path: root/src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2013-09-27 13:23:39 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2013-09-27 13:23:39 +0200
commit9a8f9b9f7e6148b60b6f0f4326df8d213774284c (patch)
treeb8e060224a4a6a26cee30103fc6ae2ac0bd2e6f7 /src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m
parent4ef53cf2ae509a625795bfa3a8982ce75e24e83a (diff)
Bug 816: Fix JAWTWindow's getLocationOnScreenNonBlocking(); Derive CALayer position from AWT component's location on screen. Track fixedFrame size of root CALayer; Add Split layout to unit test, add [manual] Applet tests.
- Fix JAWTWindow's getLocationOnScreenNonBlocking() Skip JRootPane while traversing up to root Container. JRootPane would duplicate the top-level container's offset (Window insets). - Derive CALayer position from AWT component's location on screen. Add Split layout to unit test, add [manual] Applet tests. AWT >= 7u40: - AWT position is top-left w/ insets, where CALayer position is bottom/left from root CALayer w/o insets. - Use getLocationOnScreenNonBlocking() to get location-on-screen w/o insets. - Native code: flip origin AWT < 7u40 still uses fixed position 0/0 for root and sub layer. - Track fixedFrame size of root CALayer - MyCALayer: - Override layoutSublayers to validate root and sub-layer pos/size - Override setFrame to use fixedFrame, if set (similar to MyNSOpenGLLayer) - Add Split layout to unit test, add [manual] Applet tests. - Thx to 'jimthev' and 'Manu' for providing Applet unit tests
Diffstat (limited to 'src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m b/src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m
index fbe37be7d..fa40c871f 100644
--- a/src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m
+++ b/src/nativewindow/native/macosx/OSXmisc.m
@@ -333,6 +333,9 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_GetNSWindow0
@interface MyCALayer: CALayer
+ BOOL fixedFrameSet;
+ CGRect fixedFrame;
- (id)init;
@@ -341,6 +344,9 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_GetNSWindow0
- (void)dealloc;
- (id<CAAction>)actionForKey:(NSString *)key ;
+- (void)layoutSublayers;
+- (void)setFrame:(CGRect) frame;
+- (void)fixCALayerLayout: (CALayer*) subLayer x:(jint)x y:(jint)y width:(jint)width height:(jint)height caLayerQuirks:(jint)caLayerQuirks force:(jboolean) force;
@@ -350,6 +356,8 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_GetNSWindow0
MyCALayer * o = [super init];
+ o->fixedFrameSet = 0;
+ o->fixedFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
DBG_PRINT("MyCALayer::init.X: new %p\n", o);
return o;
@@ -390,6 +398,127 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_GetNSWindow0
// return [super actionForKey: key];
+- (void)layoutSublayers
+ if( fixedFrameSet ) {
+ NSArray* subs = [self sublayers];
+ if( NULL != subs ) {
+ CGRect rFrame = [self frame];
+ if( !CGRectEqualToRect(fixedFrame, rFrame) ) {
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::layoutSublayers.0: Root %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ self,
+ rFrame.origin.x, rFrame.origin.y, rFrame.size.width, rFrame.size.height,
+ fixedFrame.origin.x, fixedFrame.origin.y, fixedFrame.size.width, fixedFrame.size.height);
+ #endif
+ [super setFrame: fixedFrame];
+ }
+ NSUInteger i = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<[subs count]; i++) {
+ CALayer* sub = [subs objectAtIndex: i];
+ CGRect sFrame = [sub frame];
+ CGRect sFrame2 = CGRectMake(0, 0, fixedFrame.size.width, fixedFrame.size.height);
+ if( !CGRectEqualToRect(sFrame2, sFrame) ) {
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::layoutSublayers.1: Sub[%d] %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ (int)i, sub,
+ sFrame.origin.x, sFrame.origin.y, sFrame.size.width, sFrame.size.height,
+ sFrame2.origin.x, sFrame2.origin.y, sFrame2.size.width, sFrame2.size.height);
+ #endif
+ [sub setFrame: sFrame2];
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::layoutSublayers.X: Root %p . Sub[%d] %p : frame r: %lf/%lf %lfx%lf . s: %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ self, (int)i, sub,
