path: root/make/build-newt.xml
diff options
authorKenneth Russel <[email protected]>2009-06-15 22:57:38 +0000
committerKenneth Russel <[email protected]>2009-06-15 22:57:38 +0000
commita959c53b7ac91e489bf0959391e892790b9ff248 (patch)
tree4664742a4f9f6daa694364292e376ad2e6ee97d1 /make/build-newt.xml
parent506b634b780dcd23aa61015c2ceba3e687196abf (diff)
Copied JOGL_2_SANDBOX r1957 on to trunk; JOGL_2_SANDBOX branch is now closed
git-svn-id: file:///usr/local/projects/SUN/JOGL/git-svn/svn-server-sync/jogl/trunk@1959 232f8b59-042b-4e1e-8c03-345bb8c30851
Diffstat (limited to 'make/build-newt.xml')
1 files changed, 1029 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/make/build-newt.xml b/make/build-newt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1b1baaea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/build-newt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ - Ant build for NEWT. This build has been tested with ANT 1.7.0. The
+ - optional.jar that contains the optional ANT tasks must be in the ANT
+ - classpath (typically the ant/lib directory).
+ -
+ - A clean download of NEWT is required for this build.
+ -
+ - This build has no dependence on environment variables; the needed
+ - ones (e.g. java.home, ANT_HOME) are all set by the Ant wrapper shell
+ - script, by the virtual machine, or elsewhere. However, on all platforms,
+ - the C compiler and linker should be in the path. All other paths that
+ - need to be set are in host.properties.
+ -
+ - NOTE: because the GlueGen config files have their own relative paths
+ - which cannot be overridden by GlueGen, GlueGen MUST be run from
+ - the "make" directory. This also means that this build.xml MUST
+ - be run from the "make" directory.
+ -
+ - Public targets:
+ - all: (default; autodetects OS and chooses C compiler from newt.properties)
+ - clean: clean all built
+ - javadoc: create the standard developer Javadoc (recommended)
+ - (Note: should build all first - may be dependence in the future)
+ - javadoc.spec: create the standard developer Javadoc but exclude com.sun.* classes
+ - javadoc.dev: create the internal developer Javadoc. This includes the
+ - Java and C file generators. Note that it is only supported
+ - to create the Javadoc for the platform on which you are
+ - currently running.
+ -
+ - Note: on Windows the "win32.c.compiler" property in newt.properties
+ - is required to select the appropriate C compiler. See the example
+ - newt.properties in this directory for valid values. On Mac OS X
+ - universal binaries may also be built by setting the "macosxfat"
+ - property in newt.properties; again see the example file in this
+ - directory.
+ -
+ - Thanks to Rob Grzywinski and Artur Biesiadowski for the bulk of the
+ - ANT build, including the GlueGen and StaticGLInfo tasks, the building of
+ - the Java generated sources, the first and second phase Java compiles, and
+ - the building of the jar file. Thanks to Alex Radeski for the bulk of the
+ - port to the ant-contrib CPPTask framework. Thanks to Athomas Goldberg for
+ - the original OS detection code.
+ -
+ - Some environment defs affecting compilation
+ setup.cdcfp - Using the CDC Java runtime library
+ - no DoubleBuffer
+ - no LongBuffer
+ This will set
+ -> setup.noAWT
+ - Internal settings, may not be necessary to set them manually,
+ since all JAR archives are orthogonal.
+ setup.noAWT
+ setup.noOpenGL
+ -->
+<project name="NEWT" basedir="." default="all">
+ <!-- This is the version of JOGL you are building -->
+ <property name="base_version" value="0.0.0-rc0"/>
+ <!-- Uncomment this property definition to cause a full release build to be done -->
+ <!-- without needing to specify the RI target on the command line -->
+ <property name="RImanifestfile" value="newtRIversion" />
+ <!-- Pull in GlueGen cpptasks build file -->
+ <property name="gluegen.root" value="../../gluegen" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml" />
+ <available file="${user.home}/newt.compiler.xml" property="newt.compiler.present"/>
+ <import file="${user.home}/newt.compiler.xml" optional="true" />
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Base initialization and detection of operating system.
