/** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_AND = 0x1501;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_AND_INVERTED = 0x1504;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_AND_REVERSE = 0x1502;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_BLEND_DST = 0x0BE0;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_BLEND_SRC = 0x0BE1;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_CLEAR = 0x1500;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP = 0x0BF2;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_COPY = 0x1503;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_COPY_INVERTED = 0x150C;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_EQUIV = 0x1509;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_LINE_SMOOTH = 0x0B20;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C52;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE = 0x0BF0;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_MULTISAMPLE = 0x809D;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_NAND = 0x150E;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_NOOP = 0x1505;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_NOR = 0x1508;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_OR = 0x1507;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_OR_INVERTED = 0x150D;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_OR_REVERSE = 0x150B;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE = 0x8128;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_POINT_SIZE = 0x0B11;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE = 0x809F;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_SET = 0x150F;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = 0x0B22;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 0x0B12;
  /** Common in ES1, GL2 and GL3 */
  public static final int GL_XOR = 0x1506;
  /** Part of <code>GL_ARB_half_float_vertex</code>; <code>GL_NV_half_float</code>; <code>GL_ARB_half_float_pixel</code>, 
      earmarked for ES 3.0 (hence kept in GL while fixing Bug 590)  */
  public static final int GL_HALF_FLOAT = 0x140B;

  /** Part of <code>GL_VERSION_1_4</code>, <code>GL_ES_VERSION_2_0</code>, <code>GL_OES_required_internalformat</code>. */
  public static final int GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 0x81A5;
  /** Part of <code>GL_VERSION_1_0</code>, <code>GL_OES_element_index_uint</code>, <code>GL_ES_VERSION_2_0</code> */
  public static final int GL_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405;
  /** Part of <code>GL_VERSION_1_0</code>, <code>GL_ES_VERSION_2_0</code> */
  public static final int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x1403;