+ rFrame.origin.x, rFrame.origin.y, rFrame.size.width, rFrame.size.height,
+ sFrame.origin.x, sFrame.origin.y, sFrame.size.width, sFrame.size.height);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ [super layoutSublayers];
+ }
+- (void) setFrame:(CGRect) frame
+ if( fixedFrameSet ) {
+ [super setFrame: fixedFrame];
+ } else {
+ [super setFrame: frame];
+ }
+- (void)fixCALayerLayout: (CALayer*) subLayer x:(jint)x y:(jint)y width:(jint)width height:(jint)height caLayerQuirks:(jint)caLayerQuirks force:(jboolean) force
+ {
+ CALayer* superLayer = [self superlayer];
+ CGRect superFrame = [superLayer frame];
+ CGRect lFrame = [self frame];
+ int posQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_POSITION & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lFrame.origin.x!=0 || lFrame.origin.y!=0 );
+ int sizeQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_SIZE & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lFrame.size.width!=width || lFrame.size.height!=height );
+ if( !posQuirk ) {
+ // Use root layer position, sub-layer will be on 0/0,
+ // Given AWT position is location on screen w/o insets and top/left origin!
+ fixedFrame.origin.x = x;
+ fixedFrame.origin.y = superFrame.size.height - height - y; // AWT's position top/left -> bottom/left
+ posQuirk |= 8;
+ } else {
+ // Buggy super layer position, always use 0/0
+ fixedFrame.origin.x = 0;
+ fixedFrame.origin.y = 0;
+ }
+ if( !sizeQuirk ) {
+ fixedFrame.size.width = lFrame.size.width;
+ fixedFrame.size.height = lFrame.size.height;
+ } else {
+ fixedFrame.size.width = width;
+ fixedFrame.size.height = height;
+ }
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::FixCALayerLayout0.0: Quirks [%d, pos %d, size %d], Super %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf, Root %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf, usr %d/%d %dx%d -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ caLayerQuirks, posQuirk, sizeQuirk,
+ superLayer, superFrame.origin.x, superFrame.origin.y, superFrame.size.width, superFrame.size.height,
+ self, lFrame.origin.x, lFrame.origin.y, lFrame.size.width, lFrame.size.height,
+ x, y, width, height, fixedFrame.origin.x, fixedFrame.origin.y, fixedFrame.size.width, fixedFrame.size.height);
+ if( posQuirk || sizeQuirk ) {
+ fixedFrameSet = 1;
+ [super setFrame: fixedFrame];
+ }
+ }
+ if( NULL != subLayer ) {
+ CGRect lFrame = [subLayer frame];
+ int sizeQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_SIZE & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lFrame.size.width!=width || lFrame.size.height!=height );
+ CGFloat _x, _y, _w, _h;
+ int posQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_POSITION & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lFrame.origin.x!=0 || lFrame.origin.y!=0 );
+ // Sub rel. to used root layer
+ _x = 0;
+ _y = 0;
+ posQuirk |= 8;
+ if( !sizeQuirk ) {
+ _w = lFrame.size.width;
+ _h = lFrame.size.height;
+ } else {
+ _w = width;
+ _h = height;
+ }
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::FixCALayerLayout1.0: Quirks [%d, pos %d, size %d], SubL %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf, usr %dx%d -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ caLayerQuirks, posQuirk, sizeQuirk, subLayer, lFrame.origin.x, lFrame.origin.y, lFrame.size.width, lFrame.size.height,
+ width, height, _x, _y, _w, _h);
+ if( force || posQuirk || sizeQuirk ) {
+ lFrame.origin.x = _x;
+ lFrame.origin.y = _y;
+ lFrame.size.width = _w;
+ lFrame.size.height = _h;
+ if( [subLayer conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NWDedicatedFrame)] ) {
+ CALayer <NWDedicatedFrame> * subLayerDS = (CALayer <NWDedicatedFrame> *) subLayer;
+ [subLayerDS setDedicatedFrame: lFrame quirks: caLayerQuirks];
+ } else {
+ [subLayer setFrame: lFrame];
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -409,98 +538,32 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_CreateCALayer0
if(0 == height) { height = 32; }
// initial dummy size !