+ -->
+ <target name="base.init">
+ <condition property="setup.noAWT">
+ <isset property="setup.cdcfp"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="isCDCFP">
+ <isset property="setup.cdcfp"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="javac.bootclasspath.jar"
+ value="../../gluegen/make/lib/cdc_fp.jar">
+ <isset property="setup.cdcfp"/>
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="setup.cdcfp: ${setup.cdcfp}" />
+ <echo message="setup.noAWT: ${setup.noAWT}" />
+ <echo message="setup.noOpenGL: ${setup.noOpenGL}" />
+ <echo message="javac.bootclasspath.jar: ${javac.bootclasspath.jar}" />
+ <!-- partitioning -->
+ <property name="java.part.core"
+ value="com/sun/javafx/newt/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/util/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/x11/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/windows/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/macosx/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/impl/*"/>
+ <property name="java.part.opengl"
+ value="com/sun/javafx/newt/opengl/*, com/sun/javafx/newt/opengl/kd/*"/>
+ <property name="java.part.awt"
+ value="com/sun/javafx/newt/awt/*"/>
+ <!-- condition excludes -->
+ <condition property="java.excludes.awt"
+ value="${java.part.awt}">
+ <isset property="setup.noAWT"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="java.excludes.opengl"
+ value="${java.part.opengl}">
+ <isset property="setup.noOpenGL"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="java.excludes.cdcfp"
+ value="">
+ <isset property="setup.cdcfp"/>
+ </condition>
+ <property name="java.excludes.all" value="${java.excludes.awt}, ${java.excludes.opengl}, ${java.excludes.cdcfp}" />
+ <echo message="java.excludes.all: ${java.excludes.all}" />
+ <!-- Set the project root directory to be up one directory. -->
+ <property name="project.root" value=".." />
+ <!-- Set the configuration and build files to this directory. -->
+ <property name="make" value="." />
+ </target>
+ <target name="base.init.sourcelevel.1">
+ <property name="newt.sourcelevel" value="1.4" />
+ </target>
+ <!--target name="base.init.sourcelevel.2" if="gluegen.nsig">
+ <property name="newt.sourcelevel" value="1.5" />
+ </target-->
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Load user properties which override build defaults.
+ -->
+ <target name="load.user.properties" depends="base.init,base.init.sourcelevel.1" unless="user.properties.file">
+ <!-- Load the user specified properties file that defines various host
+ - specific paths. The user will be notified if this is does not
+ - exist. -->
+ <property name="user.properties.file" value="${user.home}/newt.properties" />
+ <property file="${user.properties.file}" />
+ <echo message="Loaded ${user.properties.file}." />
+ <property file="${user.home}/gluegen.properties" />
+ <echo message="Loaded ${user.home}/gluegen.properties." />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Declare all paths and user defined variables.
+ -->
+ <target name="declare.common" description="Declare properties" depends="load.user.properties">
+ <!-- The location and name of the configuration ANT file that will
+ - validate to ensure that all user-define variables are set. -->
+ <property name="validate.user.properties" value="${make}/validate-properties.xml" />
+ <!-- NOTE: the value of the debug and optimise attributes will not be overridden if already set externally -->
+ <property name="javacdebug" value="true" />
+ <property name="javacdebuglevel" value="source,lines" />
+ <!-- Names of directories relative to the project root.
