package demos.xtrans; import*; import gleem.linalg.*; /** A basic transition supporting animated translation, rotation about a pivot point, scrolling and fading effects. */ public class XTBasicTransition implements XTTransition { protected Vec3f pivot = new Vec3f(); protected Vec3f axis = new Vec3f(); protected InterpolatedFloat angle; protected InterpolatedVec3f translation; protected InterpolatedQuad3f vertices; protected InterpolatedQuad2f texcoords; protected InterpolatedFloat alpha; protected float percentage; /** Constructs a new transition object with all of its initial state set to zero. */ public XTBasicTransition() { } public void update(float percentage) { this.percentage = percentage; } public void draw(GL gl) { float percent = percentage; Quad3f vts = vertices.getCurrent(percent); Quad2f tex = texcoords.getCurrent(percent); if (translation != null) { Vec3f trans = translation.getCurrent(percent); gl.glTranslatef(trans.x(), trans.y(), trans.z()); } // Rotate about pivot point gl.glTranslatef(pivot.x(), pivot.y(), pivot.z()); if (angle != null) { gl.glRotatef(angle.getCurrent(percent), axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z()); } gl.glTranslatef(-pivot.x(), -pivot.y(), -pivot.z()); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLES); float a = 1.0f; if (alpha != null) { a = alpha.getCurrent(percent); } gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, a); // Triangle 1 gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(0).x(), tex.getVec(0).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(0).x(), vts.getVec(0).y(), vts.getVec(0).z()); gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(1).x(), tex.getVec(1).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(1).x(), vts.getVec(1).y(), vts.getVec(1).z()); gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(3).x(), tex.getVec(3).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(3).x(), vts.getVec(3).y(), vts.getVec(3).z()); // Triangle 2 gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(3).x(), tex.getVec(3).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(3).x(), vts.getVec(3).y(), vts.getVec(3).z()); gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(1).x(), tex.getVec(1).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(1).x(), vts.getVec(1).y(), vts.getVec(1).z()); gl.glTexCoord2f(tex.getVec(2).x(), tex.getVec(2).y()); gl.glVertex3f (vts.getVec(2).x(), vts.getVec(2).y(), vts.getVec(2).z()); gl.glEnd(); } /** Returns the rotation axis for this transition. By default this axis is not set, so if an interpolator is specified for the rotation angle the axis of rotation must be specified as well. */ public Vec3f getRotationAxis() { return axis; } /** Sets the rotation axis for this transition. By default this axis is not set, so if an interpolator is specified for the rotation angle the axis of rotation must be specified as well. */ public void setRotationAxis(Vec3f axis) { this.axis.set(axis); } /** Returns the interpolator for the rotation angle for this transition. By default this interpolator is null, meaning that the transition does not perform any rotation. */ public InterpolatedFloat getRotationAngle() { return angle; } /** Sets the interpolator for the rotation angle for this transition. By default this interpolator is null, meaning that the transition does not perform any rotation. */ public void setRotationAngle(InterpolatedFloat angle) { this.angle = angle; } /** Returns the pivot point for this transition's rotation. By default this is set to the origin, which corresponds to the upper-left corner of the component being animated. */ public Vec3f getPivotPoint() { return pivot; } /** Sets the pivot point for this transition's rotation. By default this is set to the origin, which corresponds to the upper-left corner of the component being animated. */ public void setPivotPoint(Vec3f point) { pivot.set(point); } /** Returns the interpolator for this transition's translation. By default the translation is a fixed vector from the origin to the upper left corner of the component being animated; the vertices are specified relative to that point in the +x and -y directions. */ public InterpolatedVec3f getTranslation() { return translation; } /** Sets the interpolator for this transition's translation. By default the translation is a fixed vector from the origin to the upper left corner of the component being animated; the vertices are specified relative to that point in the +x and -y directions. */ public void setTranslation(InterpolatedVec3f interp) { translation = interp; } /** Returns the interpolator for the vertices of this transition's component when drawn on screen. By default the vertices are specified with the upper-left corner of the component at the origin and the component extending in the +x (right) and -y (down) directions; the units of the vertices correspond to the on-screen size of the component in pixels. The component's location is specified using the translation interpolator. */ public InterpolatedQuad3f getVertices() { return vertices; } /** Sets the interpolator for the vertices of this transition's component when drawn on screen. By default the vertices are specified with the upper-left corner of the component at the origin and the component extending in the +x (right) and -y (down) directions; the units of the vertices correspond to the on-screen size of the component in pixels. The component's location is specified using the translation interpolator. */ public void setVertices(InterpolatedQuad3f interp) { vertices = interp; } /** Returns the interpolator for the texture coordinates of this transition's component when drawn on screen. By default these are set so that at either the start or end point (depending on whether this is an "in" or "out" transition) the texture coordinates specify rendering of the component's entire contents. */ public InterpolatedQuad2f getTexCoords() { return texcoords; } /** Sets the interpolator for the texture coordinates of this transition's component when drawn on screen. By default these are set so that at either the start or end point (depending on whether this is an "in" or "out" transition) the texture coordinates specify rendering of the component's entire contents. */ public void setTexCoords(InterpolatedQuad2f interp) { texcoords = interp; } /** Returns the interpolator for this component's alpha value. */ public InterpolatedFloat getAlpha() { return alpha; } /** Sets the interpolator for this component's alpha value. */ public void setAlpha(InterpolatedFloat interp) { alpha = interp; } }