- CGRect lRect = [layer frame];
- lRect.origin.x = 0;
- lRect.origin.y = 0;
- lRect.size.width = width;
- lRect.size.height = height;
- [layer setFrame: lRect];
+ CGRect lFrame = [layer frame];
+ lFrame.origin.x = 0;
+ lFrame.origin.y = 0;
+ lFrame.size.width = width;
+ lFrame.size.height = height;
+ [layer setFrame: lFrame];
// no animations for add/remove/swap sublayers etc
// doesn't work: [layer removeAnimationForKey: kCAOnOrderIn, kCAOnOrderOut, kCATransition]
[layer removeAllAnimations];
// [layer addAnimation:nil forKey:kCATransition];
[layer setAutoresizingMask: (kCALayerWidthSizable|kCALayerHeightSizable)];
[layer setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange: YES];
- DBG_PRINT("CALayer::CreateCALayer.1: root %p %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n", layer, lRect.origin.x, lRect.origin.y, lRect.size.width, lRect.size.height);
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::CreateCALayer.1: root %p %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n", layer, lFrame.origin.x, lFrame.origin.y, lFrame.size.width, lFrame.size.height);
[pool release];
DBG_PRINT("CALayer::CreateCALayer.X: root %p (refcnt %d)\n", layer, (int)[layer retainCount]);
return (jlong) ((intptr_t) layer);
-static void FixCALayerLayout0(MyCALayer* rootLayer, CALayer* subLayer, jint width, jint height, jint caLayerQuirks, jboolean force) {
- if( NULL != rootLayer ) {
- CGRect lRect = [rootLayer frame];
- int posQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_POSITION & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lRect.origin.x!=0 || lRect.origin.y!=0 );
- int sizeQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_SIZE & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lRect.size.width!=width || lRect.size.height!=height );
- CGFloat _x, _y, _w, _h;
- // force root -> 0/0
- _x = 0;
- _y = 0;
- posQuirk |= 8;
- if( sizeQuirk ) {
- _w = width;
- _h = height;
- } else {
- _w = lRect.size.width;
- _h = lRect.size.height;
- }
- DBG_PRINT("CALayer::FixCALayerLayout0.0: Quirks [%d, pos %d, size %d], Root %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf, usr %dx%d -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
- caLayerQuirks, posQuirk, sizeQuirk, rootLayer, lRect.origin.x, lRect.origin.y, lRect.size.width, lRect.size.height,
- width, height, _x, _y, _w, _h);
- if( posQuirk || sizeQuirk ) {
- lRect.origin.x = _x;
- lRect.origin.y = _y;
- lRect.size.width = _w;
- lRect.size.height = _h;
- [rootLayer setFrame: lRect];
- }
- }
- if( NULL != subLayer ) {
- CGRect lRect = [subLayer frame];
- int sizeQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_SIZE & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lRect.size.width!=width || lRect.size.height!=height );
- CGFloat _x, _y, _w, _h;
- int posQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_POSITION & caLayerQuirks ) && ( lRect.origin.x!=0 || lRect.origin.y!=0 );
- if( posQuirk ) {
- _x = 0;
- _y = 0;
- } else {
- // sub always rel to root
- _x = lRect.origin.x;
- _y = lRect.origin.y;
- }
- if( sizeQuirk ) {
- _w = width;
- _h = height;
- } else {
- _w = lRect.size.width;
- _h = lRect.size.height;
- }
- DBG_PRINT("CALayer::FixCALayerLayout1.0: Quirks [%d, pos %d, size %d], SubL %p frame %lf/%lf %lfx%lf, usr %dx%d -> %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
- caLayerQuirks, posQuirk, sizeQuirk, subLayer, lRect.origin.x, lRect.origin.y, lRect.size.width, lRect.size.height,
- width, height, _x, _y, _w, _h);
- if( force || posQuirk || sizeQuirk ) {
- lRect.origin.x = _x;
- lRect.origin.y = _y;
- lRect.size.width = _w;
- lRect.size.height = _h;
- if( [subLayer conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NWDedicatedFrame)] ) {
