+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Native Libraries ++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gluegen native libraries libgluegen-rt.so NativeWindow native libraries libnativewindow_awt.so libnativewindow_jvm.so libnativewindow_x11.so JOGL native libraries libjogl_desktop.so libjogl_gl2es12.so libjogl_es1.so libjogl_es2.so libjogl_cg.so NEWT native libraries libnewt.so +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Gluegen - Mandatory +++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gluegen JAR - Always Core [pick 1] gluegen-rt.jar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ All In One Deployment +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This might be the best solution for desktop (maybe webstart). It is much faster to download a (maybe bigger) file once and cache it for most purposes, than to download tens of files where its cache might not be reuseable. With AWT: nativewindow.all.jar jogl.all.jar newt.all.jar (optional, if AWT is used only) Without AWT nativewindow.all-noawt.jar jogl.all-noawt.jar newt.all-noawt.jar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Atomic Deployment +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a fine tuned solution where every byte counts. It is also possible to use this strategy as a starting point for efficient manual deployment. Cores: nativewindow.core.jar jogl.core.jar Newt (optional): newt.core.jar newt.ogl.jar (to use NEWT with JOGL) Platform (x11/win/osx/embedded) Chose the same platform for all picks :) NativeWindow [pick 0..1]: nativewindow.os.x11.jar Jogl [pick 1]: jogl.egl.jar jogl.os.x11.jar jogl.os.win.jar jogl.os.osx.jar Newt [pick 0..1] (optional): newt.os.x11.jar newt.os.win.jar newt.os.osx.jar Jogl GL [pick 1..n] jogl.gles1.jar jogl.gles1.dbg.jar jogl.gles2.jar jogl.gles2.dbg.jar jogl.gl2es12.jar jogl.gl2.jar jogl.gl2.dbg.jar jogl.gl3.jar jogl.gl3.dbg.jar jogl.gl4.jar jogl.gl4.dbg.jar Jogl Toolkits/Misc [pick n] (optional): jogl.util.jar jogl.util.gl2.jar jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar AWT [pick n] (optional): nativewindow.awt.jar jogl.awt.jar jogl.util.awt.jar (if using jogl.util) newt.awt.jar GLU [pick n] (optional): jogl.glutess.jar jogl.glumipmap.jar jogl.glugl2.jar