+ Some of these are used in FileMappers later for dependence information
+ and need exact string matching, which is why they use file.separator
+ instead of "/". -->
+ <condition property="rootrel.build" value="build">
+ <not>
+ <isset property="rootrel.build"/>
+ </not>
+ </condition>
+ <property name="rootrel.build.newt" value="${rootrel.build}/newt" />
+ <property name="rootrel.src" value="src/newt" />
+ <property name="rootrel.src.java" value="${rootrel.src}/classes" />
+ <property name="rootrel.src.c" value="${rootrel.src}/native" />
+ <property name="rootrel.obj" value="${rootrel.build.newt}/obj" />
+ <property name="gluegen-rt.jar" value="../../gluegen/${rootrel.build}/gluegen-rt.jar" />
+ <property name="nativewindow.all.jar" value="../${rootrel.build}/nativewindow/nativewindow.all.jar" />
+ <property name="jogl.all.jar" value="../${rootrel.build}/jogl/jogl.all.jar" />
+ <!-- The source directories. -->
+ <property name="src.java" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.src.java}" />
+ <property name="src.c" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.src.c}" />
+ <property name="build" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.build.newt}" />
+ <!-- The generated source directories. -->
+ <property name="src.generated" value="${build}/gensrc" />
+ <property name="src.generated.c" value="${src.generated}/native/newt" />
+ <!-- The compiler output directories. -->
+ <property name="classes" value="${build}/classes" />
+ <property name="obj" value="${project.root}/${rootrel.obj}" />
+ <path id="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath">
+ <pathelement location="${nativewindow.all.jar}" />
+ <pathelement location="${gluegen-rt.jar}" />
+ <pathelement location="${jogl.all.jar}" />
+ </path>
+ <!-- The resulting newt.jar. -->
+ <property name="newt.core.jar" value="${build}/newt.core.jar" />
+ <property name="newt.ogl.jar" value="${build}/newt.ogl.jar" />
+ <property name="newt.awt.jar" value="${build}/newt.awt.jar" />
+ <property name="newt.all.jar" value="${build}/newt.all.jar" />
+ <!-- The javadoc dirs. -->
+ <property name="javadoc" value="${project.root}/javadoc_newt_public" />
+ <property name="javadoc.spec" value="${project.root}/javadoc_newt_spec" />
+ <property name="javadoc.dev" value="${project.root}/javadoc_newt_dev" />
+ <property name="javadoc.link" value="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/" />
+ <property name="javadoc.windowtitle" value="NEWT API -- ${base_version} Specification" />
+ <property name="javadoc.overview" value="spec-overview.html" />
+ <property name="javadoc.spec.packagenames" value="com.sun.javafx.newt, com.sun.javafx.newt.opengl" />
+ <property name="javadoc.packagenames" value="${javadoc.spec.packagenames}" />
+ <property name="javadoc.dev.packagenames" value="${javadoc.packagenames},com.sun.javafx.newt.*" />
+ <property name="javadoc.bottom" value="Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to &lt;a href=&quot;http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=231&quot;&gt;license terms&lt;/a&gt;." />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Initialize all parameters required for the build and create any
+ - required directories.
+ -->
+ <target name="init" depends="declare.common">
+ <!-- Call the external config validator script to make sure the config is ok and consistent -->
+ <ant antfile="${validate.user.properties}" inheritall="true"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}/X11" />
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}/KD" />
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}/MacOSX" />
+ <mkdir dir="${src.generated.c}/Windows" />
+ <mkdir dir="${classes}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${obj}" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Compile the original and generated source. The composable pipelines
+ - will be generated.
+ -->
+ <target name="java.compile.1" if="javac.bootclasspath.jar">
+ <!-- Perform the first pass Java compile; everything -->
+ <javac destdir="${classes}"
+ excludes="${java.excludes.all}"
+ source="${newt.sourcelevel}"
+ bootclasspath="${javac.bootclasspath.jar}"
+ fork="yes"
+ memoryMaximumSize="128m"
+ debug="${javacdebug}" debuglevel="${javacdebuglevel}">
+ <classpath refid="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath"/>
+ <src path="${src.java}" />
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+ <target name="java.compile.2" unless="javac.bootclasspath.jar">
+ <!-- Perform the second pass Java compile; everything. -->
+ <javac destdir="${classes}"
+ excludes="${java.excludes.all}"
+ source="${newt.sourcelevel}"
+ fork="yes"
+ memoryMaximumSize="128m"
+ debug="${javacdebug}" debuglevel="${javacdebuglevel}">
+ <src path="${src.java}" />
+ <classpath refid="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath"/>
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+ <target name="java.compile" depends="java.compile.1,java.compile.2" />
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Compile the native C code for JOGL (and optionally the Cg binding).
