path: root/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
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1 files changed, 141 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
index 7aba7fa73..f793629d6 100644
--- a/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
+++ b/src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/math/FloatUtil.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2010-2023 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -44,20 +44,26 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.Frustum;
* Implementation assumes linear matrix layout in column-major order
* matching OpenGL's implementation, illustration:
* <pre>
- Row-Major Column-Major (OpenGL):
+ Row-Major Column-Major (OpenGL):
- | 0 1 2 3 | | 0 4 8 12 |
- | | | |
- | 4 5 6 7 | | 1 5 9 13 |
- M = | | M = | |
- | 8 9 10 11 | | 2 6 10 14 |
- | | | |
- | 12 13 14 15 | | 3 7 11 15 |
+ | 0 1 2 tx |
+ | |
+ | 4 5 6 ty |
+ M = | |
+ | 8 9 10 tz |
+ | |
+ | 12 13 14 15 |
- C R C R
+ R C R C
m[0*4+3] = tx; m[0+4*3] = tx;
m[1*4+3] = ty; m[1+4*3] = ty;
m[2*4+3] = tz; m[2+4*3] = tz;
+ RC (std subscript order) RC (std subscript order)
+ m03 = tx; m03 = tx;
+ m13 = ty; m13 = ty;
+ m23 = tz; m23 = tz;
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.Frustum;
* Implementation utilizes unrolling of small vertices and matrices wherever possible
* while trying to access memory in a linear fashion for performance reasons, see:
* <ul>
- * <li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/java-matrix-benchmark/">java-matrix-benchmark</a></li>
+ * <li><a href="https://lessthanoptimal.github.io/Java-Matrix-Benchmark/">java-matrix-benchmark</a></li>
* <li><a href="https://github.com/lessthanoptimal/ejml">EJML Efficient Java Matrix Library</a></li>
* </ul>
* </p>
@@ -580,35 +586,6 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
- * Make given matrix the perspective {@link #makeFrustum(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float) frustum}
- * matrix based on given parameters.
- * <p>
- * All matrix fields are only set if <code>initM</code> is <code>true</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param m 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
- * @param m_offset offset in given array <i>m</i>, i.e. start of the 4x4 matrix
- * @param initM if true, given matrix will be initialized w/ identity matrix,
- * otherwise only the frustum fields are set.
- * @param fovhv {@link FovHVHalves} field of view in both directions, may not be centered, either in radians or tangent
- * @param zNear
- * @param zFar
- * @return given matrix for chaining
- * @throws GLException if {@code zNear <= 0} or {@code zFar <= zNear}
- * @see #makeFrustum(float[], int, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float)
- * @see Frustum#updateByFovDesc(float[], int, boolean, Frustum.FovDesc)
- */
- public static float[] makePerspective(final float[] m, final int m_offset, final boolean initM,
- final FovHVHalves fovhv, final float zNear, final float zFar) throws GLException {
- final FovHVHalves fovhvTan = fovhv.toTangents(); // use tangent of half-fov !
- final float top = fovhvTan.top * zNear;
- final float bottom = -1.0f * fovhvTan.bottom * zNear;
- final float left = -1.0f * fovhvTan.left * zNear;
- final float right = fovhvTan.right * zNear;
- return makeFrustum(m, m_offset, initM, left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
- }
- /**
* Make given matrix the <i>look-at</i> matrix based on given parameters.
