#! /bin/sh url=$1 shift joglbuilddir=$1 shift wsdir=$1 shift if [ -z "$url" -o -z "$joglbuilddir" -o -z "$wsdir" ] ; then echo usage $0 codebase-url jogl-builddir webstartdir exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $joglbuilddir ] ; then echo $joglbuilddir does not exist exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $wsdir ] ; then echo $wsdir does not exist exit 1 fi builddirbase=`basename $joglbuilddir` joglroot=`dirname $joglbuilddir` gluegenroot=$joglroot/../gluegen demosroot=$joglroot/../jogl-demos jnlpdir_gluegen=$gluegenroot/jnlp-files jnlpdir_jogl=$joglroot/jnlp-files jnlpdir_demos=$demosroot/jnlp-files if [ ! -e $jnlpdir_gluegen ] ; then echo $jnlpdir_gluegen does not exist exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $jnlpdir_jogl ] ; then echo $jnlpdir_jogl does not exist exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $jnlpdir_demos ] ; then echo $jnlpdir_demos does not exist exit 1 fi cp -v $jnlpdir_demos/*.html $wsdir uri_esc=`echo $url | sed 's/\//\\\\\//g'` for j in $jnlpdir_gluegen/*.jnlp ; do jb=`basename $j` echo "processing $j to $wsdir/$jb" sed "s/CODEBASE_TAG/$uri_esc/g" \ $j > $wsdir/$jb done for j in $jnlpdir_jogl/*.jnlp ; do jb=`basename $j` echo "processing $j to $wsdir/$jb" sed -e "s/JOGL_CODEBASE_TAG/$uri_esc/g" \ -e "s/GLUEGEN_CODEBASE_TAG/$uri_esc/g" \ $j > $wsdir/$jb done for j in $jnlpdir_demos/*.jnlp ; do jb=`basename $j` echo "processing $j to $wsdir/$jb" sed -e "s/DEMO_CODEBASE_TAG/$uri_esc/g" \ -e "s/JOGL_CODEBASE_TAG/$uri_esc/g" \ $j > $wsdir/$jb done