- CALayer <NWDedicatedFrame> * subLayerDS = (CALayer <NWDedicatedFrame> *) subLayer;
- [subLayerDS setDedicatedFrame: lRect quirks: caLayerQuirks];
- } else {
- [subLayer setFrame: lRect];
- }
- }
- }
* Class: Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil
* Method: AddCASublayer0
* Signature: (JJIIIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_AddCASublayer0
- (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong rootCALayer, jlong subCALayer, jint width, jint height, jint caLayerQuirks)
+ (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong rootCALayer, jlong subCALayer, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height, jint caLayerQuirks)
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
MyCALayer* rootLayer = (MyCALayer*) ((intptr_t) rootCALayer);
@@ -513,23 +576,10 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_AddCASublayer0
[subLayer retain]; // Pairs w/ RemoveCASublayer
CGRect lRectRoot = [rootLayer frame];
- int posQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_POSITION & caLayerQuirks );
- int sizeQuirk = 0 != ( NW_DEDICATEDFRAME_QUIRK_SIZE & caLayerQuirks );
- DBG_PRINT("CALayer::AddCASublayer0.0: Quirks [%d, pos %d, size %d], Root %p (refcnt %d), Sub %p (refcnt %d), frame0: %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
- caLayerQuirks, posQuirk, sizeQuirk, rootLayer, (int)[rootLayer retainCount], subLayer, (int)[subLayer retainCount],
+ DBG_PRINT("CALayer::AddCASublayer0.0: Quirks %d, Root %p (refcnt %d), Sub %p (refcnt %d), frame0: %lf/%lf %lfx%lf\n",
+ caLayerQuirks, rootLayer, (int)[rootLayer retainCount], subLayer, (int)[subLayer retainCount],
lRectRoot.origin.x, lRectRoot.origin.y, lRectRoot.size.width, lRectRoot.size.height);
- CGPoint origin = lRectRoot.origin; // save
- // force root to 0/0
- lRectRoot.origin.x = 0;
- lRectRoot.origin.y = 0;
- [rootLayer setFrame: lRectRoot];
- // simple 1:1 layout rel. to root-layer !
- if( !posQuirk ) {
- lRectRoot.origin = origin;
- }
[subLayer setFrame:lRectRoot];
[rootLayer addSublayer:subLayer];
@@ -545,7 +595,7 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_AddCASublayer0
[subLayer setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange: YES];
if( 0 != caLayerQuirks ) {
- FixCALayerLayout0(rootLayer, subLayer, width, height, caLayerQuirks, JNI_TRUE);
+ [rootLayer fixCALayerLayout: subLayer x:x y:y width:width height:height caLayerQuirks:caLayerQuirks force:JNI_TRUE];
[CATransaction commit];
@@ -561,17 +611,20 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_AddCASublayer0
* Signature: (JJIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_FixCALayerLayout0
- (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong rootCALayer, jlong subCALayer, jint width, jint height, jint caLayerQuirks)
+ (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jlong rootCALayer, jlong subCALayer, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height, jint caLayerQuirks)
if( 0 != caLayerQuirks ) {
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
MyCALayer* rootLayer = (MyCALayer*) ((intptr_t) rootCALayer);
+ if( NULL == rootLayer ) {
+ NativewindowCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Argument \"rootLayer\" is null");
+ }
CALayer* subLayer = (CALayer*) ((intptr_t) subCALayer);
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setValue:(id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions];
- FixCALayerLayout0(rootLayer, subLayer, width, height, caLayerQuirks, JNI_FALSE);
+ [rootLayer fixCALayerLayout: subLayer x:x y:y width:width height:height caLayerQuirks:caLayerQuirks force:JNI_FALSE];
[CATransaction commit];