+ -->
+ <target name="c.configure.1" depends="gluegen.cpptasks.detect.os,gluegen.cpptasks.setup.compiler" unless="newt.compiler.present">
+ <!-- compiler configuration -->
+ <!-- Note that we can use the base setups in the gluegen-cpptasks for most of these -->
+ <compiler id="compiler.cfg.freebsd.newt" extends="compiler.cfg.freebsd">
+ <!-- Need to force X11R6 headers on to include path after stub_includes -->
+ <includepath path="/usr/X11R6/include" />
+ </compiler>
+ <!-- linker configuration -->
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11" extends="linker.cfg.linux">
+ <syslibset dir="/usr/X11R6/lib" libs="X11"/>
+ <syslibset dir="/usr/X11R6/lib" libs="Xxf86vm" />
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.linux.amd64.newt.x11" extends="linker.cfg.linux.amd64">
+ <syslibset dir="/usr/X11R6/lib64" libs="X11"/>
+ <syslibset dir="/usr/X11R6/lib64" libs="Xxf86vm" />
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.solaris.newt.x11" extends="linker.cfg.solaris">
+ <syslibset libs="X11"/>
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.win32.mingw.newt" extends="linker.cfg.win32.mingw">
+ <linkerarg value="-Wl,--kill-at" /> <!-- remove @ from function names -->
+ <syslibset libs="gdi32, kernel32"/>
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.win32.msvc.newt" extends="linker.cfg.win32.msvc">
+ <syslibset libs="gdi32, user32, kernel32" />
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.macosx.newt" extends="linker.cfg.macosx">
+ <linkerarg value="-framework" />
+ <linkerarg value="Cocoa" />
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.hpux.newt" extends="linker.cfg.hpux">
+ <syslibset dir="/usr/lib" libs="X11"/>
+ </linker>
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.win32.vc" if="isVCFamily">
+ <echo message="Win32.VC" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.win32.msvc" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.win32.msvc" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.win32.msvc.newt" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.win32.mingw" if="isMingW">
+ <echo message="Win32.MingW" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.win32.mingw" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.win32.mingw" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.win32.mingw.newt" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.x86" if="isLinuxX86">
+ <echo message="Linux.x86" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.amd64" if="isLinuxAMD64">
+ <echo message="Linux.AMD64" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux.amd64" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.linux.amd64" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.amd64.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.ia64" if="isLinuxIA64">
+ <echo message="Linux.IA64" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux" />
+ <target name="c.configure.solaris32" depends="c.configure.x11" if="isSolaris32Bit">
+ <echo message="Solaris" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.solaris" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.solaris" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.solaris.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.solaris.sparcv9" depends="c.configure.x11" if="isSolarisSparcv9">
+ <echo message="SolarisSparcv9" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.solaris.sparcv9" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.solaris.sparcv9" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.solaris.sparcv9.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.solaris.amd64" depends="c.configure.x11" if="isSolarisAMD64">
+ <echo message="SolarisAMD64" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.solaris.amd64" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.solaris.amd64" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.solaris.amd64.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.freebsd" depends="c.configure.x11" if="isFreeBSD">
+ <echo message="FreeBSD" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.freebsd.newt" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.hpux" depends="c.configure.x11" if="isHPUX">
+ <echo message="HP-UX" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.hpux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.hpux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.hpux.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.win32" depends="c.configure.win32.vc,c.configure.win32.mingw" if="isWindows" />
+ <target name="c.configure.x11" if="isX11" />
+ <target name="c.configure.macosx" if="isOSX">
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.macosx" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.core" value="linker.cfg.macosx" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.macosx.newt" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.2" depends="c.configure.win32,c.configure.linux,c.configure.solaris32,c.configure.solaris.sparcv9,c.configure.solaris.amd64,c.configure.macosx,c.configure.freebsd,c.configure.hpux" />
