path: root/src/graphui/classes/com
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/graphui/classes/com')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/
index ded1cfa61..a0980246c 100644
--- a/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/
+++ b/src/graphui/classes/com/jogamp/graph/ui/
@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLCapabilitiesImmutable;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLRunnable;
import com.jogamp.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc;
import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.Region;
+import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.GLRegion;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RegionRenderer;
import com.jogamp.graph.curve.opengl.RenderState;
import com.jogamp.graph.ui.Shape.Visitor2;
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLPixelStorageModes;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLReadBufferUtil;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix;
+import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureSequence;
import jogamp.graph.ui.TreeTool;
@@ -1010,7 +1013,7 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
* Return a formatted status string containing avg fps and avg frame duration.
* @param glad GLAutoDrawable instance for FPSCounter, its chosen GLCapabilities and its GL's swap-interval
- * @param renderModes render modes for {@link Region#getRenderModeString(int)}
+ * @param renderModes render modes for {@link Region#getRenderModeString(int, int, int)}
* @param quality the Graph-Curve quality setting or -1 to be ignored
* @param dpi the monitor's DPI (vertical preferred)
* @return formatted status string
@@ -1027,19 +1030,9 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
tfps = 0f;
td = 0f;
- final String modeS = Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes);
final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps = glad.getChosenGLCapabilities();
- final String sampleCountStr1, sampleCountStr2, qualityStr, blendStr;
- if( Region.isVBAA(renderModes) || Region.isMSAA(renderModes) ) {
- sampleCountStr1 = "-samples "+getSampleCount();
- } else {
- sampleCountStr1 = "";
- }
- if( caps.getNumSamples() > 0 ) {
- sampleCountStr2 = ", smsaa "+caps.getNumSamples();
- } else {
- sampleCountStr2 = "";
- }
+ final String modeS = Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes, getSampleCount(), caps.getNumSamples());
+ final String qualityStr, blendStr;
if( 0 <= quality ) {
qualityStr = ", q "+quality;
} else {
@@ -1050,9 +1043,8 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
} else {
blendStr = "";
- return String.format("%03.1f/%03.1f fps, %.1f ms/f, vsync %d, dpi %.1f, %s%s%s%s%s, a %d",
- lfps, tfps, td, glad.getGL().getSwapInterval(), dpi, modeS, sampleCountStr1, sampleCountStr2,
- qualityStr, blendStr, caps.getAlphaBits());
+ return String.format("%03.1f/%03.1f fps, %.1f ms/f, vsync %d, dpi %.1f, %s%s%s, a %d",
+ lfps, tfps, td, glad.getGL().getSwapInterval(), dpi, modeS, qualityStr, blendStr, caps.getAlphaBits());
@@ -1068,54 +1060,74 @@ public final class Scene implements Container, GLEventListener {
- * Write current read drawable (screen) to a PNG file.
+ * Return the unique next technical screenshot PNG {@link File} instance as follows:
+ * <pre>
+ * filename = [{dir}][{prefix}-]{@link Region#getRenderModeString(int, int, int)}[-{contentDetails}]-snap{screenShotCount}-{resolution}.png
+ * </pre>
+ * Implementation increments {@link #getScreenshotCount()}.
