path: root/src/test/jogamp
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix Bug 560 and NEWT window closing behavior in general for all platforms.Sven Gothel2012-05-011-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - NEWT/WindowImpl: - 'void windowDestroyNotify()' -> 'boolean windowDestroyNotify(boolean force)', allowing to signal a forced close, as well as replying whether the window has been closed. (called by native code) - destroy(): set states before releasing the window lock - NEWT/X11: Pass windowDeleteAtom for reconfigure window, in case of reparenting child to top-level - NEWT/OSX: - Add 'BOOL windowShouldClose()' impl., ie. having a chance to reject the close attempt - Common impl. for 'windowShouldClose' and 'windowWillClose' -> 'windowClosingImpl' utilizing new 'windowDestroyNotify' code (see above). Fixes bug 560. - NEWT/JOGLNewtApplet1Run: Refine out-of browser window behavior for window-close button - default: move NEWT window back to browser parent - closeable: close NEWT window - jogl-test-applets: Add NApplet-Closeable test (Applet out-of browser window is closable)
* NEWT/AWT Focus traversal enhancement/fix (incl. OS X fixes)Sven Gothel2011-11-191-13/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - MacWindow/OffscreeSurface - Exclude native NEWT window calls in case it's an offscreen surface - MacWindow/DriverClearFocus - Introduce driver detail DriverClearFocus interface - OS X needs to clear the focus, before another TK (eg. AWT) can claim it's (native parent window focus) - MacWindow/KeyCode: - Move OS X keyCode utils to MacKeyUtil - MacKeyUtil now uses OS X virtual key codes first, before matching keyChar -> keyCode - NewtCanvasAWT - Issue all AWT 'requestFocus()' on current thread, Newt-EDT -> AWT-EDT may freeze Window's native peer requestFocus() impl. - FocusAction directly issue action on Newt-EDT, also request AWT focus if not having it (proper AWT traversal) - Add an FocusPropertyChangeListener, detecting focus lost to issue DriverClearFocus's clearFocus() if available. - merge configureNewtChildInputEventHandler() code into configureNewtChild() to simplify call tree. - WindowImplAccess: Use getDelegatedWindow()
* unit tests: Gears, TestGearsNEWT, WindowImplAccessSven Gothel2011-02-281-1/+6
| | | | | | | | | Gears (add cursor rotation) TestGearsNEWT (add decoraction toggle 'd') WindowImplAccess NEWT Closing tests .. programmatical close on EDT, which simulates 1:1 native closing operation.
* Move implementation private files from com.jogamp.<module>.impl. to ↵Sven Gothel2011-02-091-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jogamp.<module> (2/2) - edit files - com.jogamp.opengl.impl -> jogamp.opengl - com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc.impl -> jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc - com.jogamp.nativewindow.impl -> jogamp.nativewindow - com.jogamp.newt.impl -> jogamp.newt This sorts implementation details from the top level, ie skipping the public 'com', allowing a better seperation of public classes and implementation details and also reduces strings. This approach of public/private seperation is also used in the OpenJDK.
* Move implementation private files from com.jogamp.<module>.impl. to ↵Sven Gothel2011-02-081-0/+52
jogamp.<module> (1/2) - rename task - com.jogamp.opengl.impl -> jogamp.opengl - com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc.impl -> jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc - com.jogamp.nativewindow.impl -> jogamp.nativewindow - com.jogamp.newt.impl -> jogamp.newt This sorts implementation details from the top level, ie skipping the public 'com', allowing a better seperation of public classes and implementation details and also reduces strings. This approach of public/private seperation is also used in the OpenJDK.