+ <target name="c.configure" depends="c.configure.1,c.configure.2" />
+ <target name="rename.mingw.dll" if="isMingW">
+ <move file="${src}" tofile="${dest}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="rename.dylib" if="isOSX">
+ <move file="${src}" tofile="${dest}" />
+ </target>
+ <macrodef name="c.build">
+ <attribute name="c.compiler.src.files" />
+ <attribute name="compiler.cfg.id" />
+ <attribute name="linker.cfg.id" />
+ <attribute name="output.lib.name" />
+ <attribute name="c.compiler.use-jawt" default="false"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="Output lib name = @{output.lib.name}" />
+ <!-- NOTE: the value of the debug and optimise attributes will not be overridden if already set externally -->
+ <property name="c.compiler.debug" value="false" />
+ <!-- Optimise flags one of { none, size, speed, minimal, full, aggressive, extreme, unsafe } -->
+ <property name="c.compiler.optimise" value="none" />
+ <condition property="c.compiler.use-debug"><istrue value="${c.compiler.debug}"/></condition>
+ <patternset id="c.src.files.newt">
+ <include name="${rootrel.src.c}/WindowsWindow.c" if="isWindows"/>
+ <include name="${rootrel.src.c}/*.m" if="isOSX"/>
+ <include name="${rootrel.src.c}/X11Window.c" if="isX11"/>
+ <include name="${rootrel.src.c}/KDWindow.c" if="useKD"/>
+ </patternset>
+ <echo message="Compiling @{output.lib.name}" />
+ <cc outtype="shared"
+ objdir="${obj}"
+ outfile="${obj}/@{output.lib.name}"
+ optimize="${c.compiler.optimise}"
+ debug="${c.compiler.debug}"
+ multithreaded="true"
+ exceptions="false"
+ rtti="false">
+ <!-- TODO: versioninfo companyname="java.net"
+ legalcopyright="Copyright"
+ productname="JOGL"
+ productversion="x.y.z"
+ description="Description"
+ fileversion="x.y.z"
+ filecomments="File Comment" /-->
+ <fileset dir="${project.root}"><patternset refid="@{c.compiler.src.files}"/></fileset>
+ <compiler extends="@{compiler.cfg.id}" >
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir}"/>
+ <sysincludepath path="${java.includes.dir.platform}"/>
+ <includepath path="stub_includes/egl"/>
+ <!-- This is for the generated headers for handwritten C code -->
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}" />
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/X11" if="isX11"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/MacOSX" if="isOSX"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/Windows" if="isWindows"/>
+ <includepath path="${src.generated.c}/KD"/>
+ <!-- This must come last to not override real include paths -->
+ <!-- includepath path="stub_includes/macosx" if="isOSX" / -->
+ </compiler>
+ <linker extends="@{linker.cfg.id}">
+ <syslibset dir="${java.lib.dir.platform}" libs="jawt" if="@{output.lib.name}.useLibJAWT"/>
+ <syslibset dir="${java.lib.dir.platform}/server" libs="jvm" if="@{output.lib.name}.useLibJVM"/>
+ </linker>
+ </cc>
+ <!-- FIXME: this is a hack; the cpptask should have an option to change the
+ suffix or at least understand the override from dylib to jnilib -->
+ <antcall target="rename.dylib" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="src" value="${build}/obj/lib@{output.lib.name}.dylib" />
+ <param name="dest" value="${build}/obj/lib@{output.lib.name}.jnilib" />
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- FIXME: this is a hack; the cpptask should have an option to change the
+ suffix or at least understand the override from dylib to jnilib -->
+ <antcall target="rename.mingw.dll" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="src" value="${build}/obj/lib@{output.lib.name}.so" />
+ <param name="dest" value="${build}/obj/@{output.lib.name}.dll" />
+ </antcall>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <target name="c.build.newt.prepare">
+ <javah destdir="../${rootrel.build.newt}/gensrc/native/newt/Windows" classpath="${newt.all.jar}" class="com.sun.javafx.newt.windows.WindowsWindow" />
+ <javah destdir="../${rootrel.build.newt}/gensrc/native/newt/MacOSX" classpath="${newt.all.jar}" class="com.sun.javafx.newt.macosx.MacWindow" />
+ <javah destdir="../${rootrel.build.newt}/gensrc/native/newt/X11" classpath="${newt.all.jar}" class="com.sun.javafx.newt.x11.X11Window" />
+ <javah destdir="../${rootrel.build.newt}/gensrc/native/newt/KD" classpath="${newt.all.jar}" class="com.sun.javafx.newt.opengl.kd.KDWindow" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.build.newt.windowlib">
+ <c.build c.compiler.src.files="c.src.files.newt"
+ output.lib.name="newt"
+ compiler.cfg.id="${compiler.cfg.id}"
+ linker.cfg.id="${linker.cfg.id.oswin}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.manifest" if="isVC8Family">
+ <!-- exec mt, the Microsoft Manifest Tool, to include DLL manifests in order to resolve the location of msvcr80.dll -->
+ <msvc.manifest objdir="${obj}" dllname="newt" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="c.build.newt" depends="c.configure,c.build.newt.prepare,c.build.newt.windowlib">
+ <antcall target="c.manifest" inheritRefs="true" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build the newt.jar files.
