package demos.applets; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import*; import*; import com.sun.javafx.newt.*; import com.sun.javafx.newt.opengl.*; /** Shows how to deploy an applet using JOGL. This demo must be referenced from a web page via an <applet> tag. */ public class JOGLNewtApplet1Run extends Applet { JOGLNewtAppletBase base; Window nWindow = null; public void init() { if(!(this instanceof Container)) { throw new RuntimeException("This Applet is not a AWT Container"); } Container container = (Container) this; // have to think about that, we may use a Container String glEventListenerClazzName=null; String glProfileName=null; int glSwapInterval=0; boolean glDebug=false; boolean glTrace=false; String tmp; try { glEventListenerClazzName = getParameter("gl_event_listener_class"); glProfileName = getParameter("gl_profile"); glSwapInterval = JOGLNewtAppletBase.str2Int(getParameter("gl_swap_interval"), glSwapInterval); glDebug = JOGLNewtAppletBase.str2Bool(getParameter("gl_debug"), glDebug); glTrace = JOGLNewtAppletBase.str2Bool(getParameter("gl_trace"), glTrace); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(null==glEventListenerClazzName) { throw new RuntimeException("No applet parameter 'gl_event_listener_class'"); } base = new JOGLNewtAppletBase(glEventListenerClazzName, glSwapInterval, false /* pumpMessages == handleWindowEvents */, glDebug, glTrace); try { GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(GLProfile.get(glProfileName)); Display nDisplay = NewtFactory.createDisplay(NativeWindowFactory.TYPE_AWT, null); // local display Screen nScreen = NewtFactory.createScreen(NativeWindowFactory.TYPE_AWT, nDisplay, 0); // screen 0 nWindow = NewtFactory.createWindow(NativeWindowFactory.TYPE_AWT, new Object[] { container }, nScreen, caps, true /* undecorated */); // nWindow.setPosition(x, y); // nWindow.setSize(container.getWidth(), container.getHeight()); if(null!=nWindow) { base.init(nWindow); } if(base.isValid()) { GLEventListener glEventListener = base.getGLEventListener(); if(glEventListener instanceof MouseListener) { addMouseListener((MouseListener)glEventListener); } if(glEventListener instanceof MouseMotionListener) { addMouseMotionListener((MouseMotionListener)glEventListener); } if(glEventListener instanceof KeyListener) { addKeyListener((KeyListener)glEventListener); } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } public void start() { base.start(); } public void stop() { base.stop(); } public void destroy() { base.destroy(false); // no dispose events base=null; if(null!=nWindow) { nWindow.destroy(); nWindow=null; } } }