Ensure you have followed 01-zfs_linux_bringup 02-firewall - smartmontools - make sure that root email is properly fwd: /etc/aliases: root ADMIN_USER_NAME /etc/mail/virtusertable root@jogamp.org ADMIN_USER_NAME - apt-get install smartmontools - edit /etc/smartd.conf DEVICESCAN -l error -l selftest -H -m root@jogamp.org -M test - zfswatcher Only enable logfile and email notification (no web) - apt-get install golang - cd /usr/src - git clone git://github.com/damicon/zfswatcher.git - cd zfswatcher - edit Makefile fix GO location - make - make install - cp etc/debian-startup.sh /etc/init.d/zfswatcher - update-rc.d zfswatcher defaults Update/Sync from this folder: - scp etc/zfs/zfswatcher.conf root@server:/etc/zfs/ - scp etc/logrotate.d/zfswatcher root@server:/etc/logrotate.d/ - 1st snapshot - Recursive .. - zfs snapshot -r jogamp_org@setup_complete - Remove snapshot on swap .. - zfs destroy jogamp_org/swap@setup_complete