* <p>
* Consist out of two matrix multiplications:
@@ -1072,12 +1049,12 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param vec4Tmp2 4 component vector for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)
- public static boolean mapObjToWinCoords(final float objx, final float objy, final float objz,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] win_pos, final int win_pos_offset,
- final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapObjToWin(final float objx, final float objy, final float objz,
+ final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
+ final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
+ final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
+ final float[] win_pos, final int win_pos_offset,
+ final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
vec4Tmp1[0] = objx;
vec4Tmp1[1] = objy;
vec4Tmp1[2] = objz;
@@ -1120,18 +1097,15 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param objz
* @param mat4PMv [projection] x [modelview] matrix, i.e. P x Mv
* @param viewport 4 component viewport vector
- * @param viewport_offset
* @param win_pos 3 component window coordinate, the result
- * @param win_pos_offset
* @param vec4Tmp1 4 component vector for temp storage
* @param vec4Tmp2 4 component vector for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)
- public static boolean mapObjToWinCoords(final float objx, final float objy, final float objz,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4PMv,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] win_pos, final int win_pos_offset,
- final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapObjToWin(final float objx, final float objy, final float objz,
+ final float[/*16*/] mat4PMv,
+ final int[] viewport, final float[] win_pos,
+ final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
vec4Tmp2[0] = objx;
vec4Tmp2[1] = objy;
vec4Tmp2[2] = objz;
@@ -1152,9 +1126,9 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
vec4Tmp1[2] = vec4Tmp1[2] * vec4Tmp1[3] + 0.5f;
// Map x,y to viewport
- win_pos[0+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[0] * viewport[2+viewport_offset] + viewport[0+viewport_offset];
- win_pos[1+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[1] * viewport[3+viewport_offset] + viewport[1+viewport_offset];
- win_pos[2+win_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp1[2];
+ win_pos[0] = vec4Tmp1[0] * viewport[2] + viewport[0];
+ win_pos[1] = vec4Tmp1[1] * viewport[3] + viewport[1];
+ win_pos[2] = vec4Tmp1[2];
return true;
@@ -1180,12 +1154,12 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param mat4Tmp2 16 component matrix for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- public static boolean mapWinToObjCoords(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapWinToObj(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz,
+ final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
+ final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
+ final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
+ final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
+ final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
// mat4Tmp1 = P x Mv
multMatrix(projMatrix, projMatrix_offset, modelMatrix, modelMatrix_offset, mat4Tmp1, 0);
@@ -1242,11 +1216,11 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param vec4Tmp2 4 component vector for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- public static boolean mapWinToObjCoords(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4PMvI,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
- final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapWinToObj(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz,
+ final float[/*16*/] mat4PMvI,
+ final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
+ final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
+ final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
vec4Tmp1[0] = winx;
vec4Tmp1[1] = winy;
vec4Tmp1[2] = winz;
@@ -1296,19 +1270,17 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param vec4Tmp2 4 component vector for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- public static boolean mapWinToObjCoords(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz1, final float winz2,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4PMvI,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float[] obj1_pos, final int obj1_pos_offset,
- final float[] obj2_pos, final int obj2_pos_offset,
- final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapWinToObj(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz1, final float winz2,
+ final float[/*16*/] mat4PMvI, final int[] viewport,
+ final Vec3f objPos1, final Vec3f objPos2,
+ final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp1, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
vec4Tmp1[0] = winx;
vec4Tmp1[1] = winy;
vec4Tmp1[3] = 1.0f;
// Map x and y from window coordinates
- vec4Tmp1[0] = (vec4Tmp1[0] - viewport[0+viewport_offset]) / viewport[2+viewport_offset];
- vec4Tmp1[1] = (vec4Tmp1[1] - viewport[1+viewport_offset]) / viewport[3+viewport_offset];
+ vec4Tmp1[0] = (vec4Tmp1[0] - viewport[0]) / viewport[2];
+ vec4Tmp1[1] = (vec4Tmp1[1] - viewport[1]) / viewport[3];
// Map to range -1 to 1
vec4Tmp1[0] = vec4Tmp1[0] * 2 - 1;
@@ -1329,15 +1301,14 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
vec4Tmp2[3] = 1.0f / vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj1_pos[0+obj1_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[0] * vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj1_pos[1+obj1_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[1] * vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj1_pos[2+obj1_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[2] * vec4Tmp2[3];
+ objPos1.set( vec4Tmp2[0] * vec4Tmp2[3],
+ vec4Tmp2[1] * vec4Tmp2[3],
+ vec4Tmp2[2] * vec4Tmp2[3] );
// winz2
- vec4Tmp1[2] = winz2;
- vec4Tmp1[2] = vec4Tmp1[2] * 2 - 1;
+ vec4Tmp1[2] = winz2 * 2 - 1;
// object raw coords = Inv(P x Mv) * winPos -> mat4Tmp2
multMatrixVec(mat4PMvI, vec4Tmp1, vec4Tmp2);
@@ -1348,9 +1319,9 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
vec4Tmp2[3] = 1.0f / vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj2_pos[0+obj2_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[0] * vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj2_pos[1+obj2_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[1] * vec4Tmp2[3];
- obj2_pos[2+obj2_pos_offset] = vec4Tmp2[2] * vec4Tmp2[3];
+ objPos2.set( vec4Tmp2[0] * vec4Tmp2[3],
+ vec4Tmp2[1] * vec4Tmp2[3],
+ vec4Tmp2[2] * vec4Tmp2[3] );
return true;
@@ -1379,13 +1350,13 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param mat4Tmp2 16 component matrix for temp storage