+ -->
+ <target name="jar" depends="java.compile,cond-if-RImanifest,cond-else-RImanifest"/>
+ <target name="check-RIcond">
+ <condition property="RIcond-is-true">
+ <isset property="RImanifestfile"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="cond-if-RImanifest" depends="check-RIcond" if="RIcond-is-true">
+ <copy file="newtRIversion"
+ tofile="tempversion"
+ overwrite="true">
+ <filterset>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${base_version}-pre-${timestamp}"/>
+ <filter token="BASEVERSION" value="${base_version}"/>
+ </filterset>
+ </copy>
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${newt.core.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}"
+ includes="${java.part.core}"/>
+ </jar>
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${newt.ogl.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}"
+ includes="${java.part.core}, ${java.part.opengl}"/>
+ </jar>
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${newt.awt.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}"
+ includes="${java.part.awt}"/>
+ </jar>
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${newt.all.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}">
+ <include name="com/sun/javafx/newt/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ <delete file="tempversion"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="cond-else-RImanifest" depends="check-RIcond" unless="RIcond-is-true">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"/>
+ </tstamp>
+ <copy file="newtversion"
+ tofile="tempversion"
+ overwrite="true">
+ <filterset>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${base_version}-pre-${timestamp}"/>
+ <filter token="BASEVERSION" value="${base_version}"/>
+ </filterset>
+ </copy>
+ <jar manifest="tempversion" destfile="${newt.jar}">
+ <fileset dir="${classes}">
+ <include name="com/sun/javafx/newt/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </jar>
+ <delete file="tempversion"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build the Javadocs for the sources.
+ - NOTE: these are not entirely correct as the javadocs targets depend
+ - on the platform specific build targets. To circumvent any
+ - errors, ensure that the source is built first.
+ -->
+ <target name="javadoc" depends="load.user.properties,init">
+ <!-- Build the general Javadoc -->
+ <javadoc packagenames="${javadoc.packagenames}"
+ excludepackagenames="${java.excludes.javadoc.packagenames}"
+ sourcepath="${src.java};${src.generated.java}"
+ destdir="${javadoc}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}"
+ overview="${javadoc.overview}"
+ source="1.4"
+ linkoffline="${javadoc.link} 142-packages"
+ bottom="${javadoc.bottom}" >
+ <classpath refid="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath"/>
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.spec" depends="load.user.properties,init">
+ <!-- Build the general Javadoc -->
+ <javadoc packagenames="${javadoc.spec.packagenames}"
+ excludepackagenames="${java.excludes.javadoc.packagenames}"
+ sourcepath="${src.java};${src.generated.java}"
+ destdir="${javadoc.spec}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}"
+ overview="${javadoc.overview}"
+ source="1.4"
+ linkoffline="${javadoc.link} 142-packages"
+ bottom="${javadoc.bottom}" >
+ <classpath refid="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath"/>
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ <target name="javadoc.dev" depends="load.user.properties,init">
+ <!-- Build the internal developer Javadoc -->
+ <javadoc packagenames="${javadoc.dev.packagenames}"
+ excludepackagenames="${java.excludes.javadoc.packagenames}"
+ sourcepath="${src.java};${src.generated.java}"
+ destdir="${javadoc.dev}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}"
+ overview="${javadoc.overview}"
+ source="1.4"
+ linkoffline="${javadoc.link} 142-packages"
+ bottom="${javadoc.bottom}" >
+ <classpath refid="nativewindow_gluegen_jogl.classpath"/>
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ <target name="all.doc" description="Build NEWT docs" depends="init,javadoc,javadoc.spec,javadoc.dev" />
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build the platform-independent distribution out of jars built for
+ - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X; the Java sources for Jogl can't be
+ - fully cross-compiled at this time. To run this target, you need to
+ - specify the property newt.dist.dir as a System property (i.e.,
+ - "ant -Dnewt.dist.dir=../dist dist"); directories named newt-linux,
+ - newt-win, and newt-macosx need to be inside that directory and each
+ - of those directories needs to contain both the newt.jar for that
+ - platform as well as the native code (libnewt.so, newt.dll, or
+ - libnewt.jnilib). Also builds jars containing the native code for
+ - Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris/SPARC and Solaris/x86.
