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Demos are working again:
- X11, Win32, OSX
-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true demos.jrefract.JRefract
- X11, Win32
demos.readbuffer.Main [-GL2,-GL2ES1] -test 0 demos.es1.RedSquare
- X11, Win32, OSX, EGL
demos.readbuffer.Main [-GL2,-GL2ES1] -test [12] demos.es1.RedSquare
- X11, Win32
- OSX not, because of the missing feature of
attaching a read surface.
- EGL not, because the emulation I used didn't support
attaching a read surface. Emulation bug .. probably ..
MacOSXWindowSystemInterface.m createContext():
- Verify if passed surface handle _is_ a view,
now it could be a pbuffer etc .. handle as well.
Cleanup GLDrawableImpl.setRealized(boolean realized)
- Calls setRealizedImpl() (implementation) now,
and only if new stated differs ..
- setRealizedImpl() fixed for:
MacOSXPbufferCGLDrawable: recreate/destroy
WindowsOffscreenWGLDrawable: recreate/destroy
WindowsPbufferWGLDrawable: no-recreate/destroy
X11OffscreenGLXDrawable: recreate/destroy
X11PbufferGLXDrawable: recreate/destroy
- wglMakeContextCurrent(): uses isFunctionAvailable ..
- create():
Uses WGL.MakeCurrent() and releases the created context,
due to unavailable MakeContextCurrent extensions
before updating the procaddress tables.