* @return true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)
- public static boolean mapWinToObjCoords(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz, final float clipw,
- final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
- final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
- final float near, final float far,
- final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
- final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
+ public static boolean mapWinToObj4(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz, final float clipw,
+ final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
+ final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
+ final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
+ final float near, final float far,
+ final float[] obj_pos, final int obj_pos_offset,
+ final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2) {
// mat4Tmp1 = P x Mv
multMatrix(projMatrix, projMatrix_offset, modelMatrix, modelMatrix_offset, mat4Tmp1, 0);
@@ -1397,7 +1368,7 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
mat4Tmp2[0] = winx;
mat4Tmp2[1] = winy;
mat4Tmp2[2] = winz;
- mat4Tmp2[3] = 1.0f;
+ mat4Tmp2[3] = clipw;
// Map x and y from window coordinates
mat4Tmp2[0] = (mat4Tmp2[0] - viewport[0+viewport_offset]) / viewport[2+viewport_offset];
@@ -1417,8 +1388,6 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
return false;
- mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off] = 1.0f / mat4Tmp2[3+raw_off];
obj_pos[0+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[0+raw_off];
obj_pos[1+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[1+raw_off];
obj_pos[2+obj_pos_offset] = mat4Tmp2[2+raw_off];
@@ -1459,7 +1428,7 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
public static boolean mapWinToRay(final float winx, final float winy, final float winz0, final float winz1,
final float[] modelMatrix, final int modelMatrix_offset,
final float[] projMatrix, final int projMatrix_offset,
- final int[] viewport, final int viewport_offset,
+ final int[] viewport,
final Ray ray,
final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp1, final float[/*16*/] mat4Tmp2, final float[/*4*/] vec4Tmp2) {
// mat4Tmp1 = P x Mv
@@ -1469,11 +1438,9 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
if ( null == invertMatrix(mat4Tmp1, mat4Tmp1) ) {
return false;
- if( mapWinToObjCoords(winx, winy, winz0, winz1, mat4Tmp1,
- viewport, viewport_offset,
- ray.orig, 0, ray.dir, 0,
- mat4Tmp2, vec4Tmp2) ) {
- VectorUtil.normalizeVec3( VectorUtil.subVec3(ray.dir, ray.dir, ray.orig) );
+ if( mapWinToObj(winx, winy, winz0, winz1, mat4Tmp1, viewport,
+ ray.orig, ray.dir, mat4Tmp2, vec4Tmp2) ) {
+ ray.dir.sub(ray.orig).normalize();
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -1485,9 +1452,8 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order
* @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
* @param d result a*b in column-major order
- * @return given result matrix <i>d</i> for chaining
- public static float[] multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off, final float[] d, final int d_off) {
+ public static void multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off, final float[] d, final int d_off) {
final float b00 = b[b_off+0+0*4];
final float b10 = b[b_off+1+0*4];
final float b20 = b[b_off+2+0*4];
@@ -1540,8 +1506,6 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
d[d_off+3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
d[d_off+3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
d[d_off+3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- return d;
@@ -1612,9 +1576,8 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* Multiply matrix: [a] = [a] x [b]
* @param a 4x4 matrix in column-major order (also result)
* @param b 4x4 matrix in column-major order
- * @return given result matrix <i>a</i> for chaining
- public static float[] multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off) {
+ public static void multMatrix(final float[] a, final int a_off, final float[] b, final int b_off) {
final float b00 = b[b_off+0+0*4];
final float b10 = b[b_off+1+0*4];
final float b20 = b[b_off+2+0*4];
@@ -1667,8 +1630,6 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
a[a_off+3+1*4] = ai0 * b01 + ai1 * b11 + ai2 * b21 + ai3 * b31 ;
a[a_off+3+2*4] = ai0 * b02 + ai1 * b12 + ai2 * b22 + ai3 * b32 ;
a[a_off+3+3*4] = ai0 * b03 + ai1 * b13 + ai2 * b23 + ai3 * b33 ;
- return a;
@@ -1778,11 +1739,10 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
* @param m_in_off
* @param v_in 4-component column-vector
* @param v_out m_in * v_in
- * @return given result vector <i>v_out</i> for chaining
- public static float[] multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
- final float[] v_in, final int v_in_off,
- final float[] v_out, final int v_out_off) {
+ public static void multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
+ final float[] v_in, final int v_in_off,
+ final float[] v_out, final int v_out_off) {
// (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
v_out[0 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off ] +
v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off ];
@@ -1798,8 +1758,31 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
final int m_in_off_3 = 3+m_in_off;
v_out[3 + v_out_off] = v_in[0+v_in_off] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[1+v_in_off] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_3] +
v_in[2+v_in_off] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[3+v_in_off] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_3];
+ }
- return v_out;
+ /**
+ * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
+ * @param m_in_off
+ * @param v_in 4-component column-vector
+ * @param v_out m_in * v_in
+ */
+ public static void multMatrixVec(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
+ final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
+ // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
+ v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off ] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off ];
+ final int m_in_off_1 = 1+m_in_off;
+ v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_1] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_1];
+ final int m_in_off_2 = 2+m_in_off;
+ v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_2] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_2];
+ final int m_in_off_3 = 3+m_in_off;
+ v_out[3] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_3] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_3] + v_in[3] * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_3];
@@ -1845,46 +1828,59 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
- * Copy the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out.
