Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bug 1085: Fix GLJPanel regression while printing w/ invisible GLJPanel: Zero ↵v2.2.3Sven Gothel2014-10-021-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | size panel size This is a regression due to commit 84f367a73c5b16dcebfd877e82e1c2cb90ae74ce: GLJPanel Cleanup: Remove initial FBO reshape; ** Propagate reshape only if differs from panel-size; ** <- this one Use pre-fetched panel-size. Above commit only issued 'sendReshape' if the reshape-size differs from the actual panel-size. Note: The reshape-size is propagated to panel-size either in [1] initializeBackendImpl(..) or [2] handleReshape(..) @ paintComponent. While printing w/ an invisible GLJPanel the reshape-size has not yet propagated to the panel-size (see above) and two consecutive reshape calls will cause the last one to be dropped. With this patch we have: GLJPanel.addNotify() GLJPanel.reshape.0 null resize [paint] [ this 0x0, pixelScale 1x1, panel 560x420] -> 0x0 * 1x1 -> 0x0, reshapeSize 0x0 GLJPanel.reshape.0 null resize [paint] [ this 560x420, pixelScale 1x1, panel 560x420] -> 560x420 * 1x1 -> 560x420, reshapeSize 560x420 GLJPanel.setupPrint: scale 1.000000 / 1.000000, samples 0, tileSz -1 x -1 GLJPanel.createAndInitializeBackend.1: [printing] 560x420 @ scale 1x1 -> 560x420 @ scale 1x1 A
* Bug 1085: Increase and fix DEBUG verbosity in GLJPanel to catch reshape ↵Sven Gothel2014-10-021-9/+13
| | | | regression during print
* Bug 1084: Fix GLProfile Mapping regarding hardware priority, honor ↵Sven Gothel2014-10-012-67/+113
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | software/hardware attribute of all profiles GLProfile's mapping code does not consider the following combination: - GL4 software - GL3 hardware and hence maps GL4-software -> [GL2ES2, GL2GL3], where GL3-hardware -> [GL2ES2, GL2GL3] is desired. This combination has recently been observed on Mac OSX 10.9.5, which includes a software GL 4.1 implementation. However, other systems could be affected as well. +++ Fix GLProfile.computeProfileImpl(..): Only use the higher profile, if hardware-accelerated or none of the lower profiles offers hardware-acceleration! This extra condition was missing for certain profiles, e.g. GL4, GL4bc, GL3, GL3bc and GL2.
* Bug 1078, Bug 1082: Fix regression (typo), add missing assignment of ↵Sven Gothel2014-10-012-2/+3
| | | | printGLAD in NewtCanvasAWT.setupPrint()
* Bug 1081: Fix GLJPanel Regression: Honor pre-init reshape-size at ↵Sven Gothel2014-10-014-59/+356
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | initializeBackendImpl() Commit 84f367a73c5b16dcebfd877e82e1c2cb90ae74ce removed utilization of reshape-size in case panel-size is valid, even if a reshape event happened in between: - addNotify - paintComponent initializeBackendImpl() includes now uses reshape-size IFF handleReshape is set. Before it was using reshape-size only if panel-size was invalid. TestAWT03GLJPanelRecreate01 covers this issue.
* Bug 1078: Add Fallback in AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint(): Use Onscreen GLAD ↵Sven Gothel2014-10-015-18/+67
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | if Offscreen-GLAD Realization throws an Exception (Stability) - GLDrawableFactoryImpl: createOffscreenDrawable(..) and createDummyAutoDrawable(..) Temporary catch exception during setRealized(true) of newly created GLDrawable, to unrealize the instance before propagating the exception. This handling removes a memory leak in case the exception of this method is handled and application continues to operate, e.g. as in AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint(). The underlying drawable gets unrealized, since it's setRealized(boolean) implementation toggles its realize-state before delegating the realize-operation. Hence this is functional. - AWTPrintLifecycle.setupPrint() Stability Catch exception thrown by factory.createOffscreenAutoDrawable(..)'s setRealize(true) to continue operation w/ onscreen GLAD.
* TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Use 'V22X' to mark current version on branch b22xSven Gothel2014-09-241-2/+2
* Fix all backward compatibility issues w/ 2.2.0 and 2.2.1Sven Gothel2014-09-249-72/+101
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Preserve fields, but make them deprecated and don't use them anymore. Using a new version with less visibility. - Revert incompatible method prototype changes - GLFBODrawable: - Completly remove FBOMODE_DEFAULT and FBOMODE_USE_DEPTH usage and deprecate them - GLRendererQuirks: - Completly remove COUNT usage and deprecate it. - Add getCount() method for future compatibility.
* Fix synchronization issues in Animator* Exception casev2.2.2Sven Gothel2014-09-233-74/+77
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Refines commit cef7ba607ad7e8eb1ff2a438d77710a29aa0bda6 - The animator monitor-lock was still hold in the post finally block issuing flushGLRunnables(), due to intrinsic monitor release (in finally): - <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-2.html#jvms-2.11.10> - <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10743285/behavior-of-a-synchronized-method-with-try-and-finally> - Further: AnimatorBase.flushGLRunnables() acquired the lock itself (duh!) This commit removes the requirement for finally altogether by simply return a boolean from handleUncaughtException(caughtException), where false denotes the caller to propagate the exception itself (no handler). Post synchronized block then issues flushGLRunnables() and exceptation propagation as required. AnimatorBase.flushGLRunnables() 'synchronized' modifier is removed. Further, ThreadDeath is being propagated if caught. Here the finally block is also removed - redundant.
* Fix GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT profile stateSven Gothel2014-09-221-4/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) in called in GLContextImpl.setGLFunctionAvailability(..) - GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) was called before fixing CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT via isCurrentContextHardwareRasterizer(). The latter set CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT based on known software renderer string within GL_RENDERER. This lead to incorrect hwAccel assumption and hence wrong setting of GLRendererQuirks: - NoDoubleBufferedPBuffer (was selected even w/ later CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT) - BuggyColorRenderbuffer (was never selected) - Fix performs GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..) _after_ fixing CTX_IMPL_ACCEL_SOFT via isCurrentContextHardwareRasterizer().
* Fix synchronization issues in GLDrawableHelper.flushGLRunnables(), fixes ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-224-66/+78
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rare deadlock with animator-exception and invoke(wait=true, ..) Fix synchronization issues in GLDrawableHelper.flushGLRunnables(): - Querying 'glRunnables.size()' is not synchronized, only its reference is volatile, not the instance's own states. - 'flushGLRunnable()' must operates while acquired the 'glRunnable' lock. - 'glRunnables' are no more volatile - introduced volatile 'glRunnableCount', allowing 'display(..)' method to pre-query whether blocking 'execGLRunnables(..)' must be called. This is risk (deadlock) free. Also fixes rare deadlock in animator display-exception / GLAD.invoke(wait=true, ..) case: - 'GLDrawableHelper.invoke(.., GLRunnable)' acquires the 'glRunnable' lock. - Then it queries animator state, which is blocking. - Hence animator's 'flushGLRunnable()' call must happen outside the animator lock
* Stabilize, fix regression: GLDrawable.invoke(..) and Animator* display-loop ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-225-11/+20
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 'closure' GLDrawable.invoke(..) regression of commit c77b8f586cb2553582a42f5b90aeee5ef85f1efe: 'wait' was not set to false, if 'deferredHere' was forced to 'false'. This could lead to the situation where GLRunnableTask will catch the exception and supresses it. Animator/FPSAnimator post exception propagation code animThread = null; notifyAll(); must be complete to finalize animator state in case of an exception. Decorate 'handleUncaughtException(..)' w/ try { } finally { } where the latter ensures the mentioned 'closure'.
