path: root/make/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make/build.xml')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/make/build.xml b/make/build.xml
index 8a67be6ee..a2bed23fe 100644
--- a/make/build.xml
+++ b/make/build.xml
@@ -1151,6 +1151,13 @@
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/32/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/32/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/32/" />
+ <!-- Assume we also copy over these generated files in the Linux build -->
+ <!-- in order to satisfy requests from end users that we provide these -->
+ <!-- files for easier source browsing in IDEs -->
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" />
<fail unless="linux.complete">
@@ -1224,6 +1231,7 @@
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/jogl.jar" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/32/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/32/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/32/" />
<fail unless="solsparc.complete">
@@ -1241,6 +1249,7 @@
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/jogl.jar" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/64/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/64/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/64/" />
<fail unless="solsparcv9.complete">
@@ -1258,6 +1267,7 @@
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/jogl.jar" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/32/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/32/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/32/" />
<fail unless="solx86.complete">
@@ -1274,6 +1284,7 @@
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/64/" />
<available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/64/" />
+ <available file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/64/" />
<fail unless="solamd64.complete">
@@ -1286,20 +1297,59 @@
+ <!-- Helper task for dist target below -->
+ <!-- Required parameters: -->
+ <!-- zip.os.arch = the os/arch combination for this zip file (i.e., "windows-i586") -->
+ <!-- = the directory containing the .so's / .dll's / .jnilib's for this platform-->
+ <target name="">
+ <property name="jogl.tmp.version" value="jogl-${tmp.version}-${zip.os.arch}" />
+ <!-- Create all needed directories -->
+ <mkdir dir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/lib" />
+ <!-- Copy in files -->
+ <copy todir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/lib">
+ <fileset dir="${}" includes="*" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl.jar" todir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/lib" />
+ <copy file="../COPYRIGHT.txt" todir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}" />
+ <copy file="../LICENSE.txt" tofile="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/LICENSE-JOGL-${tmp.version}.txt" />
+ <copy file="README-zip-bundles.txt"
+ tofile="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/README.txt"
+ overwrite="true">
+ <filterset>
+ <filter token="VERSION" value="${tmp.version}"/>
+ </filterset>
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="../doc/userguide/index.html" tofile="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp/${jogl.tmp.version}/Userguide.html" />
+ <!-- zip it up -->
+ <zip destfile="${jogl.dist.dir}/${jogl.tmp.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp"
+ includes="${jogl.tmp.version}/**" />
+ </target>
<target name="dist" depends="dist.dir.check,,dist.check.linux,dist.check.linux-amd64,dist.check.macosx,dist.check.macosxfat,dist.check.solsparc,dist.check.solsparcv9,dist.check.solx86, dist.check.solamd64">
<delete file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl.jar" />
<fileset dir="${jogl.dist.dir}" includes="jogl-natives-*.jar" />
- <delete file="${jogl.dist.dir}/" />
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir="${jogl.dist.dir}" includes="*.zip" />
+ </delete>
+ <delete dir="${jogl.dist.dir}/tmp" failonerror="false" />
<delete dir="${jogl.dist.dir}/META-INF" failonerror="false" />
+ <!-- Set up a property needed later -->
+ <!-- FIXME: this is only suitable for nightly builds; need to factor this out -->
+ <!-- for release builds -->
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
+ </tstamp>
+ <property name="tmp.version" value="${base_version}-pre-${timestamp}" />
<!-- Extract manifest from one of the jars to re-use it in the dist jar -->
<unjar src="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-win/jogl.jar" dest="${jogl.dist.dir}" >
<include name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />
+ <!-- Build jar files suitable for Java Web Start -->
<jar manifest="${jogl.dist.dir}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" destfile="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl.jar" duplicate="preserve">
<zipgroupfileset dir="${jogl.dist.dir}"
includes="jogl-win/*.jar, jogl-linux/*.jar, jogl-macosx/*.jar" />
@@ -1332,11 +1382,65 @@
includes=",," />
<!-- Build a source archive as well -->
- <zip destfile="${jogl.dist.dir}/"
+ <!-- First copy the generated files out of the Linux build results into the appropriate -->
+ <!-- directory of this source tree (so that they'll be blown away properly with an -->
+ <!-- "ant clean") -->
+ <mkdir dir="../build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl/glu" />
+ <copy file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" todir="../build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl" />
+ <copy file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" todir="../build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl" />
+ <copy file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" todir="../build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl" />
+ <copy file="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/" todir="../build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl/glu" />
+ <zip destfile="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-${tmp.version}"
- includes="gluegen/LICENSE.txt,gluegen/doc/**,gluegen/make/**,gluegen/src/**,jogl/LICENSE.txt,jogl/README.txt,jogl/doc/**,jogl/make/**,jogl/src/**"
+ includes="gluegen/LICENSE.txt,gluegen/doc/**,gluegen/make/**,gluegen/src/**,jogl/LICENSE.txt,jogl/README.txt,jogl/build/gensrc/classes/javax/media/opengl/**,jogl/doc/**,jogl/make/**,jogl/src/**"
+ <!-- Create zip archives suitable for developers -->
+ <!-- Unfortunately, we have to replicate the os/arch name combinations from
+ gluegen-cpptasks.xml. The reason for this is that we can't generate these
+ zip archives on the platform where the builds run; we have to run the dist
+ target in order to get the platform-independent jogl.jar. -->
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="linux-i586" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="linux-amd64" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-linux/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="macosx-ppc" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-macosx/ppc" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="macosx-universal" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-macosx/fat" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-i586" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-amd64" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solx86/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-sparc" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="solaris-sparcv9" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-solsparc/64" />
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="" inheritAll="true">
+ <param name="zip.os.arch" value="windows-i586" />
+ <param name="" value="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-win/32" />
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- Create one last zip archive by hand, this one containing all of the -->
+ <!-- Java Web Start jar files (for easier redistribution) -->
+ <zip destfile="${jogl.dist.dir}/jogl-${tmp.version}"
+ basedir="${jogl.dist.dir}"
+ includes="*.jar" />
<!-- unjar and re-jar the platform-independent jogl.jar with the official manifest -->