- * <p>
- * v_out may be 3 or 4 components long, hence the 4th row may not be stored.
- * </p>
- * @param m_in input column-major matrix
- * @param m_in_off offset to input matrix
- * @param column named column to copy
- * @param v_out the column-vector storage, at least 3 components long
- * @param v_out_off offset to storage
+ * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix
+ *
+ * 4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector,
+ * using {@code 1} for for {@code v_in[3]} and dropping {@code v_out[3]},
+ * which shall be {@code 1}.
+ *
+ * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
+ * @param m_in_off
+ * @param v_in 3-component column-vector
+ * @param v_out m_in * v_in, 3-component column-vector
* @return given result vector <i>v_out</i> for chaining
- public static float[] copyMatrixColumn(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off, final int column, final float[] v_out, final int v_out_off) {
- v_out[0+v_out_off]=m_in[0+column*4+m_in_off];
- v_out[1+v_out_off]=m_in[1+column*4+m_in_off];
- v_out[2+v_out_off]=m_in[2+column*4+m_in_off];
- if( v_out.length > 3+v_out_off ) {
- v_out[3+v_out_off]=m_in[3+column*4+m_in_off];
- }
+ public static float[] multMatrixVec3(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off,
+ final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
+ // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
+ v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off ] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off ] + 1f * m_in[3*4+m_in_off ];
+ final int m_in_off_1 = 1+m_in_off;
+ v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_1] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_1] + 1f * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_1];
+ final int m_in_off_2 = 2+m_in_off;
+ v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+m_in_off_2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+m_in_off_2] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+m_in_off_2] + 1f * m_in[3*4+m_in_off_2];
return v_out;
- * Copy the named row of the given column-major matrix to v_out.
- * <p>
- * v_out may be 3 or 4 components long, hence the 4th column may not be stored.
- * </p>
- * @param m_in input column-major matrix
- * @param m_in_off offset to input matrix
- * @param row named row to copy
- * @param v_out the row-vector storage, at least 3 components long
- * @param v_out_off offset to storage
+ * Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix
+ *
+ * 4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector,
+ * using {@code 1} for for {@code v_in[3]} and dropping {@code v_out[3]},
+ * which shall be {@code 1}.
+ *
+ * @param m_in 4x4 matrix in column-major order
+ * @param m_in_off
+ * @param v_in 3-component column-vector
+ * @param v_out m_in * v_in, 3-component column-vector
* @return given result vector <i>v_out</i> for chaining
- public static float[] copyMatrixRow(final float[] m_in, final int m_in_off, final int row, final float[] v_out, final int v_out_off) {
- v_out[0+v_out_off]=m_in[row+0*4+m_in_off];
- v_out[1+v_out_off]=m_in[row+1*4+m_in_off];
- v_out[2+v_out_off]=m_in[row+2*4+m_in_off];
- if( v_out.length > 3+v_out_off ) {
- v_out[3+v_out_off]=m_in[row+3*4+m_in_off];
- }
+ public static float[] multMatrixVec3(final float[] m_in, final float[] v_in, final float[] v_out) {
+ // (one matrix row in column-major order) X (column vector)
+ v_out[0] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4 ] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4 ] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4 ] + 1f * m_in[3*4 ];
+ v_out[1] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+1] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+1] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+1] + 1f * m_in[3*4+1];
+ v_out[2] = v_in[0] * m_in[0*4+2] + v_in[1] * m_in[1*4+2] +
+ v_in[2] * m_in[2*4+2] + 1f * m_in[3*4+2];
return v_out;
@@ -2276,7 +2272,7 @@ public final class FloatUtil {
- * Return true if value is zero, i.e. it's absolute value < <code>epsilon</code>.
+ * Return true if value is zero, i.e. it's absolute value < {@link #EPSILON}.
* @see #EPSILON
public static boolean isZero(final float a) {