* Adding missing applet launcher html page for GLJPanelsAndGLCanvasDemoGL2AppletSven Gothel2014-09-201-0/+32
* TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: V221 -> V222 Add exception for ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-0/+1
* Add GLJPanelsAndGLCanvasDemoGL2Applet: Simple applet test for GLJPanel/GL2 ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-206-54/+277
| | | | testing (offscreen, ..); Clean up GL2 Gears and Teapot state enable/disable
* FBObject: Fix depth- and stencil bit count selection for attachRenderbuffer(..);Sven Gothel2014-09-2016-108/+200
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Fix depth- and stencil bit count selection for attachRenderbuffer(..) - Add generic values: DEFAULT_BITS, REQUESTED_BITS, CHOSEN_BITS, MAXIMUM_BITS - Refactor depth- and stencil bit-count -> format into own method - Allow depth- and stencil bit-count select a higher bit-count if required (fix) - GLFBODrawable.FBOMODE_USE_DEPTH is deprecated, using GLCapabilities.[get|set]DepthBits(..) - It was an oversight to introduce the bit flag in the first place, since we should have used the capabilities depth bit-count - Graph Test: GLEventListenerButton shall use requested capabilities for FBO drawable.
* TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Add v2.2.1 jogl-all.jarSven Gothel2014-09-201-0/+0
* TestVersionSemanticsNOUI: Enable test V220->V221 and V221->V222 (w/ 2 extra ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-13/+25
| | | | | | | | | | | | exclusions) Enable tests: - V220->V221 - V221->V222 (w/ 2 extra exclusions) - GLRendererQuirks COUNT has been increased (-> use a method, FIXME) - Animator pauseIssued is volatile now
* GLJPanel: Fix backward compatibility, regression of commit ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-0/+6
| | | | | | fa6ba9d70d4fe47f05facc72608fb10c889f9d09 - bring back removed 'void dispose()' -> deprecated now
* FBObject: Fix merge issues of commit 034d843359508833094b6a87eb4b58fd5231bafaSven Gothel2014-09-201-7/+14
| | | | - Handle deprecated reset(..) variants return type in a backward compatible manner
* TestGearsES2GLJPanelAWT: Update frame title (awt-size, pixel-size) for ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-0/+15
| | | | GLEventListener.reshape(..)
* FBObject: Simplify API (init/reset); Only issue automatic ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-2010-194/+418
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | resetSamplingSink(..) if required; Fix resetSamplingSink(..), isBound(), .. - Simplify API (init/reset) - use new unique methods for init and reset: - void init(final GL gl, final int newWidth, final int newHeight, final int newSamples) - does not issue resetSamplingSink(..) - boolean reset(final GL gl, final int newWidth, final int newHeight, final int newSamples) - always issues resetSamplingSink(..) - deprecated dual-use (init/reset): - boolean reset(final GL gl, final int newWidth, final int newHeight) - boolean reset(final GL gl, int newWidth, int newHeight, int newSamples, final boolean resetSamplingSink) - reset(..) no more creates a dummy 'samplingSink' instance if sampling > 0, left up to resetSamplingSink(..) - Track 'modified' state of FBObject, if size, format or any attachment has been changed since last - use(..) - syncSamplingSink(..) - resetSamplingSink(..) - Only issue resetSamplingSink(..) from syncSamplingSink(..)/use(..) if 'modified == true' +++ - Fix setSamplingSink(..), i.e. samplingSink state handling: - Validated whether given samplingSink is initialized, throws Exception if not. - Fix resetSamplingSink(..) - resets the bound state, i.e. leaves it untouched - also unbinds the samplingSink - sampleSinkDepthStencilMismatch() also returns true if this.depth/stencil == null, but samplingSink is not. - Newly created colorbuffer/-texture matches exiting colorbuffer's internal-format, if exists. - Using simplified resetSizeImpl(..) for size mismatch - Simplified samplingColorSink init check - Fix isBound() was: 'bound = bound && fbName != gl.getBoundFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER)' fix: 'bound = bound && fbName == gl.getBoundFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER)' - Fix detachRenderbuffer(..) validates whether detachment was successful, similar to detachColorbuffer(..) Conflicts: src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/FBObject.java