+ * @param dir the target directory, may be `null` or an empty string
+ * @param prefix the prefix, may be `null` or an empty string
+ * @param renderModes the used Graph renderModes, see {@link GLRegion#create(GLProfile, int, TextureSequence) create(..)}
+ * @param caps the used {@link GLCapabilitiesImmutable} used to retrieved the full-screen AA (fsaa) {@link GLCapabilitiesImmutable#getNumSamples()}
+ * @param contentDetail user content details to be added at the end but before {@link #getScreenshotCount()}, may be `null` or an empty string
+ * @return a unique descriptive screenshot filename
+ * @see #screenshot(GL, File)
+ * @see #screenshot(boolean, File)
+ * @see #getScreenshotCount()
+ */
+ public File nextScreenshotFile(final String dir, final String prefix, final int renderModes, final GLCapabilitiesImmutable caps, final String contentDetail) {
+ final String dir2 = ( null != dir && dir.length() > 0 ) ? dir : "";
+ final String prefix2 = ( null != prefix && prefix.length() > 0 ) ? prefix+"-" : "";
+ final RegionRenderer renderer = getRenderer();
+ final String modeS = Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes, getSampleCount(), caps.getNumSamples());
+ final String contentDetail2 = ( null != contentDetail && contentDetail.length() > 0 ) ? contentDetail+"-" : "";
+ return new File( String.format((Locale)null, "%s%s%s-%ssnap%02d-%04dx%04d.png",
+ dir2, prefix2, modeS, contentDetail2,
+ screenShotCount++, renderer.getWidth(), renderer.getHeight() ) );
+ }
+ private int screenShotCount = 0;
+ /** Return the number of {@link #nextScreenshotFile(String, String, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, String)} calls. */
+ public int getScreenshotCount() { return screenShotCount; }
+ /**
+ * Write current read drawable (screen) to a file.
+ * <p>
* Best to be {@link GLAutoDrawable#invoke(boolean, GLRunnable) invoked on the display call},
- * see {@link #screenshot(boolean, int, String)}.
- *
+ * see {@link #screenshot(boolean, String)}.
+ * </p>
* @param gl current GL object
- * @param renderModes Graph renderModes
- * @param prefix filename prefix
- *
+ * @param file the target file to be used, consider using {@link #nextScreenshotFile(String, String, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, String)}
+ * @see #nextScreenshotFile(String, String, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, String)
* @see #getScreenshotCount()
- * @see #screenshot(boolean, int, String)
+ * @see #screenshot(boolean, File)
- public void screenshot(final GL gl, final int renderModes, final String prefix) {
- final RegionRenderer renderer = getRenderer();
- final String modeS = Region.getRenderModeString(renderModes);
- final String filename = String.format((Locale)null, "%s-shot%03d-%03dx%03d-S_%s_%02d.png",
- prefix, shotCount++, renderer.getWidth(), renderer.getHeight(),
- modeS, getSampleCount());
- gl.glFinish(); // just make sure rendering finished ..
+ public void screenshot(final GL gl, final File file) {
if(screenshot.readPixels(gl, false)) {
- screenshot.write(new File(filename));
- System.err.println("Wrote: "+filename);
+ screenshot.write(file);
+ System.err.println("Wrote: "+file);
- private int shotCount = 0;
- * Write current read drawable (screen) to a PNG file on {@link GLAutoDrawable#invoke(boolean, GLRunnable) on the display call}.
+ * Write current read drawable (screen) to a file on {@link GLAutoDrawable#invoke(boolean, GLRunnable) on the display call}.
* @param wait if true block until execution of screenshot {@link GLRunnable} is finished, otherwise return immediately w/o waiting
- * @param renderModes Graph renderModes
- * @param prefix filename prefix
- *
+ * @param file the target file to be used, consider using {@link #nextScreenshotFile(String, String, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, String)}
+ * @see #nextScreenshotFile(String, String, int, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, String)
* @see #getScreenshotCount()
- * @see #screenshot(GL, int, String)
+ * @see #screenshot(GL, File)
- public void screenshot(final boolean wait, final int renderModes, final String prefix) {
+ public void screenshot(final boolean wait, final File file) {
if( null != cDrawable ) {
cDrawable.invoke(wait, (drawable) -> {
- screenshot(drawable.getGL(), renderModes, prefix);
+ screenshot(drawable.getGL(), file);
return true;
- /** Return the number of {@link #screenshot(GL, int, String)}s being taken. */
- public int getScreenshotCount() { return shotCount; }
private static final PMVMatrixSetup defaultPMVMatrixSetup = new PMVMatrixSetup() {
public void set(final PMVMatrix pmv, final Recti viewport) {