Uses of Class

Packages that use LightingException   

Uses of LightingException in

Methods in that throw LightingException
 void Material.apply()
          Sets the state on the attached OpenGL Context to match this Material.
 void Light.apply( gl)
          Applies the settings on this Light to the specified OpenGL context, using the light number stored in the Light.
 void Light.apply( gl, int lightNumber)
          Applies the settings on this Light to the specified OpenGL context, using the requested light number.
 void Material.applyGlobalAmbient(Color ambient)
          Sets the light model parameter GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT for the attached GL context.
 void Light.disable( gl)
          Disables the light number stored in this Light on the specified OpenGL Context.
 void Light.disable( gl, int lightNumber)
          Disables the requested light on the specified OpenGL Context.
 void Light.enable( gl)
          Enables the light number stored in this Light on the specified OpenGL Context.
 void Light.enable( gl, int lightNumber)
          Enables the requested light on the specified OpenGL Context.
 Color Material.getGlobalAmbient()
          Retrieves the GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT color from the attached OpenGL context.
static int Light.idToNum(int lightID)
          Converts the specified OpenGL light ID number to a number
static void Light.initializePhongShader()
          Initializes Phong shading mode for this Light (instead of the fixed functionality Gouraud shading) on the current OpenGL context.
static void Light.initializePhongShader( gl)
          Initializes Phong shading mode for this Light (instead of the fixed functionality Gouraud shading).
static int Light.numToID(int lightNum)
          Determines the OpenGL ID for the specified light number
static void Light.removePhongShader()
          Removes the Phong Shader program from the current GL Context
static void Light.removePhongShader( gl)
          Removes the Phong Shader program from the specified GL Context
 void Material.retrieve()
          Sets this Material object from the attached OpenGL state.
 void Light.retrieve( gl)
          Reconfigures the settings on this Light from the state of the specified OpenGL context, using the light number stored in the Light.
 void Light.retrieve( gl, int lightNumber)
          Reconfigures the settings on this Light from the state of the specified OpenGL context, using the requested light number.
 void Light.setAttachedGL( gl)
          Attached the specified OpenGL context to this object
 void Material.setFace(int face)
          Specifies the face for subsequent apply method calls to apply and retrieve the material settings.
 void Light.setLightID(int lightID)
          Sets the OpenGL light to use in subsequent method calls from a GL identifier
 void Light.setLightNumber(int lightNumber)
          Sets the number of the OpenGL light to use in subsequent method calls
 void Light.setPhongShaded(boolean usePhongShading)
          Sets if phong per-fragment shading (as opposed to fixed-functionality per-vertex shading) is to be used with this Light.

Constructors in that throw LightingException
Light( gl)
          Creates a new instance of Light with default settings attached to the specified GL Context
Light( gl, int lightNumber)
          Creates a new instance of Light with default settings attached to the specified GL Context with an explicit light number