+ -->
+ <target name="dist.dir.check" unless="newt.dist.dir">
+ <fail>
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** To build the Jogl distribution out of the platform-specific **
+ ** component jars and native code, the property newt.dist.dir **
+ ** needs to be specified on the command line. Please read the **
+ ** comments associated with the "dist" target in the build.xml. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.windows" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="windows.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/32/newt.dll" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="windows.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Windows build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Windows build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.windows-amd64" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="windows-amd64.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/64/newt.dll" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="windows-amd64.complete">
+ *********************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Windows/AMD64 build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Windows/AMD64 build and try again. **
+ *********************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.linux" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="linux.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/32/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="linux.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Linux build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Linux build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.linux-amd64" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="linux-amd64.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/64/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="linux-amd64.complete">
+ *******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Linux/AMD64 build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Linux/AMD64 build and try again. **
+ *******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.macosx" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="macosx.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/ppc/libnewt.jnilib" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="macosx.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Mac OS X build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Mac OS X build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.macosxfat" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="macosxfat.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/fat/libnewt.jnilib" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="macosxfat.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Mac OS X build. This will cause **
+ ** the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the status **
+ ** of the Mac OS X build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.solsparc" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="solsparc.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/32/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="solsparc.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Solaris/SPARC build. This will **
+ ** cause the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the **
+ ** status of the Solaris/SPARC build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.solsparcv9" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="solsparcv9.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/64/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="solsparcv9.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Solaris/SPARCv9 build. This will **
+ ** cause the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the **
+ ** status of the Solaris/SPARCv9 build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.solx86" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="solx86.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/newt.jar" />
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/32/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="solx86.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Solaris/x86 build. This will **
+ ** cause the distribution to be incomplete. Please check the **
+ ** status of the Solaris/x86 build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist.check.solamd64" if="newt.dist.dir">
+ <condition property="solamd64.complete">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/64/libnewt.so" />
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="solamd64.complete">
+ ******************************************************************
+ ** Files are missing from the Solaris/x86/64 (amd64) build. This *
+ ** will cause the distribution **
+ ** to be incomplete. Please check the **
+ ** status of the Solaris/x86 (amd64) build and try again. **
+ ******************************************************************
+ </fail>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Helper task for dist target below -->
+ <!-- Required parameters: -->
+ <!-- zip.os.arch = the os/arch combination for this zip file (i.e., "windows-i586") -->
+ <!-- zip.src.so.dir = the directory containing the .so's / .dll's / .jnilib's for this platform-->
+ <target name="dist.build.zip">
+ <property name="newt.tmp.version" value="newt-${tmp.version}-${zip.os.arch}" />
+ <!-- Create all needed directories -->
+ <delete dir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp" failonerror="false" />
+ <mkdir dir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/lib" />
+ <!-- Copy in files -->
+ <copy todir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/lib">
+ <fileset dir="${zip.src.so.dir}" includes="*${zip.so.suffix}" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt.jar" todir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/lib" />
+ <copy file="../CHANGELOG.txt" todir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}" />
+ <copy file="../COPYRIGHT.txt" todir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}" />
+ <copy file="../LICENSE.txt" tofile="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/LICENSE-NEWT-${tmp.version}.txt" />
+ <copy file="README-zip-bundles.txt"
+ tofile="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/README.txt"
+ overwrite="true">
+ <filterset>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${tmp.version}"/>
+ </filterset>
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="../doc/userguide/index.html" tofile="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp/${newt.tmp.version}/Userguide.html" />
+ <!-- zip it up -->
+ <zip destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/${newt.tmp.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp"