* StereoClientRenderer: Remove redundant FBObject.detachAllColorbuffer(gl) for ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-1/+0
| | | | init call
* FBOobject GLEL Tests: Remove redundant detachAllColorbuffer(gl) for init callSven Gothel2014-09-202-18/+6
* New GLRendererQuirks.BuggyColorRenderbuffer: On Mesa 7.2 software, FBO color ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-206-7/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | renderbuffer may cause a crash Workaround crash caused by Mesa 7.2 software rendering using color renderbuffer target in FBO. If Mesa < 8.0 and software - or - property 'jogl.fbo.force.nocolorrenderbuffer' is set, set quirks: - GLRendererQuirks.BuggyColorRenderbuffer - GLRendererQuirks.NoFullFBOSupport (to disable MSAA) GLFBODrawable always uses FBOMODE_USE_TEXTURE if GLRendererQuirks.BuggyColorRenderbuffer is set. +++ Crash Report: GNU C Library : 2.13 stable OpenGL : software Operating System : Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel Abnormal termination: Segmentation violation Register State (from fault): RAX = 00000000ff1818f0 RBX = 00000000beaf8afc RCX = 0000000000000004 RDX = 00007f85ed9c9010 RSP = 00007f8252d24fd0 RBP = 00007f8252d25020 RSI = 0000000017b9b330 RDI = 0000000015bca400 R8 = 0000000000000000 R9 = 00007f81edcd3014 R10 = 00007f823565f6ce R11 = 00007f827bee49aa R12 = 0000000000001406 R13 = 0000000000000001 R14 = 00000000154d5458 R15 = 00000000154d4f10 RIP = 00007f823565f7bc EFL = 0000000000010206 CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000 Stack Trace (from fault): [ 0] 0x00007f823565f7bc put_row_ubyte4 at /mesa/main/renderbuffer.c:665 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 1] 0x00007f8235727239 _swrast_write_rgba_span at /mesa/swrast/s_span.c:1450 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 2] 0x00007f823574b071 smooth_rgba_triangle at /mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h:862 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 3] 0x00007f82357155f0 _swrast_Triangle at /mesa/swrast/s_context.c:692 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 4] 0x00007f8235771780 triangle_offset_twoside_rgba at /mesa/swrast_setup/ss_tritmp.h:188 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 5] 0x00007f82356d2cea _tnl_render_poly_elts at /mesa/tnl/t_vb_rendertmp.h:313 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 6] 0x00007f82356d335e _tnl_RenderClippedPolygon at /mesa/tnl/t_vb_render.c:244 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 7] 0x00007f82356c9313 clip_tri_4 at /mesa/tnl/t_vb_cliptmp.h:230 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 8] 0x00007f82356cd026 clip_render_triangles_verts at /mesa/tnl/t_vb_rendertmp.h:163 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 9] 0x00007f82356d37d9 run_render at /mesa/tnl/t_vb_render.c:320 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 10] 0x00007f82356c2436 _tnl_run_pipeline at /mesa/tnl/t_pipeline.c:158 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 11] 0x00007f82356c37da _tnl_draw_prims at /mesa/tnl/t_draw.c:402 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 12] 0x00007f82356b673a vbo_exec_DrawArrays at /mesa/vbo/vbo_exec_array.c:263 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) [ 13] 0x00007f823583e5b0 glDrawArrays at /mesa/glapi/glapitemp.h:1645 (in /lib/libGL.so.1) +++
* GLContextImpl.setRendererQuirks(..): Use GLRendererQuirks.addQuirk(int), ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-202-61/+78
| | | | | | dropping usage of .addQuirks(int[] quirks, offset, len) Directly adding a quirk allows dropping usage of erroneous fixed-sized int[] array for accumulated quirks.
