Package com.jogamp.oculusvr # Specify output directories HierarchicalNativeOutput false JavaOutputDir gensrc/classes NativeOutputDir gensrc/native/oculusvr # Raise OVRException instead of RuntimeException in glue code RuntimeExceptionType OVRException # We utilize OvrHmdContext as specified below as a 'typesafe' opaque instance, # which is typedefed to ovrHmd - hence no type-unsafe opaque 'long' is required. # typedef struct ovrHmdStruct { # } OvrHmdContext; #Opaque long ovrHmd # Mappings for data types Opaque boolean ovrBool # Not native sized: CType['uintptr_t *', size [fixed false, lnx64 64], [array*1]] Ignore ovrRenderAPIConfig.PlatformData # Not native sized: CType['uintptr_t *', size [fixed false, lnx64 64], [array*1]] Ignore ovrTexture.PlatformData # We use the SDK in headless mode: # #define HEADLESS_APP 1 # implying: ovrHmdCap_ExtendDesktop # Ignore ovr_InitializeRenderingShim Ignore ovrHmd_RegisterPostDistortionCallback Ignore ovrHmd_AttachToWindow # HSW = Health and Safety Warning Ignore ovrHSWDisplayState Ignore ovrHmd_GetHSWDisplayState Ignore ovrHmd_DismissHSWDisplay # These routines use or return strings ReturnsString ovrHmd_GetLastError ReturnsString ovrHmd_GetLatencyTestResult ReturnsString ovrHmd_GetString ReturnsString ovrHmdDesc.ProductName ReturnsString ovrHmdDesc.Manufacturer ReturnsString ovrHmdDesc.DisplayDeviceName ReturnsString ovrHmdDesc.SerialNumber ReturnedArrayLength ovrHmdDesc.Handle 1 ReturnedArrayLength ovrDistortionMesh.pVertexData getVertexCount() ReturnedArrayLength ovrDistortionMesh.pIndexData getIndexCount() ReturnValueCapacity ovrHmd_Create sizeof(ovrHmdDesc) ReturnValueCapacity ovrHmd_CreateDebug sizeof(ovrHmdDesc) JavaPrologue ovr_Initialize if( !isAvailable() ) { return false; } JavaPrologue ovrHmd_Create if( !isAvailable() ) { return null; } JavaPrologue ovrHmd_CreateDebug if( !isAvailable() ) { return null; } ArgumentIsString ovrHmd_GetFloat 1 ArgumentIsString ovrHmd_SetFloat 1 ArgumentIsString ovrHmd_GetFloatArray 1 ArgumentIsString ovrHmd_SetFloatArray 1 ArgumentIsString ovrHmd_GetArraySize 1