path: root/make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html b/make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html
index a6c15196b..bfedbf997 100644
--- a/make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html
+++ b/make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
<body lang="EN-US">
<h2>About This Content</h2>
-<p>August 17, 2006</p>
+<p>January 2, 2014</p>
<p>The Eclipse Foundation makes available all content in this plug-in (&quot;Content&quot;). Unless otherwise
@@ -31,31 +31,6 @@ did not receive this Content directly from the Eclipse Foundation, the following
for informational purposes only, and you should look to the Redistributor&rsquo;s license for
terms and conditions of use.</p>
-<h4>Gnome Binding</h4>
-<p>The &quot;Gnome Binding&quot; is a binding to the Gnome API. The Content may include any or all of the following files:</p>
-<p>The following files in the plug-in JAR shall be defined as the native code portion of the Gnome Binding:</p>
- <li> (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number)</li>
-<p>The following files in both the plug-in JAR and the shall be defined respectively as the bytecode and source code portions of the Gnome Binding:</p>
- <li>The contents of the directory org/eclipse/swt/internal/gnome (but not including any sub-directories)</li>
-<p>The Gnome Binding contains portions of Gnome (&quot;Library&quot;). Gnome is made available by The Free Software Foundation. Use of the Library is governed by the terms and
-conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (&quot;LGPL&quot;). Use of the Gnome Binding on a standalone
-basis, is also governed by the terms and conditions of the LGPL. A copy of the LGPL is provided with the Content (<a href="about_files/lgpl-v21.txt" target="_blank">lgpl-v21.txt</a>) and is also available at
-<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
-<p>In accordance with Section 6 of the LGPL, you may combine or link a "work that uses the Library" (e.g. the SWT) with the Library to produce a work
-containing portions of the Library (e.g. the Gnome Binding) and distribute that work under the terms of your choice (e.g. the EPL) provided you comply with all
-other terms and conditions of Section 6 as well as other Sections of the LGPL. Please note, if you modify the Gnome Binding such modifications shall be
-governed by the terms and conditions of the LGPL. Also note, the terms of the EPL permit you to modify the combined work and the source code of the combined
-work is provided for debugging purposes so there is no need to reverse engineer the combined work.</p>
<h4>GTK+ Binding</h4>
<p>The &quot;GTK+ Binding&quot; is a binding to the GTK+ API. The Content may include any or all of the following files:</p>
@@ -69,7 +44,6 @@ work is provided for debugging purposes so there is no need to reverse engineer
<p>The following files in both the plug-in JAR and the shall be defined respectively as the bytecode and source code portions of the GTK+ Binding:</p>
<li>The contents of the directory org/eclipse/swt/internal/accessibility/gtk (but not including any sub-directories)</li>
- <li>The contents of the directory org/eclipse/swt/internal/cde (but not including any sub-directories)</li>
<li>The contents of the directory org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk (but not including any sub-directories)</li>
@@ -123,40 +97,6 @@ In accordance with Section 6 of the LGPL, you may combine or link a &quot;work t
<p>The WebKitGTK+ Binding contains portions of libsoup (&quot;Library&quot;). libsoup is made available by The GNOME Project (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). Use of the Library is governed by the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (&quot;LGPL&quot;). Use of the WebKitGTK+ Binding on a standalone basis, is also governed by the terms and conditions of the LGPL. A copy of the LGPL is provided with the Content (<a href="about_files/lgpl-v21.txt" target="_blank">lgpl-v21.txt</a>) and is also available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p>
-<h4>Mozilla Binding</h4>
-<p>The &quot;Mozilla Binding&quot; is a binding to the Mozilla API. The Content may include any or all of the following files:</p>
-<p>The following files in the plug-in JAR shall be defined as the native code portion of the Mozilla Binding:</p>
- <li> (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number)</li>
- <li> (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number)</li>
- <li> (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number)</li>
- <li> (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number)</li>
-<p>The following files in both the plug-in JAR and the shall be defined respectively as the bytecode and source code portions of the Mozilla Binding:</p>
- <li>The contents of the directory org/eclipse/swt/internal/mozilla (but not including any sub-directories)</li>
-<p>The Mozilla Binding contains portions of Mozilla (&quot;Mozilla&quot;). Mozilla is made available by Use of Mozilla is governed by the terms and
-conditions of the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (&quot;MPL&quot;). A copy of the MPL is provided with the Content (<a href="about_files/mpl-v11.txt" target="_blank">mpl-v11.txt</a>) and is also available at
-<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
-<h4>XULRunner 1.9 (subset, derivative work)</h4>
-The libraries,, and (where &quot;xxxx&quot; is the version number) contain a small portion of XULRunner 1.9 content (header files)
-that have been modified from the Original Code provided by, and whose Initial Developer is Netscape Communications Corporation. Use of this code is governed by
-the terms and conditions of the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 ("MPL"). A copy of the MPL is provided with the Content (<a href="./about_files/mpl-v11.txt">mpl-v11.txt</a>)
-and is also available at <a href=""></a>.
-<p>The changed files are:
- <li>org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT Mozilla/common/library/nsIScriptContext.h</code>
- <li>org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT Mozilla/common/library/nsIScriptGlobalObject.h</code>
-Changes to the original files were made by SWT on April 7, 2009 and are marked with trailing comment <em>&quot;//SWT-20090407&quot;</em>.
<h4>Cairo Binding</h4>
<p>The &quot;Cairo Binding&quot; is a binding to the Cairo API. The Content may include any or all of the following files:</p>