* GLFBODrawableImpl: Utilize common self-contained setupFBO(..) method for FBO ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-81/+74
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | creation incl. Bug 1020 glClear(..) ; Fixes missing fbo.unbind(gl) Utilize common self-contained setupFBO(..) method for FBO creation incl. Bug 1020 glClear(..) initialize(..) and reset(..)'s fallback code contained duplicated FBO setup/creation code. The former was updated to suite the new FBO mode bits, where the latter left untouched, hence was buggy. Now setup and creation of a single FBO has been merged into setupFBO(..). Fixes missing fbo.unbind(gl): We did no issue unbind() on each fbo instance while adding the workaround for Bug 1020. Adding fbo.markUnbound() call to all fbos but the last. Note: This might not cause any issues, since fbo.bind(gl) tests the currently bound fbo.
* GLJPanel Cleanup: Remove initial FBO reshape; Propagate reshape only if ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-201-17/+17
| | | | differs from panel-size; Use pre-fetched panel-size.
* GLJPanel: Allow reconfiguration of offscreen's GLCapabilitiesImmutableSven Gothel2014-09-143-14/+119
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Offscreen's GLCapabilitiesImmutable reconfiguration will dispose a realized instance and issues recreation via initializeBackendImpl() immedietly. Implementation performs operation on AWT-EDT. Tests: - TestGearsES2GLJPanelAWT: - Toggle MSAA via 'm' - TestGearsGLJPanelAWT: - Toggle MSAA via 'm' - Toggle Bitmap via 'b'
* Gears* Demos: Spin at same speed (0.5f tan per frame) ; GearsES2: Bring back ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-144-5/+12
| | | | default Z values, allow Z customization (StereoDemo01)
* FPSAnimator: Remove toString() override as accidently added in commit ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-141-5/+0
| | | | fa0115efb3989c28af21fc5f570ae49723566107
* FPSAnimator: Align code and pause/resume conditions w/ Animator, simplifying ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-141-29/+37
| | | | review.
* AnimatorBase.finishLifecycleAction(): Non blocking call shall return true, ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-144-15/+22
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | success - otherwise pause()/.. return value is inconsistent. Caller of e.g. pause() running on the anim-thread or AWT-EDT (AWTAnimatorImpl) will be non-blocking. Before this change, a non-blocking simply did not wait until the 'hold' condition is reached and returned its negated value. This ofc is 'false', indicated unsuccessful operation. Caller use the return value to determine whether the call actually paused (or ..) the animator. Despite the non-blocking nature, the pause state was set, even if not reached. Hence a resume() would be required to continue operation after a temporary pause. +++ This change ignores the non-blocking nature's unmet condition. finishLifecycleAction() returns !nok || !blocking, i.e. either true for the reached condition (blocking) or true if non-blocking. Blocking calls with unmet condition still return false. +++ In case an animated GLAutoDrawableis being pulled after a non-blocking animator pause() call, the GLAutoDrawable's implementation thread-safety must ensure proper operation. +++
* GLBuffers.sizeof(..): Add support for ES3, reading supported glPixelStorei ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-141-5/+9
| | | | states
* Fix GLPixelStorageModes: Add missing import GLContext ; Regression of commit ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-091-0/+1
| | | | | | 01c709ff0e81ddd84e3bc78ec180a53587ec855c (happens when you try to do things fast w/ line commits and w/o checking .. duh!)
* Don't utilize glPixelStorei's PACK/UNPACK IMAGE_HEIGHT and SKIP_IMAGES for ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-092-8/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Desktop GL < 1.2, avoiding GL-Error Commit fc1e98790a02b4fa7922f3cdd9d437f87d7c99e5 added handling of PACK/UNPACK IMAGE_HEIGHT and SKIP_IMAGES in GLPixelStorageModes. However, it has been overseen that the four states are not available in OpenGL 1.1. Adding exclusion of the same if desktop GL < 1.2 and hence avoiding GL errors. Same applies to GLBuffers.sizeof(..) method.
* Bug 1065: Handle NULL result of TISGetInputSourceProperty(keyboard, ↵v2.2.1Sven Gothel2014-09-082-4/+9
| | | | kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData), avoiding crash
* LICENSE.txt: Emphasice incompatible A.7) module is OPTIONALSven Gothel2014-09-081-0/+1
* Bug 1047 - jogamp.opengl.glu.mipmap.Mipmap now uses already parsed GL ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-081-2/+3
| | | | | | version number and GL profile selection Since Bug 1047 didn't provide a unit tests, this must be fine for now.
