). } /* * Test for void alSourcePlayv(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourcePlayvintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourcePlayv(). } final public void testAlSourcePause() { //TODO Implement alSourcePause(). } /* * Test for void alSourcePausev(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourcePausevintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourcePausev(). } /* * Test for void alSourcePausev(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourcePausevintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourcePausev(). } final public void testAlSourceStop() { //TODO Implement alSourceStop(). } /* * Test for void alSourceStopv(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourceStopvintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourceStopv(). } /* * Test for void alSourceStopv(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourceStopvintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourceStopv(). } final public void testAlSourceRewind() { //TODO Implement alSourceRewind(). } /* * Test for void alSourceRewindv(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourceRewindvintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourceRewindv(). } /* * Test for void alSourceRewindv(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourceRewindvintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourceRewindv(). } /* * Test for void alSourceQueueBuffers(int, int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourceQueueBuffersintintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourceQueueBuffers(). } /* * Test for void alSourceQueueBuffers(int, int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourceQueueBuffersintintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourceQueueBuffers(). } /* * Test for void alSourceUnqueueBuffers(int, int, int[]) */ final public void testAlSourceUnqueueBuffersintintintArray() { //TODO Implement alSourceUnqueueBuffers(). } /* * Test for void alSourceUnqueueBuffers(int, int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlSourceUnqueueBuffersintintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alSourceUnqueueBuffers(). } final public void testAlListenerf() { //TODO Implement alListenerf(). } final public void testAlListener3f() { //TODO Implement alListener3f(). } /* * Test for void alListenerfv(int, float[]) */ final public void testAlListenerfvintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alListenerfv(). } /* * Test for void alListenerfv(int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlListenerfvintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alListenerfv(). } final public void testAlListeneri() { //TODO Implement alListeneri(). } /* * Test for void alGetListenerf(int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetListenerfintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetListenerf(). } /* * Test for void alGetListenerf(int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetListenerfintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetListenerf(). } /* * Test for float alGetListenerf(int) */ final public void testAlGetListenerfint() { //TODO Implement alGetListenerf(). } /* * Test for void alGetListener3f(int, FloatBuffer, FloatBuffer, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetListener3fintFloatBufferFloatBufferFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetListener3f(). } /* * Test for void alGetListener3f(int, float[], float[], float[]) */ final public void testAlGetListener3fintfloatArrayfloatArrayfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetListener3f(). } /* * Test for void alGetListenerfv(int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetListenerfvintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetListenerfv(). } /* * Test for void alGetListenerfv(int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetListenerfvintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetListenerfv(). } /* * Test for void alGetListeneri(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGetListeneriintintArray() { //TODO Implement alGetListeneri(). } /* * Test for void alGetListeneri(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetListeneriintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetListeneri(). } /* * Test for int alGetListeneri(int) */ final public void testAlGetListeneriint() { //TODO Implement alGetListeneri(). } final public void testAlEnable() { //TODO Implement alEnable(). } final public void testAlDisable() { //TODO Implement alDisable(). } final public void testAlIsEnabled() { //TODO Implement alIsEnabled(). } final public void testAlGetBoolean() { //TODO Implement alGetBoolean(). } final public void testAlGetDouble() { //TODO Implement alGetDouble(). } final public void testAlGetFloat() { //TODO Implement alGetFloat(). } final public void testAlGetInteger() { //TODO Implement alGetInteger(). } /* * Test for void alGetDoublev(int, DoubleBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetDoublevintDoubleBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetDoublev(). } /* * Test for void alGetDoublev(int, double[]) */ final public void testAlGetDoublevintdoubleArray() { //TODO Implement alGetDoublev(). } /* * Test for void alGetFloatv(int, FloatBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetFloatvintFloatBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetFloatv(). } /* * Test for void alGetFloatv(int, float[]) */ final public void testAlGetFloatvintfloatArray() { //TODO Implement alGetFloatv(). } /* * Test for void alGetIntegerv(int, IntBuffer) */ final public void testAlGetIntegervintIntBuffer() { //TODO Implement alGetIntegerv(). } /* * Test for void alGetIntegerv(int, int[]) */ final public void testAlGetIntegervintintArray() { //TODO Implement alGetIntegerv(). } final public void testAlGetString() { //TODO Implement alGetString(). } final public void testAlDistanceModel() { //TODO Implement alDistanceModel(). } final public void testAlDopplerFactor() { //TODO Implement alDopplerFactor(). } final public void testAlDopplerVelocity() { //TODO Implement alDopplerVelocity(). } final public void testAlGetError() { //TODO Implement alGetError(). } final public void testAlIsExtensionPresent() { //TODO Implement alIsExtensionPresent(). } final public void testAlGetEnumValue() { //TODO Implement alGetEnumValue(). } }