+ includes="${newt.tmp.version}/**" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="setup-version-RI" if="RImanifestfile">
+ <property name="tmp.version" value="${base_version}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="setup-version-non-RI" unless="RImanifestfile">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
+ </tstamp>
+ <property name="tmp.version" value="${base_version}-pre-${timestamp}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist" depends="dist.dir.check,dist.check.windows,dist.check.windows-amd64,dist.check.linux,dist.check.linux-amd64,dist.check.macosx,dist.check.macosxfat,dist.check.solsparc,dist.check.solsparcv9,dist.check.solx86,dist.check.solamd64,setup-version-RI,setup-version-non-RI">
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir="${newt.dist.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
+ </delete>
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir="${newt.dist.dir}" includes="*.zip" />
+ </delete>
+ <delete dir="${newt.dist.dir}/tmp" failonerror="false" />
+ <delete dir="${newt.dist.dir}/META-INF" failonerror="false" />
+ <!-- Extract manifest from one of the jars to re-use it in the dist jar -->
+ <unjar src="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/newt.jar" dest="${newt.dist.dir}" >
+ <patternset>
+ <include name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />
+ </patternset>
+ </unjar>
+ <!-- Build jar files suitable for Java Web Start -->
+ <jar manifest="${newt.dist.dir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt.jar" duplicate="preserve">
+ <zipgroupfileset dir="${newt.dist.dir}"
+ includes="newt-win/newt.jar, newt-linux/newt.jar, newt-macosx/newt.jar" />
+ </jar>
+ <!-- Apply Pack200 repacking to allow later compression by that mechanism -->
+ <apply executable="pack200" verbose="true" >
+ <arg value="--repack" />
+ <fileset file="${newt.dist.dir}/newt.jar" />
+ </apply>
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-windows-i586.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/32"
+ includes="newt.dll" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-windows-amd64.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/64"
+ includes="newt.dll" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-linux-i586.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/32"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-linux-amd64.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/64"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-macosx-ppc.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/ppc"
+ includes="libnewt.jnilib" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-macosx-universal.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/fat"
+ includes="libnewt.jnilib" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-solaris-sparc.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/32"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-solaris-sparcv9.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/64"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-solaris-i586.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/32"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <jar destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-natives-solaris-amd64.jar"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/64"
+ includes="libnewt.so" />
+ <zip destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-${tmp.version}-src.zip"
+ basedir="../.."
+ includes="jogl/*.txt,jogl/doc/**,jogl/make/**,jogl/src/newt/**"
+ excludes="**/*.class,**/*~"
+ />
+ <!-- Create zip archives suitable for developers -->
+ <!-- Unfortunately, we have to replicate the os/arch name combinations from
+ gluegen-cpptasks.xml. The reason for this is that we can't generate these
+ zip archives on the platform where the builds run; we have to run the dist
+ target in order to get the platform-independent newt.jar. -->
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="linux-i586" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="linux-amd64" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-linux/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="macosx-ppc" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".jnilib" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/ppc" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="macosx-universal" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".jnilib" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-macosx/fat" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-i586" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-amd64" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solx86/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-sparc" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-sparcv9" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".so" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-solsparc/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="windows-i586" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".dll" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="dist.build.zip" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="windows-amd64" />
+ <param name="zip.so.suffix" value=".dll" />
+ <param name="zip.src.so.dir" value="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-win/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- Create one last zip archive by hand, this one containing all of the -->
+ <!-- Java Web Start jar files (for easier redistribution) -->
+ <zip destfile="${newt.dist.dir}/newt-${tmp.version}-webstart.zip"
+ basedir="${newt.dist.dir}"
+ includes="*.jar" />
+ <!-- Create a version.txt file indicating which version we just built -->
+ <echo message="${tmp.version}" file="${newt.dist.dir}/version.txt" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Clean up all that is built.
+ -->
+ <target name="clean" description="Remove all build products" depends="declare.common">
+ <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
+ <fileset dir="${build}" />
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc}" />
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc.spec}" />
+ <fileset dir="${javadoc.dev}" />
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build everything.
+ -->
+ <target name="all" description="Build NEWT JAR file(s) and native libraries." depends="load.user.properties,init,jar,c.build.newt" />
+ <!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!--
+ - Build everything and use Sun's Implementation tag in the manifest to
+ - indicate this is the Reference Implementation.
+ -->
+ <target name="RI">
+ <!-- Set property for using the RI manifest file so newt.jar is versioned
+ - properly
+ -->
+ <property name="RImanifestfile" value="newtRIversion" />
+ <antcall target="all" inheritRefs="true" />
+ </target>