path: root/make/build-test.xml
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2012-07-25 04:23:35 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2012-07-25 04:23:35 +0200
commit7bb5885fc3a904f49e22f0c8cbf747d9b189a7ba (patch)
treee5617fa74ff4a401fa60a080c5b3e8cf4ee21233 /make/build-test.xml
parent00bef95008b02cc71e166da122884402e9381f44 (diff)
SWT Update: SWT GLCanvas creates lazy when resource is ready; Create new NewtCanvasSWT allowing to parent NEWT windows natively.
SWT GLCanvas creates lazy when resource is ready - Ensures drawable and context are created when size > zero and native visualID is valid. The latter is platform dependent. - Note that you cannot utilize custom GLCapabilities w/ this one, since the configurations is already realized - use NewtCanvasSWT. Create new NewtCanvasSWT allowing to parent NEWT windows natively: - Similar to NewtCanvasAWT - Allows attaching / detaching NEWT windows NewtCanvasAWT: Public setNEWTChild(..) fixed Added test cases for the above - tested on Linux, OSX and Windows w/ SWT Note: As usual for OSX, add -XstartOnFirstThread Details: - NEWT Display has new method: 'EDTUtil setEDTUtil(EDTUtil)' allowing to set a custom event dispatch utility. We use this to set our SWTEDTUtil for using NEWT w/ SWT complying w/ SWT threading constraints.
Diffstat (limited to 'make/build-test.xml')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/make/build-test.xml b/make/build-test.xml
index 51eadfebd..f295ae321 100644
--- a/make/build-test.xml
+++ b/make/build-test.xml
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
<target name="junit.run.swt.headless" depends="test.compile" description="Runs all pure SWT tests." if="isSWTRuntimeAvailable">
- <!-- Test*SWT*
+ <!-- Test*SWTHeadless*
Emulation of junit task.
@@ -436,10 +436,8 @@
<for param="test.class.path.m" keepgoing="true">
<!-- results in absolute path -->
<fileset dir="${classes}">
- <include name="${java.dir.junit}/**/Test*SWT*"/>
+ <include name="${java.dir.junit}/**/Test*SWTHeadless*"/>
<exclude name="**/*$$*"/>
- <exclude name="**/*AWT*"/>
- <exclude name="**/newt/**"/>
<var name="test.class.path" unset="true"/>
@@ -491,40 +489,71 @@
- <target name="junit.run.swt.awt" depends="test.compile" description="Runs all SWT AWT tests." if="isSWTRuntimeAvailable">
- <!-- Test*SWT*AWT* -->
- <junit forkmode="perTest" showoutput="true" fork="true" haltonerror="off" timeout="${batchtest.timeout}">
- <env key="${system.env.library.path}" path="${obj.all.paths}"/>
- <jvmarg value="${junit.run.arg0}"/>
- <jvmarg value="${junit.run.arg1}"/>
- <jvmarg value="${jvmDataModel.arg}"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.library.path=${obj.all.paths}"/>
- <!--
- <jvmarg value="-Djogl.debug=all"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Dgluegen.debug.NativeLibrary=true"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Dgluegen.debug.ProcAddressHelper=true"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Djogl.debug.GLSLState"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Dnativewindow.debug=all"/>
- <jvmarg value="-verbose:jni"/>
- <jvmarg value="-client"/>
- <jvmarg value="-d32"/>
- -->
- <formatter usefile="false" type="plain"/>
- <formatter usefile="true" type="xml"/>
- <classpath path="${junit_extra_classpath}${junit_jogl_swt.run.jars}"/>
- <batchtest todir="${results.test}">
+ <target name="junit.run.swt.awt" depends="test.compile" description="Runs all pure SWT AWT tests." if="isSWTRuntimeAvailable">
+ <!-- Test*SWT*
+ Emulation of junit task.
+ Utilizing Ant-1.8.0 and ant-contrib-1.0b3 (loops, mutable properties).
+ -->
+ <for param="test.class.path.m" keepgoing="true">
+ <!-- results in absolute path -->
<fileset dir="${classes}">
- <include name="${java.dir.junit}/**/Test*SWT*AWT*"/>
+ <include name="${java.dir.junit}/**/Test*SWT*"/>
<exclude name="**/*$$*"/>
- <exclude name="**/newt/**"/>
+ <exclude name="**/Test*SWTHeadless*"/>
- <formatter usefile="false" type="brief"/>
- <formatter usefile="true" type="xml"/>
- </batchtest>
- </junit>
+ <sequential>
+ <var name="test.class.path" unset="true"/>
+ <property name="test.class.path" basedir="${classes}" relative="true" location="@{test.class.path.m}"/>
+ <var name="test.class.fqn" unset="true"/>
+ <pathconvert property="test.class.fqn">
+ <fileset file="${classes}${file.separator}${test.class.path}"/>
+ <chainedmapper>
+ <globmapper from="${classes.path}${file.separator}*" to="*"/> <!-- rel. -->
+ <packagemapper from="*.class" to="*"/> <!-- FQCN -->
+ </chainedmapper>
+ </pathconvert>
+ <var name="test.class.result.file" value="${results.test}/TEST-${test.class.fqn}.xml"/>
+ <echo message="Testing ${test.class.fqn} -- ${test.class.result.file}"/>
+ <apply dir="." executable="${java.home}/bin/java"
+ parallel="false"
+ timeout="${batchtest.timeout}"
+ vmlauncher="false"
+ relative="true"
+ failonerror="false">
+ <env key="${system.env.library.path}" path="${obj.all.paths}"/>
+ <env key="CLASSPATH" value="${junit_extra_classpath}${junit_jogl_swt.run.jars}"/>
+ <arg line="${junit.run.arg0}"/>
+ <arg line="${junit.run.arg1}"/>
+ <arg line="${jvmDataModel.arg}"/>
+ <arg value="-Djava.library.path=${obj.all.paths}"/>
+ <arg line="${jvmarg.mainthrd}"/>
+ <!--
+ <arg line="-Dnewt.debug.EDT"/>
+ <arg line="-Dnativewindow.debug=all"/>
+ <arg line="-Djogl.debug=all"/>
+ <arg line="-Dnewt.debug=all"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- arg line="com.jogamp.newt.util.MainThread"/-->
+ <arg line="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner"/>
+ <srcfile/>
+ <arg line="filtertrace=true"/>
+ <arg line="haltOnError=false"/>
+ <arg line="haltOnFailure=false"/>
+ <arg line="showoutput=true"/>
+ <arg line="outputtoformatters=true"/>
+ <arg line="logfailedtests=true"/>
+ <arg line="logtestlistenerevents=true"/>
+ <arg line="formatter=org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.PlainJUnitResultFormatter"/>
+ <arg line="formatter=org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter,${test.class.result.file}"/>
+ <mappedresources>
+ <fileset dir="${classes}" includes="${test.class.path}"/>
+ <packagemapper from="*.class" to="*"/>
+ </mappedresources>
+ </apply>
+ </sequential>
+ </for>
<target name="junit.run.newt.awt" depends="test.compile">