* Bug 1060 - Add GLProfile.isInitialized(): Returns true if JOGL has been ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-033-2/+28
| | | | initialized
* Adding missing '@since 2.2.1' tags to ShaderCode and GLContextSven Gothel2014-09-032-4/+21
* Bug 1059 _and_ version-compat breackage of commit ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-033-19/+32
| | | | | | | | | | | c78ceb642d0ef5bb5bf27ff8ff1495175ee2e983 Commit c78ceb642d0ef5bb5bf27ff8ff1495175ee2e983 changed: - public static final String GL4 = "GL4"; + public static final String GL4 = "GL4".intern(); which is identified by semver as incompatible, due to Bug 1059 (no more inlining of interned string references).
* HowToBuild: Debian i386 on x64: Add symbolic links for shared libsSven Gothel2014-09-031-0/+8
* Bug 1058 - Fix GLContext.getGLSLVersionString(): Add 'profile' after version ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-021-5/+16
| | | | for GLSL >= 150 allowing GLSL compatibility profile
* Bug 1043 - Add Tessellation Control and Evaluation Shader SupportSven Gothel2014-09-029-18/+547
| | | | | - Add GL4.GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER and GL4.GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER support for GLSL util class ShaderCode - Add unit test TestTessellationShader01GL4NEWT, testing TessellationShader01aGL4 and TessellationShader01bGL4
* Bug1044: Offscreen drawable AWT/ImageIO results in black image on ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-022-1/+108
| | | | | | | OSX/[Java7-Java8] - Using our PNGJ writer results in proper images (RGB and RGBA) on all platforms - Seems to be a bug w/ AWT/ImageIO
* Bug 1048: Add unit tests demonstrating multiple NewtCanvasAWT instances are ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-025-72/+394
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | working Enhance following performance test cases, adding NewtCanvasAWT, beside GLCanvas and GLJPanel, 25 instances: com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.perf.TestPerf001GLJPanelInit01AWT com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.perf.TestPerf001GLJPanelInit02AWT Adding simple com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.newt.TestMultipleNewtCanvasAWT w/ two instances. Manually tested on GNU/Linux and OSX (java7 and java8).
* GLProfile: Use String.intern() on static final profile strings ('GL4bc', ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-021-30/+32
| | | | | | | | | 'GL4', ..) consequently using reference comparison. GLProfile already compared profile strings by reference, hence interning those strings to become canonical references was missing! Consequently using reference comparison for all profile strings in GLProfile.
* Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-022-19/+20
| | | | | | | | implementation - Part 2/2 - TestGLProfile01NEWT: Allow ctx.isGLES3Compatible() and hence GL4ES3 on GL3bc and GL3 - GLProfile: Remove GL4ES3 mapping using GL3bc and GL3, only GL4bc, GL4 and GLES3 are allowed in static mapping.
* Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 ↵Sven Gothel2014-09-022-210/+755
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | implementation - Part 1/2 Test enhancements triggering issue 'Bug 1052 - OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 Caught GLException: Not a GL4ES3 implementation' - TestGLProfile01NEWT: Complete GLProfile and GL-object and GLContext validation - On OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.1.4 it produces: 1) test06GLProfileGL4ES3(com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore.TestGLProfile01NEWT) javax.media.opengl.GLException: GL4ES3 is neither GL4bc, GL4 nor GLES3 at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore.TestGLProfile01NEWT.validateGLProfileGL4ES3(TestGLProfile01NEWT.java:531) at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore.TestGLProfile01NEWT.validateOffline(TestGLProfile01NEWT.java:708) at com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.acore.TestGLProfile01NEWT.test06GLProfileGL4ES3(TestGLProfile01NEWT.java:948) i.e. wrong mapping of request GL4ES3 -> GL3