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Adding new classes DRMLib (gluegen of drm + gbm), DRMUtil and DRMMode GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook
to new package jogamp.nativewindow.drm, allowing full awareness of DRM + GBM within NativeWindow for JOGL + NEWT.
DRMMode replaces the previous native code of collecting drmMode* attributes: active connector, used mode, encoder etc
and also supports multiple active connectors.
DRMUtil handles the global static drmFd (file descriptor), currently only the GNU/Linux DRM device is supported.
GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook provides a simple dummy GBM surface.
NativeWindow provides the new nativewindow_drm.so and nativewindow-os-drm.jar,
which are included in most 'all' jar packages.
build property: setup.addNativeEGLGBM -> setup.addNativeDRMGBM
Changes NativeWindowFactory:
- TYPE_EGL_GBM -> TYPE_DRM_GBM while keeping the package ID of '.egl.gbm' for NEWT (using EGL)
- Initializing DRMUtil at initialization
Changes EGLDrawableFactory:
- Using native GBM device for the default EGL display creation instead of EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.
This resolves issues as seen in Bug 1402, as well in cases w/o surfaceless support.
- GL profile mapping uses surfaceless when available for GBM,
otherwise uses createDummySurfaceImpl (dummy GBM surface via GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook)
- createDummySurfaceImpl uses a dummy GBM surface via GBMDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook
- DesktopGL not available with GBM, see Bug 1401
NEWT's DRM + GBM + EGL Driver
- Using DRMLib, DRMUtil and DRMMode, removed most native code but WindowDriver swapBuffer
- ScreenDriver uses DRMMode, however currently only first connected CRT.
- WindowDriver aligns position and size to screen, positions other than 0/0 causes DRM failure
- WindowDriver reconfigure n/a
- DRM Cursor support (mouse pointer)
- Pointer event handling